


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 multifunctional chemicals, many of which are photolabile.
2    We report the synthesis of a radioactive, photolabile 2'-O-methyloligoRNA probe, 2258-53/52(SAz)-4
3      We report the synthesis of radioactive, photolabile 2'-O-methyloligoRNAs, PHONTs 1 and 2, comple
4  adjacent 2'-hydroxyl group protected as the photolabile 2'-O-o-nitrobenzyl or 2'-O-alpha-methyl-o-ni
5                                          The photolabile 2-nitrobenzyl protecting group is most appro
6                                              Photolabile 3',5'-dimethoxybenzoin-based linkers are adv
7 esis of DNA strands in capillaries utilizing photolabile 3-nitrophenylpropyloxycarbonyl (NPPOC) chemi
8                      Here, we describe a new photolabile alanine derivative based on protection of al
9 rt the synthesis and characterization of new photolabile amine protecting groups that are active unde
10                                    The novel photolabile amino acid was incorporated into substance P
11  the cholecystokinin (CCK) receptor, using a photolabile analogue of CCK having a blocked amino termi
12  in their native membranes, we synthesized a photolabile analogue of D-aspartate, 4-methoxy-7-nitroin
13 tions of Ca(2+) decreased the binding of the photolabile analogues to the C-terminal phosphoinositide
14  The species, assigned to TiOOH (eta(2)), is photolabile and is very efficiently converted to a titan
15 lysis; byproducts were found to be even less photolabile and more toxic (via the Microtox test).
16 estrict the site of covalent attachment of a photolabile and radiolabeled derivative of substance P (
17 OS from sulfidic sediments is preferentially photolabile and solar irradiation can be a potential mec
18 spectrometry (FT-ICR-MS) identified both the photolabile and the photoproduced DON from both natural
19                       These effects were not photolabile and were present also when a 'blocking solut
20                                         Very photolabile "antivitamins B12" would also represent part
21 coenzyme B12 and methylcobalamin, are highly photolabile, as are other alkylcobalamins.
22 gment 6 of the receptor, using probes with a photolabile benzoyl-phenylalanine on each end.
23 ity labeling the secretin receptor through a photolabile benzoyl-phenylalanine residue in position 13
24 of cholecystokinin (CCK) that incorporates a photolabile benzoylphenylalanine (Bpa) moiety in the mid
25 with a CCK analogue probe incorporating dual photolabile benzoylphenylalanine (Bpa) residues as sites
26 ized a cholecystokinin (CCK) analogue with a photolabile benzoylphenylalanine (Bpa) sited in position
27  probes that simultaneously incorporated two photolabile benzoylphenylalanines as sites of covalent a
28 ogen bromide to demonstrate that both of the photolabile benzoylphenylalanines within a single probe
29 he laser-pulse photolysis technique, using a photolabile, biologically inert ligand (caged carbamoylc
30 ad its DNA binding activity inhibited with a photolabile blocking reagent.
31 h a releasable linker, either a disulfide or photolabile bond.
32  critical for function, we also positioned a photolabile Bpa as an amino-terminal extension, in posit
33 e also developed a new probe incorporating a photolabile Bpa at position 26 of secretin, closer to it
34 57BL/6 mouse beta-cells were loaded with the photolabile Ca(2+) chelator NP-EGTA, the UV flash photol
35 ore efficient, selective, and pH-insensitive photolabile Ca(2+) chelators.
36    Relaxation was initiated using diazo-2, a photolabile Ca2+ chelator that has low Ca2+ binding affi
37 n of either photostable labeling reagents or photolabile cage compounds.
38 stal structures of wild-type IDH soaked with photolabile caged isocitrate and Mg2+ and void of nicoti
39 ir cognate domains by the incorporation of a photolabile caging group onto the essential C-terminal c
40                                        A new photolabile caging group, 6-nitropiperonyloxymethyl (NPO
41                                              Photolabile caging groups, including the 1-(2-nitropheny
42                  New salicyl alcohol derived photolabile carbonyl protecting groups have been develop
43 e 1-isocyTPQA ligand positioned trans to the photolabile CH3CN ligand in 2, suggesting the presence o
44 ous sites on BFCAs yields novel bifunctional photolabile chelating agents (BFPCAs) that are useful fo
45                                          Two photolabile cholecystokinin analogues were developed and
46                 Herein we demonstrate that a photolabile, colored moiety could be incorporated in a c
47     Our approach, featuring the use of novel photolabile compounds targeting the membrane-spanning re
48      Brief exposure of cells loaded with the photolabile conjugates to UVA light released free substr
49                              Efforts to make photolabile coordination complexes of 14 and 21 with par
50     Stoppers were assembled by first binding photolabile coumarin-based molecules to the nanoparticle
51      The synthesis and characterization of a photolabile derivative of beta-alanine, caged beta-alani
52                      A biologically inactive photolabile derivative of isocitrate has been synthesize
53 e the synthesis and characterization of four photolabile derivatives of urea in which alpha-substitut
54 ase with two diazene analogues: diazirine, a photolabile diazene containing the azo (-N=N-) group in
55      Synthetic highlights of the study are a photolabile dimethoxynitrobenzyl-protected glutamic acid
56 creased the similarity due to the removal of photolabile DOS formulas not present in the ocean.
