


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1               One pfl mutant was missing the peroxisomal 3-ketoacyl-CoA thiolase encoded by the PEROX
2 -DEPENDENT1 (SDP1) triacylglycerol lipase or PEROXISOMAL ABC TRANSPORTER 1 (PXA1), here we show that
3 omal ATP-binding cassette transporter mutant peroxisomal ABC transporter1 indicated involvement of DG
4 tification of mRNA and protein levels of the peroxisomal ABC transporters and by blocking with specif
5 hat CGI-58 functions by interacting with the PEROXISOMAL ABC-TRANSPORTER1 (PXA1), a protein that tran
6                   Evidence is shown that the peroxisomal ABCD transporter (PXA1) plays a critical rol
7                  However, oligomerization of peroxisomal ABCD transporters is incompletely understood
8       PH1 is caused by a deficiency of liver-peroxisomal alanine: glyoxylate aminotransferase (AGT),
9 ts demonstrate that this FAR-like protein is peroxisomal and bifunctional, providing both substrates
10  diseases are associated with CDP, including peroxisomal and cholesterol biosynthesis dysfunction and
11 domain containing protein 5 (ACBD5), is also peroxisomal and is required specifically for pexophagy.
12                        The identification of peroxisomal and mitochondrial CMLs is an important step
13 at controls the expression of genes encoding peroxisomal and mitochondrial fatty acid beta-oxidation
14 salivary gland and muscle strikingly altered peroxisomal and mitochondrial morphology.
15  studies showed that Lcn2 deficiency impairs peroxisomal and mitochondrial oxidation of lipids and at
16 death, and indicated impaired mitochondrial, peroxisomal, and liver functions.
17 xylate, riboflavin, branch chain amino acid, peroxisomal, and mitochondrial metabolism.
18              ABCD1 and its homolog ABCD2 are peroxisomal ATP-binding cassette (ABC) half-transporters
19  by mutations in the ABCD1 gene encoding the peroxisomal ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporter ABCD1
20           Mutations in the gene encoding the peroxisomal ATP-binding cassette half-transporter, adren
21      In this report, we demonstrate that the peroxisomal ATP-binding cassette transporter COMATOSE is
22              Double-mutant analysis with the peroxisomal ATP-binding cassette transporter mutant pero
23 novel tool to study substrate specificity of peroxisomal ATP-binding cassette transporters.
24 s may reflect unanticipated functions of the peroxisomal ATPase complex.
25                      Loss of Abcd1 inhibited peroxisomal beta-oxidation activity and increased expres
26 ng the involvement of their gene products in peroxisomal beta-oxidation and initial seedling growth.
27    B'theta knockout mutants were impaired in peroxisomal beta-oxidation as shown by developmental arr
28                                              Peroxisomal beta-oxidation cycles are required for the b
29                                              Peroxisomal beta-oxidation cycles shorten the side chain
30 llweger syndrome patients to investigate the peroxisomal beta-oxidation defect.
31                                              Peroxisomal beta-oxidation has recently been shown to co
32 ent of ca. 200 components from wild-type and peroxisomal beta-oxidation mutants including (omega - 1)
33 e metabolomes from wild-type and a series of peroxisomal beta-oxidation mutants showed that the enoyl
34                                              Peroxisomal beta-oxidation of C26:0 was normal, but beta
35 metabolic pathways: carbohydrate metabolism, peroxisomal beta-oxidation of fatty acids, and amino aci
36 e for protein myristoylation and a potential peroxisomal beta-oxidation product.
37 t TAG-derived fatty acids are metabolized by peroxisomal beta-oxidation to produce ATP required for s
38 tion of fatty acids from membrane lipids for peroxisomal beta-oxidation under prolonged dark treatmen
39 tion synergistically in directing FAs toward peroxisomal beta-oxidation via TAG intermediates, thereb
40                      We show that, following peroxisomal beta-oxidation, the ascarosides are selectiv
41 ong-chain fatty acids and partially impaired peroxisomal beta-oxidation.
