


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 and phorate) and one pyrethroid insecticide (permethrin).
2 ion, and the emerging adults were exposed to permethrin.
3  and cypermethrin but not to chlorpyrifos or permethrin.
4 th cotton fibers that have been treated with permethrin.
5 t with commercial products of bifenthrin and permethrin.
6 e binding site with the active isomer 1R-cis-permethrin.
7 ed to either deltamethrin (0.3 - 3 mg/kg) or permethrin (1 - 100 mg/kg) followed by collection of cor
8 ely needs to be metabolically activated, and permethrin (190-fold) and lindane (63-fold), compounds a
9         Chlorpyrifos (98.7%), cis- and trans-permethrin (97.5%), bifenthrin (59.3%), and 3PBA (98.7%)
10  richness and two insecticides, carbaryl and permethrin, also altered the microbial community structu
11 IIS6, reduced the binding affinity of 1S-cis-permethrin, an inactive isomer that shares the same bind
12 ower sensitivity to the synthetic pyrethroid permethrin and a approximately 2-fold increased sensitiv
13 ncentrations correlated with both the parent permethrin and bifenthrin concentrations in the tissues
14 ed to be 2.4 x 10(3) to 1.1 x 10(5) L/kg for permethrin and bifenthrin on these solids.
15 techniques to predict the bioavailability of permethrin and bifenthrin to two benthic invertebrates (
16 d that this protein metabolized both type I (permethrin and bifenthrin) and type II (deltamethrin and
17 cides 2,4-D and glyphosate, the insecticides permethrin and carbaryl, and the rodenticide warfarin.
18 Compared with their cis- counterparts, trans-permethrin and cypermethrin were hydrolyzed 22- and 4-fo
19 ed pesticides were pyrethroids, particularly permethrin and cypermethrin with average concentrations
20 ally diverse pyrethroids examined, including permethrin and deltamethrin.
21  the honeybee's channel is also sensitive to permethrin and fenvalerate, respectively type I and type
22 CYP9M10 and CYP6AA7 in the detoxification of permethrin and its metabolites PBOH and PBCHO.
23 ic ability of CYP9M10/CPR and CYP6AA7/CPR to permethrin and its metabolites, including 3-phenoxybenzo
24 rotoxic compound acting via sodium channels (permethrin) and a compound requiring metabolic activatio
25  for indoor use (carbaryl, cypermethrin, and permethrin) and DDT did not change over time in our stud
26 ese genes confers resistance to both type I (permethrin) and type II (deltamethrin) pyrethroids.
27 ng our study period (carbaryl, cypermethrin, permethrin, and propoxur) and four that are no longer so
28 re 2,4-D, atrazine, chlorpyrifos, malathion, permethrin, and propoxur.
29                   Cyhalothrin, cypermethrin, permethrin, and resmethrin were detected much less frequ
30          In contrast to earlier studies with permethrin, biotransformation of bifenthrin to estrogeni
31 ly decreased resistance of the mosquitoes to permethrin but also repressed the expression of four ins
32                                      Copper, permethrin, chromium, triclosan, and lead were also impo
33 zed by their levels of tolerance to specific permethrin concentrations within and among the mosquito
34 tion (Na(+)channel-interfering insecticides; permethrin, cypermethrin).
35 , endosulfan, iprodione, lambda-cyhalothrin, permethrin, cypermethrin, and deltamethrin) in lettuce.
36 tigmine bromide (PB) and pesticides DEET and permethrin during the war has been proposed as one of th
37                             Following a 1-hr permethrin exposure, 439 F(3) adult mosquitoes were phen
38 ecovery and survival of mosquitoes following permethrin exposure.
39 olachlor (p = 0.01), trifluralin (p = 0.05), permethrin (for animal application) (p = 0.02), and toxa
40 equently in the ivermectin group than in the permethrin group (15.6% vs. 6.8%).
41 5% CI, 14 to 50), from 24.6% to 11.4% in the permethrin group (relative reduction, 54%; 95% CI, 35 to
42  [CI], 37 to 60), from 41.7% to 15.8% in the permethrin group (relative reduction, 62%; 95% CI, 49 to
43 ermethrin-resistant haplotype was 51% in the permethrin group and 44% in the placebo group.
