


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ls in pharmaceutics, tissue engineering, and photonics.
2 f electronics and the critical dimensions of photonics.
3 lt from advancements in soft and bioinspired photonics.
4 ing biosensing, chiral catalysis, and chiral photonics.
5 ent frequency mixing integrated with silicon photonics.
6 its overcoming the diffraction limitation of photonics.
7 tral element of an all-optical calculator, a photonic abacus, which provides multistate compute-and-s
8  bilayer nanodiscs and a multiplexed silicon photonic analysis technology enables high-throughput pro
9 f the flexoelectric effect in fast switching photonic and electro-optic devices.
10                                          The photonic and electronic devices are integrated on a stan
11 phores is essential for developing molecular photonic and electronic materials.
12 oundation for understanding the link between photonic and electronic performance of 2D semiconducting
13             In this work, we deconvolute the photonic and electronic response of synthetic monolayer
14 cles consisting of a linear superposition of photonic and excitonic states, offering potential for no
15 oom temperature, which is essential for many photonic and optoelectronic applications.
16 aces will play an important role in emerging photonic and optoelectronic technologies, and understand
17 rs great potential for developing integrated photonic and plasmonic devices.Exciton energy transfer i
18 ce, along with many of its recently proposed photonic and polaritonic analogues.
19 werful technique for fundamental research in photonics and across physical and life sciences.
20  been widely utilized in extreme ultraviolet photonics and attosecond pulse metrology.
21 of recent developments in the fields of soft photonics and biologically inspired optics, emphasizes t
22 mponents that can be integrated with silicon photonics and complementary metal-oxide-semiconductors (
23 he way for device applications in integrated photonics and information processing using spin-dependen
24       Our results enable new applications in photonics and information technology, and may enable exp
25  a metamaterial approach towards topological photonics and offer a deeper understanding of topologica
26 films or substrates are ubiquitously used in photonics and optoelectronics, with glass and plastics a
27 or black phosphorus applications in infrared photonics and optoelectronics.
28 r high performance GaN-based optoelectronic, photonic, and quantum photonic devices.
29 terials (SBMs) are widely used in catalysis, photonics, and drug delivery.
30 with both superconducting qubits and silicon photonics, and its noise performance is close to the qua
31 ising absorbers and emitters to enable novel photonic applications and devices but are also known to
32             Furthermore, advanced reflective photonic applications are achieved based on the patterne
33 as an outstanding material for plasmonic and photonic applications due to its charge-density tunabili
34 tructures are found to be very promising for photonic applications due to their exciton-plasmon inter
35 nic crystals are very attractive for various photonic applications including terahertz (THz) wave gen
36  suffice for the larger particles needed for photonic applications, whose size must be comparable to
37 ablished with a manifold of opportunities in photonic applications.
38 ch limits substrate choice and thus possible photonic applications.
39 nce and of great interest for electronic and photonic applications.
40 ations of active soft matter for optical and photonic applications.
41 , and imaging, and may prove useful in other photonic applications.
42 s will be useful both in traditional silicon photonics applications and in high-sensitivity acousto-o
43 tion techniques have attracted interest as a photonic approach for the selective inactivation of viru
44 Here, we introduce a novel, highly scalable, photonic approach to multiplex analysis with single viru
45 s or fluids-collectively referred to as soft photonics-are poised to form the platform for tunable op
46  strong lateral confinement is achieved by a photonic band-edge mode, which is leading to a strong li
47                               Using coplanar photonic bandgap resonators, we drive Rabi oscillations
48                 We demonstrate that complete photonic bandgap structures possess substantial LSU and
49 ingle crystals exhibit extraordinarily sharp photonic bandgaps with high reflectivity, long-range per
50 rning with bio-sensing techniques, including photonic-based detection systems like Surface Plasmon Re
51                                 We present a photonic-based post-process, particularly suited for the
52                                              Photonic-based qubits and integrated photonic circuits h
53                             Highly promising photonics-based chemical sensing opened up by the new gu
54                                  The current photonics-based study could be vital in evaluating the f
55                      Direct laser writing of photonic boxes into active layers of biologically produc
56 ypes of resonant and wave-guiding systems in photonics, cavity quantum electrodynamics and optomechan
57                                   Integrated photonics changes the scaling laws of information and co
58 rization of a strong light to open/block the photonic channel.
