


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ins whose structure can be modulated via Z/E photoisomerization.
2 lly, unlike in all other taxa, which rely on photoisomerization.
3 artially unstacked conformations amenable to photoisomerization.
4 um yield by predetermining the trajectory of photoisomerization.
5 force along its C6,C6' axis is accessible by photoisomerization.
6 c exchange processes: hydrazone exchange and photoisomerization.
7  species upon excitation and encourage their photoisomerization.
8 p to 13 A in the backbone upon trans --> cis photoisomerization.
9 n to the exo cyclobutene 39, and 11 resisted photoisomerization.
10 her residue can support comparably efficient photoisomerization.
11 ns-bpod ligand bound to the Zn(II) cation by photoisomerization.
12 on to constrain the motion of retinal during photoisomerization.
13 entify the principal molecular motion during photoisomerization.
14 e stilbene diether linkers undergo efficient photoisomerization.
15 ctivation of this intermediate caused by its photoisomerization.
16 ged phenolic oxygen of pCA after chromophore photoisomerization.
17  nm (acid blue bR) and decreases the rate of photoisomerization.
18 pening and may best explain results on enyne photoisomerization.
19 operty is their resistance to fatigue during photoisomerization.
20 rom a tetraplatinum precursor and subsequent photoisomerization.
21  triazabutadiene that is rendered basic upon photoisomerization.
22  energy transfer (ET) pathways through BPMTC photoisomerization.
23 rature solid state (2)H NMR before and after photoisomerization.
24 nciding with the low quantum yield cis-trans photoisomerization.
25  as an intermediate in the isoxazole-oxazole photoisomerization.
26                           As a result of the photoisomerization, a new hydrogen-bonded contact become
27 ly with 11-cis-retinal that was generated by photoisomerization after irradiation of RGR.
28 ur data support a toggle model whereby bilin photoisomerization alters GAF/PHY domain interactions th
29                       Alternatively, C15 Z-E photoisomerization, although expected to lead to a small
30 don-excited rhodopsin, a productive directed photoisomerization and a nonproductive decay returning t
31 N,C-chelate BMes(2) compounds do, undergoing photoisomerization and converting to an intensely colore
32 three different functions (light-harvesting, photoisomerization and coordination of metal ions) which
33                                              Photoisomerization and deprotection completed the synthe
34  the azo group, exhibits minimal trans-->cis photoisomerization and extremely rapid cis-->trans therm
35 [3.1.0]hexyl)valerophenone, 24, also undergo photoisomerization and fail to undergo the Norrish Type
36 nic trans chromophoric forms, mutations tune photoisomerization and ground state tautomerizations to
37 l complex, Ru(II)(bpy)3, greatly accelerates photoisomerization and influences the photostationary st
38 odel our data, and the analysis reveals that photoisomerization and photodissociation of the metal-NO
39 alculate the energy profiles for chromophore photoisomerization and proton transfer, and to calculate
40 obenzene linker that undergoes subnanosecond photoisomerization and reisomerizes on a time scale of m
41                         The quantum yield of photoisomerization and the activation barrier of thermal
42 ising spiropyran, which undergoes reversible photoisomerization, and PEGylated lipid enables repetiti
43 d in relation to the position of the D-ring, photoisomerization, and photochromicity in the phytochro
44 ss, which follows ultrafast (9 ps) trans-cis photoisomerization, and so does not involve excited-stat
45 stilbene diether linkers and their trans-cis photoisomerization are totally quenched in hairpins poss
46 s of the fluorescent protein Dronpa involves photoisomerization as well as protein side-chain rearran
47 ble changes in helical twisting power during photoisomerization as well as very high helical twisting
48 fr) transition commences with a rapid Z-to-E photoisomerization at the C(15)=C(16) methine bridge of
49                                         PSAA photoisomerization at the GluN1 clamshell hinge is suffi
50                                              Photoisomerization back to the trans-state with blue lig
51 -lives from 20 to 21000 s, while maintaining photoisomerization behaviors with visible light.
