


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  apparently binds retinaldehyde and mediates photic activation of G proteins.
2                                        After photic activation, photopigments must be reverted to the
3 t-lag paradigm consisting of 10 repeated 6-h photic advances occurring every 2 d, followed by 5-7 d o
4 s (SCN), can be synchronized to a variety of photic and non-photic environmental stimuli.
5 late leaflet (IGL) and known to mediate both photic and non-photic influences on the SCN.
6 toninergic transmission is implicated in the photic and non-photic regulation of circadian rhythms.
7 the serotonergic system in the modulation of photic and non-photic responses of the circadian pacemak
8                                              Photic and non-photic stimuli phase shift and entrain ci
9 dian period (tau) and reentrainment rates to photic and nonphotic (social) zeitgebers.
10 IGL), which is involved in transmitting both photic and nonphotic cues.
11  The intergeniculate leaflet (IGL) modulates photic and nonphotic entrainment of circadian rhythms in
12 ant role for G(i/o) signaling mediating both photic and nonphotic phase shifts of the circadian clock
13 riptome by primary inputs to the clock (both photic and noradrenergic).
14 r combined approach of utilizing a temporal, photic and pharmacological microarray experiment allowed
15 chanism for the fine tuning responses to non-photic and photic stimuli.
16 these findings, an important question is how photic and rhythmic information are integrated and commu
17 previous work by ourselves and others on the photic and temporal regulation of c-Fos expression in th
18      The DN1 behavioral output is under both photic and thermal regulation.
19 in diverse sensory areas like the olfactory, photic, and acoustico-mechanosensory systems, perhaps in
20 as highly resistant to both visible-spectrum photic bleaching and chemical bleaching with hydroxylami
21 , Walmsley and colleagues show that multiple photic channels interact and enhance the capacity of the
22 ) and normal regeneration of rhodopsin under photic conditions involve the RPE retinal G protein-coup
23  and nonvisual photoreceptive tasks, such as photic control of skin pigmentation, pupillary aperture,
24        Importantly, this repression is under photic control, and GW182 activity level--which is limit
25 ythms to nonphotic social and photic cues or photic cues alone.
26 clock proteins that are acutely regulated by photic cues and suggest that some phosphosites on PER pr
27  reentrainment rates to nonphotic social and photic cues following a 6-h phase advance of the LD cycl
28 tic entrainment; (ii) reentrainment rates to photic cues following a 6-h phase advance of the light-d
29 of circadian rhythms to nonphotic social and photic cues or photic cues alone.
30  reentrainment to either nonphotic social or photic cues.
31  and its associated behaviors provides a non-photic drive on the circadian pacemaker that acts both i
32 cycle and/or associated behaviors have a non-photic effect on the circadian pacemaker.
33 within the suprachiasmatic nucleus, modulate photic effects on activity in males point to novel mecha
34 d humans have confirmed the existence of non-photic effects that also contribute to phase shifting an
35    Thus, time-specific fear can act as a non-photic entraining stimulus for the circadian system, and
36 chiasmatic nucleus but is important for both photic entrainment and determination of the free-running
37                    The time of appearance of photic entrainment by the silkmoth embryo coincides with
38                        miR-132 is induced by photic entrainment cues via a MAPK/CREB-dependent mechan
39                              To characterize photic entrainment further, histamine and corazonin were
40  and caffeine-induced arousal potentiate the photic entrainment in a diurnal rodent.
41 suprachiasmatic nuclei and/or slows down the photic entrainment in nocturnal animals.
42  of this light response matched those of the photic entrainment mechanism, suggesting that these gang
43 ght-induced MAPK/ERK activity in the SCN and photic entrainment of behavioral rhythms.
44 N), which are directly retinorecipient, gate photic entrainment of cellular circadian oscillators and
45 erful tools for predicting and understanding photic entrainment of circadian mutant mice.
46 ote tissue plasticity, has been reported for photic entrainment of circadian rhythmicity in vivo.