59 er-scale integration of 2D materials on CMOS photonic chip utilising methods of synthetic chemistry a
60                    Here we use an integrated photonic chip with a circuit-based approach to simulate
61 d combining two-photon hyperentanglement and photonic-chip technology.
62 mathematical isomorphism between the silicon photonic circuit and a continuous neural network model i
63 s alloys for III-nitride based waveguide and photonic circuit design applications.
64                                            A photonic circuit is generally described as a structure i
65 es are difficult to prepare in an integrated photonic circuit.
66  demonstrated by using mid-Infrared (mid-IR) photonic circuits consisting of amorphous silicon (a-Si)
67         Photonic-based qubits and integrated photonic circuits have enabled demonstrations of quantum
68 ion-encoded protocols in large-scale quantum photonic circuits.
69 ing link' in source-integrated near infrared photonic circuits.
70 inistic protocol to generate two-dimensional photonic cluster states using a single quantum emitter v
71 mental building block for various functional photonic components and be used in applications such as
72  Reduction of the crosstalk between adjacent photonic components has been regarded as one of the most
73 ds developing practical and monolithic III-V photonic components on a silicon platform.
74 t above the photobleaching threshold induces photonic confinement potentials on the order of 40 meV.
75     At increased scale, Neuromorphic silicon photonics could access new regimes of ultrafast informat
76 a, edge-emitting InGaAsP/InP two-dimensional photonic crystal (PC) Bragg laser with triangular lattic
77                 Biosensors incorporated with photonic crystal (PC) structures hold promise to address
78 erved enhanced photoluminescence from the 2D photonic crystal and the 1D nanocavities.
79 nimum volume of analyte using nature created photonic crystal biosilica materials.
80                             We demonstrate a photonic crystal biosilica surface-enhanced Raman scatte
81                  First, the hybrid plasmonic-photonic crystal biosilica with three dimensional morpho
82                                              Photonic crystal cavities (PCCs) can serve as an efficie
83 ect to modulate the resonance frequency of a photonic crystal cavity, achieving a electro-optic modul
84 a mesoscopic neodymium ensemble coupled to a photonic crystal cavity.
85                  In this paper, we present a photonic crystal device which performs both tasks simult
86  in-house designed and fabricated air-silica photonic crystal fiber (PCF).
87                 Several types of hollow core photonic crystal fibers were thoroughly analyzed in term
88                       Gas-filled hollow-core photonic crystal fibre is being used to generate ever wi
89 sive wave emission in gas-filled hollow-core photonic crystal fibres has been possible in the visible
90 r direction is observed in a one-dimensional photonic crystal in the frequency range 10 / 140 GHz.
91 Poynting vector lying nearly parallel to the photonic crystal interface.
92  and color of the mechanochromic elastomeric photonic crystal layer in the same region.
93 uator layer and a mechanochromic elastomeric photonic crystal layer.
94 optical whispering gallery microcavities and photonic crystal microcavities, both of which have been
95  of printer passes and by the fabrication of photonic crystal molecules with controllable splitting.
96 as followed by lithographic fabrication of a photonic crystal nanocavity array on the same substrate
97 sion band of MoS2 simply by variation of the photonic crystal periodicity.
98 trate high quality (Q) factor ring, disk and photonic crystal resonators using a hybrid silicon-on-li
99 strongly coupled optical resonances with the photonic crystal structure of diatom frustules.
100 rganic ink on the surface of an inorganic 2D photonic crystal template using a commercially available
101 rectly from the simple cubic symmetry of the photonic crystal, and can be achieved by integrating the
102 have developed a theoretical model of dilute photonic crystal, based on Maxwell's equations with a sp
103 gh second-harmonic generation in a nonlinear photonic crystal, i.e., a 2D periodically-poled LiTaO3 c
104 es obtained by surface deposition on a blank photonic crystal.