52 harvesting product via intersystem crossing; photoisomerizations; bond-breaking; and electron, proton
53 ure was improved, and, for a given number of photoisomerizations, bright-flash responses rose more gr
54 otecting groups does not alter the cis-trans photoisomerization but greatly decreases the selectivity
55 energy can complement photon energy to drive photoisomerization, but it also triggers spontaneous pig
56  the visual chromophore 11-cis-retinal after photoisomerization by a bleaching light, a pathway refer
57 is photoisomerized to 13-cis, i.e., the same photoisomerization causes the opposite conformational ch
58 egion from the nearby reactive region of the photoisomerization coordinate.
59  mutants that have a reduced rate of retinal photoisomerization (D85N, D212N, and R82Q) was found to
60 ution around the retinal, which controls its photoisomerization dynamics.
61  The large structural changes that accompany photoisomerization effectively passivate segments of the
62 erties of the chromophore, which affects the photoisomerization efficiency and the thermal isomerizat
63 ld gain insight into the coupling of primary photoisomerization events ("cause") and secondary unfold
64 side chain proved to be essential to primary photoisomerization for both classes of phytochromes, but
65          Diazo band integration reveals that photoisomerization from diazirine to diazo occurs within
66 adiation of the acylhydrazones that leads to photoisomerization from E-(1)A(1)C to Z-(1)A(1)C configu
67 tion by UV light (<400 nm), OMCA undergoes a photoisomerization from its trans to its cis form, which
68 y carotenoid geometrical motifs generated by photoisomerization from the all-trans geometry.
69 20% with fluorescence quenching occurring by photoisomerization from the E to Z isomers.
70 rations in mammalian epidermis and undergoes photoisomerization from the naturally occurring trans-is
71                      On the other hand, when photoisomerization from the straight all-trans,15-anti c
72 zobenzene we find that the quantum yield for photoisomerization from trans to cis form is decreased 3
73 ll four C(70)O oxidoannulene isomers undergo photoisomerization, giving eventually the a,b- and c,c-C
74          Early measurements showed that this photoisomerization has a reaction quantum yield phi of a
75                         The quantum yield of photoisomerization in acid purple bR was estimated to be
76 le, which is discussed in light of C(15) Z/E photoisomerization in addition to changes near C(5), whi
77 ed to probe the chemical dynamics of retinal photoisomerization in bacteriorhodopsin are discussed, a
78 re found to exhibit unprecedented reversible photoisomerization in both organic-solvent and liquid-cr
79 endence from 260-340 nm for trans to cis-UCA photoisomerization in human skin was analyzed in five he
80 ls has been demonstrated, the use of dynamic photoisomerization in mesostructured soft solids involvi
81 ng that entails initial storage of energy of photoisomerization in SRII's hydrogen bond between Tyr-1
82                     Chromophore trans to cis photoisomerization in the acid-denatured state strongly
83 ng skin molecule that undergoes trans to cis photoisomerization in the epidermis following UVR exposu
84 f motion as the reason for the absence of Sd photoisomerization in the hairpins.
85 arge change in helical twisting power due to photoisomerization in three commercially available, stru
86 uantum yields and mechanism of its ultrafast photoisomerization in visual pigments.
87                    We found that the rate of photoisomerization increases when the pH decreases from
88 vealed that two factors contributed to these photoisomerization-induced changes in quantum yields: in
89 ponent of the electroretinogram arising from photoisomerization-induced charge displacements in plasm
90 s of fully planar GFP chromophores, in which photoisomerization-induced deactivation is suppressed an
91 ive site; (ii) alteration of this network by photoisomerization-induced Schiff base deprotonation and
92  the Schiff base counterion Asp-97; and (ii) photoisomerization-induced transfer of the Schiff base p
93 the wild-type protein is caused primarily by photoisomerization-induced transfer of the Schiff base p
94 lymers have limited our understanding of how photoisomerization induces deformation as a function of
95 l spectra of bacteriorhodopsin's key J and K photoisomerization intermediates.
96 ochemical machinery transforms the rhodopsin photoisomerization into electrical signal.
97 ctroscopic approach to show that barrierless photoisomerization is an intrinsic property of 11-cis RP
98                                          The photoisomerization is best explained by a single rotatio
99           In some of the mutants the rate of photoisomerization is changed, but in none is the quantu
100 ate the large volume change during cis-trans photoisomerization is discussed.