42  side chains of varying lengths derived from peroxisomal beta-oxidation.
43 g chain fatty acids (VLCFAs) due to impaired peroxisomal beta-oxidation.
44 s exhibited a significant down-regulation of peroxisomal biogenesis and metabolism (e.g., PEX13p and
45  these four agents induced mitochondrial and peroxisomal biogenesis as monitored by flow cytometry, i
46                                    Inherited peroxisomal biogenesis disorders (PBDs) are characterize
47 or PEX5, whose deficiency causes fatal human peroxisomal biogenesis disorders (PBDs).
48                                              Peroxisomal biogenesis factor 11 (PEX11) proteins are fo
49 g of newly synthesized proteins by cytosolic peroxisomal biogenesis factor 5 (PEX5) followed by inser
50   Mechanistic studies revealed a decrease in peroxisomal biogenesis factor-2 and fewer peroxisomes in
51              They are caused by mutations of peroxisomal biogenesis factors encoded by Pex genes, and
52 in the identification of factors involved in peroxisomal biogenesis, revealing mechanisms that are bo
53 isease and showed a striking accumulation of peroxisomal C27-bile acid intermediates in plasma.
54 evelop a sensitive high-throughput assay for peroxisomal cargo import.
55  of catalase A (Cta1), the mitochondrial and peroxisomal catalase isoform in yeast.
56 s (Arabidopsis thaliana) mutants lacking the peroxisomal CATALASE2 (cat2-2) that display stunted grow
57                                      A plant peroxisomal CoA transporter is already known, but plant
58  and this is discussed in the context of the peroxisomal coenzyme A (CoA) budget.
59                                To form a new peroxisomal compartment, ER-derived preperoxisomal vesic
60 amine oxidase serves the same purpose as the peroxisomal compartmentalization of oxidases in eukaryot
61             We exploit developmentally timed peroxisomal content remodeling in Arabidopsis thaliana t
62 s mature, metabolic requirements change, and peroxisomal contents are remodeled.
63  In renal tubules, preconditioning prevented peroxisomal damage and abolished oxidative stress and in
64 d exhibited severe structural and functional peroxisomal damage.
65                                          The peroxisomal defect explains the developmental phenotypes
66 ucts (like bile acids or plasmalogens), many peroxisomal defects lead to detrimental mitochondrial ab
67                                              Peroxisomal defects were exacerbated in RING peroxin dou
68 to-Lys missense allele that conferred severe peroxisomal defects, including impaired beta-oxidation,
69 roxisome biogenesis gene PEX13 with striking peroxisomal defects.
70 ytological, and biochemical assays to reveal peroxisomal deficiencies.
71                    GPP and its ortholog, the peroxisomal DEG protease from Arabidopsis thaliana (AtDE
72 induces their fragmentation and inhibits the peroxisomal-dependent antiviral signalling pathway.
73 mutations in these proteins frequently cause peroxisomal diseases.
74                            The most frequent peroxisomal disorder is X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy, w
75 d adrenoleukodystrophy (X-ALD), an inherited peroxisomal disorder, is caused by mutations in the ABCD
76 s fatty acid accumulates in people with some peroxisomal disorders and is traditionally related to ne
77 mmary gland development as a new category of peroxisomal disorders.
78 -like GTPase that mediates mitochondrial and peroxisomal division in a process dependent on self-asse
79 the cytosol, the receptor interacts with the peroxisomal docking/translocation machinery, where it ge
80  step, PEX5 itself becomes inserted into the peroxisomal docking/translocation machinery.
81 s with sensorineural hearing loss, regulates peroxisomal dynamics and the antioxidant defense trigger
82 um produces time course-dependent changes in peroxisomal dynamics, starting with peroxule formation,
83                                              Peroxisomal dynamics, such as the proliferation, movemen
84                                        Thus, peroxisomal dysfunction causes secondary failure of loca
85 orphic allele that results in extremely mild peroxisomal dysfunction.
