


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 + oxidizes a peroxide to yield an initiating peroxy radical.
2  (NOx) (NMOG:NOx), which affects the fate of peroxy radicals.
3 formed via decomposition of the beta hydroxy peroxy radicals.
4 l instrument for measurements of atmospheric peroxy radicals.
5 ng the formation of both carbon-centered and peroxy radicals.
6 er rates than O(2) addition to form bicyclic peroxy radicals.
7 ssignment of electronic transitions in alkyl peroxy radicals.
8 cal as well as other hydrocarbon substituted peroxy radicals.
9 ibiting the lateral propagation of the lipid peroxy radicals.
10                         Hydroxy, alkoxy, and peroxy radicals all have the potential to react with DNA
11 by an increase in the level of intracellular peroxy radicals and lipid peroxidation products, two ind
12 ttachment/detachment density diagrams of the peroxy radicals and present a qualitative picture of the
13 between intramolecular hydrogen migration of peroxy radicals and their bimolecular termination reacti
14 ns are unaffected by formation of stabilized peroxy radicals and to estimate atmospheric pressure yie
15 ation and bimolecular reactions with organic peroxy radicals are also possible.
16 the case of reaction with oxygen, persistent peroxy radicals are formed in high yield.
17                                              Peroxy radicals are mixed with high concentrations of NO
18  calibration method: peroxyacetyl and methyl peroxy radicals are produced by the photolysis of aceton
19                                     Aromatic peroxy radicals arising from initial OH and subsequent O
20 ize the electronic excitations of the phenyl peroxy radical as well as other hydrocarbon substituted
21                          Dimerization of the peroxy radicals by recombination and cross-combination r
22 venging of reactive oxygen species and lipid peroxy radicals by tocopherols can result in the formati
23  the second-generation dihydroxy hydroperoxy peroxy radical (C5H11O6.) must undergo an intramolecular
24                            In this work, the peroxy radical chemical amplification (PERCA) method was
25          Laboratory characterizations of the peroxy radical chemical ionization mass spectrometer (Pe
26   In this review, laboratory studies of this peroxy radical chemistry are detailed, as they pertain t
27                                          The peroxy radical concentration was obtained from the ampli
28 t of CAPS baseline offsets on the calculated peroxy radical concentrations.
29 find that the ratio of delta to beta hydroxy peroxy radicals depends on their bimolecular lifetime (t
30                             The chemistry of peroxy radicals derived from limonene upon addition of o
31                  Without this rearrangement, peroxy radicals derived from MTbuK and DTbuK cannot unde
32  experimental work has shown that the phenyl peroxy radical exhibits a transition in the visible regi
33          Gas-phase autoxidation-regenerative peroxy radical formation following intramolecular hydrog
34 d kinetic model results suggest that organic peroxy radicals formed by alpha-pinene reacting with sec
35 f the atmospheric fate of the entire pool of peroxy radicals formed via addition of OH at C4 for typi
36 ts, such as ozone (O3) and hydroxyl (OH) and peroxy radicals (HO2 + RO2), determines the lifetimes of
37                                              Peroxy radicals (HO2 and RO2) within this air are detect
38 rument for the quantification of atmospheric peroxy radicals (HO2, CH3O2, C2H5O2, etc.) using the che
39  PerCIMS provides measurements of the sum of peroxy radicals, HO2 + RO2 (HOxROx mode), or the HO2 com
40 ief discussion of methods used to detect the peroxy radicals in the laboratory is presented.
41 , only one isomeric pathway via the bicyclic peroxy radical is accessible to lead to ring cleavage.
42                 In this regime, beta hydroxy peroxy radical isomers comprise approximately 95% of the
43 H-shift isomerization of the Z-delta hydroxy peroxy radical isomers produced from OH addition to C4 i
44             In addition, the Z-delta hydroxy peroxy radical isomers undergo unimolecular 1,6 H-shift
45 or beta to the OH group forming six distinct peroxy radical isomers.
46  difference in the relative stability of the peroxy radical isomers.
47 OH) and molecular oxygen to produce isoprene peroxy radicals (ISOPOO).
48 ility of the allylic radical, however, these peroxy radicals lose O2 in competition with bimolecular
49                                          The peroxy radical mixing ratio is determined by the differe
50                                      Organic peroxy radicals (often abbreviated RO(2)) play a central
51 rce of reactive species such as hydroxyl and peroxy radicals (OH and HO2, "HOx") indoors.
52  accurate evaluation of the concentration of peroxy radicals over a variety of atmospheric conditions
53 8-oxo-dG by HPLC/electrochemical analysis of peroxy radical oxidation of dG, suggesting that the G --
54  ISOP(OOH)2(C5H12O6), a major product of the peroxy radical reacting with HO2.
55 tion of DNA exposed to micromolar amounts of peroxy radical resulted in a 30-fold increase in mutatio
56                      The reaction of hydroxy peroxy radicals (RO(2)) with NO represents one of the mo
57 icture of a formation mechanism advancing by peroxy radical (RO2) isomerization through intramolecula
58         In HO2-dominant experiments, organic peroxy radicals (RO2) primarily react with HO2.
59 stigate the rate of autoxidation for organic peroxy radicals (RO2) produced in the oxidation of a pro
60 cations and strand break densities caused by peroxy radical (ROO*) oxidation were measured by glyoxal
61                                          The peroxy radical substituent is also compared against isoe
62             TDDFT calculations of the phenyl peroxy radical support an excitation in the visible spec
63 measurements of the reaction products of the peroxy radicals to diagnose this complex chemistry.
64 d in Escherichia coli upon transfection with peroxy radical treated DNA carrying the lacZ alpha gene
65                  Electrophoretic analysis of peroxy radical treated DNA exposed to NaOH, Nth, and Fpg
66            In the amplification channel, the peroxy radicals were converted in an excess amount of NO
67 ation of 1-alkenylperoxy radicals, which are peroxy radicals where the OO moiety is bonded to an sp2-
68 > 10 s, the distribution of isoprene hydroxy peroxy radicals will be controlled primarily by the diff
69 e sensitivities of the instrument to organic peroxy radicals with different hydrocarbon groups.
70 u, and sensitive measurements of atmospheric peroxy radicals with fast time response.
71 ently inside the particle by the reaction of peroxy radicals with SO2.
72       In particular, the reaction of organic peroxy radicals with the HO2 radical and the H2 OHO2 rad

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