101 he perturbation of PYP following chromophore photoisomerization is proposed.
102                                   Spiro-mero photoisomerization is reversible, allowing the fluoresce
103                                         Upon photoisomerization, major structural rearrangements that
104  The calculated potential energy surface for photoisomerization matches key, experimentally determine
105 have also been carried out to understand the photoisomerization mechanism at the molecular level.
106 t and second-generation DASAs share a common photoisomerization mechanism in chlorinated solvents wit
107 onale for the mechanochemical effect on this photoisomerization mechanism is also proposed.
108         Herein we have characterized the E/Z photoisomerization mechanisms of the visible-light-trigg
109  changes to the K intermediate where retinal photoisomerization occurs, and a subnanosecond component
110  fundamental processes governing vision: the photoisomerization of 11-cis-retinal to all-trans-retina
111       The visual process is initiated by the photoisomerization of 11-cis-retinal to all-trans-retina
112                                              Photoisomerization of 11-cis-retinal to all-trans-retina
113                                              Photoisomerization of 11-cis-retinal to all-trans-retina
114        In photoreceptor cells of the retina, photoisomerization of 11-cis-retinal to all-trans-retina
115 he absorption of light by rhodopsin leads to photoisomerization of 11-cis-retinal to its all-trans is
116                The initial step is often the photoisomerization of a conjugated chromophore.
117  P(r) and far-red-absorbing P(fr) states via photoisomerization of a covalently-bound linear tetrapyr
118                                    Ultrafast photoisomerization of a double bond in a biliverdin cofa
119                                              Photoisomerization of a protein bound chromophore is the
120              The dark isomers b generated by photoisomerization of a undergo a rare thermal intramole
121 loride anions on the dynamics of the retinal photoisomerization of acid bR (pH 2 and 0) and some muta
122 l to 11-cis-retinol by cRDH enhanced the net photoisomerization of all-trans-retinal bound to RGR.
123 thdraw a ligand from its binding site due to photoisomerization of an azobenzene linker.
124                                   During the photoisomerization of azobenzene by visible light, the i
125     We studied the ultrafast dynamics of the photoisomerization of azobenzene moieties embedded in a
126 ed this by taking advantage of the cis-trans photoisomerization of azobenzene molecules.
127 d UCNP effectively triggers the trans-to-cis photoisomerization of azobenzene, thus leading to the re
128                                          The photoisomerization of azobenzenes provides a general mea
129                                              Photoisomerization of biliverdin (BV) chromophore trigge
130 es a sequential reaction path in which a Z-E photoisomerization of C2-C3 is followed by a rotation ar
131    From the perspective of chiral induction, photoisomerization of cis-2,3-diphenyl-1-benzoylcyclopro
132 general mechanistic questions concerning the photoisomerization of diazirine into diazo compound and
133                                              Photoisomerization of double bonds is employed as a mech
134 n by irradiation of the system, which causes photoisomerization of E-(1)A(1)C into Z-(1)A(1)C with am
135 rafast transient absorption data showing the photoisomerization of gas-phase CHBr3.
136 rotein-coupled receptor that is activated by photoisomerization of its 11-cis-retinal chromophore.
137 t generates 11-cis-retinal by stereospecific photoisomerization of its bound all-trans-retinal chromo
138  yellow protein (PYP) following trans-to-cis photoisomerization of its p-coumaric acid (pCA) chromoph
139 ike photochemistry based on the trans to cis photoisomerization of its p-coumaric acid chromophore.
140                                              Photoisomerization of Limulus rhodopsin leads to phospho
141 n reactant and product reveals the cis-trans photoisomerization of merocyanine isomers.
142                    This mechanism allows the photoisomerization of molecular switches to stimulate ra
143 o regenerate opsin pigments in light through photoisomerization of N-ret-PE (N-retinylidene-phosphati
144 iazirine was captured as intermediate in the photoisomerization of nitrile imines into carbodiimides.