57                                          The photolabile effect of CO only upon afferent neural disch
58 hydroxy-2-nitrobenzhydryl (BHNB) groups in a photolabile ester bond were synthesized.
59 , high pCO (>300 Torr) causes Ca2+-dependent photolabile excitation of chemosensors in the carotid bo
60               We have identified a series of photolabile fluorescently quenched cassettes that displa
61 haracterized two high affinity, full-agonist photolabile GLP1 probes having sites for covalent attach
62 We developed two high-affinity, full agonist photolabile GLP1 probes having sites of covalent attachm
63                           Incorporation of a photolabile group on the amine precursor obviates the ne
64 d by Michael addition chemistry to install a photolabile group.
65                          In these cases, the photolabile groups have been typically depicted as modif
66                    Diazo-based precursors of photolabile groups have been used extensively for modify
67 dified at the carboxamide with o-nitrobenzyl photolabile groups is demonstrated as well as their pote
68  Herein, we refine and extend the concept of photolabile groups, synthesizing the first Ca(2+) -sensi
69 R8, a plant photoreceptor protein that forms photolabile homodimers, to engineer the first light-trig
70 tochemically inert but can be converted into photolabile hydroquinones by mild reduction in situ.
71                     A series of trityl-based photolabile hydroxyl protecting groups have been examine
72 e technique to kainate and AMPA receptors, a photolabile kainate precursor in which a caging group, t
73 eneration from oligonucleotides containing a photolabile ketone suggests that such issues could be ad
74  photolysis of oligonucleotides containing a photolabile ketone, and were characterized by gel electr
75                                          The photolabile latch is based on adducts of C-nucleophiles
76 dinate high-spin heme species was reversibly photolabile, leading to a pentacoordinate high-spin ferr
77 loxyazo compounds 8a,b, which are themselves photolabile, leading to both radical and ionic decomposi
78                                         This photolabile ligand bound specifically and with high affi
79                 Strong-base stability of the photolabile linker allowed on-column nucleobase and phos
80 , 112,000 over 2.67 h) functionalized with a photolabile linker and pepstatin A into picoliter-scale
81  a biotinylated reagent that contains both a photolabile linking group and a thiol specific capture a
82 d a series of five new probes, incorporating photolabile moieties into positions 2, 15, 20, 24, and 2
83                               Three separate photolabile moieties that can be distinguished based upo
84 entification of a site of attachment for the photolabile moiety of the antagonist probe deep within t
85                     On the right wavelength: Photolabile molecular units that undergo photocleavage u
86 e oxidoreductase (POR) forms an aggregate of photolabile NADPH-POR-protochlorophyllide (Pchlide) tern
87                                              Photolabile nighttime radical reservoirs, such as nitrou
88 id construct transfers the pH sensitivity of photolabile NIR cyanine dyes to highly emissive and long
89                            The cleavage of a photolabile nitroveratryloxycarbonyl protecting group, w
90  To apply the technique to NMDA1 receptors a photolabile NMDA precursor (beta-DNB NMDA) was synthesiz
91                                        Using photolabile NO and O(2) carriers, we recently found that
92  (4) are generated at specific sites using a photolabile nucleotide precursor.
93                                              Photolabile nucleotides that disrupt nucleic acid struct
94 us in the absence and presence of CO using a photolabile O(2)-carrier.
95                                  A series of photolabile o-nitrobenzyl derivatives of serotonin (cage
96 ge site of the Na(+)-specific DNAzyme with a photolabile o-nitrobenzyl group, we achieved controlled
97 rotransmitters have been developed using the photolabile o-nitrobenzyl group.
98    We report the synthesis of a radioactive, photolabile oligodeoxyribonucleotide probe and its explo
99    We report the synthesis of a radioactive, photolabile oligodeoxyribonucleotide probe and its explo
100 ite-specifically photolabeled by radioactive photolabile oligoDNA probes targeted toward the 530 loop
101 of the secretin receptor that incorporates a photolabile p-benzoyl-L-phenylalanine (Bpa) into the pos
102 nalogue of human motilin that incorporated a photolabile p-benzoyl-l-phenylalanine (Bpa) residue into
103 6,Tyr10]rat secretin-27) that incorporates a photolabile p-benzoyl-L-phenylalanine (Bpa) residue into
104 ing to determine spatial approximations with photolabile p-benzoyl-l-phenylalanine (Bpa) residues sit
105               The first probe incorporated a photolabile p-benzoyl-l-phenylalanine into the position
106 o human calcitonin analogues incorporating a photolabile p-benzoyl-l-phenylalanine residue in the mid
107 robe incorporated the same fluorophore and a photolabile p-benzoylphenylalanine at the amino terminus
108 ithiane-based approach to synthesis of novel photolabile phospholipids is developed.
