


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 the atrium, which enhances AF complexity and perpetuation.
2 in AF and is considered the substrate for AF perpetuation.
3 ia, thus contributing to atrial fibrillation perpetuation.
4 ved to be involved in disease initiation and perpetuation.
5 otein-based genetic elements capable of self-perpetuation.
6  B4 (LTB4), for disease induction as well as perpetuation.
7  LFA-1 I-domain adhesive function in disease perpetuation.
8 uction has been invoked as the sole means of perpetuation and dispersal.
9 ial scarring may be responsible for both the perpetuation and genesis of AF.
10  presence in live markets contributes to the perpetuation and genetic interaction of influenza viruse
11 storical factors best explain its subsequent perpetuation and growth?
12                The factors that regulate the perpetuation and invasiveness of rheumatoid synovitis ha
13 he SAM maintains a balance between stem cell perpetuation and organogenesis is a central question in
14 sage of time and thus may play a role in the perpetuation and spread of these highly pathogenic H5N1
15 ve major implications regarding the relative perpetuation and survival of these two genotypes in mamm
16           Wildlife reservoirs play a role in perpetuation and transmission of this parasite to dogs.
17 isease, suggesting an involvement in disease perpetuation and/or chronicity.
18 ess essential for the controlled initiation, perpetuation, and resolution of inflammatory processes.
19 nding of the mechanisms of AF initiation and perpetuation, and rigorous integration of ablation into
20                                              Perpetuation arises through focused attention, which fur
21 ect and behavior, (c) their transmission and perpetuation, (d) their alteration on the basis of first
22 iated by cell-mediated cytotoxicity with its perpetuation facilitated by alloantibodies.
23 hway as an important factor in myofibroblast perpetuation, fibrogenesis, and chronic disease progress
24 tion of the role of interleukin-6 in disease perpetuation has led to the use of an antihuman interleu
25 , highly purified HSCs and analyses of their perpetuation in clonally generated progeny HSCs have now
26 athways that potentially drive myofibroblast perpetuation in disease.
27 al remodeling leading to atrial fibrillation perpetuation is highly desirable.
28 e that are part of a cultural system, to the perpetuation of a patient's disorder; the influence of f
29  repressive histone modifications results in perpetuation of a repressive chromatin state that contri
30  and aging in the germline are essential for perpetuation of a species; however, relatively few studi
31 r mechanisms involved in the development and perpetuation of acute spinal cord injury appear particul
32 rent data that pertain to the activation and perpetuation of adaptive immune responses during obesity
33 Rs during early abstinence contribute to the perpetuation of addiction to tobacco smoking.
34 rheumatoid arthritis (RA), especially in the perpetuation of advanced disease, remains unclear.
35 e linking inflammation to the initiation and perpetuation of AF and AF-related thrombosis.
36  the presence of a second factor in the self-perpetuation of AF with a time course comparable to that
37 chycardias may play an important role in the perpetuation of AF.
38 ant role in the initiation, maintenance, and perpetuation of AF.
39 l role in initiating and contributing to the perpetuation of airway allergic inflammation.
40 t as effector cells in the initiation and/or perpetuation of airway inflammation in asthma by produci
41 e responses in the lung, contributing to the perpetuation of airway inflammation.
42 ies in decision-making neural systems in the perpetuation of AN.
43 ingly, mast cells become dispensable for the perpetuation of arthritis after delivery of IL-1, highli
44 ymphotoxin/LIGHT axis in the development and perpetuation of arthritis.
45 to play a central role in the initiation and perpetuation of autoimmune diseases such as multiple scl
46 acid mimics contribute to the initiation and perpetuation of autoimmunity by at first breaking self-t
47 e cytokines in SLE could be important in the perpetuation of B cell hyperactivity.
48                                              Perpetuation of breakage-fusion-bridge cycles in CML pro
49                         CAV1 involved in the perpetuation of cell phenotype-overexpressing anti-stres
50 e elicitation of T effector function and the perpetuation of cellular immune responses.
51 tive stress may contribute indirectly to the perpetuation of chromosomal instability are discussed.
52 a critical role for epitope spreading in the perpetuation of chronic central CNS pathology.
53 interleukin (IL)-11, IL-12, and IL-18 in the perpetuation of chronic inflammation continues to stimul
54 itis, especially if IL-17 is involved in the perpetuation of chronic or intermittent arthritis.