86                     Here, we report that the peroxisomal E3 ubiquitin ligase peroxin 2 (PEX2) is the
87                      Besides accumulation of peroxisomal educts (like very-long-chain fatty acids [VL
88 ey stone disease caused by deficiency of the peroxisomal enzyme alanine: glyoxylate aminotransferase
89         The gene encoding the liver-specific peroxisomal enzyme alanine:glyoxylate aminotransferase (
90 ) encodes branched-chain acyl-CoA oxidase, a peroxisomal enzyme believed to be involved in the metabo
91 in Nicotiana benthamiana, and identified the peroxisomal enzyme glycolate oxidase (GOX) as an essenti
92 torespiratory flux due to the absence of the peroxisomal enzyme Hydroxypyruvate Reductase1 (HPR1).
93 ratase-dehydrogenase (PhCHD), a bifunctional peroxisomal enzyme responsible for two consecutively occ
94 tial ether phospholipids is synthesized by a peroxisomal enzyme that uses a flavin cofactor to cataly
95                                    Import of peroxisomal enzymes is facilitated by peroxins including
96                            The importance of peroxisomal FA beta-oxidation in algal physiology was sh
97 vokes mitochondrial biogenesis, compensatory peroxisomal fat oxidation, and amino acid catabolism.
98 ich is responsible for the first step of the peroxisomal fatty acid (FA) beta-oxidation spiral.
99 A oxidase 1 (Acox1), the first enzyme of the peroxisomal fatty acid beta-oxidation system, are charac
100 o the knowledge of the complex mechanisms of peroxisomal fatty acid metabolism at a molecular level a
101                                              Peroxisomal fatty acyl-CoA reductase 1 (Far1) is essenti
102 Together with the ER-derived biogenic route, peroxisomal fission and segregation subsequently maintai
103                            Mitochondrial and peroxisomal fission are essential processes with defects
104                         The initial phase of peroxisomal fission requires the peroxisomal membrane pr
105 ing Golgi apparatus to endosome and vacuole, peroxisomal fission, and endocytic scission.
106 that inhibiting this interaction compromises peroxisomal fission.
107 nt with a lethal defect of mitochondrial and peroxisomal fission.
108 so plays a crucial role in the final step of peroxisomal fission: dynamin-like protein (DLP)-mediated
109    In vitro import of proteins into isolated peroxisomal fractions has provided a wealth of knowledge
110  of ethanol involving both mitochondrial and peroxisomal fractions of liver and kidney.
111             Importantly, we demonstrate that peroxisomal fragmentation is not essential for vMIA to s
112  forms the basis of a system in which normal peroxisomal function is downregulated and replaced with
113 e, the molecular mechanisms by which reduced peroxisomal functions contribute to enhanced fibrosis we
114 sturbing peroxisome function by knockdown of peroxisomal gene Pex14 or Mfp2 markedly increased the LP
115 election, including an 18-fold enrichment of peroxisomal genes among genes whose regulation likely ev
116                  Isocitrate lyase (ICL) is a peroxisomal glyoxylate cycle enzyme necessary for early
117 rs or GO inhibitors may restore the abnormal peroxisomal glyoxylate pathway in PH1 patients.
118 notransferase (AGT) are both involved in the peroxisomal glyoxylate pathway.
119                        Whereas the cytosolic/peroxisomal GR1 is not crucial for plant development, we
120 we focused on the photorespiration-dependent peroxisomal H2O2 production in Arabidopsis thaliana muta
121 s the cellular redox homeostasis by limiting peroxisomal H2O2 production.
122 2 fusions with a free C terminus resulted in peroxisomal import after dimerization, and PGD2 could be
123 minally truncated PGD2-1 protein showed that peroxisomal import and catalytic activity are abolished.
124 ack peroxisomal targeting signals, and their peroxisomal import depends on B'theta and appears to occ
125 ow the following: (i) Pex21p is required for peroxisomal import of Gpd1p as well as a key enzyme of t
126 n investigated by docking human MCD onto the peroxisomal import protein peroxin 5, which revealed int
127          For example, the TPR domains in the peroxisomal import receptor PEX5 enable binding to a ran
128 vely kill Trypanosoma by blocking glycosomal/peroxisomal import that depends on the PEX14-PEX5 protei
129 ding and is a prerequisite for PTS2-mediated peroxisomal import.
