


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ents that assemble in the plasma membrane or phagolysosome.
2  by inhibiting phagosome maturation into the phagolysosome.
3 ighly adapted for life within the eukaryotic phagolysosome.
4 cquire EEA1 and subsequently mature into the phagolysosome.
5 me, preventing progression to a bactericidal phagolysosome.
6 as been suggested to occur in the macrophage phagolysosome.
7 ferating within the harsh environment of the phagolysosome.
8 but rather resides and survives in an acidic phagolysosome.
9 ects of the acidic environment in the mature phagolysosome.
10 ants to survive the harsh environment of the phagolysosome.
11  activity was a function of alkalinizing the phagolysosome.
12 at effects were mediated by alkalinizing the phagolysosome.
13 , which by all criteria resides in a typical phagolysosome.
14  that a Cl2-like oxidant is generated in the phagolysosome.
15 leased in the proteolytic environment of the phagolysosome.
16 llows for innate immune detection within the phagolysosome.
17 the parasite is exposed to in the macrophage phagolysosome.
18 oteins of these cells, and to the neutrophil phagolysosome.
19 s that maintains Mtb in spacious proteolytic phagolysosomes.
20 ent of infection by Leishmania in macrophage phagolysosomes.
21 stantial proportion of infecting bacteria to phagolysosomes.
22 r C. koseri organisms are colocalized within phagolysosomes.
23 se with early endosomes but do not mature to phagolysosomes.
24 xime-sensitive pathway and replicated within phagolysosomes.
25 llenge, in more dense fractions representing phagolysosomes.
26  and replication within mammalian macrophage phagolysosomes.
27 tter two reactions probably occur within RPE phagolysosomes.
28 e that is capable of parasitizing macrophage phagolysosomes.
29 taining the agent of HGE fail to mature into phagolysosomes.
30  which subsequently mature into microbicidal phagolysosomes.
31 tments, such as the gastric lumen, or within phagolysosomes.
32 ects them from degradation inside macrophage phagolysosomes.
33 tory cells with unusual striated deposits in phagolysosomes.
34 peared to be trapped in cathepsin D-positive phagolysosomes.
35 n with CD36 and in bacterial escape from the phagolysosomes.
36  induction and CO increased acidification of phagolysosomes.
37 rocess of phagosomes maturing into acidified phagolysosomes.
38  stage, but do not mature to fully acidified phagolysosomes.
39 ion and processing of bacteria in hydrolytic phagolysosomes.
40 to greater amyloid content within microglial phagolysosomes.
41 in macrophage phagosomes as they mature into phagolysosomes.
42  the bacteria are completely degraded within phagolysosomes.
43 harboring live mycobacteria to progress into phagolysosomes.
44 agents to kill phagocytosed pathogens within phagolysosomes.
45 ese parasites to replicate within macrophage phagolysosomes.
46  the GlcNAc response in signaling entry into phagolysosomes.
47 d mycobacteria, which normally progress into phagolysosomes.
48  Within host cells, S. aureus was located in phagolysosomes, a low-pH compartment.
49 e CFTR chloride channel was also detected in phagolysosomes, a special organelle formed after phagocy
50 ive to other conditions, in part by delaying phagolysosome acidification without affecting production
51 osomal acidification and that in its absence phagolysosomes acidify poorly, thus providing an environ
52 follow the normal pathway of maturation into phagolysosomes, acquired cellubrevin.
53 omes then fuse with lysosomes to mature into phagolysosomes, acquiring an acidic and hydrolytic lumen
54  stores of MMP12 are mobilized to macrophage phagolysosomes after the ingestion of bacterial pathogen
55  progression of the nascent phagosome into a phagolysosome, allowing for replication in a compartment
56 ranules with their primary site of action in phagolysosomes, although some peptide is released into t
57 lular bacterium that resides in an acidified phagolysosome and has a remarkable ability to persist in
58 mic inflammation in malaria, both within the phagolysosome and in the cytosol of effector cells.
59 catabolism allows the cell to neutralize the phagolysosome and initiate hyphal growth.
60 oorganism are its ability to thrive within a phagolysosome and its ability to persist in the environm
61  a novel adaptation for survival in both the phagolysosome and the extracellular environment.
