


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 results support formation of a transient SOD-peroxyl radical.
2 al (g = 2.034, 2.007) is characteristic of a peroxyl radical.
3 ed selectively by the 5S-diastereomer of the peroxyl radical.
4 ne results in the accumulation of the carbon peroxyl radical.
5 formed after abstraction of H-9 or H-14 by a peroxyl radical.
6 ts and their scavenging capacity on DPPH and peroxyl radicals.
7 s free radicals, particularly oxygen-derived peroxyl radicals.
8 pyrylium was more effective inhibiting lipid peroxyl radicals.
9 ibits apoptosis by scavenging cellular lipid peroxyl radicals.
10 des, we derive the heats of formation of the peroxyl radicals.
11 he individual extract components to scavenge peroxyl radicals.
12 radicals, and (4) unimolecular decay of nine peroxyl radicals.
13 tal dG's are also oxidatively damaged by the peroxyl radicals.
14 ence for electron transfer by the nucleobase peroxyl radicals.
15 quent trapping by O2 leads to the respective peroxyl radicals.
16 heir reactivity toward H-atom abstraction by peroxyl radicals.
17 e suspensions with hydrophilic or lipophilic peroxyl radicals.
18 presence of either hydrophilic or lipophilic peroxyl radicals.
19          The major reaction pathways for the peroxyl radical (1) derived from 5,6-dihydro-2'-deoxyuri
20 olecular hydrogen atom abstraction by the C6-peroxyl radical (14) and suggests that gamma-radiolysis
21                Under aerobic conditions, the peroxyl radical (2) derived from 1 reacts approximately
22  peroxidation induced by an azo-initiator of peroxyl radicals, 2, 2'-azobis(2,4-dimethylvaleronitrile
23 -TO. radical reacts with lipid to form lipid peroxyl radicals. (2) Phase transfer: alpha-TOH can tran
24 turated fatty acids such as oxygen addition, peroxyl radical 5-exo cyclization, and S(H)i carbon radi
25               H2B-QH2 is shown to react with peroxyl radicals, a form of reactive oxygen species (ROS
26 at lycopene, alpha-tocopherol, selenium, and peroxyl radical absorption capacity are unlikely to be a
27 or lycopene, alpha-tocopherol, selenium, and peroxyl radical absorption capacity.
28 n, lycopene, alpha-tocopherol, selenium, and peroxyl radical absorption capacity.
29                     Products that arise from peroxyl radical abstraction at each position of the vari
30                Kinetic studies revealed that peroxyl radical addition to the 5'-thymine was favored b
31 al products and provided direct evidence for peroxyl radical addition to the adjacent thymine bases.
32 chemically activated population of the major peroxyl radical adduct (*)O2CH2CH(OH)2 is predicted to u
33 ins with a hydrogen atom transfer, forming a peroxyl radical and a Compound II-like species.
34 imolecular beta-fragmentation (k(beta)) of a peroxyl radical and its bimolecular reaction with a hydr
35 ed by H-bond formation between the attacking peroxyl radical and the 3beta-OH.
36 e results also support the proposal that the peroxyl radical and the sulfinyl radical are intermediat
37         Here, the reaction between linoleate peroxyl radicals and *NO was examined using 2, 2'-azobis
38  with more lipophilic compounds trapping two peroxyl radicals and more hydrophilic compounds trapping
39 own to undergo an irreversible reaction with peroxyl radicals and other radical oxidants to generate
40 romise between H-atom transfer reactivity to peroxyl radicals and stability to one-electron oxidation
41 romise between H-atom transfer reactivity to peroxyl radicals and stability to one-electron oxidation
42 he ability of NO to react with lipid-derived peroxyl radicals and terminate the propagation of lipid
43 ienyl radicals; (3) disproportionation of 10 peroxyl radicals, and (4) unimolecular decay of nine per
44 iologically relevant reactions of ascorbate, peroxyl radicals, and alpha-tocopherol.
45 ent and cyclization of allyl and pentadienyl peroxyl radicals, and homolytic substitution of carbon r
46 e short-lived organic species are similar to peroxyl radicals appears most consistent with our experi
47                             The reactions of peroxyl radicals are at the center of the oxidative degr
48                                    Gas phase peroxyl radicals are central to our chemical understandi
49                               (5) Lipophilic peroxyl radicals are scavenged with the same efficiency
50                                   Nucleobase peroxyl radicals are the major reactive intermediates fo
51 leads to accumulation of a substrate-derived peroxyl radical as a result of off-pathway trapping of t
52 r substitutes since they often do not employ peroxyl radicals as the oxidant and do not account for b
53 ls at tyrosine and tryptophan residues and a peroxyl radical at an unknown location have been reporte
54  the energetic cost required to reorient the peroxyl radical at the rate-determining step.