130 nsporters predicted to homodimerize and form peroxisomal importers for fatty acyl-CoAs.
131 lates segregation, packaging, and budding of peroxisomal importomer subcomplexes, thereby preventing
132 nique should be applied to future studies of peroxisomal in vitro import.
133                                              Peroxisomal LDH is conserved in mammals and likely contr
134 valeryl CoA indicates that mitochondrial and peroxisomal Leu catabolism pathways are independently re
135 raction reflects its direct contact with the peroxisomal lipid bilayer.
136 munofluorescence studies revealed a specific peroxisomal localization for Eci3.
137 ed by confocal microscopy analysis suggested peroxisomal localization.
138 uorescent protein-tagging study pointed to a peroxisomal location of CrACX2.
139 eraction between the ABC transporter and the peroxisomal long chain acyl-CoA synthetases (LACS)6 and
140                              ABCD2 (D2) is a peroxisomal long-chain acyl-CoA transporter that is high
141 nd confirmed the hydrolytic potential of the peroxisomal Lpx1p in vivo.
142 truncated PEX5 (PEX5C) receptor construct or peroxisomal malate dehydrogenase 1 (pMDH1) cargo protein
143         In its role as a mobile receptor for peroxisomal matrix cargo containing a peroxisomal target
144               Most proteins destined for the peroxisomal matrix depend on the peroxisomal targeting s
145 regulated model for Pex5 function during the peroxisomal matrix protein import cycle.
146                                          The peroxisomal matrix protein import is facilitated by cycl
147 oxisomal targeting signal 2 (PTS2)-dependent peroxisomal matrix protein import pathway requires the r
148  ubiquitylation stabilizes PEX5 and promotes peroxisomal matrix protein import, suggesting that mulib
149 lier views that Pex1 and Pex6 play a role in peroxisomal matrix protein import.
150 brane remnants (ghosts) rapidly incorporated peroxisomal matrix proteins and developed into peroxisom
151                                              Peroxisomal matrix proteins are synthesized on cytosolic
152 hemistry revealed that these structures lack peroxisomal matrix proteins but are the sole sites of th
153                                              Peroxisomal matrix proteins carry peroxisomal targeting
154                                              Peroxisomal matrix proteins carry peroxisome-targeting s
155  shuttling receptor, binds newly synthesized peroxisomal matrix proteins in the cytosol and promotes
156                           The destination of peroxisomal matrix proteins is encoded by short peptide
157 able property of the machinery for import of peroxisomal matrix proteins is that it can accept alread
158                                         Most peroxisomal matrix proteins possess a C-terminal targeti
159                                    Import of peroxisomal matrix proteins, crucial for peroxisome biog
160 embrane integrity and the release of soluble peroxisomal matrix proteins.
161 ivers cargo proteins from the cytosol to the peroxisomal matrix.
162 y which it is able to specifically evade the peroxisomal MAVS-dependent antiviral signalling.
163 IA is able to specifically interact with the peroxisomal MAVS.
164 ecifically inhibit signalling downstream the peroxisomal MAVS.
165                       The structure of human peroxisomal MCD reveals a molecular tetramer that is bes
166 : direct insertion from the cytosol into the peroxisomal membrane and indirect trafficking to peroxis
167 insertion of the PEX5-cargo complex into the peroxisomal membrane at the docking/translocation module
168 g cassette (ABC) transporters present in the peroxisomal membrane catalyzing ATP-dependent transport
169     To understand the functional role of the peroxisomal membrane channel Pxmp2, mice with a targeted
170 a2p and/or Fat1p on the inner surface of the peroxisomal membrane for subsequent re-esterification of
171 anelle, these receptors are removed from the peroxisomal membrane or matrix.