145                                   Upon E-->Z photoisomerization of oAzoBox(4+) the guest is expelled
146        In vertebrate retinal photoreceptors, photoisomerization of opsin-bound visual chromophore 11-
147  confirmed localized structural changes upon photoisomerization of rCRALBP-bound 11-cis-retinal and d
148 of the receptor and the lipids is altered by photoisomerization of retinal and involves curvature str
149             The primary all-trans --> 13-cis photoisomerization of retinal in bacteriorhodopsin has b
150 he primary events in the all-trans to 13-cis photoisomerization of retinal in bacteriorhodopsin have
151                                          The photoisomerization of retinal in bacteriorhodopsin is fa
152                                          The photoisomerization of retinal is extremely fast, highly
153 activation brought about through a cis-trans photoisomerization of retinal.
154 ed conformational switch that is released by photoisomerization of retinal.
155        Phototransduction is initiated by the photoisomerization of rhodopsin (Rho) chromophore 11-cis
156                                              Photoisomerization of ring D is reflected by strong sign
157                   We used the CNT-sensitized photoisomerization of sorbic acid ((2E,4E)-hexa-2,4-dien
158 hodopsin activation occurs when light causes photoisomerization of the 11-cis chromophore to its all-
159 he simulations yield a working model for how photoisomerization of the 11-cis retinylidene chromophor
160                                 Light causes photoisomerization of the 11-cis-retinylidene chromophor
161 rase (CRTISO), in addition to light-mediated photoisomerization of the 15-cis-double bond; bacteria e
162  We propose a model photocycle in which Z/ E photoisomerization of the 15/16 bond modulates formation
163                     The stereospecificity of photoisomerization of the all-trans-retinal chromophore
164                                              Photoisomerization of the all-trans-retinal of bacterior
165                   Volume-demanding cis-trans photoisomerization of the aromatic substituted alkenes 1
166 sure to base and acid vapors, as well as the photoisomerization of the azobenzene end groups, occur i
167 e observations are attributed to a trans-cis photoisomerization of the azobenzene fragment on UV irra
168                               The reversible photoisomerization of the azobenzene moiety destroys or
169                        Upon the trans-to-cis photoisomerization of the azobenzene unit under UV light
170 mponent can be recovered by the cis-to-trans photoisomerization of the azobenzene unit under visible
171                               During E --> Z photoisomerization of the azobenzenes, the complexity of
172 on mechanism of light perception: reversible photoisomerization of the bilin 15,16 double bond.
173                    Light absorption triggers photoisomerization of the bilin between the 15Z and 15E
174 eveal complex structural alterations whereby photoisomerization of the bilin drives nanometer-scale m
175                Mutant studies show that upon photoisomerization of the chromophore at 80 K one of the
176 anges in the secondary structure in PYP upon photoisomerization of the chromophore can be described b
177 f the M intermediate of ppR and, presumably, photoisomerization of the chromophore during the M --> M
178 ation is resolved in bathorhodopsin, because photoisomerization of the chromophore places Glu-181 wel
179            Absorption of a photon results in photoisomerization of the chromophore to all-trans-retin
180 us a "bent" binding pocket is formed without photoisomerization of the chromophore.
181                                         Upon photoisomerization of the covalently bound retinal chrom
182                                              Photoisomerization of the covalently bound retinal trigg
183              The work takes advantage of the photoisomerization of the cyanostilbene moiety from the
184 or=300 nm) irradiation of the triad leads to photoisomerization of the DHP moiety to the cyclophanedi
185 ted down either of two different pathways by photoisomerization of the dihydroindolizine.
186                                              Photoisomerization of the dithienylethene bridge affects
187 luorescence after protein synthesis, complex photoisomerization of the GFP chromophore and poor expre
188 he variation of its oxidation potential upon photoisomerization of the neighboring AB bridge.
189 icient singlet-state adiabatic cis --> trans photoisomerization of the phenylstilbene chromophore.
190                             Nonetheless, the photoisomerization of the photochrome becomes significan
191                                       Z-to-E photoisomerization of the Pr Cph1Delta2 phytochrome has
192                                     Specific photoisomerization of the protein-bound retinylidene PSB
193                                          The photoisomerization of the retinal chromophore and the fo
194 n by channelrhodopsin-2 (ChR2) relies on the photoisomerization of the retinal chromophore and the su
195 rimary visual event, the 11-cis to all-trans photoisomerization of the retinal chromophore in rhodops
196 n translocation in halobacteria is driven by photoisomerization of the retinal chromophore within the
197 (turnover time of ca. 50 ms), which includes photoisomerization of the retinal from the all-trans to
198  related to the differences in the cis-trans photoisomerization of the retinal in the two proteins.