47 testinal peptide (VIP) are implicated in the photic entrainment of circadian rhythms in the suprachia
48 age- and nonimage-forming activities such as photic entrainment of circadian rhythms, pupillary light
49 or flight navigation but is not required for photic entrainment of circadian rhythms.
50  gene c-fos in the SCN, which is involved in photic entrainment of circadian rhythms.
51 se-specific manner constitutes the basis for photic entrainment of circadian rhythms.
52                                         When photic entrainment of developing rhythmicity was examine
53                                              Photic entrainment of insect circadian rhythms can occur
54 e VPAC(2)R can influence the rhythmicity and photic entrainment of the circadian clock.
55      We investigated molecular substrates of photic entrainment of the clock in the SCN by stably ent
56                                              Photic entrainment of the Drosophila clock is mediated b
57 ulation of MAPK/ERK signaling in the SCN and photic entrainment of the SCN clock.
58                    Retinal afferents mediate photic entrainment of the SCN, whereas the serotonergic
59 molecular rhythm is closely connected to the photic entrainment pathway.
60 cadian story in mammals: the genetics of the photic entrainment pathway; the molecular components of
61                                         Such photic entrainment requires neither rods nor cones, the
62                         To characterize this photic entrainment we examined frq expression in constan
63    Thus, the IGL modulates two parameters of photic entrainment, but is not necessary for reentrainme
64    This system appears to subserve circadian photic entrainment, the pupillary light response, and a
65 investigate the roles of the Period genes in photic entrainment, we constructed phase response curves
66 histaminergic compound eyes are required for photic entrainment.
67 of phase and period modulations in circadian photic entrainment.
68 in the SCN tissue to produce rhythmicity and photic entrainment.
69 nt which responds to light and thus mediates photic entrainment.
70 al electrolytic IGL lesions (IGL(X)) on: (i) photic entrainment; (ii) reentrainment rates to photic c
71 e advance of the light-dark (LD) cycle; (ii) photic entrainment; (iii) tau of free-running activity r
72 ht exposure but rely upon assessments of the photic environment made over several hours.
73 nchronization of the circadian system to the photic environment.
74  synchronized to a variety of photic and non-photic environmental stimuli.
75  light intensity changes in vastly different photic environments, in part, because postreceptoral neu
76 closely related species exposed to different photic environments.
77  visual pigments that are adapted to diverse photic environments.
78                          The effect of prior photic history on these processes, however, is not well
79 d normal visual acuity and had no history of photic-induced seizures or photoparoxysmal electroenceph
80                                          The photic induction and circadian rhythm of vgf expression
81                              Analysis of the photic induction of c-Fos immunoreactivity (-ir) within
82 as not altered in the dKO mice, although the photic induction of c-Fos was attenuated.
83 aced on a vitamin A-free diet and tested for photic induction of gene expression in the suprachiasmat
84                                              Photic induction of vgf expression does not occur in the
85                                              Photic induction of vgf in the SCN occurs only at circad
86 GL) and known to mediate both photic and non-photic influences on the SCN.
87 e entrained to the daily light:dark cycle by photic information arriving from the retina to the supra
88 alamic suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN) receives photic information directly via the retinohypothalamic t
89 ed photoreceptive system exists that conveys photic information for accessory visual functions such a
90 idence now indicates that all ipRGCs receive photic information from rods/cones via synaptic signalin
91 early in the signaling cascade through which photic information is conveyed to the circadian clock.
92 cells are the primary conduits through which photic information is relayed to non-image-forming visua
93 elanogaster, recent experiments suggest that photic information is transduced to the clock through th
94                                              Photic information is transmitted via the retinohypothal
95                    Although it is clear that photic information must be relayed from directly retinor
96 ed seasonal timing may be driven directly by photic information received at a limited time of year sp
97    The study of how the retina processes the photic information required for the entrainment of the c
98 involved in the retinal pathway transmitting photic information that resets the circadian clock.
99 ecialized, with respect to the conveyance of photic information to the brain.
