


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 -killed Escherichia coli, demonstrating that phagosomal acidification affects endosomal receptor-medi
2 ic fibrosis lung disease involving defective phagosomal acidification and bacterial killing in alveol
3 d not affect POS internalization but reduced phagosomal acidification and delayed POS protein clearan
4 pharmacological block of p38 activity caused phagosomal acidification and enrichment of the late endo
5 luating bacterial intracellular survival and phagosomal acidification and maturation and by testing t
6                                TFEB promoted phagosomal acidification and protein degradation.
7 oxidase NOX2 in DCs, which in turn inhibited phagosomal acidification and reduced the degradation of
8                                  Critical to phagosomal acidification are various channels derived fr
9 summary, our results identify the control of phagosomal acidification as a novel function of Abl tyro
10                                              Phagosomal acidification began within 3 min of zymosan b
11                                Inhibition of phagosomal acidification blocks TLR9 accumulation on pha
12                     Importantly, blocking of phagosomal acidification by inhibiting vacuolar-type H(+
13                                              Phagosomal acidification facilitates the optimal functio
14 ng fluorescent probe that enabled imaging of phagosomal acidification in activated macrophages.
15 associated with accelerated phagocytosis and phagosomal acidification in DCs.
16             We also measured the kinetics of phagosomal acidification in J774A.1 and murine alveolar
17                                  The rate of phagosomal acidification in J774A.1 cells was not slowed
18                               Differences in phagosomal acidification indicated that in chicken lungs
19 d NALP3 activation, and inhibition of either phagosomal acidification or cathepsin B activity impaire
20                     Inhibition of macrophage phagosomal acidification resulted in a 30-fold reduction
21 phage viability and found that inhibitors of phagosomal acidification significantly impaired USA300 i
22                   In addition, inhibition of phagosomal acidification significantly improved iscl(-)
23 crophages to produce cytokines is due to the phagosomal acidification that disrupts endosomal ligand-
24              Thus, human Mphi do not require phagosomal acidification to kill and degrade Hc yeasts,
25                   In addition, inhibition of phagosomal acidification was detected with PIM-coated be
26  was regulated during DC maturation and that phagosomal acidification was impaired in DCs in which th
27 umulation of PtdIns4P is required for proper phagosomal acidification.
28 culosis has multiple mechanisms of resisting phagosomal acidification.
29 n be rescued bypharmacological inhibition of phagosomal acidification.
30 ly blocked by bafilomycin A, an inhibitor of phagosomal acidification.
31 target the host vacuolar ATPase to withstand phagosomal acidity, the MgtC protein acts on Salmonella'
32 e trafficking regulatory lipid essential for phagosomal acquisition of lysosomal characteristics.
33 e trafficking regulatory lipid essential for phagosomal acquisition of lysosomal constituents, is ret
34 oarabinomannan (ManLAM)] interfered with the phagosomal acquisition of the lysosomal cargo and syntax
35                   Thus, a v-ATPase-dependent phagosomal activation of Cat D was required for the gene
36 ession nor Ag uptake, but rather to impaired phagosomal Ag degradation.
37      While investigating the requirement for phagosomal alkalinization in the host defense against pu
38  phagosome, this permeabilization results in phagosomal and cytoplasmic mixing and allows extracellul
39 psin D-positive lysosomes, without mixing of phagosomal and lysosomal contents.
40  polyreactive Ig and complement in directing phagosomal antigen processing for cross-presentation.
41 g the host and bacterial factors that affect phagosomal antigen processing may help facilitate new st
42                           Interestingly, the phagosomal association of sortilin is critical for the d
43                                              Phagosomal autonomy could serve as a basis for the intra
44 fication of phagosomes and the processing of phagosomal bacterial nucleic acids and was required for
45 tments within the same cell is determined by phagosomal cargo and may affect the outcome of antigen p
46              Specific ligands present in the phagosomal cargo influence the rate of phagosome fusion
47 idence indicates that receptor engagement by phagosomal cargo, as well as inflammatory mediators and
48 Mtb specifically under conditions that mimic phagosomal cation concentrations, and further support a
49   We propose that CFTR transiently increases phagosomal chloride concentration after infection, poten
50 e, as it directly inhibits maturation of the phagosomal compartment in which the bacterium is taken u
51 thogen Listeria monocytogenes escapes from a phagosomal compartment into the cytosol by secreting the
52 lish and maintain long-term residence in the phagosomal compartment of host macrophages is critical t
53 osis, and then actively invade from within a phagosomal compartment to form a parasitophorous vacuole
54 re available for use by the brucellae in the phagosomal compartment.
