


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 s pericentric heterochromatin, are correctly perpetuated.
2 non-reduction, allowing their genotype to be perpetuated.
3 imate explanatory levels that Guala's review perpetuates.
4 rile maladaptive cardiovascular inflammation perpetuates.
5 rm: aggregated, protease-resistant, and self-perpetuating.
6 al states, one of which is dominant and self-perpetuating.
7 ween the subject and environment may be self-perpetuating.
8 ell shapes and sizes, and individual species perpetuate a defined morphology generation after generat
9 nd endothelial dysfunction, all of which may perpetuate a noxious microenvironment leading to pain.
10 d the loss of IL-7 produced by FRCs may thus perpetuate a vicious cycle of depletion of T cells and t
11 e antigens, the same DC-dependent checkpoint perpetuates a destructive response and immunopathology.
12 stic symbiosis between Varroa and DWV, which perpetuates a loop of reciprocal stimulation with escala
13                                         This perpetuates a vicious cycle of epidermal inflammation an
14  in airways, promoting further dysbiosis and perpetuating a cycle of inflammation and disordered micr
15 minal filling during acinar morphogenesis by perpetuating a population of surviving autophagic lumina
16 in turn, maintains overexpression of GLUT-1, perpetuating a signaling sequence that has, as its ultim
17 nd insufficiently selective chemical probes, perpetuating a worrisome and misleading pollution of the
18  confirm that these factors help to cause or perpetuate AAS use, a causal hypothesis is certainly pla
19 amilial AD (FAD) mouse model, is integral to perpetuating Abeta42 production.
20          To identify mechanisms by which MLL perpetuates active transcription in dividing cells, we i
21 e-mediated destruction of normal tissues can perpetuate adaptive immune responses to cancer.
22 -induced electrical remodelling promotes and perpetuates AF.
23 nd PV are potential factors facilitating and perpetuating AF in obese patients with AF.
24 Prions are special amyloids that become self-perpetuating after aggregation.
25 e neighboring cells, thereby inducing a self-perpetuating aggregation state of NM.
26               Yeast prion [PSI(+)] is a self-perpetuating amyloid of the translational termination fa
27                              Prions are self-perpetuating amyloid protein aggregates which underlie v
28                                         Self-perpetuating amyloid-based protein isoforms (prions) tra
29 ty is modulated by sequestration into a self-perpetuating amyloid.
30 lteration in DA phenotype (TH reduction) may perpetuate an inflammatory response that persists and le
31 by defining a genomic signal that dependably perpetuates an epigenetic state during postzygotic devel
32 o et al. treat the existing temperature data perpetuates an inaccurate impression of cooler Pacific w
33 ation of an array of protective genes, often perpetuating an early response to metabolic dysfunction
34 ls have the remarkable capacity to both self-perpetuate and also give rise to the differentiating cel
35 cies, humans have exercised their impulse to perpetuate and propagate themselves.
36 differentiated progeny, in addition to being perpetuated and amplified within the stem cell pool thro
37 sult in expansion of the altered stem cells, perpetuating and increasing the chances of additional mu
38 esses to structural changes that become self-perpetuating and pathogenic.
39                              Prions are self-perpetuating and, in most cases, aggregation-prone prote
40 ng of how these abnormalities are initiated, perpetuated, and connected in the progression of disease
41  of one trillion glial cells originated, was perpetuated, and eventually refuted.
42  which the KCNQ1 S140G mutation promotes and perpetuates atrial fibrillation.
43 ue damage in inflammatory conditions and may perpetuate autoimmune disease.
44 ith self-peptides, thereby initiating and/or perpetuating autoimmune disease.
45 iming in hosts with melanoma-initiated, self-perpetuating, autoimmune vitiligo.
46  that favors accumulation of new targets for perpetuating bacterial and viral infection while suppres
47 ad to novel strategies to further enhance or perpetuate beneficial immune responses in the elderly.
48 echanism to create stable, finely tuned self-perpetuating biochemical memories.
49 t genotype with prion strains that have self-perpetuating biological properties enciphered in distinc
50  cells and components with the vascular wall perpetuate both thrombotic and inflammatory pathways.
51 is in mature cortical pyramidal cells, which perpetuates brain dysfunction into adulthood.