62  mycobacteria delivered to phagosomes versus phagolysosomes and discovered that bacteria survive and
63 killing defect with abnormal ultrastructural phagolysosomes and outgrowth of hyphae.
64 ules, followed by movement of the oxidase to phagolysosomes and the plasma membrane.
65 man monocyte-derived DCs, trafficked to late phagolysosomes, and killed.
66   Live S. cerevisiae cells isolated from the phagolysosome are induced for genes of the glyoxylate cy
67 ng to, and survival of pathogens within, the phagolysosome are unknown.
68 isms governing maturation of phagosomes into phagolysosomes are not completely understood.
69  of Histoplasma, potentially implicating the phagolysosome as a calcium-limiting compartment.
70  IgG beads matured significantly faster into phagolysosomes as judged by colocalization with lysosoma
71 ciated with the maturation of the LCP into a phagolysosome, as documented by the acquisition of LAMP-
72 hagolysosome fusion, although recruitment of phagolysosome-associated proteins lysosome-associated pr
73 rcinogenesis, biofilm formation, escape from phagolysosomes, bacteriocin production, toxin activity a
74 d intermediate levels of interaction, and PS phagolysosomes became isolated within the cytoplasm.
75 d mammalian uncoordinated 13-2 (Munc13-2) in phagolysosome biogenesis and cargo delivery.
76 s PA, into phagocytes to improve and recover phagolysosome biogenesis and pathogen killing while limi
77 actable organelles to dissect the control of phagolysosome biogenesis by Rab GTPases.
78 n of a type III secretion system that blocks phagolysosome biogenesis represents a novel mechanism by
79 ration independently of Rab7 and coordinates phagolysosome biogenesis through size-selective transfer
80 in macrophage phagosomes by interfering with phagolysosome biogenesis.
81 phagosome by interfering with the pathway of phagolysosome biogenesis.
82 nstrate a negative regulatory role of p38 in phagolysosome biogenesis.
83 acrophages, leading to strong alterations in phagolysosome biogenesis.
84 naling or membrane fusion events involved in phagolysosome biogenesis.
85 2 domain-containing phosphatase 1 (SHP-1) in phagolysosome biogenesis.
86 or its adaption to the acidic environment in phagolysosomes but is not required for the suppression o
87 hloroquine accumulates inside the macrophage phagolysosome by ion trapping where it exerts potent ant
88 s to survive following alkalinization of the phagolysosomes by chloroquine.
89                       Phagosomes mature into phagolysosomes by sequential fusion with early endosomes
90  that point, however, the characteristics of phagolysosomes changed in several ways that indicated di
91 ere fully fusiogenic and matured to spacious phagolysosomes containing degraded bacteria, whereas som
92 ed by NADPH oxidase 2 (NOX2) was detected in phagolysosomes containing either silica particles or non
93                      ROS was not detected in phagolysosomes containing latex particles.
94 (iii) promote Ca(2+)-dependent maturation of phagolysosomes containing Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MT
95  to survive in the acidic environment of the phagolysosome, contributes to the pathogen's resilience
96                                              Phagolysosome damage was partially dependent on reactive
97 ded or not; and iii) nanoparticle-containing phagolysosomes did not fuse with non-matured mycobacteri
98 r, viable mycobacteria have been observed in phagolysosomes during infection of cultured macrophages,
99 horium dioxide and acid phosphatase to label phagolysosomes during infection of J774A.1 cells.
100 s, whereas the migR mutant resided in mature phagolysosomes enriched with both lamp-1 and cathepsin D
101         We propose that autophagocytosis and phagolysosome expulsion are essential steps in erythroid
102 ives inside macrophages by perturbing normal phagolysosome formation and that USA300 may sense phagos
103 tor interaction that guides the phagosome to phagolysosome formation belies the complexity of combina
104 -dependent phagosomal TLR signaling, but not phagolysosome formation or extensive proteolysis.
105 ernalization, wild-type FcgammaRIIA-mediated phagolysosome formation was observed as indicated by col
106 eprogramming by mycobacteria as they prevent phagolysosome formation.
107             Ceramide-1-phosphate may promote phagolysosome formation.
108 ownstream' degradative pathways, leading to 'phagolysosome' formation and intracellular killing of in
109 t that C. burnetii does not actively inhibit phagolysosome function as a survival mechanism.