55 nter during their prolonged residence in the phagosomal compartment.
56 form an activation-induced Rab7(+) endosomal/phagosomal compartment.
57 mice exhibit decreased copper transport into phagosomal compartments and a reduced ability to kill Sa
58 equired for mycobacterial retention in early phagosomal compartments and that an inadequate supply of
59 Cs to CD4(+) T cells in the endosomal versus phagosomal compartments of Ms versus DCs.
60 ns indicate that the composition of distinct phagosomal compartments within the same cell is determin
61 y using liposomal model membranes that mimic phagosomal compartments.
62 i to vesicles that partially overlapped with phagosomal compartments.
63  phagosome maturation and trafficked to late phagosomal compartments.
64 lysosome formation and that USA300 may sense phagosomal conditions and upregulate expression of a key
65  and maturation and by testing the impact of phagosomal conditions on bacterial viability.
66                       Macrophages sample the phagosomal content and orchestrate the innate immune res
67 tion', which leads to the degradation of the phagosomal content.
68 Ctr1) and ATP7A, a transporter implicated in phagosomal Cu compartmentalization, respectively.
69 l recruitment of YFP-tagged p67(phox) to the phagosomal cup, and, after phagosome internalization, a
70 tion of which migrated toward and within the phagosomal cup.
71 get particle, is transiently enriched in the phagosomal cup.
72  accumulated at extending pseudopodia and in phagosomal cups in trophozoites exposed to erythrocytes
73 nd actin rearrangements for engulfment; have phagosomal cysteine proteases active at low pH; and can
74  environment accidentally, for example, upon phagosomal damage, whereas pathogens routinely accessing
75 ies used by bacteria to resist antimicrobial phagosomal defenses and transiently pass through this co
76 by which the bacteria might evade macrophage phagosomal defenses are unclear.
77  is more sensitive to lysozyme, we show that phagosomal degradation and release of intracellular liga
78 The rapid cleavage of the microgels leads to phagosomal disruption through a colloid osmotic mechanis
79  are all dispersed among the bacteria, after phagosomal disruption, within both human macrophages and
80 mes and become acidified before the onset of phagosomal disruption.
81 particles confirmed a major role for GILT in phagosomal disulfide reduction in both resting and inter
82                                Assessment of phagosomal disulfide reduction upon internalization of I
83 s that the depletion of Mg(2+) observed upon phagosomal engulfment may act to trigger isoTb biosynthe
84 ism that triggers edaxadiene production upon phagosomal engulfment.
85 mably, isoTb production should be induced by phagosomal entry.
86 sis is its ability to escape the destructive phagosomal environment and inhibit the host cell respira
87 sured the shear modulus and viscosity of the phagosomal environment concurrently with the phagosomal
88 her intracellular pathogens that control the phagosomal environment use specialized protein export sy
89 riptome thus served as a bioprobe of the MTB phagosomal environment, showing it to be nitrosative, ox
90 ditions designed to simulate features of the phagosomal environment.
91 ze cytosolic and phagosomal pH, and regulate phagosomal enzymatic activities.
92                 Furthermore, activation of a phagosomal enzyme, inducible nitric oxide synthase, whic
93  (LLO) is a pore-forming toxin that mediates phagosomal escape and cell-to-cell spread of the intrace
94 tion significantly delayed but did not block phagosomal escape and cytosolic replication, indicating
95 ve and proliferate within phagocytes through phagosomal escape and cytosolic replication.
96 gh an intracellular life cycle that includes phagosomal escape and extensive proliferation within the
97 e production in the early FCP and restricted phagosomal escape and intracellular growth in an NADPH o
98 enicity island (FPI) mutant, is deficient in phagosomal escape and intracellular growth, whereas F. n
99 ied IgG enhanced phagocytosis but restricted phagosomal escape and intracellular proliferation.
100 ia through phagocytic pathways that restrict phagosomal escape and intracellular proliferation.
101 d macrophages by opsonization that inhibited phagosomal escape and resulted in phagolysosomal killing
102 ing phagosome (FCP) is important for optimal phagosomal escape and subsequent intracellular growth.