52       The mantra of "time is brain" has been perpetuated, but this does not provide an entirely accur
53 n, but until they do, these systems could be perpetuated by a cycle of reburning.
54 ent spatiotemporal disorganization, is often perpetuated by a few spatially-constrained and temporall
55 iation in specific activity of the enzyme is perpetuated by a nonnutritive function in M. synoviae th
56   Atrial fibrillation is often initiated and perpetuated by abnormal electrical pulses repetitively o
57 pothesized that perivascular inflammation is perpetuated by activated adventitial fibroblasts, which,
58 nsequence of inflammatory processes that are perpetuated by activated glia and infiltrating leukocyte
59 B-cell response in PBC, likely activated and perpetuated by cognate autoantigen.
60 here proliferation of mammary progenitors is perpetuated by damage-induced, autologous NF-kappaB sign
61 latency period of MM development that may be perpetuated by durable fibers, the tumor microenvironmen
62                                Initiated and perpetuated by exogenous and endogenous mediators, acute
63 a show that atherosclerosis is initiated and perpetuated by inflammatory events.
64 losal neuropathology in a mouse model of MS, perpetuated by innate immunity.
65 vidence demonstrates that gender inequity is perpetuated by language.
66 ed by the accumulation of OSE type DAMPs and perpetuated by maladaptive response of the innate and ad
67       The inflammatory lesions are primarily perpetuated by neutrophils with the active participation
68 nt have the potential to reduce inequalities perpetuated by poverty, poor nutrition, and restricted l
69  irradiation with UV light and appears to be perpetuated by secondary events that continue long after
70 he circumstances of his death that have been perpetuated by several media outlets.
71  by an initial plastic behavioural response, perpetuated by social learning imposing an altered natur
72                     Once triggered, shock is perpetuated by the release of toxic compounds from ische
73 ent synovitis in the refractory group is not perpetuated by these cells.
74 tance abuse relapse, a psychiatric condition perpetuated by unwanted associative memories.
75 rial and ventricular tachyarrhythmias can be perpetuated by up-regulation of inward rectifier potassi
76 ternal states generate long-lasting and self-perpetuating chains of behavior.
77 are protein-based genetic elements that self-perpetuate changes in protein conformation and function.
78 --a group of unique proteins capable of self-perpetuating changes in conformation and function.
79 ique mode of biochemical memory through self-perpetuating changes in protein conformation and functio
80 epigenetic traits are instead linked to self-perpetuating changes in the individual or collective act
81 chological stress on OXS, discuss the stress-perpetuating characteristics of PTSD, and then identify
82                              Ag transfer may perpetuate chronic autoimmune responses to specific self
83 ion within the inflamed bowel where they may perpetuate chronic gut inflammation by inducing T cell a
84 s they employ to avoid the immune system and perpetuate chronic infections.
85 on of classically activated macrophages that perpetuate chronic inflammation and sustain insulin resi
86 tructure of the vessel wall; to initiate and perpetuate chronic vascular inflammation; and to stimula
87 grammed cell death, that potentially further perpetuates chronic inflammation and immune activation.
88 via which fibroblasts may actively engage in perpetuating chronic inflammation and continued fibrosis
89 y for conjunctival recurrence, presumably by perpetuating chronic inflammation mediated by T-helper (
90 a are regarded as critical neural substrates perpetuating cigarette smoking, little is known about th
91 critical component of an amplifying and self-perpetuating circle inducing senescence and inflammation
92 The tetraploid females have established self-perpetuating clonal lineages which are now in the third
93 elin-specific effector Th1 cells are able to perpetuate CNS inflammation in experimental autoimmune e
94                                       A self-perpetuating conformational conversion of the prion prot
95 ements govern the formation of distinct self-perpetuating conformations (prion strains) and determine
96 formed by proteins capable of acquiring self-perpetuating conformations.
97 sual cortices in the brain that may serve to perpetuate consumption in a feed-forward manner.
98 Female Technique (TFT) is a prospective self-perpetuating control technique that is species-specific
99                           A detrimental self-perpetuating cycle (heart failure --> altered metabolism
100                           In vivo, such self-perpetuating cycle could contribute to HIV-1 disease.
101 icrogliosis is an essential step in the self-perpetuating cycle leading to progressive DAergic neurod
102 initiate this process, which leads to a self-perpetuating cycle of pathology.