100  that glutamate is the primary transducer of photic information to the circadian clock in the suprach
101 nction such as the relaying of photic or non-photic information to the clock mechanism, or the synchr
102 am of the glutamatergic synapses that convey photic information to the SCN.
103 rs is a critical step in the transmission of photic information to the SCN.
104 nsmitter responsible for the transduction of photic information to the SCN.
105 o suggest that ipRGC subtypes signal diverse photic information to various non-image-forming visual c
106                   Whereas glutamate mediates photic information, nonphotic information can in some ca
107 nctional at early stages and is regulated by photic information.
108  reflex, seasonal adaptations in physiology, photic inhibition of nocturnal melatonin release, and mo
109  retinal pigment epithelium cell death after photic injury are unknown.
110 evealed that the dimerization of Arr1 due to photic injury was distinct from association with its phy
111 ht for 18 hours and euthanized 4 hours after photic injury.
112 h two subdivisions, a ventral core receiving photic input and a dorsal shell receiving non-photic inp
113  systems together seem to provide all of the photic input for these accessory visual functions.
114 MAPK pathway activation in the SCN uncouples photic input from clock entrainment, as assessed by loco
115 tic nerve Bolwig's nerve, possibly receiving photic input from the larval eyes.
116 r entrainment to light-dark cycles and after photic input is eliminated by entraining flies to temper
117 f the SCN's subregional organization to both photic input processing and rhythmic output control.
118 econd messenger signaling events that couple photic input to clock entrainment have yet to be well ch
119 at there is an additional, clock-independent photic input to sleep.
120 at there is an additional, clock-independent photic input to sleep.
121 gest a cellular basis for temporal gating of photic input to the circadian clock.
122 hythms and support a role for GABA in gating photic input to the circadian clock.
123 s controlled by both the circadian clock and photic input to the clock and that expression of PSA in
124          The response of the mutant mouse to photic input was analyzed at both behavioral and molecul
125 essential for the circadian clock to receive photic input, it contributes significantly to the magnit
126                Similarly, areas that receive photic input, such as the retina, the intergeniculate le
127 hronized with the solar day by environmental photic input.
128 hotic input and a dorsal shell receiving non-photic input.
129 onal connections were undisturbed, including photic inputs.
130  subjective day, no prolonged 'dead zone' of photic insensitivity was apparent.
131  findings cast light on the phenomenology of photic integration and suggest a dichotomous retinohypot
132 e coding properties, our data establish that photic integration is primarily mediated at the level of
133  is currently unclear, however, whether this photic integration occurs at the level of individual cel
134  brief, intense light stimuli without normal photic integration.
135 , factor B, factor H, and MAC in the area of photic lesions.
136 nnel activation is sufficient to cause a non-photic-like phase advance of PER2::LUC rhythms on a Per2
137 expression of PSA in the SCN is critical for photic-like phase shifts of the clock.
138 -containing retinorecipient cells and causes photic-like phase shifts when applied directly to the SC
139 eceptor does not mediate the NPY blockade of photic-like phase shifts.
140  for melanopsin, which may confer a form of "photic memory" to human cognitive brain function.
141 ms of activity and rest that is resistant to photic noise.
142 ferences in function such as the relaying of photic or non-photic information to the clock mechanism,
143 e show that PACAP can reset the clock in the photic pattern during the subjective night when applied
144 rcadian pacemaker is normally insensitive to photic perturbation.
145                                      Daytime photic phase advances are mediated by a novel signaling
146 To investigate this possibility, we compared photic phase delays and Fos-like immunoreactivity in mic
147 /kg) completely blocked the effect of CHA on photic phase delays.
148 se shifts and modulates the magnitude of the photic phase response in the mouse.
149 o mediate non-photic phase shifts, attenuate photic phase shifts and activate GIRKs.
