


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  two AAA-ATPases that play a crucial role in peroxisome biogenesis.
2 al membrane proteins, which are required for peroxisome biogenesis.
3 pastoris is characterized by a deficiency in peroxisome biogenesis.
4 or, one of at least 15 peroxins required for peroxisome biogenesis.
5 t PpPas2p is involved in the early stages of peroxisome biogenesis.
6 of Pex1/Pex6 and dynamin-related proteins in peroxisome biogenesis.
7 n are induced in oleate and coordinated with peroxisome biogenesis.
8 f the phosphoprotein ScPex11p coincides with peroxisome biogenesis.
9 ction, YCL056c, and Pex proteins involved in peroxisome biogenesis.
10 at indicate a defect in lipid metabolism and peroxisome biogenesis.
11 eins in addition to their canonical roles in peroxisome biogenesis.
12 tion is independent of its role at the ER in peroxisome biogenesis.
13 n of genes required for lipid metabolism and peroxisome biogenesis.
14 the requirements of early and late events of peroxisome biogenesis.
15 r peroxisome-induction conditions, impairing peroxisome biogenesis.
16 enetically defined as proteins necessary for peroxisome biogenesis.
17 ional assays to identify genes with roles in peroxisome biogenesis.
18 g peroxisomal proteins and genes involved in peroxisome biogenesis.
19 61-related gene, SSH1, also has no effect on peroxisome biogenesis.
20 hat loss of Sec61p activity has no effect on peroxisome biogenesis.
21  respiratory deficiency dramatically induces peroxisome biogenesis.
22 more than 20 PEX genes that are required for peroxisome biogenesis.
23 roxisomes and does not inhibit PEX3-mediated peroxisome biogenesis.
24 PBD cell lines are shaping current models of peroxisome biogenesis.
25  a peroxisomal protein (peroxin) involved in peroxisome biogenesis.
26 l enzyme abnormalities as well as defects of peroxisome biogenesis.
27 hat Pex4p and Pex22p act at the same step in peroxisome biogenesis.
28 g that Pex19p functions at an early stage of peroxisome biogenesis.
29 vel and implies a role for these vesicles in peroxisome biogenesis.
30  chloroplast biogenesis, SP1 plays a role in peroxisome biogenesis.
31 f genes required for glycerol metabolism and peroxisome biogenesis.
32 in growth on fatty acids, one is involved in peroxisome biogenesis and at least two are required for
33 drome, and with car1, a protein required for peroxisome biogenesis and caryogamy in the filamentous f
34 ion of the PEX12 transcript exhibit impaired peroxisome biogenesis and function, inhibition of plant
35  Both are implicated in genetic disorders of peroxisome biogenesis and function.
36  glycerol metabolism, and genes required for peroxisome biogenesis and function.
37   In this review we focus on the genetics of peroxisome biogenesis and on how defects in this process
38  disorder characterized by severe defects in peroxisome biogenesis and peroxisomal protein import.
39 psis thaliana) PEX12 protein is required for peroxisome biogenesis and plays an essential role throug
40  epithelial cell differentiation upregulates peroxisome biogenesis and promotes robust type III inter
41 ta demonstrate an important role for PEX1 in peroxisome biogenesis and suggest that mutations in this
42 PEX6 form a complex of central importance to peroxisome biogenesis and that mutations affecting this
43             In the absence of both proteins, peroxisome biogenesis and the intra-ER sorting of Pex2 a
44                        In humans, defects in peroxisome biogenesis are the cause of lethal diseases t
45 s a protein required for the early stages of peroxisome biogenesis, but its precise function and site
46  (RCDP) is an autosomal recessive disease of peroxisome biogenesis characterized by deficiencies in s
47 sicle coat-assembly, centrosomes, autophagy, peroxisome biogenesis, cytoskeleton, ribosome maturation
48 pared to wild-type PEX6 c.2578C results in a peroxisome biogenesis defect and thus constitutes the ca
49                                           In peroxisome biogenesis-defective (pex) mutants of the yea
50 wo novel schemes for the direct selection of peroxisome-biogenesis-defective (pex) mutants of the met
51                     PEX7 mutations cause the peroxisome biogenesis disorder (PBD) rhizomelic chondrod
52 odysplasia punctata (RCDP), a severe, lethal peroxisome biogenesis disorder characterized by aberrant
53 3 or [1-14C]22:5n-3 to DHA as did cells from peroxisome biogenesis disorder patients comprising eight
54 at comprises complementation group 11 of the peroxisome biogenesis disorders (PBD).
55                                          The peroxisome biogenesis disorders (PBDs) are a group of ge
56                                          The peroxisome biogenesis disorders (PBDs) are a group of le
57 defects in peroxisome assembly result in the peroxisome biogenesis disorders (PBDs), a group of genet
58 l matrix proteins and are referred to as the peroxisome biogenesis disorders (PBDs).
59 s in a group of neurological diseases termed peroxisome biogenesis disorders (PBDs).
60 sponsible for complementation group 8 of the peroxisome biogenesis disorders and showed that it encod
61 for the majority of the most severe forms of peroxisome biogenesis disorders in humans.