105 ioxide (SiO2) one-dimensional, free-standing photonic-crystal cavities capable of enhancement of the
106 thors combine colloidal quantum wells with a photonic-crystal cavity into a stable, continuous-wave r
107 layer of molybdenum ditelluride on a silicon photonic-crystal cavity.
108 nic structure of quantum wells, coupled to a photonic-crystal nanobeam cavity that attains high coupl
109 quid crystals that exhibit three-dimensional photonic-crystalline properties called liquid-crystal bl
110 quid crystals that exhibit three-dimensional photonic-crystalline properties.
111                   Structural colors (SCs) of photonic crystals (PCs) arise from selective constructiv
112                                              Photonic crystals (PCs) have emerged as one of the most
113                   Exploration of topology in photonic crystals and metamaterials with non-zero gauge
114  signal transduction by devices based on MOF photonic crystals and thin films have been developed.
115   The WSM phases in TaAs-class materials and photonic crystals are due to the loss of space-inversion
116                                              Photonic crystals are etched into single mode low refrac
117  approaches for large-size three-dimensional photonic crystals are problematic.
118 tive photonic devices, two-dimensional (2-D) photonic crystals as well as 1D and 2D photonic nanocavi
119 ion of extraordinarily large monocrystalline photonic crystals by controlling the self-assembly proce
120 ly examine optical forces inside left-handed photonic crystals demonstrating negative refraction and
121 Advances in nanoparticles, metamaterials and photonic crystals have also yielded new behaviours of CL
122 efforts to fabricate large three-dimensional photonic crystals in order to realize their full potenti
123 on's internal degrees of freedom, which form photonic crystals in such synthetic dimensions for photo
124                                       Valley photonic crystals not only offer a route towards the obs
125  sandwich assay in which the one-dimensional photonic crystals sustaining Bloch surface waves are tai
126   Thus, platforms like resonant cavities and photonic crystals that enable the inhibition and manipul
127      We report on the use of one-dimensional photonic crystals to detect clinically relevant concentr
128 ure technique that enables three-dimensional photonic crystals to grow to lateral dimensions of 1 cm
129 x 7 InGaAs/InGaP core-shell nanopillar array photonic crystals with an ultracompact footprint of 2300
130         Here, we propose a concept of valley photonic crystals with electromagnetic duality symmetry
131 lly, polarization rotation effects in dilute photonic crystals with transverse permittivity inhomogen
132 control the propagation of SAW, analogous to photonic crystals, enabling components such as waveguide
133 tive radiation pressure is maintained inside photonic crystals.
134 it bulk bands, even in topologically trivial photonic crystals.
135 n selective net spin flow inside bulk valley photonic crystals.
136 concepts, mirroring contemporary progress in photonic crystals.The control and manipulation of propag
137 n the field of luminescent MOF and MOF-based photonic crystals/thin film sensory materials.
138 rein should allow for realization of various photonic, data storage, biomedical and optoelectronic ap
139 als" (PHCs) that combine the large broadband photonic density of states provided by hyperbolic metama
140  strong field enhancement and extremely high photonic density of states, thereby promising novel appl
141 including compact high-frequency sources and photonic detectors.
142  for their integration in optoelectronic and photonic device applications.
143  new sensor platform that enables integrated photonic device for label-free chemical detection.
144 attern could enable the fabrication of novel photonic devices and architectures, besides greatly adva
145 hography methods do not allow fabrication of photonic devices and functional microelements directly i
146  route to designing and characterizing novel photonic devices and materials.
147                                  All-optical photonic devices are crucial for many important photonic
148 e in developing electrooptical, optical, and photonic devices based on blue phase III.
149 bsorbers opening new avenues toward advanced photonic devices based on MXenes.