55 osters an environment for the development or perpetuation of comorbid conditions, or alternatively th
56 tor of the inflammatory cascade required for perpetuation of CRC, highlighting the IL-22 axis as a no
57 ost immune dysregulation plays a role in the perpetuation of Crohn's disease that can be corrected by
58 4+ T cells are essential for development and perpetuation of Crohn's disease, a chronic immune-mediat
59 mpelling mechanism for the amplification and perpetuation of DC-driven responses in the RA joint, inc
60                                    Thus, the perpetuation of DDR-2 expression and activation can be s
61 f infection, yet these cells are involved in perpetuation of different chronic inflammatory diseases.
62 a and may contribute to both development and perpetuation of disease.
63 the roles of cytokines in the initiation and perpetuation of disease.
64 les of these molecules in the initiation and perpetuation of EAMG.
65 omplement protein has been implicated in the perpetuation of epidemics caused by serotype M1 strains
66 ic bacteria populations in the induction and perpetuation of experimental colitis.
67 ion with previous studies, suggests that the perpetuation of expression of these factors affects seve
68  the Ras oncoprotein, is associated with the perpetuation of fibroblast activation and fibrogenesis i
69 ecular mechanisms, we hypothesized that this perpetuation of fibrogenesis is caused by epigenetic mod
70 BPs may be involved in the initiation and/or perpetuation of fibrosis by virtue of their ability to i
71 y type II pneumocytes, in the initiation and perpetuation of fibrosis in response to either endogenou
72  might be necessary during the evolution and perpetuation of FMDV in nature.
73 ework provides a deeper understanding of the perpetuation of group-based inequality.
74 gh the indirect pathway is necessary for the perpetuation of GVHD.
75  live markets and create a situation for the perpetuation of H5N1 influenza viruses.
76 C) play a central role in the initiation and perpetuation of hepatic inflammation, which, if uncontro
77 d mechanisms that restrict the emergence and perpetuation of HP avian influenza viruses in these natu
78 mmune effector cells that contributes to the perpetuation of HSC activation in liver fibrosis through
79               The mechanisms responsible for perpetuation of human persistent atrial fibrillation (AF
80 dRP) or through genetic reassortment enables perpetuation of IAV in humans through epidemics or pande
81 ignificance of the IL-23/Th17 pathway in the perpetuation of IL-12/Th1-mediated immunopathology in PB
82  This raises concern about the potential for perpetuation of infection via medical procedures, in par
83 the diet-induced obese phenotype and for the perpetuation of inflammation in the hypothalamus.
84                                              Perpetuation of inflammation is an inherent risk because
85 s, and enzymes involved in amplification and perpetuation of inflammation.
86 de overload, and subsequent exacerbation and perpetuation of inflammation.
87  of neutrophils but have also been linked to perpetuation of inflammation.
88 poptotic cells is frequently associated with perpetuation of inflammatory conditions.
89 ing the mechanisms behind the initiation and perpetuation of inflammatory processes in vasculitic neu
90  deregulation of Tregs may contribute to the perpetuation of inflammatory processes, including graft-
91 partial agonist with a potential role in the perpetuation of joint inflammation.
92 t and human, requires a mechanism for active perpetuation of L1 asymmetry during bursts of L1 activit
93  a multistep mechanism for the induction and perpetuation of lactotroph hyperplasia, involving the la
94 re likely to be critical for the genesis and perpetuation of leukemic disease, the present studies so
95 is likely to contribute to the induction and perpetuation of liver damage in autoimmune hepatitis (AI
96 sfaction, play a role in the development and perpetuation of low back pain.
97                    The data suggest that the perpetuation of many of the abnormal phenotypes associat
98 ndent TCR signals in regulating turnover and perpetuation of memory CD4 T cells and their responses t
99 em plays a pivotal role in the induction and perpetuation of metabolic and aging-related diseases.
100 ific chromatin modifications that aid in the perpetuation of MLL fusion gene driven oncogenic program
101 mulation is necessary for both induction and perpetuation of mucosal inflammation and T-cell activati
102 thought to be critical in the initiation and perpetuation of multiple sclerosis disease activity.
103 cytoid DCs are central to the initiation and perpetuation of muscle inflammation in juvenile DM.
104 lay an important role in the development and perpetuation of obesity.
105 rdia may serve as a mechanism underlying the perpetuation of PAF.
106 tute a feedback loop that contributes to the perpetuation of poverty.
107 ls play a central role in the initiation and perpetuation of RA and are implicated in cartilage destr
108 g that clonal spread also contributes to the perpetuation of resistance.