172 ns A and B (VAPA and VAPB) interact with the peroxisomal membrane protein acyl-CoA binding domain con
173  and pex19Delta cells, which are impaired in peroxisomal membrane protein biogenesis.
174 al phase of peroxisomal fission requires the peroxisomal membrane protein Peroxin 11 (Pex11p), which
175 we defined the binding site for Atg30 on the peroxisomal membrane protein Pex3 and uncovered a role f
176 astly, we show that Pex15 interacts with the peroxisomal membrane protein Pex3, which shields Pex15 f
177 -binding protein, Atg37, that is an integral peroxisomal membrane protein required specifically for p
178 PEROXIN14 (PEX14/At5g62810), which encodes a peroxisomal membrane protein that assists in importing p
179                                              Peroxisomal membrane proteins (PMPs) traffic to peroxiso
180                                        Other peroxisomal membrane proteins in these cells are unstabl
181 proteins but are the sole sites of the major peroxisomal membrane proteins Pex2, Pex10, Pex11, Pex13,
182        In mammalian cells, ubiquitination of peroxisomal membrane proteins signals pexophagy; however
183  However, the sorting mechanisms segregating peroxisomal membrane proteins to the preperoxisomal endo
184 rus has developed a strategy to highjack the peroxisomal membrane proteins' transport machinery.
185 derived vesicles containing distinct sets of peroxisomal membrane proteins.
186 ction of Pex1 in Pex1-deficient cells, these peroxisomal membrane remnants (ghosts) rapidly incorpora
187         We observed that the cells contained peroxisomal membrane remnants, which in ultrathin cross
188 in Pex3 is not required for the formation of peroxisomal membrane structures in yeast pex3 mutant cel
189 nspecific metabolite permeability across the peroxisomal membrane using a polymer exclusion assay.
190 of vesicle (spherule)-like structures in the peroxisomal membrane with tight openings toward the cyto
191  the PEX5 receptor docking with PEX13 at the peroxisomal membrane, and we found severely reduced impo
192 ors that shuttle between the cytosol and the peroxisomal membrane.
193 facilitates PEX5 retrotranslocation from the peroxisomal membrane.
194 de ubiquitin-protein ligases anchored in the peroxisomal membrane.
195 roxisomal targeting signal 1 receptor at the peroxisomal membrane.
196 and directs them to a docking complex at the peroxisomal membrane.
197 siae protein that interacts with Pex3 at the peroxisomal membrane.
198 ort machinery at the cytoplasmic side of the peroxisomal membrane.
199 followed by protein translocation across the peroxisomal membrane.
200  protein removes ubiquitinated PEX5 from the peroxisomal membrane.
201 g ABCD2 exist mainly as homotetramers in the peroxisomal membrane.
202 cture of the ABCD1 and ABCD2 proteins in the peroxisomal membrane.
203            We found that TRIM37 localizes in peroxisomal membranes and ubiquitylates PEX5 at K464 by
204 in 1) is recruited to both mitochondrial and peroxisomal membranes to execute fission.
205 he organelle's dynamic behavior and defining peroxisomal metabolic networks, thus allowing the develo
206 sis thaliana lon2 mutants display defects in peroxisomal metabolism and matrix protein import but app
207 TIVE1 (PED1/At2g33150) gene, suggesting that peroxisomal metabolism influences the rate of matrix pro
208 teins allows for highly dynamic responses of peroxisomal metabolism to meet the needs of a plant.
209 ch individual gene involved in the cytosolic/peroxisomal mevalonate and plastidial methylerythritol p
210 rabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) called the peroxisomal NAD carrier (PXN).
211       When cells are grown on oleate medium, peroxisomal NADH is reoxidised to NAD(+) by malate dehyd
212 us (TBSV) revealed the recruitment of either peroxisomal or endoplasmic reticulum (ER) membranes for
213 DHAR3 is chloroplastic, with no evidence for peroxisomal or mitochondrial localizations.
214 n of lipid rafts, but was independent of the peroxisomal or transcriptional activities of scp2.