150 ritable metacanvas on which nearly arbitrary photonic devices can be rapidly and repeatedly written a
151 e phase and intensity of light and designing photonic devices for various applications including rand
152                            Nonlinear silicon photonic devices have attracted considerable attention t
153 g a wide variety of InP-based electronic and photonic devices operating in the terahertz spectral ran
154 atform, the performance of nonlinear silicon photonic devices remains fundamentally limited at the te
155 s, vias, MEMS, photovoltaic applications and photonic devices that match or surpass the corresponding
156   A novel method to realizing printed active photonic devices was developed using nanoimprint lithogr
157 s promise for a new generation of electronic/photonic devices with currently inaccessible and likely
158 a promising approach to achieving integrated photonic devices with minimized footprint.
159 gn, paving the way for realistic all-optical photonic devices with novel functionalities.
160 r its importance in metamaterials, nanoscale photonic devices, plasmonic nanoclusters and surface-enh
161  a proof-of-demonstration for printed active photonic devices, two-dimensional (2-D) photonic crystal
162 g BD texture for applications in optical and photonic devices, which are bistably switchable between
163 han unmodified parts, which enables numerous photonic devices.
164 aving way towards flat and highly integrated photonic devices.
165 -based optoelectronic, photonic, and quantum photonic devices.
166 imetic and bioinspired optical materials and photonic devices.
167  used as a uniform coating on top of printed photonic devices.
168 e development of photovoltaics and efficient photonic devices.
169 g scalable development of optoelectronic and photonic devices.
170 ward bridging the gap between electronic and photonic devices.
171 ntum dots are embedded within nanofabricated photonic devices: they are likely to cause large spectra
172 that couple stimulated emission from one-way photonic edge states to a selected waveguide output with
173 that of FPGA, opening up possibilities where photonic elements can be field programmed to deliver com
174 spondence between mathematical operators and photonic elements in wave optics enables quantitative an
175 ating film that can be applied in integrated photonic elements, optoelectronic devices, and microcirc
176 bes leveraging the maturing field of silicon photonics, enabling massively parallel fabrication of ph
177                               Our method for photonic entanglement generation may have potential for
178 ly isolate and detect such hidden high-order photonic excitations.
179                                              Photonic experiments are of key importance in life scien
180 ctron in a silicon double quantum dot to the photonic field of a microwave cavity, as shown by the ob
181 ful method for the fabrication of biosourced photonic films with a chiral optical response.
182 ng approach to the realization of integrated photonics for visible light using high throughput techno
183 egration is not yet practical using standard photonics foundry processes.
184 -radiant state enable ultra-fast transfer of photonic frequency qubits to the ions ( approximately 50
185                                      Silicon photonics has emerged as a leading architecture, in part
186                                   Integrated photonics has recently become a leading platform for the
187                         Neuromorphic silicon photonics has the potential to integrate processing func
188 anics, nano-electromechanics, and integrated photonics have brought about a renaissance in phononic d
189    Combining loss and gain components in one photonic heterostructure opens a new route to efficient
190 a class of artificial photonic media termed "photonic hypercrystals" (PHCs) that combine the large br
191  organic materials prevents the use of "soft-photonics" in applications where strong light confinemen
192 study, we investigate the enhancement of the photonic inactivation of Murine Leukemia Virus (MLV) via
193 PT-symmetric laser is implemented based on a photonic integrated circuit consisting of two mutually c
194 g a feasible route toward the realization of photonic integrated circuits with ultra-high packing den
195                         Application-specific photonic integrated circuits, where particular circuits/
196 oaches for increasing the packing density of photonic integrated circuits.
197 able small-footprint, broadband and low-loss photonic integrated devices.
198 ns new possibilities for group IV lasers for photonic-integrated circuits.
199 e key to the realization of fully functional photonic-integrated circuits.
200 7, electronic devices, and better electronic-photonic integration are lacking8.
201 loss - having fundamental compatibility with photonic integration in standard waveguide materials.
202             Here, we develop a heterogeneous photonic integration platform that provides such capabil
203 all-optical signal routing and light-induced photonic interconnects.