109              Whether this contributes to the perpetuation of respiratory events and the pathogenesis
110 he form of angiogenesis, is important in the perpetuation of rheumatoid arthritis and, in the form of
111 which oligonucleosomal DNA may contribute to perpetuation of rheumatoid synovitis is proposed.
112 ical and structural remodeling contribute to perpetuation of simulated atrial fibrillation, using a m
113 nce, contributing to alcohol relapse and the perpetuation of smoking.
114 tive reactions to danger are critical to the perpetuation of species and are observed throughout the
115 sential for the initiation and, perhaps, the perpetuation of spontaneous autoimmunity.
116 ogenesis throughout their life cycle via the perpetuation of stem cell pools called shoot apical meri
117 of fibroblast-like synoviocytes (FLS) to the perpetuation of synovitis, we investigated the molecular
118 t to play a major role in the initiation and perpetuation of T helper cell, type 2 (Th2)-like allergi
119 tors are considered crucial to the onset and perpetuation of tendinopathy.
120 (T-bet, Tbx21) is pivotal for initiation and perpetuation of Th1 immunity.
121 lular signaling mechanisms of activation and perpetuation of the activated phenotype in HSCs are larg
122 creases immune activation, thus resulting in perpetuation of the activation/injury cycle.
123 and is responsible for the stabilization and perpetuation of the activity.
124 ntribute to the loss of immune tolerance and perpetuation of the autoimmune attack in AILD.
125 play an important role in the initiation and perpetuation of the autoimmune process.
126            Moreover, there is a concern that perpetuation of the belief that chronic cough is solely
127 velop an identical ciliary pattern, ensuring perpetuation of the cellular phenotype.
128  role of Escherichia coli in propagation and perpetuation of the chronic inflammation in ulcerative c
129  events in the intestinal cell necessary for perpetuation of the chronic inflammatory state.
130 o the CNS, where they may be crucial for the perpetuation of the CNS-targeted autoimmune response.
131 ycoprotein (MOG), has been implicated in the perpetuation of the disease state.
132 ovide valuable clues to the pathogenesis and perpetuation of the disease.
133 rom human skeletal myosin play a role in the perpetuation of the disease.
134 e grant review procedure, and illustrate the perpetuation of the funding gap, which contributes to th
135 e like, with meaningful implications for the perpetuation of the gender disparity that exists at the
136 r DNA after telomere damage is essential for perpetuation of the genetic information they carry.
137 d arthritis) or T cells are required for the perpetuation of the inflammation at later stages as well
138                               Initiation and perpetuation of the inflammatory intestinal responses in
139 ed lung tissue is an important target of the perpetuation of the inflammatory process occurring durin
140 tivity may thus critically contribute to the perpetuation of the inflammatory response in allergic co
141 tissues is fundamental to the initiation and perpetuation of the inflammatory state during immune and
142  cell properties and are responsible for the perpetuation of the myeloproliferative phenotype.
143 ell prior to cell division, thereby enabling perpetuation of the polar domain in future daughter cell
144 hat underlie the formation, recognition, and perpetuation of the polar domains are largely unknown.
145 may be required to prevent amplification and perpetuation of the rejection process.
146 e either the sperm or eggs necessary for the perpetuation of the species.
147 nerated a lung cytokine profile conducive to perpetuation of the Th1 memory population.
148 re often identified as key components in the perpetuation of these phenomena.
149 ical role of the innate immune system in the perpetuation of this autoimmune disease.
150  is homochiral and effective enforcement and perpetuation of this homochirality is essential for cell
151          The mechanisms of lethality and the perpetuation of this lethal phenotype in ducks in nature
152  acids may play a role in the initiation and perpetuation of this sensitized state.
153                                          The perpetuation of this system requires that reproductives
154                                              Perpetuation of tumor-induced osteolysis requires a cont
155 protein was believed to be essential for the perpetuation of two Apicomplexa parasite genera, Plasmod
156 recently been associated with initiation and perpetuation of various neurological disorders, an intac
157 ites that participated in the initiation and perpetuation of various tachyarrhythmias.
158      Excessive expansive remodeling leads to perpetuation, or even exacerbation, of the local low end
159 ssue inhibitor of matrix metalloproteinases (perpetuation phase of stellate cell activation) were als
160  Ca2+ -handling remodeling contribute to the perpetuation/progression of atrial fibrillation (AF).
161 data point to a genomic mechanism for repeat perpetuation rather than a positive cellular role.
162 depends on the balance of factors that favor perpetuation versus resolution.

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