199 inal and the Asp-96/Thr-46 pair, either from photoisomerization of the retinal in the wild-type prote
200                                              Photoisomerization of the retinal of bacteriorhodopsin i
201 ultrafast, and efficient 11-cis to all-trans photoisomerization of the retinal protonated Schiff base
202 ng the degree of achievable control over the photoisomerization of the retinal protonated Schiff-base
203                                        After photoisomerization of the retinal the pKa's change so as
204  pKa of the protonated Schiff base caused by photoisomerization of the retinal.
205 ward light perception is 11-cis to all-trans photoisomerization of the retinaldehyde chromophore in a
206  strikes retinal photoreceptor cells causing photoisomerization of the rhodopsin chromophore 11-cis-r
207 hotostability, partially attributable to the photoisomerization of the vinylene functionality.
208 at involve all-trans-retinal, the product of photoisomerization of the visual chromophore 11-cis-reti
209                                 The rates of photoisomerization of these complexes, [((Z)-1,2-bis(bip
210                             The trans to cis photoisomerization of this chromophore activates a photo
211 y a dual pH-photochemical stimulus involving photoisomerization of trans-6 to cis-6 at pH 5.8.
212 n the initial photoexcitation and subsequent photoisomerization of trans-CA.
213                                          The photoisomerization of trans-p-coumaric acid (trans-CA) t
214                           Vision begins with photoisomerization of visual pigments.
215 ere 1 does not react) which induce selective photoisomerizations of 4 and 6.
216 wable pericyclic reactions indicate that the photoisomerizations of retinals in rhodopsins can be for
217 first report of styrylflavylium cations with photoisomerization on the styryl moiety.
218 erization: the protein arrests inhomogeneous photoisomerization paths and funnels them into a single
219 t quantum chemical calculations on cis-trans photoisomerization paths of neutral, anionic, and zwitte
220                         We conclude that the photoisomerization pathways in proteorhodopsin to 13-cis
221 tion in pupil area occurs at approximately 1 photoisomerization per rod per sec.
222 value corresponds to only approximately 0.01 photoisomerization per rod per second, whereas 80% reduc
223    For a background that produced 4.76 log10 photoisomerizations per rod per second (Rh*/rod/s), mean
224  especially light-triggered DDSs, relying on photoisomerization, photo-cross-linking/un-cross-linking
225 t irradiation of A2E was associated with A2E photoisomerization, photooxidation, and photodegradation
226                     Among such processes are photoisomerization, photooxidation/photoreduction, break
227 AMP-2 was independently synthesized, and the photoisomerization predicted by calculations was confirm
228                           To circumvent that photoisomerization problem, we explored the use of nitro
229 Mechanistic aspects of this unusual two-step photoisomerization process have been examined by DFT com
230 mination of molecular groups involved in the photoisomerization process of photoreceptors.
231  found to catalyze the rate of their retinal photoisomerization process up to the value observed in w
232 in motion and unveils in complete detail the photoisomerization process.
233 the three regions as further evidence of the photoisomerization process.
234  earlier to account for the highly efficient photoisomerization process.
235 as found to catalyze the rate of the retinal photoisomerization process.
236  major role of UVA in the formation of these photoisomerization products of 64PPs.
237 nd spectroscopic assignment of the different photoisomerization products was achieved by additional i
238                        We exploit the E<-->Z photoisomerization properties of azobenzenes to alter th
239 nflict with the retinal C(1)(4) group during photoisomerization, proposed earlier to be essential for
240 ptors that couple absorbance of NIR light to photoisomerization, protein conformational changes, and
241                                              Photoisomerization provides a clean and efficient way of
242 y into specific rotary modes, thus achieving photoisomerization quantum efficiencies comparable to th
243 ults, the simulations reproduce the observed photoisomerization quantum yield and predict the time ne
244                                  The E --> Z photoisomerization quantum yield decreased markedly with
245 ial and regular increase in the trans-to-cis photoisomerization quantum yield in a counterintuitive w
246 sequence and hybridization dependence of the photoisomerization quantum yield of azobenzene attached
247  technique are used to determine the retinal photoisomerization rate, quantum yield, and the energy s
248 n the context of a three-state model for the photoisomerization reaction coordinate.