110 ogenes and presented by H2-M3, also requires phagolysosome fusion and cleavage by the proteasome.
111 hrough mechanisms that included promotion of phagolysosome fusion and induction of nitric oxide.
112 rived from by LLO- L. monocytogenes requires phagolysosome fusion and processing by the proteasome.
113          The ability of C. koseri to survive phagolysosome fusion and replicate within macrophages ma
114 jor antimicrobial mechanisms of macrophages: phagolysosome fusion and the production of toxic reactiv
115                    Strategies for inhibiting phagolysosome fusion are essential for the intracellular
116 Thus, the tail of FcgammaRIIA contributes to phagolysosome fusion by a mechanism that does not requir
117 a specialized compartment that evades normal phagolysosome fusion called the Legionella-containing va
118                                              Phagolysosome fusion has not been extensively studied.
119  Fcgamma receptor-dependent phagocytosis and phagolysosome fusion in the presence and absence of the
120 II was required for a form of Ca2+-dependent phagolysosome fusion that is analogous to Ca2+-regulated
121 hat: (i) calcium signaling is a late step in phagolysosome fusion, (ii) a line of communication exist
122 ern-deficient mutants were unable to support phagolysosome fusion, although recruitment of phagolysos
123 FcR-dependent and -independent phagocytosis, phagolysosome fusion, cytokine production, NLRP3 inflamm
124 to survive within macrophages by controlling phagolysosome fusion.
125 ough a mechanism that is likely dependent on phagolysosome fusion.
126            Long considered a resident of the phagolysosome, H. capsulatum may also reside in a modifi
127 , explorations of the oxidation chemistry of phagolysosomes have been hampered by the organelle's ina
128 lity to block phagosomal maturation into the phagolysosome in infected macrophages.
129                             Acidification of phagolysosomes in alveolar macrophages isolated from mic
130                 Leakage of silica-containing phagolysosomes in both cell types was transient, and aft
131                             Acidification of phagolysosomes in J774A.1 macrophages (pH approximately
132                             The pH of mature phagolysosomes in macrophages was measured by fluorescen
133 ogenous caveolin-1 was recruited to maturing phagolysosomes in RPE cells in culture.
134 scopy in relation to microtubules and melano-phagolysosomes in vitro.
135 lt pathway of phagosomal maturation into the phagolysosome includes temporally organized cyclical wav
136 anisms have been reported to escape from the phagolysosome into the cytosol, we hypothesized that thi
137        The transformation of phagosomes into phagolysosomes involves gradual acquisition of markers f
138                 Because the formation of the phagolysosome is a critical event in phagocytosis, the e
139 m to prevent acidification of the macrophage phagolysosome is thought to be critical for intracellula
140  demonstrate that B. burgdorferi confined to phagolysosomes is a potent inducer of cytosolic signals
141  parasite cells to survive inside macrophage phagolysosomes is associated with 20- to 50-fold reducti
142 control, which is normally trafficked into a phagolysosome, is rescued by the parental strain.
143 e dispensable for initial PV maturation to a phagolysosome-like compartment but are involved in vacuo
144 ype IV secretion system (T4SS) to generate a phagolysosome-like parasitophorous vacuole (PV) in which
145 plicates in alveolar macrophages in a unique phagolysosome-like parasitophorous vacuole (PV) required
146 en Coxiella burnetii directs biogenesis of a phagolysosome-like parasitophorous vacuole (PV), in whic
147 es exclusively in an acidified (pH 4.5 to 5) phagolysosome-like parasitophorous vacuole.
148 arly, the organism prospers in an acidified, phagolysosome-like vacuole.
149 endolysosomal vesicles, the PV is considered phagolysosome-like.
150  D-Mtb but not R-Mtb colocalizes with mature phagolysosome marker LAMP-1 and with vacuolar proton ATP
151                                      Whereas phagolysosome maturation and peptide:MHC-II complex asse
152            In contrast, PLD localized to the phagolysosome membrane after ingestion of nonopsonized z
153 ol of CD1 molecules remains available on the phagolysosome membrane that is able to acquire lipid ant
154 he intensity of LAMP-1 immunofluorescence in phagolysosome membranes in calcium-buffered vs. control
155                            Sheep erythrocyte phagolysosomes merged together and degraded their conten
156 partmentalization of Shigella species to the phagolysosome might be a protective response of the host
157                                  Once inside phagolysosomes, MMP12 adheres to bacterial cell walls wh
158 tions are thought to exist within macrophage phagolysosomes, no direct evidence for lipid A modificat
159  can grow only in acidic niches, such as the phagolysosome of AMs, and not in neutral or alkaline env
160 lly interacting with host glycolipids in the phagolysosome of host cells.