44 otype was significantly more frequent in the permethrin group than in the placebo group (73% vs 45%,
45 e group), mass administration of permethrin (permethrin group), or mass administration of ivermectin
46  were in the standard-care group, 532 in the permethrin group, and 716 in the ivermectin group.
47                Nests directly fumigated with permethrin had fewer parasites and fledged more offsprin
48                                              Permethrin-impregnated clothing for the prevention of ti
49                                              Permethrin-impregnated underwear is more efficient than
50 rsons were randomly assigned to receive 0.4% permethrin-impregnated underwear or an identical-appeari
51 ignificantly more homeless persons receiving permethrin-impregnated underwear than homeless persons r
52 methrin may have increased the resistance to permethrin in body lice and thus must be avoided.
53 to low doses of GWIR chemicals PB, DEET, and permethrin induced depressive- and anxiety-like behavior
54                                The decays of permethrin-induced tail currents were exclusively monoph
55                                              Permethrin is an insecticide used to suppress Ae. aegypt
56 roids (bifenthrin, cyfluthrin, cypermethrin, permethrin, lambda-cyhalothrin, fluvalinate, fenvalerate
57                                   The use of permethrin may have increased the resistance to permethr
58 and three insecticides (malathion, carbaryl, permethrin) on microbial communities of container aquati
59 7/CPR increased the cell line's tolerance to permethrin, PBOH, and PBCHO.
60  of levoglucosan and some pesticides such as permethrin peaked during the smoldering phase.
61 standard-care group), mass administration of permethrin (permethrin group), or mass administration of
62 N physical integrity and bioefficacy, and no permethrin resistance among local mosquitoes.
63 te insensitivity and are the major source of permethrin resistance but that other genes dispersed thr
64  Mujeres, Mexico, that had been selected for permethrin resistance for two generations and a referenc
65 as indeed correlated with the high levels of permethrin resistance in mosquitoes.
66                    Mutations associated with permethrin resistance in the body lice were also identif
67 sponds with a SNP previously associated with permethrin resistance in the para sodium channel gene an
68 er detoxification genes also up-regulated in permethrin resistant mosquitoes included a glucuronosylt
69           At baseline, the prevalence of the permethrin-resistant haplotype was 51% in the permethrin
70                               On day 45, the permethrin-resistant haplotype was significantly more fr
71 highly overexpressed (>50-fold; q < 0.01) in permethrin-resistant mosquitoes.
72 5N for survival to DDT (M form P = 0.03) and permethrin (S form P = 0.003).
73 ns and their combinations in other field and permethrin selected Culex mosquitoes, finding that the c
74 ains of the field parental strains and their permethrin selected offspring, 3 nonsynonymous (A(109)S,
75  between field parental mosquitoes and their permethrin selected offspring, and among different mosqu
76 nations presented across different field and permethrin selected populations in response to high leve
77 parental mosquito strain HAmCq(G0) and their permethrin-selected high resistant offspring HAmCq(G8) w
78 ated genes in HAmCq(G8) mosquitoes following permethrin selection, suggesting a homeostatic response
79 ptome analysis of Culex mosquitoes following permethrin selection.
80 t multiple genes are involved in response to permethrin selection.
81    Quantitative trait loci (QTL) controlling permethrin survival in Ae. aegypti were mapped in an F(3
82 sistance for two generations and a reference permethrin-susceptible strain originally from New Orlean
83 tandard care involving the administration of permethrin to affected persons and their contacts (stand
84 d repellents are applied in combination with permethrin-treated clothing, protection against bites of
85                                   Nests with permethrin-treated cotton had significantly fewer P. dow
86 rol, and about 50% reduction compared to the permethrin-treated fabric control.
87 uito feeding in human subjects above that of permethrin-treated uniform fabric worn on the arm of the
88 s oocytes and the effects of the pyrethroids permethrin (type I) and deltamethrin (type II) on Na+ cu
89                                              Permethrin was less potent than deltamethrin, and its bi
90 , the (-)enantiomer of cis-bifenthrin or cis-permethrin was preferentially degraded, resulting in rel
91 ption of PCB-52, PCB-153, bifenthrin and cis-permethrin were isotropic, validating the assumption for
92  congeners as well as some pesticides (e.g., permethrin) were determined from the subtropical eucalyp

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