103 oop of CCL20 and Th17 activation in the self-perpetuating cycle of psoriasis.
104                    We propose that this self perpetuating cycle promotes human skin aging.
105  membrane disruption are all parts of a self-perpetuating cycle that fuels amyloid cytotoxicity.
106 pendent signaling pathway activating PKCiota perpetuates cyclin E deregulation during ovarian tumorig
107 oduction of autoreactive CD4(+) T cells that perpetuated damage to the thymus and augmented the devel
108 with short washout periods (4 weeks) and may perpetuate despite steroid treatment or the immediate us
109  1 diabetes (T1D), persist for long periods, perpetuate disease and are rapidly reactivated by islet
110 d a pathogenic phenotype that aggravates and perpetuates disease.
111 ividuals, disrupting mucosal homeostasis and perpetuating disease.
112 llular communication, and have been shown to perpetuate diseases, including cancer.
113 lf-templating protein aggregates that stably perpetuate distinct biological states and are of keen in
114 ression gives rise to a preleukemic and self-perpetuating DN4 lymphoma precursor population.
115                    Our results show that ETO perpetuates DNA damage, activates mitogen-activated prot
116 tively simple feedback loops to complex self-perpetuating DNA methylation patterns.
117  Drug-related cues induce craving, which may perpetuate drug use or trigger relapse in addicted indiv
118 nal influences drug-associated memories that perpetuate drug use.
119    Whether these nonhemopoietic interactions perpetuate effector T cell expansion remains unknown.
120 ues to injury and inflammation that commonly perpetuates elimination of dysfunctional cellular compon
121 ocess, thereby rendering it chronic and self-perpetuating, even in the absence of the inciting pathog
122 ncrease vulnerability for the initiation, or perpetuate existing patterns of excessive alcohol abuse
123 ssion occurs in part by unresolved ER stress perpetuating expression of the transcriptional repressor
124                  Food as a precipitating and perpetuating factor in IBS has gained recent interest, b
125 t pushes a person into depression but also a perpetuating factor that may pose an obstacle to recover
126  'initiators' and joint-specific 'localizing/perpetuating' factors leading to disparate coupling of i
127 ch both beliefs and behaviour play a part in perpetuating fatigue and disability in chronic fatigue s
128  that stresses regulatory sanctions and thus perpetuates fear of loss through a form of nudging.
129 ifications may provide a molecular basis for perpetuated fibroblast activation and fibrogenesis in th
130 oblasts and MCs appear to work in concert to perpetuate fibrotic processes and so contribute to lung
131  distinct chemical interactions to form self-perpetuating filaments.
132 elf-renew, so that they form clones that are perpetuated for the life of the organism.
133 yeast prions, but they are extremely stable--perpetuating for years--and have all of the non-Mendelia
134 is, it is unknown whether reproducibility is perpetuated from oogenesis or reacquired by the zygote.
135 vidence that Ang II plays a relevant role in perpetuating glomerular injury in experimental and human
136 formation of CTLs may underlie both the self-perpetuating, gluten-independent tissue damage and the u
137  be driven by axial screw dislocations: Self-perpetuating growth spirals enable anisotropic growth, a
138 tial barrier to normal child development and perpetuates health inequalities through the intergenerat
139 NKT cells provide essential cytokine signals perpetuating hepatic inflammation and fibrogenesis.
140 enhanced local disorder in the disease state perpetuates high-affinity platelet agglutination, charac
141 ed HIV-1 transactivation and subsequent self-perpetuated HIV-1 expression.
142 ion and recruitment or more target cells for perpetuating HIV infection, resulting in persistent, hig
143 re shown to promote conditions favorable for perpetuating HPAIV H5N1 in LBMs.
144 T cells in normal skin that can initiate and perpetuate immune reactions in the absence of T cell rec
145 es (DAMPs) are cell-derived and initiate and perpetuate immunity in response to trauma, ischemia, and
146 how chronic TLR-mediated inflammation may be perpetuated in autoimmune diseases and increase our unde
147           Alcoholism is a pervasive disorder perpetuated in part to relieve negative mood states like
148 te/melanoma Ag-specific T cell responses are perpetuated in the context of vitiligo are not well unde
149       The destabilizing effects of D302A are perpetuated in the full-length coat protein as shown by
150  have been recorded, and these have not been perpetuated in the recipient species.