103 hagosomal maturation is required for optimal phagosomal escape and that the early FCP provides cues o
104 variety of acid phosphatases, whose roles in phagosomal escape and virulence have been documented yet
105 s than wild-type Schu S4 and were capable of phagosomal escape but exhibited reduced intracellular gr
106 were transcribed during the period of active phagosomal escape but that tlyA and pat1 were not.
107 st a role for tlyC and pld in the process of phagosomal escape by R. prowazekii.
108          Addition of biotin complemented the phagosomal escape defect of the FTN_0818 mutant, demonst
109 f endosomal acidification mimicked the early phagosomal escape defects caused by mutation of the FPI-
110                    The key role of biotin in phagosomal escape implies biotin may be a limiting facto
111                                              Phagosomal escape is a multistep process characterized b
112 The contribution of host factors to Listeria phagosomal escape is incompletely defined.
113  unaffected, suggesting that ESX-1-dependent phagosomal escape is not required for CD8(+) T-cell prim
114                 Recent studies indicate that phagosomal escape may have a major impact on the nature
115  that a bacterial metabolite is required for phagosomal escape of an intracellular pathogen, providin
116 rence, invasion, intracellular survival, and phagosomal escape of the bipC mutant.
117  acpA, acpB, and acpC deletions affected the phagosomal escape or cytosolic growth of Schu S4 in muri
118         The mechanism underlying rickettsial phagosomal escape remains unknown, although the genomic
119 analyses indicated that the period of active phagosomal escape was between 30 and 50 min postinfectio
120 include cellular uptake and internalization, phagosomal escape, and intracellular cargo concentration
121  this interlacing is essential to secretion, phagosomal escape, and intracellular replication.
122 malarial drug, inhibits Burkholderia growth, phagosomal escape, and subsequent MNGC formation.
123 orted to play important roles in Francisella phagosomal escape, inhibition of the respiratory burst,
124 e precisely regulated in order to facilitate phagosomal escape, intracellular growth, and cell-to-cel
125 VgrG and IglI are required for F. tularensis phagosomal escape, intramacrophage growth, inflammasome
126      These results reveal a crucial role for phagosomal escape, not for delivery of antigen to the cl
127 la-containing phagosome (FCP) and restricted phagosomal escape, while FcgammaR-dependent phagocytosis
128 ults on the timing and extent of Francisella phagosomal escape.
129 olipase D activity, has been associated with phagosomal escape.
130 ltaFTT1103 mutant bacteria were defective in phagosomal escape.
131  III secretion apparatus (T3SA) in mediating phagosomal escape.
132 brane protrusions, actin polymerization, and phagosomal escape.
133 regulated by bacterial genes associated with phagosomal escape.
134 asmic pathogens, including Shigella, mediate phagosomal escape.
135                           The phenomenon of "phagosomal extrusion" indicates the existence of a previ
136 dy was to assess the effect of GILT on major phagosomal functions with an emphasis on proteolytic eff
137 ii infects alveolar macrophages and promotes phagosomal fusion with autophagosomes and lysosomes, est
138                                              Phagosomal fusion with late endosomes and lysosomes enha
139 stinctive Zn sequestration strategy elevated phagosomal H(+) channel function and triggered reactive
140 e to killing, which suggests the presence of phagosomal immune evasion molecules.
141 D4(+) T cells maintained during a persistent phagosomal infection progressively deteriorates.
142  CD4(+) T cells maintained during persistent phagosomal infection.
143 s play a critical role in protection against phagosomal infections.
144                  Our data demonstrate that a phagosomal inflammatory response of microglia is leading
145                                            A phagosomal integrity assay and lysosome-associated membr
146                            Slc11a1 encodes a phagosomal ion transporter, Nramp1, that affects resista
147  viable filamentous L. pneumophila to escape phagosomal killing in a length-dependent manner.
148 o-BCFAs enhance bacterial resistance against phagosomal killing in macrophages.
149 Mg(2+) (0.43 mM), shifting Mtb to media with phagosomal levels (0.1 mM) led to a significant ( approx
150 s to phagosomes and the acidification of the phagosomal lumen.
151 se of infection in both humans and mice, how phagosomal M. tuberculosis Ags are processed and present
152 iquitin-mediated autophagy pathway access to phagosomal M. tuberculosis.