55  from the liposome oxidations that linoleate peroxyl radicals at different positions on the eighteen-
56 inary work, we showed that TEMPO reacts with peroxyl radicals at diffusion-controlled rates in the pr
57 der these conditions wastage reactions among peroxyl radicals become important, and this translates i
58                              We suggest that peroxyl radical beta-scission depends on solvent polarit
59 t of cells with scavengers of superoxide and peroxyl radicals blocked adriamycin-induced oxidation of
60 d superoxide anion, peroxynitrite anion, and peroxyl radicals, but with different efficiencies; furth
61                             The quenching of peroxyl radicals by ortho-(alkyltelluro)phenols occurs b
62       The reaction of the allyl group with a peroxyl radical (C-H hydrogen abstraction) proceeds with
63                                          The peroxyl radical can serve as the seed for the production
64 By changing the [O2]/[I] ratio, we show that peroxyl radicals can be detected and quantified preferen
65 y reacting with them, the resulting protein (peroxyl) radicals can oxidize the bound DNA.
66         We review the thermochemistry of the peroxyl radicals, CH(3)OO and CH(3)CH(2)OO.
67 iterature data for reactions of phenols with peroxyl radicals clearly reveals that diarylamines have
68                                         This peroxyl radical clock methodology has been successfully
69 yrylperacetate as a precursor to a versatile peroxyl radical clock with the present paper, wherein we
70  benzene, as determined by a newly developed peroxyl radical clock.
71                                  A series of peroxyl radical clocks has been developed and calibrated
72                           Recently described peroxyl radical clocks offer a simple, convenient, and i
73 s in spinach extracts provided resistance to peroxyl radicals, components that did not bind to the HP
74  base modifications induced as a function of peroxyl radical concentration was determined by quantita
75 ased in a log linear fashion with respect to peroxyl radical concentration.
76 ition of DNA damage (induced by hydroxyl and peroxyl radicals), copper-induced LDL-cholesterol peroxi
77 xidation, and the carbon[bond]oxygen BDEs of peroxyl radicals correlate with rate constants for beta-
78 ng from C1'-hydrogen atom abstraction by the peroxyl radical, could not be detected.
79 pproximately 10(6) s(-1)) of the bis-allylic peroxyl radical decreased on going from the cis,cis to t
80  measurements of the reactions of RSeOH with peroxyl radicals demonstrate that it readily undergoes H
81 e modifications at guanines and cytosines by peroxyl radicals depends on the exact specification of 5
82 ition of the adjacent 2'-deoxyuridine by the peroxyl radical derived from 1 (3) is observed under aer
83 andem lesions resulting from addition of the peroxyl radical derived from 1 to the 5'-adjacent nucleo
84 hydrogen atom abstraction by an intermediate peroxyl radical derived from linoleic acid that leads to
85 -classical" RTA activity, where they trap >2 peroxyl radicals each, at ambient temperatures.
86 M) and is sensitive to the presence of lipid peroxyl radicals, effective chain carriers in the lipid
87 ing processes, including reaction with lipid peroxyl radicals, erythrocytes and superoxide ions, were
88 ation involving beta-fragmentation of the 15-peroxyl radical followed by re-addition of oxygen to for
89                                              Peroxyl radical formation was not prevented by site-dire
90 contrast, mutation of tryptophan 14 prevents peroxyl radical formation, implicating tryptophan 14 as
91 histidinyl radical consumed oxygen, implying peroxyl radical formation.
92  to different rates of beta-fragmentation of peroxyl radicals formed from oxygen addition at differen
93 e oxidation of organic amines by NH2Cl and N-peroxyl radicals from the reaction of aminyl radicals wi
94 ine flanks drastically reduced the extent of peroxyl radical G oxidation.
95 eroxidizing arachidonic acid (20:4omega6) or peroxyl radicals generated by thermolysis of ABIP in the
96 minary applications include the detection of peroxyl radicals generated thermally in soybean phosphat
97 xidation system (ascorbate/Fe(II)/H2O2) or a peroxyl radical generating system, 2,2'-azobis(2-amidino
98 zobis-2,4-dimethyl valeronitrile (AMVN) as a peroxyl radical generator, and 6-hydroxy-2, 5,7,8-tetram
99 s-2-amidinopropane hydrochloride (AAPH) as a peroxyl radical generator; 6-hydroxy-2,5,7, 8-tetramethy
100 e constants for H-atom transfer reactions to peroxyl radicals, greatly enabling the kinetic and mecha
101 tions of linoleate in which the C-9 and C-13 peroxyl radicals have similar reactivities.