150 that 5-HT at or near the SCN in mice reduces photic phase shifts and modulates the magnitude of the p
151 opioid agonists are capable of producing non-photic phase shifts in hamster activity rhythms, and tha
152 ptide Y (NPY), which is known to mediate non-photic phase shifts, attenuate photic phase shifts and a
153 y is not essential for the effects of NPY on photic phase shifts.
154 relay or integration point for communicating photic phase-resetting information to the rhythmic cells
155                        The model simulated a photic phase-response curve resembling experimental curv
156 eus is believed to mediate some types of non-photic phase-shifting stimuli.
157  of multifocal technology including unwanted photic phenomena and deterioration in contrast sensitivi
158                                              Photic phenomena associated with intraocular lenses can
159                                      Adverse photic phenomena were assessed using the Halo v1.0 progr
160 nsitivity, and a lack of significant adverse photic phenomena.
161 R +3.0 or Tecnis Multifocal lenses and fewer photic phenomenon than the Tecnis Multifocal lens.
162 nation within the SCN that correspond to the photic/raphe, limbic/hypothalamic, and thalamic inputs.
163 neural source of observed sex differences in photic reentrainment in degus, and highlight interspecie
164          Thus, the olfactory bulbs influence photic reentrainment of circadian rhythms and modestly a
165 gated the effects of BX in male degus on (i) photic reentrainment rates of circadian rhythms followin
166                     BX significantly delayed photic reentrainment rates.
167 -facilitated reentrainment, but do not alter photic reentrainment, entrained measures, or tau in cons
168 s adapt to various seasonal, temperature and photic regimes according to targeted hosts and the diver
169  cry0 individuals can resynchronize to novel photic regimes, an as-yet undetermined light-input route
170 t is sufficient to confer both circadian and photic regulation in vivo and reveals a potential posttr
171 ent study, we investigated the circadian and photic regulation of adenosine 3',5'-monophosphate (cAMP
172 smission is implicated in the photic and non-photic regulation of circadian rhythms.
173 activation of 5-HT(1B) receptors also alters photic regulation of nocturnal pineal melatonin producti
174 brates have been shown to be photosensitive, photic regulation of pineal function in adult mammals is
175                     We found that the direct photic regulation of sleep in mice is predominantly medi
176                     We found that the direct photic regulation of sleep in mice is predominantly medi
177 on of pineal melatonin synthesis, and direct photic regulation of sleep.
178  neuromodulator which may participate in the photic regulation of the circadian timing system in mamm
179 d behavioral rhythms that showed deficits in photic resetting and drove cyclic expression of the cloc
180             We dissected the early events in photic resetting by determining the mechanisms underlyin
181 phase response curve and a loss of gating to photic resetting during the day.
182                                         This photic resetting involves cAMP response element binding
183 F(1) receptors for their ability to modulate photic resetting of pacemaker time (phase).
184 nd wavelength of light are known to modulate photic resetting of the circadian system and acute suppr
185                                              Photic resetting of the SCN pacemaker involves induction
186 esult from a requirement for PKA activity in photic resetting pathways, the timekeeping mechanism its
187                                          The photic resetting response of the human circadian pacemak
188 ecipient zone, from where it may communicate photic resetting signals within the SCN network.
189 amate signaling remains necessary for a full photic response in the SCN even after the termination of
190 of Ncap conformational changes in gating the photic response of N. crassa and indicate that LOV-LOV h
191 tochemistry fine-tune various aspects of the photic response.
192 ng rhythms, providing a genetic link between photic responses and circadian clock function.
193  pathway, but its precise role in generating photic responses has not yet been determined.
194 l visual photoreceptor systems for nonvisual photic responses in mammals.
195 rents originating from the midbrain modulate photic responses in the SCN; however, the serotonin (5HT
196 c system in the modulation of photic and non-photic responses of the circadian pacemaker.
197  by interacting with NK1 receptors, modulate photic responses of the SCN pacemaker.
198                   We studied the morphology, photic responses, and synaptic connections of ON-OFF ama
199 ys a key role in the regulation of nonvisual photic responses, such as behavioral responses to light,
200 ry constriction, and other non-image-forming photic responses.