151 the severe diarrheal disease cholera, and it perpetuates in aquatic reservoirs when not in the host.
152 espective of proposed diagnoses, may be self-perpetuating in some patients, and is likely to be drive
153  reviews, systematic review authors may have perpetuated incorrect approaches to meta-analysis.
154 stablished, the heterochromatin becomes self-perpetuating independently of the Cd4 silencer.
155 s ways of being a self and thus can fuel and perpetuate inequality.
156  and to generate viable parasites capable of perpetuating infection.
157  Prions are proteins that can switch to self-perpetuating, infectious conformations.
158 loproteinases that mediate tissue damage and perpetuate inflammation.
159 racellular matrix, generating fragments that perpetuate inflammation.
160 y, we provide convincing evidence that IL-33 perpetuates inflammation, angiogenesis and lesion prolif
161        Myeloid cells play a critical role in perpetuating inflammation during various chronic disease
162 rance may contribute to the chronic and self-perpetuating inflammation in human H. pylori infection.
163  participation of this cytokine in promoting/perpetuating inflammation in severe dengue.
164 nteraction may be involved in amplifying and perpetuating inflammation, even without obvious intestin
165  in initiating adaptive immune responses and perpetuating inflammation.
166 t release of danger signals to propagate and perpetuate inflammatory responses.
167 is regression counteracts scar resolution by perpetuating inflammatory reactions through release of p
168              This newly described LRRK2 self-perpetuating inhibitory effect on CMA could underlie tox
169 ity and PGE(2) production within this period perpetuated, instead of attenuated, inflammation.
170 rin beta-1 signalling, with YAP-1 capable of perpetuating integrin beta-1 expression.
171 tuned by previous Wnt pathway activity, that perpetuates intestinal stem cell identity in response to
172       We argue that the complex factors that perpetuate invisibility facilitate trafficked organs bei
173  mechanisms through which poverty arises and perpetuates itself, however, are not well understood.
174 nment suggest that the movement strategy may perpetuate joint destruction and impede the long-term su
175 reases basal Akt activity, leading to a self-perpetuating lipogenic cycle.
176 isms to avoid host immune responses and thus perpetuate long-term infections.
177 s that B-cell BAFF expression creates a self-perpetuating loop contributing to COPD progression by pr
178  PDGFRalpha by engaging a ROS-mediated, self-perpetuating loop.
179 t that emergence of cellular phenotypes that perpetuate loss of cellular homeostasis is characteristi
180 dermine resident interest in this field, and perpetuate low levels of supply.
181 in adult IDC patients treated with PDE3i may perpetuate lower myocardial cAMP and pPLB levels, limiti
182 spleen tyrosine kinase dephosphorylation and perpetuating MC signaling.
183  canonical RdDM cannot explain how this self-perpetuating mechanism is initiated.
184                            Since weight gain perpetuates metabolic alterations, this interplay may tr
185 s unable to transmit disease provides a self-perpetuating method of disease prevention but requires a
186 certainty in the diagnosis of TB uveitis may perpetuate missed opportunities to address systemic TB.
187 led household surfaces, a factor that likely perpetuates MRSA transmission and recurrent disease.
188 are well-recognized contributors to the self-perpetuating nature of AF, the impact of cardiac metabol
189 eling processes are contributors to the self-perpetuating nature of atrial fibrillation (AF).
190 ophils to tissue damage may explain the self-perpetuating nature of chronic inflammation in certain h
191  genetic mouse model to investigate the self-perpetuating nature of obesity and shed some light on wh
192 ovide a biochemical explanation for the self-perpetuating nature of oxidative stress in the male germ
193 eractions and their related pathophysiology, perpetuating nature, and cycles of increased susceptibil
194                       We found that the self-perpetuating network of CENPs at the foundation of the k
195 n influence revenge and forgiveness systems, perpetuating never-ending cycles of revenge.
196 as a result of obesity development, they may perpetuate obesity given the omnipresence of palatable f
197  of subsequent allostatic overload that auto-perpetuates obesity.
198 opulation of drug-resistant lymphocytes that perpetuate on-going inflammation.
199 ecise mechanisms on how these autoantibodies perpetuate or even induce an organ specific autoimmune r
200 ls determines whether tissue inflammation is perpetuated or resolves.