215                  We did not find evidence of peroxisomal oxidation of glutarate.
216                             Investigation of peroxisomal parameters in skin fibroblasts revealed a re
217            We found that a small fraction of peroxisomal Pex15, exaggerated by overexpression, is tur
218                   These analyses showed that peroxisomal PGD2 activity is required for guided growth
219 0-2 Arabidopsis mutants exhibited defects in peroxisomal physiology and matrix protein import.
220 n in genes related to neurodevelopmental and peroxisomal processes that play a key role in the matura
221 te that the CaM-binding site is conserved in peroxisomal processing proteases of higher plants (dicot
222              Proteome disturbances reflected peroxisomal proliferation, steatosis and necrosis.
223 lpha ratio, decreased sirtuin-1 (Sirt-1) and peroxisomal proliferator-activated receptor coactivator-
224                                              Peroxisomal proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPARg
225 abolic profiling including (a) activation of peroxisomal proliferator-activated receptor-alpha and it
226 , PGC1alpha, and (b) increased expression of peroxisomal proliferator-activated receptor-gamma and ge
227 rmerly 2B), catalytic subunit, beta isoform; peroxisomal proliferator-activated receptor-gamma-DBD-in
228                                 The resident peroxisomal protease LON2 is positioned to degrade obsol
229 sis that the Pex1/Pex6 complex has a role in peroxisomal protein import analogous to p97 in ER-associ
230  this approach to the control of nuclear and peroxisomal protein import and the generation of biotin-
231                      Proteins designated for peroxisomal protein import harbor one of two common pero
232                              Labeling of the peroxisomal protein import machinery by PEX5C demonstrat
233 rotein-protein interactions that control the peroxisomal protein import pathway can be manipulated to
234                  Here the authors engineer a peroxisomal protein import pathway orthogonal to the nat
235            Membrane-associated events during peroxisomal protein import processes play an essential r
236  experimental tool to give new insights into peroxisomal protein import, the variant receptor-signal
237 roxisomally metabolized auxin precursor, and peroxisomal protein import.
238                        Peroxin 5 (PEX5), the peroxisomal protein shuttling receptor, binds newly synt
239         Catalase, traditionally considered a peroxisomal protein, was found to be present in cardiac
240                          The detection of 77 peroxisomal proteins allowed us to perform comparative a
241 rt, biochemical activity, and degradation of peroxisomal proteins allows for highly dynamic responses
242 ittle is known about how damaged or obsolete peroxisomal proteins are degraded.
243            Recently, several dozens of novel peroxisomal proteins have been identified from Arabidops
244 orescence microscopy validated around 10 new peroxisomal proteins in Arabidopsis.
245 mp2 led to an elevation in the expression of peroxisomal proteins in the mammary fat pad but not in l
246 he heterogeneous spatial organization of the peroxisomal proteins PEX5, PEX14, and PEX11 around activ
247  plant peroxisomal subtypes and discover new peroxisomal proteins that function specifically during s
248 is positioned to degrade obsolete or damaged peroxisomal proteins, but data supporting such a role in
249 blished a basis for future investigations of peroxisomal proteolytic processes to understand their ro
250  begun to reveal an unexpectedly large plant peroxisomal proteome and have increased our understandin
251  us to perform comparative analysis with the peroxisomal proteome of green leaves, which revealed a l
252 al methods is essential for determination of peroxisomal proteomes in silico but has proved challengi
253 r structures that harbor key proteins of the peroxisomal receptor docking complex-Pex13 and Pex14-as
254     We propose that the presence of multiple peroxisomal redox shuttles allows eukaryotic cells to ma
255 tles allows eukaryotic cells to maintain the peroxisomal redox status under different metabolic condi
256                  Knowledge gained from plant peroxisomal research will be instrumental to fully under
257 6 and pex26 seedlings, suggesting a role for peroxisomal retrotranslocation machinery in oil body uti
258 nally targeted to the organelle by PEX5, the peroxisomal shuttling receptor.
