


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ed phage baseplate, that of Escherichia coli phage Mu.
2 n is central to the propagation of temperate phage Mu.
3 or an unusual but analogous -2 frameshift in phage Mu.
4  experimentally demonstrated in transposable phage Mu.
5 tide CA found at the termini of transposable phage Mu also occurs at the termini of a large class of
6 teraction between the infecting transposable phage Mu and the host Escherichia coli replication machi
7                                              Phage Mu avoids this problem by transposition immunity,
8                                              Phage Mu DNA transposes to duplex target DNA sites with
9                                Initiation of phage Mu DNA transposition requires assembly of higher o
10 y the Tn3 and gamma delta resolvases and the phage Mu Gin invertase, we used substrates that provided
11 ements as distantly related as Tn1, Tn5, and phage Mu home in on this location.
12                             Transposition of phage Mu is catalyzed by an extremely stable transposase
13 anscription from the middle promoter, Pm, of phage Mu is initiated by Escherichia coli RNA polymerase
14                   The genome of transposable phage Mu is packaged as a linear segment, flanked by sev
15                                              Phage Mu is unique among transposable elements in employ
16 ential interaction of the alpha CTD with the phage Mu middle promoter P(m) and its activator protein
17 te in its growth cycle, transcription of the phage Mu mom Promoter (Pmom) is activated by the phage g
18               A variant of a UTR from ner of phage Mu (ner-ACC) enhanced protein synthesis in a rabbi
19 fferent recombination reactions performed by phage Mu: non-replicative transposition, the pathway use
20 e CA/TG found at the termini of transposable phage Mu occurs also at the termini of a large class of
21 ClpX promotes an essential transition in the phage Mu recombination pathway.
22                                              Phage Mu replicates by transposition and virtually all g
23                                              Phage Mu replicates in Gram-negative bacteria using an e
24 tion proteins, and PriA is also required for phage Mu replication by transposition.
25               Dominant negative forms of the phage Mu repressor, including the mutant Vir repressors,
26                                          The phage Mu transposase (MuA) binds to the ends of the Mu g
27 l for assembly of the functional tetramer of phage Mu transposase (MuA) on supercoiled DNA substrates
28  Tn3 resolvase and the LER synapse formed by phage Mu transposase in the case of Flp and Cre, respect
29                                              Phage Mu transposes by two distinct pathways depending o
30                                              Phage Mu transposes promiscuously, employing protein MuB
31     Here, we show that a new method based on phage Mu transposition in vitro allows convenient and co
32 mplex that carries out the chemical steps of phage Mu transposition is organized by bridging interact
33 echnique that utilizes a simplified in vitro phage Mu transposition system.
34 ing about the molecular mechanism of IS1 and phage Mu transposition unexpectedly clarified how transp
35 rget sites on the host chromosome during the phage Mu transposition.
36                                          The phage Mu transpososome is assembled by interactions of t
37  similarities in the biochemical behavior of phage Mu wedge components and the TssF and TssG proteins

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