153                                This promoted phagosomal maturation (EEA-1/Lamp-3) and autophagy (LC3-
154 teract M. tuberculosis-induced inhibition of phagosomal maturation and promote host-induced autophagy
155  of M. tuberculosis correlates strongly with phagosomal maturation and that the inducible GFP express
156  and discovered WhiB3 as crucial mediator of phagosomal maturation arrest and acid resistance in M. t
157             Furthermore, we also performed a phagosomal maturation assay and observed that the activa
158           S. iniae does not alter neutrophil phagosomal maturation but instead is able to adapt to th
159 parable capacity for phagocytosis and normal phagosomal maturation compared to wild-type macrophages.
160 key aspects in phagocytic cup remodeling and phagosomal maturation could be influenced by target morp
161 YN-1 leads to common as well as differential phagosomal maturation defects.
162 inhibition of Rab7 acquisition and arrest of phagosomal maturation depends on Rab22a.
163 echanisms used by M. tuberculosis to inhibit phagosomal maturation differ from the mechanisms involve
164 he data are consistent with a model in which phagosomal maturation events associated with the acquisi
165 gnition and triggering of Th17 responses, to phagosomal maturation has not been defined.
166           Mycobacterium tuberculosis arrests phagosomal maturation in infected macrophage, and, apart
167 culosis, edaxadiene, whose ability to arrest phagosomal maturation in isolation presumably contribute
168 ies annually rests with its ability to block phagosomal maturation into the phagolysosome in infected
169      We conclude that the default pathway of phagosomal maturation into the phagolysosome includes te
170                   We show that this block in phagosomal maturation is in part due to WhiB3-dependent
171 gether, these results demonstrate that early phagosomal maturation is required for optimal phagosomal
172 rophages phagocytose Mucor yeast, subsequent phagosomal maturation occurs, indicating host cells resp
173 ation of invading microbes by macrophages is phagosomal maturation through heterotypic endosomal fusi
174  induces inflammatory cytokines and controls phagosomal maturation through spleen tyrosine kinase act
175 r active TRIF signaling events, thus linking phagosomal maturation to specific TLR signaling pathways
176     Importantly, in the absence of MUNC13-4, phagosomal maturation was impaired as observed by the de
177 MUNC13-4 in selective vesicular trafficking, phagosomal maturation, and intracellular bacterial killi
178 ort that under certain conditions, including phagosomal maturation, possible actin depolymerization,
179 oss of functional Lyst leads to dysregulated phagosomal maturation, resulting in a failure to form an
180                   In the process of blocking phagosomal maturation, the intracellular pathogen Mycoba
181 increase in EEA1 association and its role in phagosomal maturation, the pharmacological block of p38
182  status of M. tuberculosis and the degree of phagosomal maturation.
183 n in vitro, and contributes to inhibition of phagosomal maturation.
184 pression of innate immune genes and blocking phagosomal maturation.
185 populations relies on its ability to inhibit phagosomal maturation.
186 is product responsible for the inhibition of phagosomal maturation.
187 equire Dectin-1-dependent Syk activation for phagosomal maturation.
188 h many T4SS substrates being retained on the phagosomal membrane adjacent to the poles of the bacteri
189       Therefore, L. pneumophila disrupts the phagosomal membrane and becomes cytoplasmic at the last
190 ime after uptake, F. tularensis disrupts its phagosomal membrane and escapes into the cytoplasm.
191 " indicating that F. tularensis disrupts its phagosomal membrane by a mechanism that does not require
192 cated by the Dot/Icm complex across the host phagosomal membrane can also be transferred from one bac
193 while activation of the NADPH oxidase at the phagosomal membrane generates reactive oxygen species wi
194 gering of TLR9 recruitment to the macrophage phagosomal membrane is a conserved feature of fungi of d
195                           Penetration of the phagosomal membrane is initiated by the secreted haemoly
196 g and fusion of the virion envelope with the phagosomal membrane is likely facilitated by clustering
197 rastic spatial redistribution of TLR9 to the phagosomal membrane of A. fumigatus-containing phagosome
198                             It also promotes phagosomal membrane permeabilization, allowing dsDNA and
199 m tuberculosis, induce type I IFNs following phagosomal membrane perturbations.
200 of-function mutations in Nramp1 (SLC11A1), a phagosomal membrane protein that controls iron export fr
201 que E3 ubiquitin ligase family important for phagosomal membrane remodeling by L. pneumophila.