249                                          The photoisomerization reaction of these proteins has been s
250 , and support the hypothesis that the 200 fs photoisomerization reaction that initiates vision is dic
251 tions, which mimic glass preparation and the photoisomerization reaction, also indicate that glasses
252  to determine the structural dynamics of the photoisomerization reaction.
253 counts for all examples in the literature on photoisomerization reactions whether involving conformat
254 uced energy- or electron-transfer processes, photoisomerization reactions, or photoinduced proton tra
255 st of which rely on the photo-"uncaging" and photoisomerization reactions.
256                  These results show that pCA photoisomerization reduces residual structure in the ful
257                                              Photoisomerization requires triplet sensitization, and t
258                        The driving force for photoisomerization resides in the retinal, not in the su
259                                Additionally, photoisomerization results in complete decoloration for
260 le to activate as many as 12 transducins per photoisomerization, rhodopsin catalyzed significantly mo
261 T retinas to a background light producing 82 photoisomerizations rod(-1) sec(-1), suggesting that G90
262 n of 70 trolands, corresponding to about 600 photoisomerizations s-1 per rod.
263  that produced by a steady light causing 500 photoisomerizations s-1.
264  a steady light eliciting approximately 3800 photoisomerizations sec-1 per cone, a value significantl
265  component was halved by backgrounds of 8700 photoisomerizations sec-1 per cone.
266 d by backgrounds eliciting approximately 100 photoisomerizations sec-1 per rod; the cone component wa
267 iorhodopsin to efficiently relay the retinal photoisomerization signal to the SRII integral membrane
268                                         This photoisomerization switches on and off some emission ban
269 e free urea macrocycle undergoes a cis-trans photoisomerization that is followed by a [2+2] cycloaddi
270    Conjugated enynes undergo a singlet-state photoisomerization that transposes the methylene carbon.
271 c effect that largely suppresses the Z --> E photoisomerization (the tau torsion) reaction, which is
272 rmined the rate and quantum yield of retinal photoisomerization, the spectra of the primary transient
273 eristic kinetics and high selectivity of the photoisomerization: the protein arrests inhomogeneous ph
274 e the S(1) reactive state and to measure the photoisomerization time constant with unprecedented prec
275  side chains near the retinal induced by its photoisomerization to 13-cis,15-anti and an extensive re
276 UVR-absorbing skin molecule that undergoes a photoisomerization to its cis-isomer following UVR expos
277     This facile process apparently precludes photoisomerization to other interesting C5H6 isomers, in
278           Inspired by halorhodopsin's use of photoisomerization to regulate chloride, aryltriazole-ba
279 ed helical foldamer becomes less stable upon photoisomerization to the cis forms.
280                                              Photoisomerization to the cis-form triggers a fluidifica
281 actant, azoTAB, which undergoes a reversible photoisomerization upon exposure to the appropriate wave
282 azobenzene surfactant undergoes a reversible photoisomerization upon exposure to the appropriate wave
283 azobenzene surfactant undergoes a reversible photoisomerization upon exposure to the appropriate wave
284        The surfactant undergoes a reversible photoisomerization upon exposure to visible (trans isome
285 Azobenzene undergoes reversible cis<-->trans photoisomerization upon irradiation.
286 ting compound undergoes one-photon trans-cis photoisomerization via two different mechanisms: direct
287 al finding is that isomers A undergo further photoisomerization when irradiated at 350 nm, forming a
288 hat signalling is achieved through ultrafast photoisomerization where localized structural change in
289 ryotrapping techniques, we showed that after photoisomerization, which occurs with a lifetime of 3.6
290 azobenzene surfactant undergoes a reversible photoisomerization, with the visible-light (trans) form
291 ld be explained by a Poisson distribution of photoisomerizations within a pool of seven or more coupl
292 l of backbone substituents tunes the overall photoisomerization yield from 0 to 0.55 and the excited
293 e key factor influencing the Phi(CI) and the photoisomerization yield.

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