259 metabolic pathways of the two dominant plant peroxisomal subtypes and discover new peroxisomal protei
260                                              Peroxisomal sulfite oxidase transcripts and activity lev
261 ff, MiD49 and MiD51 were not targeted to the peroxisomal surface, suggesting that they specifically a
262 d tail-anchored (TA) proteins, including the peroxisomal TA protein Pex15.
263                  Here, Far1 is shown to be a peroxisomal tail-anchored protein.
264 or plastidic enzyme plus whether PGD2 with a peroxisomal targeting motif also might target plastids.
265 re we report the use of a fluorescein-tagged peroxisomal targeting sequence peptide (F-PTS1, acetyl-C
266                    AGT contains a C-terminal peroxisomal targeting sequence, but mutations generate a
267 lly import proteins via one of two conserved peroxisomal targeting signal (PTS1 or 2) mediated pathwa
268 eptor Pex5, which recognizes proteins with a peroxisomal targeting signal 1 (PTS1) in the cytosol and
269  in Pex5 are important for processing of the peroxisomal targeting signal 1 receptor at the peroxisom
270                      In Pichia pastoris, the peroxisomal targeting signal 2 (PTS2)-dependent peroxiso
271 or for peroxisomal matrix cargo containing a peroxisomal targeting signal called PTS1, the protein Pe
272   HcCNL contained a carboxyl-terminal type 1 peroxisomal targeting signal made up by the tripeptide S
273 tor PEX5 enable binding to a range of type 1 peroxisomal targeting signal motifs.
274  mediates the import of proteins harboring a peroxisomal targeting signal of type I (PTS1).
275                 By tagging TaFAR enzyme with peroxisomal targeting signal peptides, the TaFAR could b
276 to HCN channels and limits binding to type 1 peroxisomal targeting signal substrates.
277                      We identify an enhanced peroxisomal targeting signal type 1 (PTS1) for rapidly s
278 xtensions in silico with a new predictor for peroxisomal targeting signal type 1 (PTS1).
279 % identity homologous to Eci2 and contains a peroxisomal targeting signal type 1.
280 n agreement with the presence of a conserved peroxisomal targeting signal, the C-terminal tripeptide
281  sequences, which have been characterized as peroxisomal targeting signals (PTS) residing either at t
282                                          Two peroxisomal targeting signals (PTS), the C-terminal PTS1
283 omal protein import harbor one of two common peroxisomal targeting signals (PTS).
284            Peroxisomal matrix proteins carry peroxisomal targeting signals (PTSs), PTS1 or PTS2, and
285 ned for the peroxisomal matrix depend on the peroxisomal targeting signals (PTSs), which require the
286 X5 and PEX7 that recognize proteins carrying peroxisomal targeting signals 1 or 2 (PTS1 or PTS2), res
287                        C and A subunits lack peroxisomal targeting signals, and their peroxisomal imp
288 mitochondria, uses a similar strategy to the peroxisomal TBSV to hijack the Rab5-positive endosomes i
289  the mitochondrial CIRV, but not against the peroxisomal tombusviruses in yeast and plants.
290 ochondrial CIRV, but not against the related peroxisomal tombusviruses.
291 linium chloride (DECA), could restore proper peroxisomal trafficking of AGT(P11LG170R).
292               Consistently, we find that the peroxisomal transfer of PEX7 depends on cargo binding an
293  proteins fuse, allowing the assembly of the peroxisomal translocon.
294                              ABCD1 encodes a peroxisomal transmembrane protein required for very long
295                   We previously identified a peroxisomal transport protein in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsi
296 ion of SUGAR-DEPENDENT1 (SDP1) TAG lipase or PEROXISOMAL TRANSPORTER1 (PXA1) severely decreases FA tu
297 tween lipid storage, lipid mobilization, and peroxisomal utilization of fatty acids as a carbon sourc
298 ed a large overlap between these two primary peroxisomal variants.
299                           Information on the peroxisomal versus mitochondrial catabolism was gathered
300                  To unravel the mechanism of peroxisomal VLCFA transport, we use Saccharomyces cerevi

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