201  to play a role in mediating these nonvisual photic responses.
202 ontributes significantly to the magnitude of photic responses.
203 of mediating the inhibitory effect of NPY on photic responses.
204  light reflex, and other non-imaging-forming photic responses.
205 t mice suggests that some sex differences in photic responsiveness are independent of gonadal hormone
206 ession increased, indicating the presence of photic responsiveness.
207 re synchronized to prior feeding, and not to photic schedules.
208                          Dexras1 affects the photic sensitivity by repressing or activating time-of-d
209                                              Photic sensitivity in P8 rpe65(-/-) and lrat(-/-) ipRGCs
210 e lacking cryptochromes have lower nonvisual photic sensitivity than retinal degenerate mice, suggest
211 graphic recordings revealed a marked loss in photic sensitivity.
212 retino-thalamo-cortical pathway that carries photic signal from the retina to thalamic trigeminovascu
213 s of the signaling pathways that convert the photic signal to clock entrainment remain to be decipher
214 d photoreceptors are likely to contribute to photic signal transduction to the clock.
215 in the SCN even after the termination of the photic signal, but that this dependency ends once GRP-de
216                     We hypothesized that the photic signaling pathway in the SCN was dependent on glu
217 ar reduction/oxidation (redox) state and the photic signaling pathways implicated in circadian contro
218 that the DN1(p)s lie at the nexus of PDF and photic signaling to produce appropriate daily behavior.
219 ntrained to the external light/dark cycle by photic signaling to the suprachiasmatic nuclei via the r
220         These mice demonstrated fully intact photic signaling to the suprachiasmatic nucleus as measu
221 mechanism to limit transmission of nocturnal photic signals by ipRGCs to the brain.
222  identification of the pathway through which photic signals converge on the nociceptive pathway that
223 g an oscillation in pacemaker sensitivity to photic signals conveyed by the retinohypothalamic tract.
224  is an abnormal EEG reaction to intermittent photic stimulation (IPS), consisting of spikes, spike-wa
225 ulate leaflet cells that express c-Fos after photic stimulation appear to represent a functionally-de
226 ssion tomography to measure perfusion during photic stimulation at four different rates.
227                 These findings indicate that photic stimulation can lead to a suppression or down-reg
228                At phases near the PER2 peak, photic stimulation causes little phase shift but enhance
229          Since the intensity and duration of photic stimulation determine the magnitude of these cone
230                      In contrast with CRTC1, photic stimulation did not affect the subcellular locali
231 tained images of the mouse brain response to photic stimulation during a period between deep anesthes
232                Recent work has revealed that photic stimulation during the night triggers rapid activ
233                            Here we show that photic stimulation during the subjective night stimulate
234                                 Furthermore, photic stimulation during the subjective night, but not
235 imary visual cortex in response to binocular photic stimulation in 16 healthy, young subjects (eight
236 e the regulation of REM sleep in response to photic stimulation in albino rats.
237 evoked by striatal forskolin infusion and by photic stimulation in HD animals.
238 nal neuroimaging, which included fMRI during photic stimulation through closed eyelids, to measure fu
239                       Phase delays following photic stimulation were reduced in the old mice at all l
240 l cortex during times of high energy demand (photic stimulation).
241 oretinographically determined sensitivity to photic stimulation, and the rhodopsin levels in the reti
242 re responsive to late-night than early-night photic stimulation, indicating that MSK1 may differentia
243                            In the absence of photic stimulation, transient disruption of MAPK signali
244 K1 were colocalized in SCN cell nuclei after photic stimulation.
245 f postsynaptic responsiveness to 5-HT and by photic stimulation.
246 ors and bipolar cells, both in dark and with photic stimulation.
247 f the visual cells to respond to incremental photic stimuli and enables them to function under ambien
248 eres and provided comparison after binocular photic stimuli between the contralateral and the ipsilat
249 ls indicate that integration of hormonal and photic stimuli in the central regulation of endocrine me
250             A reduction in responsiveness to photic stimuli in the circadian timing system has been h
251 be shifted by the application of certain non-photic stimuli late in the subjective day.