62 utations in PEX5 or 12 other PEX genes cause peroxisome biogenesis disorders, collectively named the
63 e our understanding of the etiology of human peroxisome biogenesis disorders.
64  the most commonly affected peroxin in human peroxisome biogenesis disorders.
65                                          The peroxisome-biogenesis disorders (PBDs) are a genetically
66                                          The peroxisome-biogenesis disorders (PBDs) are a group of ge
67                                          The peroxisome-biogenesis disorders (PBDs) are a set of ofte
68  causes of a spectrum of autosomal-recessive peroxisome-biogenesis disorders (PBDs), including Zellwe
69 cking protein for other proteins that affect peroxisome biogenesis, division, and segregation.
70 sive disorders that are caused by defects in peroxisome biogenesis due to bi-allelic mutations in any
71 ons, including membrane fusion, proteolysis, peroxisome biogenesis, endosome sorting and meiotic spin
72 on between PpPex1p and PpPex6p in regulating peroxisome biogenesis events.
73  Seed 1 (SSE1) gene encodes a homolog of the peroxisome biogenesis factor Pex16p, and a loss-of-funct
74                          Inactivation of the peroxisome biogenesis gene PEX10 was crucial in obtainin
75  mutants, we isolated a viable allele of the peroxisome biogenesis gene PEX13 with striking peroxisom
76  this report we demonstrate the induction of peroxisome biogenesis genes in both plant and animal cel
77 tor, Mxr1 activates methanol utilization and peroxisome biogenesis genes in the methylotrophic yeast,
78                  The molecular mechanisms of peroxisome biogenesis have begun to emerge; in contrast,
79 s involved in peroxisomal protein import and peroxisome biogenesis) have become clearer.
80                               During de novo peroxisome biogenesis, importomer complex proteins sort
81               Their expression also restores peroxisome biogenesis in cells that are deficient in the
82  lipids, the trafficking of cholesterol, and peroxisome biogenesis in mammalian cells.
83 s occurs via a process that is homologous to peroxisome biogenesis in other eukaryotes.
84 cytosolic location, PEX26- delta ex5 rescues peroxisome biogenesis in PEX26-deficient cells as effici
85 EX26-Mito retains the full ability to rescue peroxisome biogenesis in PEX26-deficient cells.
86   We have cloned PEX15 which is required for peroxisome biogenesis in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
87 es the progress made in our understanding of peroxisome biogenesis in the last few years, during whic
88 rt the cloning of PER6, a gene essential for peroxisome biogenesis in the methylotrophic yeast Pichia
89 amily, PpPex1p and PpPex6p, are required for peroxisome biogenesis in the yeast Pichia pastoris.
90 ral membrane peroxins (proteins required for peroxisome biogenesis) in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Pex2
91 Refsum disease, and five of the disorders of peroxisome biogenesis, including rhizomelic chondrodyspl
92 d growth on oleic acid, but had no effect on peroxisome biogenesis, indicating a role for YLR284C in
93 which the model can be used to conclude that peroxisome biogenesis is dominated by de novo production
94 which the model can be used to conclude that peroxisome biogenesis is dominated by de novo production
95        This may sound familiar, but in fact, peroxisome biogenesis is proving to be surprisingly uniq
96 udy of phosphatases and kinases required for peroxisome biogenesis is the first genome-wide analysis
97  of peroxisomal matrix proteins, crucial for peroxisome biogenesis, is mediated by the cytosolic rece
98  our studies reveal a novel role for Lrp1 in peroxisome biogenesis, lipid homeostasis, and OPC differ
99 , none are known, leading us to propose that peroxisome biogenesis may not require protein import int
100                                    Peb1 is a peroxisome biogenesis mutant isolated in Saccharomyces c
101 nce increases considerably in the Deltapex14 peroxisome biogenesis mutant.
102 f the approximately 20 proteins required for peroxisome biogenesis, only four have been implicated in
103                   Among peroxins involved in peroxisome biogenesis, only Pex8p is predominantly intra
104                                      Several peroxisome biogenesis PEROXIN (PEX) genes encode protein
105 nol pathway enzymes and proteins involved in peroxisome biogenesis (PEX proteins) are induced in resp
106                           A recent model for peroxisome biogenesis postulates that peroxisomes form d
107                                 Mutations in peroxisome biogenesis proteins (peroxins) can lead to de
108 e anomalies associated with the disorders of peroxisome biogenesis remains unknown.
109       In yeast and mammals, various steps in peroxisome biogenesis require the function of peroxin (P
110                                              Peroxisome biogenesis requires that proteins be transpor
111 ic reticulum (ER) plays an important role in peroxisome biogenesis; some peroxisomal membrane protein
112 me fission factors, leading us to infer that peroxisome biogenesis switches from de novo synthesis to
113 elated yeast peroxins (proteins required for peroxisome biogenesis) that are partially redundant in f
114  proteins (mostly peroxins) are required for peroxisome biogenesis, the role of only a few of these h
115 sing on transcriptional networks that induce peroxisomes biogenesis, the model-guided experiments all
116 s of evidence support a function for SSE1 in peroxisome biogenesis: the peroxisomal localization of a
117 has permitted categorization of disorders of peroxisome biogenesis, their molecular basis and mutatio

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