201 as well as the role of lymphoid follicles in perpetuating other chronic pathogens merit further inves
202 ycling during Earth's middle age, helping to perpetuate our planet's intermediate redox state by temp
203 by the same environmental circumstances that perpetuated outbreaks in Mexico during the 1940s.
204 l condition, this sensitization of LTMRs may perpetuate pain and prevent functional rehabilitation.
205 crophages and fibroblasts, in initiating and perpetuating pathological fibrosis.
206 opioid neurotransmitter systems, inducing or perpetuating pathological states such as persistent pain
207 s system changes can exacerbate symptoms and perpetuate pathology.
208   Cognitive biases such as stereotype threat perpetuate perceptions of inequipotential and subsequent
209 hetic, self-reproducing catalysts capable of perpetuating phospholipid bilayer formation.
210 sPMCA is sufficient to initiate various self-perpetuating PK-resistant rPrP conformers, but not all o
211 ls of renal disease, angiotensin II (Ang II) perpetuates podocyte injury and promotes progression to
212 sity could evoke a positive feedback loop to perpetuate poor ingestive behaviors.
213  and disrupt executive control, fuelling and perpetuating post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms.
214 have in less capable ways, which can further perpetuate poverty.
215 variant of a RNA-binding protein with a self-perpetuating prion-like property, cytoplasmic polyadenyl
216 ith drugs of abuse have an essential role in perpetuating problematic use, yet effective connectivity
217 ain environments, fibrosis can become a self-perpetuating process leading to incomplete muscle regene
218 sfolded protein aggregates can induce a self-perpetuating process that leads to amplification and spr
219                                   Yeast self-perpetuating protein aggregates (prions) provide a conve
220 which are epigenetically transmitted as self-perpetuating protein conformations.
221                        Yeast prions are self-perpetuating, QN-rich amyloids that control heritable tr
222 ubverts the actions of PV(+) interneurons to perpetuate rather than terminate pathological network hy
223 ypes of proteinase K (PK)-resistant and self-perpetuating recombinant PrP conformers (rPrP-res) with
224  is unavailable; (2) racial disparities have perpetuated reliance on private wells in some urbanized
225                                         What perpetuates RIGI is unclear; however, persistently incre
226 h p75(NTR) regulates degradation of cAMP and perpetuates scar formation after injury.
227 fetimes, suggesting the necessity for a self-perpetuating signal.
228 cular disease may predispose, precipitate or perpetuate some geriatric depressive syndromes.
229 rovides for possible establishment of a self-perpetuating spiral of events that maintains or prolongs
230                                     The self-perpetuating states of these proteins present a vast sou
231 nt of an axial dislocation provides the self-perpetuating steps to enable one-dimensional crystal gro
232 -derived fibroblast-like synoviocytes (FLSs) perpetuate synovial inflammation.
233 tively home to inflamed joint tissue and may perpetuate synovial neovascularization.
234 issue lineages participate in amplifying and perpetuating synovial inflammation in arthritis have bee
235 g and may contribute to the impairments that perpetuate the addiction cycle.
236 other professional APCs may then amplify and perpetuate the autoimmune T cell response.
237  entrapped in inflammatory sites, where they perpetuate the chronic inflammatory process.
238 ngs that Medicare might have accrued and may perpetuate the fee-for-service payment mechanism, with e
239 ic changes in important structural cells can perpetuate the fibrotic response by regulating the diffe
240           We propose that this mechanism can perpetuate the genome of extinct species, based on new g
241 hromatin at the time of integration and then perpetuate the heterochromatic mark by triggering epigen
242 nd expression of adhesion molecules that may perpetuate the inflammatory state.
243 ositive feedback loop that would promote and perpetuate the obese state.
244 c disruption throughout their lives and thus perpetuate the obesity epidemic across generations.
245 ive AC clearance contributes to initiate and perpetuate the pathological process.
246 ypothesized that these cells may initiate or perpetuate the peritoneal inflammatory response.
247 ism known as epigenetic inheritance and thus perpetuate the phenotypic state.
248 nerate potential for a semantic quagmire and perpetuate the questionable notion that we can identify
249  suggest that mitochondria may establish and perpetuate the rate of aging for the whole organism inde
250 nd North Atlantic warming may therefore help perpetuate the recent reductions in SASM precipitation t
251 ukin-17 and respond to cytokine signals that perpetuate the response.