102                                    The minor peroxyl radical HOCH2C(OO(*))HOH is even less stable and
103 oxidant capacities of 2c, 2f, and 2p against peroxyl radicals, hydroxyl radicals, superoxide anion, s
104                         Reorientation of the peroxyl radical in the active site, concomitant with the
105 activities of lipophilic antioxidants toward peroxyl radicals in a lipophilic medium (octane:butyroni
106 nic solutions of different polarity and with peroxyl radicals in a micellar system mimicking the amph
107 ne (kinh = 3.8 x 10(4) M(-1) s(-1)) and four peroxyl radicals in acetonitrile (kinh = 9.5 x 10(3) M(-
108 al and prevent macrophage lysis, implicating peroxyl radicals in both mitochondrial dysfunction and m
109 1) in acetonitrile, and honokiol trapped two peroxyl radicals in chlorobenzene (kinh = 3.8 x 10(4) M(
110 ndicate that the rate of production of lipid peroxyl radicals in HeLa cells under basal conditions is
111 ties of the pyridinols toward chain-carrying peroxyl radicals in homogeneous organic solution were ex
112 and the polarity of the local environment of peroxyl radicals in liposomal oxidations depends on the
113 have mapped oxidative base damage induced by peroxyl radicals in the supF tRNA gene and correlated th
114                We find that the intermediate peroxyl radicals in these cases have negative C[bond]OO*
115        The sequence-specific distribution of peroxyl radical induced base damage was mapped for 803 n
116                                              Peroxyl radical induced tandem mutations were also obser
117  cells, fibroblasts and lymphocytes) against peroxyl radical-induced apoptosis, necrosis and mitotic
118 ay, which measures antioxidant inhibition of peroxyl radical-induced oxidations and is a measure of t
119  C-9 and C-11 of AA so that the incipient 11-peroxyl radical intermediate is able to add to C-9 to fo
120 [bond]oxygen bond dissociation enthalpies of peroxyl radical intermediates (R[bond]OO*) have been cal
121 cate that reactions of .NO with lipoxygenase peroxyl radical intermediates will result in modulation
122 t/KM(16,16O2)/kcat/KM(18,16O2) reveal that a peroxyl radical is formed in or before the first kinetic
123                                          The peroxyl radical is shown here to be localized on tryptop
124 the reduced catalytic tyrosine to a terminal peroxyl radical is the first irreversible step that cont
125        Detection of photochemically produced peroxyl radicals is achieved by employing 3-amino-2,2,5,
126 nce intensity enhancement upon reaction with peroxyl radicals is reported.
127 her than expected reactivity of RSeOH toward peroxyl radicals is the strongest experimental evidence
128 irreversible step, subsequent to forming the peroxyl radical, is also discussed in the context of the
129 established rate constants for reaction with peroxyl radicals (k(H-tocopherol) = 3.5 x 10(6) M(-1) s(
130 us micelles, with rate constant for trapping peroxyl radicals kinh=(3.8 +/- 0.7) x 10(4)M(-1)s(-1) at
131 chanism starts with a 4-exo cyclization of a peroxyl radical leading to an intermediate dioxetane, a
132 eaction between nitric oxide (*NO) and lipid peroxyl radicals (LOO*) has been proposed to account for
133 dical in the active enzyme and the resulting peroxyl radical may react further with the sulfhydryl gr
134 esis and carcinogenesis, the contribution of peroxyl radical mediated DNA base damage is less well un
135 ompounds 9-11 quenched linoleic-acid-derived peroxyl radicals much more efficiently than alpha-tocoph
136 ngly suggests that H atom abstraction by the peroxyl radical occurs with substantial quantum mechanic
137           This new radical could be either a peroxyl radical of BH(4) or an amino acid radical was in
138 al oxidations depends on the position of the peroxyl radical on the 18-carbon chain.
139               We propose that cellular lipid peroxyl radicals or lipid hydroperoxides induce an apopt
140  a hydroperoxide activator and the incipient peroxyl radical oxidizes Tyr385, or (2) ferric enzyme re
141 bservation of steady concentrations of lipid peroxyl radicals produced in live cell imaging condition
142       Perflubron did not serve as a sink for peroxyl radicals produced in the aqueous phase during se
143 uminate the physiological relevance of lipid peroxyl radical production during cell homeostasis and d
144          Each molecule trapped a number n of peroxyl radicals ranging from 4 to 7.
145  due to reaction with the enzyme-bound lipid peroxyl radical, rather than impairment of (13S)-HPODE-d
146 luorescence assay for monitoring kinetics of peroxyl radical reactions in liposomes is subsequently d
147 cular oxygen addition, and a factor of 5 for peroxyl radical reactions.