109                                              Photolabile phosphotriester derivatives of cyclic AMP an
110          Here, we show that PIF1 and related photolabile PIFs (but not photostable PIF7) promote the
111                  Phytochrome A (phyA) is the photolabile plant light receptor that mediates broad spe
112   We describe a detailed procedure to create photolabile, polyethylene glycol (PEG)-based hydrogels a
113  The synthesis and characterization of a new photolabile precursor of glycine (caged glycine) is desc
114  The synthesis and characterization of a new photolabile precursor of glycine (coumarin-caged glycine
115 tered within milliseconds by photolysis of a photolabile precursor.
116 lesion released from single diastereomers of photolabile precursors by 1H NMR indicates that isomeriz
117 choline, or of gamma-aminobutyric acid, from photolabile precursors did not have this effect.
118 control experiments, photolytic release from photolabile precursors of carbamoylcholine, a stable and
119 intermediates is based on the irradiation of photolabile precursors.
120 eurotransmitters via photolysis of inactive, photolabile precursors.
121 a coli by flash photorelease of leucine from photolabile precursors.
122 h constraint now obtained with a position 16 photolabile probe was inconsistent with this model.
123      In this work, we design and implement a photolabile probe, which upon irradiation strengthens th
124 contact points derived from incorporation of photolabile probes (p-benzoylphenylalanine (Bpa)) into S
125 eveloped, characterized, and applied two new photolabile probes for this receptor, with sites for cov
126 o high-affinity, full-agonist, secretin-like photolabile probes having sites for covalent attachment
127                     We have prepared two new photolabile probes incorporating a p-benzoyl-l-phenylala
128 binding, using a novel series of fluorescent photolabile probes, receptor proteolysis, and rapid high
129                               We report on a photolabile protecting (caging) group that is new for ca
130  The synthesis and characterization of a new photolabile protecting group (caging group) for carboxyl
131 hylaminobenzyl (DEABn) group as an effective photolabile protecting group (PPG).
132                       The synthesis of a new photolabile protecting group for carboxylic acids, alpha
133 he development and characterization of a new photolabile protecting group for the carboxyl group of n
134 patible photoinduced electron transfer based photolabile protecting group has been developed for the
135                                          The photolabile protecting group increases the chemical stab
136                                              Photolabile protecting groups (or "photocages") enable p
137           A group of robust and easy-to-make photolabile protecting groups (PPGs) for carbonyl compou
138 stituents on the photochemical properties of photolabile protecting groups (PPGs) has been studied.
139                                   The use of photolabile protecting groups is a versatile and well-es
140 phthalenes that can be used to develop novel photolabile protecting groups.
141 ns suggests that these esters can be used as photolabile protecting groups.
142                     We also incorporated the photolabile radical precursors into dinucleoside monopho
143 ve TM1 (the first transmembrane domain) by a photolabile residue at the carboxyl terminus of CCK.
144                We reported previously that a photolabile residue within the carboxyl-terminal half (r
145             Here, we developed probes having photolabile residues at the amino terminus of secretin t
146         Like probes incorporating individual photolabile residues in these positions,1,2 the two Bpa
147 iously used a series of probes incorporating photolabile residues into positions 6, 12, 13, 14, 18, 2
148  to establish spatial approximations between photolabile residues within a ligand and its receptor.
149 ase preparation of the 3',5'-dialkoxybenzoin photolabile safety-catch linker 16 is described.
150            This second generation of benzoin photolabile safety-catch linkers provides greater contro
151 ops, we developed another probe that has its photolabile site of labeling within the amino-terminal h
152                            Intermediate 3 is photolabile, so, in lieu of a Raman spectrum, IR was use
153 and 3'-hydroxyl groups were obtained using a photolabile solid-phase synthesis support (2) and a comm
154 c acids or 3'-alkylamines were obtained from photolabile solid-phase synthesis supports (1 and 4).
155  making a diverse set of mass-differentiated photolabile tags readily available for combinatorial enc
156 tional photorelease of externally sensitized photolabile tags.
157                       Analogues containing a photolabile tether have also been prepared as a compleme
158 position as DOS molecular formulas were more photolabile than those without sulfur.
159 ll-studied subfamily of CBCRs proceeds via a photolabile thioether linkage to a second cysteine fully
160 ccurs from triplet excited-state (3)PS* to a photolabile triplet state of Mn2(CO)10, which, like unde
161 All of these phytoestrogens were found to be photolabile under certain conditions.
162 addition is not clear, the formation of more photolabile weakly complexed Fe(III)SRFA is most consist

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