


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 of phase and period modulations in circadian photic entrainment.
2 in the SCN tissue to produce rhythmicity and photic entrainment.
3 histaminergic compound eyes are required for photic entrainment.
4 nt which responds to light and thus mediates photic entrainment.
5 chiasmatic nucleus but is important for both photic entrainment and determination of the free-running
6    Thus, the IGL modulates two parameters of photic entrainment, but is not necessary for reentrainme
7                    The time of appearance of photic entrainment by the silkmoth embryo coincides with
8                        miR-132 is induced by photic entrainment cues via a MAPK/CREB-dependent mechan
9                              To characterize photic entrainment further, histamine and corazonin were
10 al electrolytic IGL lesions (IGL(X)) on: (i) photic entrainment; (ii) reentrainment rates to photic c
11 e advance of the light-dark (LD) cycle; (ii) photic entrainment; (iii) tau of free-running activity r
12  and caffeine-induced arousal potentiate the photic entrainment in a diurnal rodent.
13 suprachiasmatic nuclei and/or slows down the photic entrainment in nocturnal animals.
14  of this light response matched those of the photic entrainment mechanism, suggesting that these gang
15 ght-induced MAPK/ERK activity in the SCN and photic entrainment of behavioral rhythms.
16 N), which are directly retinorecipient, gate photic entrainment of cellular circadian oscillators and
17 erful tools for predicting and understanding photic entrainment of circadian mutant mice.
18 ote tissue plasticity, has been reported for photic entrainment of circadian rhythmicity in vivo.
19 testinal peptide (VIP) are implicated in the photic entrainment of circadian rhythms in the suprachia
20 age- and nonimage-forming activities such as photic entrainment of circadian rhythms, pupillary light
21  gene c-fos in the SCN, which is involved in photic entrainment of circadian rhythms.
22 se-specific manner constitutes the basis for photic entrainment of circadian rhythms.
23 or flight navigation but is not required for photic entrainment of circadian rhythms.
24                                         When photic entrainment of developing rhythmicity was examine
25                                              Photic entrainment of insect circadian rhythms can occur
26 e VPAC(2)R can influence the rhythmicity and photic entrainment of the circadian clock.
27      We investigated molecular substrates of photic entrainment of the clock in the SCN by stably ent
28                                              Photic entrainment of the Drosophila clock is mediated b
29 ulation of MAPK/ERK signaling in the SCN and photic entrainment of the SCN clock.
30                    Retinal afferents mediate photic entrainment of the SCN, whereas the serotonergic
31 molecular rhythm is closely connected to the photic entrainment pathway.
32 cadian story in mammals: the genetics of the photic entrainment pathway; the molecular components of
33                                         Such photic entrainment requires neither rods nor cones, the
34    This system appears to subserve circadian photic entrainment, the pupillary light response, and a
35                         To characterize this photic entrainment we examined frq expression in constan
36 investigate the roles of the Period genes in photic entrainment, we constructed phase response curves

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