148 )(TOH), is ~8 in the presence of hydrophilic peroxyl radicals, regardless of the nature of the lipid
149                                Scavengers of peroxyl radicals restore mitochondrial membrane potentia
150                               The respective peroxyl radicals, resulting from O2 trapping, add to 5'-
151 tom transfer from pzH to alkyl, alkoxyl, and peroxyl radicals reveals that BDEs are not a good predic
152 we have clearly identified the generation of peroxyl radical (ROO(*)) by the unmodified SWCNT and the
153  spectrum that we assign to the alpha-carbon peroxyl radical (ROO*) of the active-site glycine, G734.
154 erates free radical intermediates (primarily peroxyl radicals, ROO(*)) and electrophilic aldehydes as
155                Reducing power (RP), DPPH and peroxyl radical scavenging (PRS) evaluated indirect anti
156          Employing this method, the relative peroxyl radical scavenging activities of Trolox, alpha-t
157 tribution of epigallocatechin gallate in the peroxyl radical scavenging of green tea extracts.
158 eroxidation products to perflubron or by the peroxyl radical scavenging properties of perflubron.
159 ioxidants, is shown herein to exhibit potent peroxyl radical scavenging properties that are controlle
160 droxyl radical scavenging, 279.02 mug mL(-1) Peroxyl radical scavenging).
161 Furthermore, since the assay has a Q(10) for peroxyl radical-scavenging of about 3, elevation of the
162 umn fractions permitted the determination of peroxyl-radical-scavenging profiles, demonstrating the r
163                               (4) Lipophilic peroxyl radicals show reduced discrimination between ant
164 PPH and ABTS), reactive oxygen species (ROS; peroxyl radical, superoxide radical, hypochlorous acid),
165 epoxyallylic radical, giving an epoxyallylic peroxyl radical that does not further react with Fe(III)
166 provides a steady source of free amphiphilic peroxyl radicals that efficiently initiates oxidation of
167 pite their remarkably high reactivity toward peroxyl radicals, the phenoxazines were found to be comp
168 cs, scavenging activity against hydroxyl and peroxyl radicals, the reducing power and chelating capac
169  the transformation, that only the 12- and 8-peroxyl radicals (those leading to 12-HPETE and 8-HPETE)
170  alkoxyamine that subsequently reacts with a peroxyl radical to eventually re-form the nitroxide.
171 substituents on the rearrangement of the C-3 peroxyl radical to give conjugated diene products.
172 cid-catalyzed reaction of a nitroxide with a peroxyl radical to yield an oxoammonium ion followed by
173 l has more than an order of magnitude better peroxyl radical trapping activity than alpha-tocopherol
174                                 Plasma total peroxyl radical trapping potential values did not change
175 ycopene and vitamin concentrations and total peroxyl radical trapping potential, a measure of antioxi
176  of H(2)B-PMHC consistent with unprecedented peroxyl radical-trapping activity in lipid bilayers.
177 pids do not efficiently scavenge hydrophilic peroxyl radicals; under these conditions wastage reactio
178                    In the first mechanism, a peroxyl radical undergoes successive 5-exo cyclizations
179  PFL was mixed with oxygenated solution, the peroxyl radical was also observed at 10 ms but in this c
180 gen incorporation on their reactivity toward peroxyl radicals was comparatively small (a decrease of
181  reactivity of DNA bases toward oxidation by peroxyl radicals was found to be G >> C > T.
182 f dialkylamino-substituted diarylamines with peroxyl radicals were found to be >10(7) M(-1) s(-1), wh
183 hydrogen peroxide, peroxynitrite anions, and peroxyl radicals) were measured with an amine-reactive g
184 xidative stress is the reactivity of RSSH to peroxyl radicals, where favorable thermodynamics are bol
185 l radical yields a strand break containing a peroxyl radical, which initiates opposite strand cleavag
186 gen atom and the internal oxygen atom of the peroxyl radical, which is nominally better for the more
187 ary orbital interactions in the reactions of peroxyl radicals with good H-atom donors.
188 mined the DNA damage produced by reaction of peroxyl radicals with human fibroblast DNA.
189  data for reactions of the diarylamines with peroxyl radicals with literature data for reactions of p
190  and styrene at 303 K, magnolol trapped four peroxyl radicals, with a kinh of 6.1 x 10(4) M(-1) s(-1)
191 dimethylisovaleronitrile) (AMVN) to generate peroxyl radicals within cellular membranes of HL-60 cell
192  group on the chromanol group can trap lipid peroxyl radicals within the interior and near the surfac

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