202 h LAMPs but without cathepsin D and that the phagosomal membrane subsequently becomes morphologically
203 re the sifA null mutant phenotype of loss of phagosomal membrane to sifA sseJ null double mutants, su
204                            By remodeling the phagosomal membrane, the type III secretion system encod
205 the reduced recruitment of the endosomal and phagosomal membrane-tethering molecule called early endo
206 gh the action of regulatory molecules on the phagosomal membrane.
207  of resting PMNs and was up-regulated to the phagosomal membrane.
208  and transiently in the actin-poor region of phagosomal membrane.
209  proceeds despite physical disruption of the phagosomal membrane.
210 ellularly to translocate proteins across the phagosomal membrane.
211 mporally organized cyclical waves of PI3P on phagosomal membranes and that this process is targeted f
212                  In many cases, these coated phagosomal membranes appeared to bud, vesiculate, and fr
213 iated reduction in cholesterol levels within phagosomal membranes counteract M. tuberculosis-induced
214   Endoplasmic reticulum (ER) contribution to phagosomal membranes is thought to provide antigen acces
215 e, SidC, was shown to translocate across the phagosomal membranes to the cytoplasmic face of the L. p
216 ith dysfunctional recruitment of retromer to phagosomal membranes, reduced retromer levels, and impai
217                      LLO mediates rupture of phagosomal membranes, thereby releasing bacteria into th
218 onfocal imaging and direct patch clamping of phagosomal membranes, we found that particle binding ind
219  the only kinase that produces PtdIns(3)P in phagosomal membranes.
220 CpG-containing compartments and A. fumigatus phagosomal membranes.
221 ed ratios of PI(3,4,5)P(3) to PI(3,4)P(2) on phagosomal membranes.
222 -3-phosphate (PI(3)P), which is generated in phagosomal membranes.
223 ase activity by altering oxidase assembly on phagosomal membranes.
224 ce P(1B)-ATPases appear key to overcome high phagosomal metal levels and are required for the assembl
225 hagosome biogenesis and in adaptation to the phagosomal microenvironment.
226 al phagocytes generate ROS primarily via the phagosomal NADPH oxidase machinery.
227 agocytic process directs M.tb to its initial phagosomal niche, thereby enhancing survival in human ma
228 itive phagosomes, concomitantly potentiating phagosomal NOX activity.
229  burnetii, and F. tularensis to assess their phagosomal nutrient supply before committing to reenter
230 phate, a regulator of both NOX2 function and phagosomal or endosomal fusion.
231 teria interfere with the dynamics of PI3P on phagosomal organelles by altering the timing and charact
232 monella in vitro, in part due to inefficient phagosomal oxidant production, when compared with WT BMM
233  of complement, antibody and lytic peptides, phagosomal pathogens pose a unique problem for the innat
234 ssential for macrophage host defense against phagosomal pathogens, including Mycobacterium tuberculos
235  we found that bafilomycin A did not prevent phagosomal permeabilization by F. tularensis LVS or viru
236                            Here we show that phagosomal permeabilization mediated by the bacterial ES
237 eactive oxygen species (ROS), which regulate phagosomal pH and processing of particulate antigens for
238 n, BDCA1(+) and BDCA3(+) DCs display similar phagosomal pH and similar production of reactive oxygen
239  neutrophils occurs by neutralization of the phagosomal pH by NADPH oxidase.
240 regulator Cl- channel (CFTR) participates in phagosomal pH control and has bacterial killing capacity
241                  Following phagocytosis, the phagosomal pH dropped rapidly to <6.5 in Ms but remained
242 capsulatum mutants that experience decreased phagosomal pH have not been identified.
243 ), we demonstrated that a modest decrease in phagosomal pH is sufficient to generate redox heterogene
244                  Here, the neutralization of phagosomal pH reduces protease activity, which preserves
245 a Tmem176b-dependent cation current controls phagosomal pH, a critical parameter in cross-presentatio
246  membrane potentials, optimize cytosolic and phagosomal pH, and regulate phagosomal enzymatic activit
247 egments (POS), proteolysis of POS rhodopsin, phagosomal pH, phagosome fusion with early and late endo
248 otropic agent LysoTracker as an indicator of phagosomal pH, we obtained evidence that in the absence
249 phagosomal environment concurrently with the phagosomal pH.
250 trating that this response is independent of phagosomal pH.
251 ells, and release DNA rapidly in response to phagosomal pH.