252 nds in accordance with the energy content of photic stimuli longer than a few seconds.
253    These results indicate that nonphotic and photic stimuli may interact at a level at or beyond NMDA
254                                              Photic stimuli perturbed the timing of the PER protein a
255                               Photic and non-photic stimuli phase shift and entrain circadian rhythms
256  hamster's phase-response curve (PRC) to non-photic stimuli, such as NPY and wheel pulses, is charact
257 the regulation of the circadian clock by non-photic stimuli, such as the benzodiazepine triazolam (TR
258 that mediating the effects of longer, dimmer photic stimuli.
259 proteins within the opsin superfamily detect photic stimuli.
260  the fine tuning responses to non-photic and photic stimuli.
261 xact effect of the sleep-wake cycle as a non-photic stimulus for the human circadian pacemaker.
262                            Although light (a photic stimulus) has been shown to be the primary synchr
263 otransmission even after the completion of a photic stimulus.
264                                              Photic stress may impair the movement and positioning of
265 adian oscillator, pupillary light responses, photic suppression of arylalkylamine-N-acetyltransferase
266 th undesired visual acuity in the absence of photic symptoms.
267 ectal nucleus (OPN), thereby contributing to photic synchronization of circadian rhythms and the pupi
268 e retinal ganglion cells are involved in the photic synchronization of circadian rhythms to the day-n
269 c nucleus (SCN), is exquisitely sensitive to photic timing cues, but the key molecular events that sc
270 creases the expression of c-fos, a marker of photic transduction.
271 se they can be made arrhythmic by a one-time photic treatment that severely impairs spatial and recog
272                                       In the photic visual cycle, retinal G protein-coupled receptor
273 etinol and may play an important role in the photic visual cycle.
274       The authors tested the hypothesis that photic visual stimuli cause a greater blood flow activat
275 ed clusters of samples broadly delineated by photic zone and revealed that geographic region, depth,
276  findings is that diel cycles in the ocean's photic zone appear to be universal organizing principles
277 ght period, with a subsurface maximum in the photic zone as long as light penetration matched require
278       About 10% of the euryarchaeotes in the photic zone contained the proteorhodopsin gene adjacent
279 t of the Tara Oceans project, we studied the photic zone interactome using environmental factors and
280 tial/temporal separation between two states: photic zone NO(3)(-) with denitrification in lower anoxi
281  important process for such chemicals in the photic zone of receiving waters.
282 nd Eukarya reside and compete in the ocean's photic zone under the pervasive influence of light.
283 wn to be globally distributed in the ocean's photic zone, and they are found in a diverse array of Ba
284 of the existence in the lake of an anaerobic photic zone, have been isolated and identified.
285 e continuous reef structures, but beyond the photic zone, the cold-water coral Lophelia pertusa also
286 of a sharp genomic transition zone below the photic zone, where bacterial and archaeal genomes and pr
287 etention, but constrain its dispersal to the photic zone.
288 heir proteorhodopsins were found only in the photic zone.
289 ally observed in the aphotic relative to the photic zone.
290 ce waters, and euxinic conditions within the photic zone.
291 ly mixed area off East Anglia was within the photic zone.
292 n N(2)-fixers dominate the production in the photic zone.
293  is contradicted by their habitats below the photic zone.
294 SLV genotypes were associated primarily with photic-zone and nonhydrothermal samples; however, YSLV5
295 local bottom-water anoxia extending into the photic-zone impacted the slope belt of the basin.
296 aryotic diversity from 334 size-fractionated photic-zone plankton communities collected across tropic
297 ccurrence in vent samples similar to that in photic-zone samples and with a higher GC content that su
298                                    Among 259 photic-zone samples from transects and time-series, Ostr
299 phs, the process need not be confined to the photic zones of marine environments and, as such, may ha
300 hat exchange continuously with surface water photic zones.

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