252  that may initiate, exacerbate, and possibly perpetuate the underlying myofiber-specific dystrophic p
253 ds, whereas to the south, these disturbances perpetuated the dominance of Quercus in central hardwood
254  b (otpb) neurons that contribute to the DDT perpetuated the immature locomotor pattern in vivo.
255                             The misdiagnosis perpetuated the unnecessary removal of trees and exacerb
256 ontributing to a positive feedback loop that perpetuates the effects of trauma.
257 tors by monocytes leads to tissue damage and perpetuates the inflammatory response.
258        In conclusion, we suggest that EMAPII perpetuates the mechanism of CS-induced lung emphysema i
259 nRI, and initiating a signaling cascade that perpetuates the production of biologically potent mediat
260 nterplay between AP and diastolic Ca release perpetuates the self-sustaining repetitive activity.
261            Physician involvement created and perpetuates the seriously flawed protocol of lethal inje
262 e early proinflammatory cytokine surge while perpetuating the chronic microglia activation after TBI.
263 phage endocytic machinery is responsible for perpetuating the chronic state of infection unique to th
264 g behaviors from regulatory control, thereby perpetuating the conflicting desires to consume fattenin
265 oites, which in turn invade new erythrocytes perpetuating the cycle responsible for malaria.
266 , the fiscal deficit grows larger each year, perpetuating the cycle.
267 l nervous system infection is a major factor perpetuating the debate.
268  expression of Hic-5, which is essential for perpetuating the decreased proliferation seen in this pa
269 l recruitment to and retention in the joint, perpetuating the inflammatory cascade in RA.
270 nto IL-17-expressing cells, thus potentially perpetuating the inflammatory process that characterizes
271 ncrease in macrophage and neutrophil numbers perpetuating the inflammatory response.
272 are key cytokines involved in amplifying and perpetuating the liver damage and fibrosis resulting fro
273 ptive immune cells, the role of NKT cells in perpetuating the loss of liver-specific immune tolerance
274  the infection of the vector Anopheles, thus perpetuating the plasmodial cycle.
275 t genes during mitosis and may contribute to perpetuating the transformed phenotype.
276            These shortcomings have helped to perpetuate 'The Big Lie' - that recombinant DNA technolo
277 d the molecular preparations they evolved to perpetuate their infectious cycle.
278    In a positive feedback loop these factors perpetuate their own expression thus stabilising pre-pla
279               Once in the joint, neutrophils perpetuate their own recruitment by releasing LTB(4) and
280 clusion, sustained activation of Rac in HSCs perpetuates their activation and exacerbates toxin-induc
281 em cells that enables them to simultaneously perpetuate themselves (self-renew) and generate differen
282 d ten eleven translocation (Tet) proteins in perpetuating these states after replication, and the mol
283 une system not only plays a critical role in perpetuating these tumor-promoting hallmarks but also in
284 poietin and CCL11, that help to initiate and perpetuate this chronic inflammatory response.
285 hat bias and discrimination give rise to and perpetuate this gender disparity, in the current researc
286 t the molecular mechanisms that initiate and perpetuate this inflammation are not well understood.
287 oduction of virus into the population helped perpetuate this outbreak.
288 dentify gaps in evidence-based medicine that perpetuate those myths, and propose opportunities to imp
289 embers' tobacco use and unmasking the forces perpetuating those perceptions.
290 cts during the peri-implantation period that perpetuate throughout pregnancy.
291 lve inflammation while repressing genes that perpetuate tissue damage and cell death.
292 role enabling effector cells to initiate and perpetuate tissue damage, eventually resulting in autoim
293 on while maintaining a pool of stem cells to perpetuate tissue regeneration.
294                                    Moreover, perpetuated transport dysfunction, as we found in a mode
295                 Tumor-initiating cells (TIC) perpetuate tumor growth, enable therapeutic resistance,
296 cells has the unique ability to initiate and perpetuate tumor growth; moreover, it is highly resistan
297                     This restricted approach perpetuates uncertainty.
298 n and promotes LA remodeling, closing a self-perpetuating vicious circle.
299 tress environment, thereby setting up a self-perpetuating vicious cycle among low local endothelial s
300 Here, the role of HSP70 in precipitating and perpetuating vitiligo was assessed in vivo in a mouse mo

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