252       These results support a model in which phagosomal PI3K generates PI(3,4,5)P(3) necessary for la
253 (DAG) was not generated uniformly across the phagosomal population, varying in a manner that directly
254  requires MyD88, Syk, and PI3K signaling and phagosomal processing to activate IRF1 and IRF3/IRF7 and
255 hat NOX2 activity not only affects levels of phagosomal proteolysis as previously shown, but also the
256                                              Phagosomal proteolysis of AM was assessed with fluorogen
257               WASH is required for efficient phagosomal proteolysis, and proteomic analysis demonstra
258  Furthermore we observed a decrease in early phagosomal proteolytic efficiency in GILT-deficient macr
259 ps-34 completely abolishes the production of phagosomal PtdIns(3)P and disables phagosomes from recru
260         Remarkably, persistent appearance of phagosomal PtdIns(3)P, as a result of inactivating mtm-1
261  plays a novel and crucial role in producing phagosomal PtdIns(3)P.
262 idase response correlates with inhibition of phagosomal PtdIns3P accumulation and overlaps with the r
263 isappearance coincides with the emergence of phagosomal PtdIns3P.
264  phagosomes, little is known about how these phagosomal Rab proteins influence phagosome maturation.
265  cross-presentation requires Sec22b-mediated phagosomal recruitment of the peptide loading complex fr
266 monstrate that silica particles can generate phagosomal ROS independent of NOX activity, and we propo
267 and appeared in parallel with an increase in phagosomal ROS, as well as several hours later associate
268 ments of individual organelles indicate that phagosomal SHIP-1 enhances the early oxidative burst thr
269 ition of diverse ligands; in the case of Bb, phagosomal signaling involves a cooperative interaction
270              Atg23 localizes to the pre-auto-phagosomal structure but also to other cytosolic punctat
271 erial cell integrity: it associates with the phagosomal surface, promotes replication vacuole formati
272 efficient removal of Lys63 linkages from the phagosomal surface.
273 e found that these proteins were enriched on phagosomal surfaces through association with PtdIns(3)P
274              We propose that UNC-108 acts on phagosomal surfaces to promote phagosome maturation and
275 tiator, to strengthen DYN-1's association to phagosomal surfaces, and facilitates the maintenance of
276  transient enrichment of the RAB-5 GTPase to phagosomal surfaces, only the self-assembly mutation but
277 tates the maintenance of the RAB-7 GTPase on phagosomal surfaces.
278 es failure in recruiting the RAB-7 GTPase to phagosomal surfaces.
279 e and actin cytoskeleton and MyD88-dependent phagosomal TLR signaling, but not phagolysosome formatio
280                      The capacity to trigger phagosomal TLR9 recruitment was not affected by a loss o
281 tracellular locations and is mediated by the phagosomal trafficking molecule adaptor protein-3 (AP-3)
282 Our studies further elucidate the effects of phagosomal trafficking on tailoring immune responses in
283  the NADPH oxidase complex, facilitating its phagosomal trafficking to induce a burst of reactive oxy
284  which M.tb inhibits both the activation and phagosomal translocation of SK1 to block the localized C
285             To characterize the mechanism of phagosomal translocation, live cell confocal microscopy
286  results suggest that preventing centripetal phagosomal transport delays the onset of acidification.
287                      Suppression of the host phagosomal transport systems and the pathogen transporte
288 irst report of manipulation of intracellular phagosomal transport without interfering with the underl
289 ransporters, and the nine-member Francisella phagosomal transporter (Fpt) subfamily possesses homolog
290                                          The phagosomal transporter (Pht) family of the major facilit
291 or superfamily transporters, here named Pht (phagosomal transporter), that also is conserved in two o
292  ligands and TLR stimulation, the late-onset phagosomal tubules are not essential for delivery of pha
293                           Our data show that phagosomal tubules in DCs are functionally distinct from
294 oth LST-4 and SNX-1 promote the extension of phagosomal tubules to facilitate the docking and fusion
295 reveal that this IFN-beta induction requires phagosomal uptake and processing but bypasses the endoso
296                      Therefore, avoidance of phagosomal uptake or subsequent escape from the phagosom
297 s with binding, uptake, and formation of the phagosomal vacuole, whereas recruitment of both TLR2 and
298 acid pH and reduced survival in an acidified phagosomal vacuole.
299 o invade host cells and promptly escape from phagosomal vacuoles into the host cell cytosol, thereby
300 , and that PLD1 actively translocates to the phagosomal wall after particle ingestion.

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