161   Our observations support the view that the phagolysosome of human neutrophils uses the myeloperoxid
162 e this environment is similar to that in the phagolysosome of J774.16 macrophage-like cells, our find
163 st intracellular environment, such as in the phagolysosome of macrophages, which is characteristicall
164 ogen that survives and replicates within the phagolysosome of macrophages.
165 hages, wild-type Shigella was trapped in the phagolysosome of PMN as visualized by electron microscop
166 its several strategies to survive within the phagolysosome of vertebrate macrophages and be transmitt
167 , which are encountered by the fungus in the phagolysosomes of activated macrophages, through a Pma1-
168  a poorly defined developmental cycle within phagolysosomes of eukaryotic host cells.
169 ust survive the harsh environment within the phagolysosomes of host macrophages.
170 ts parasitic counterpart, a yeast, colonizes phagolysosomes of mammalian macrophages.
171 rement of the free chloride level within the phagolysosomes of neutrophils and other phagocytic cell
172 ion of unprocessed outer segments within the phagolysosomes of RPE cells and the presence of inflamma
173  the establishment of their infection in the phagolysosomes of these cells.
174 ffect of chloroquine, which raises the pH of phagolysosomes, on the anticryptococcal activity of mono
175 ll, where it replicates in a modified acidic phagolysosome or parasitophorous vacuole (PV).
176 es of Chlamydia to inhibit the biogenesis of phagolysosomes permits their survival and replication wi
177  IFN-gamma, failed to trigger expression and phagolysosome recruitment of TCIRG1, as well as to promo
178                                              Phagolysosomes remained accessible to fluid-phase probes
179  their contents quickly, poly-e-caprolactone phagolysosomes showed intermediate levels of interaction
180                          Thus, in the acidic phagolysosome, superoxide may be able to penetrate and a
181 degradation of the vaccine strain within the phagolysosome, target antigens are released into the cyt
182  NOX2, ROS was detected in silica-containing phagolysosomes that leaked.
183            Instead of being destroyed in the phagolysosome, the bacterium escapes the phagosome and r
184 out the chemical reactions that occur in the phagolysosome, the cellular compartment that kills patho
185 model phagosomes, which normally mature into phagolysosomes, the existence of cyclical waves of phosp
186              Mature autophagosomes and basal phagolysosomes, the terminal degradative compartments of
187 discovered that bacteria survive and grow in phagolysosomes, though growth is slower.
188 rate the resulting acidic environment of the phagolysosome to establish infection.
189 sosomal protease cathepsin L decreased in PS phagolysosomes to 23% by 4 h after phagocytosis, indicat
190 n, the neutrophil NADPH oxidase assembles on phagolysosomes to catalyze the transfer of electrons fro
191 mococci, which colocalized with bacteria and phagolysosomes to enhance bacterial killing.
192 lly acquire antigen and rapidly traffic from phagolysosomes to the plasma membrane as part of DC matu
193 al macrophages (HLA-DR+, CD11c+ CD11b+ CD1c- phagolysosome+) upon dermal fibroblast proliferation.
194 osphate-positive phagosomes that mature into phagolysosomes using a pathway similar to that of profes
195 lar internalization of pathogens into acidic phagolysosomes, we herein report "turn-on" fluorescence
196  fusion events with mycobacterium-containing phagolysosomes were clearly observed.
197 kedly reduced rate of protein degradation in phagolysosomes, when compared to rates measured for prot
198  only when phagocytosed and delivered to the phagolysosome, where it resists degradation.
199 ining phagosomes were rapidly processed into phagolysosomes, whether MA had been included or not; and
200   Phagosomes fuse with lysosomes to generate phagolysosomes, which play a key role in enzymatic diges
201 capsulatum, survives and proliferates within phagolysosomes, while the mycelial phase exists only as
202 tivity inside Leishmania-infected macrophage phagolysosomes with targeted delivery of an inhibitor of

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