204             One of the current challenges in photonics is developing high-speed, power-efficient, chi
205          An outstanding challenge in quantum photonics is scalability, which requires positioning of
206 g of multimode light using a multicore fibre photonic lantern with 121 single-mode cores, coupled to
207                     Here we demonstrate that photonic lanterns based on tapered single-mode multicore
208 ecifically, a ternary, parity-time-symmetric photonic laser molecule-with a carefully tailored gain-l
209 h lower threshold and power consumption than photonic lasers when the cavity size approaches or surpa
210 bly), ultimately resulting in a controllable photonic lattice with predefined spectral behavior, with
211 tion of these topological edge modes in a 2D photonic lattice, where these propagating edge states ar
212         The design route utilizing synthetic photonic lattices may significantly reduce the requireme
213 use in optics, electronics, optoelectronics, photonics, magnetic device, nanotechnology, and biotechn
214 ores are important but optically complicated photonic materials as they are simultaneous photon absor
215    Here we demonstrate a class of artificial photonic media termed "photonic hypercrystals" (PHCs) th
216                                Such designer photonic media with complete control over the optical pr
217 ced rotation sensing, optical flip-flops for photonic memories as well as exceptionally sensitive pow
218 ul production of 20-30nm, SN-38-encapsulated photonic micelles for effectively trimodal cancer therap
219 erefore, these sub-100nm, SN-38-encapsulated photonic micelles show great promise for multimodal canc
220 ngs indicate that the combination of silicon photonic microring resonator arrays and nanodiscs enable
221  for the first practicable realisation of 3D photonic microstructure shaping based on 2D-fluid compos
222 mbic dodecahedron crystal habit couples with photonic modes to give directional light emission.
223 or both strongly and weakly confined silicon photonic modes, and works well over a broad band of oper
224 even at higher gain values, (3) PT symmetric photonic molecule lasers are more robust than their coun
225 (2-D) photonic crystals as well as 1D and 2D photonic nanocavities were successfully fabricated follo
226 ough a microbead leads to the formation of a photonic nanojet functional for enhancing the spatial re
227 raction between SN-38, and a unique class of photonic nanoporphyrin micelles (NPM), the extremely hyd
228 al building blocks at the nanoscale, natural photonic nanostructures have been optimized to produce i
229  The optical phase conjugation (OPC) through photonic nanostructures in coherent optics involves the
230                                        These Photonic Needles probes have sub-10 mum cross-sectional
231                                  We show the Photonic Needles to be mechanically robust when inserted
232 nit is embedded into a scalable phase-change photonic network and addressed optically through a two-p
233                                      On-chip photonic networks hold great promise for enabling next-g
234  currently envisioned that future integrated photonic networks will be capable of processing dense di
235 his isomorphism, a simulated 24-node silicon photonic neural network is programmed using "neural comp
236 rt first observations of a recurrent silicon photonic neural network, in which connections are config
237 acanvas supports physical (re)compilation of photonic operators akin to that of FPGA, opening up poss
238 tical functionalities via (re)compilation of photonic operators, as those achieved in other fields su
239 n-Hermitian degeneracies in fields including photonics, optomechanics, microwaves and atomic physics.
240  synthetic crystals, which enables different photonic pathways and therefore a blue, rather than gree
241 d MOFs as optical media for state-of-the-art photonic phenomena such as multi-photon absorption, trip
242 lications in photocatalysis, (photo)sensors, photonics, photovoltaics, and drug delivery demonstrate
243 way for the development of truly sustainable photonic pigments in coatings, cosmetics, and security l
244 d visible spectrum on a AlGaN/AlN integrated photonic platform which is optically transparent at thes
245 haping based on 2D-fluid composites and CMOS photonics platform, while also representing a useful tec
246  broadband 1 x 3 power splitter on a silicon photonics platform.
247 rsed 2D nano-objects on silicon-on-insulator photonics platform.
248 r-class neurons, are compatible with silicon photonic platforms.
249  most advanced photodetectors in the silicon photonic process are based on germanium, but this requir
250 within the design rules of a typical silicon photonics process, with a minimum radius of curvature of
251 Programmable Gate Arrays is the programmable photonic processor, where a common hardware implemented
252                    While many claim that the photonic properties of a 2D layer provide evidence that
253 ses, in the next sections we also target the photonic properties of MOFs that benefit from their poro
254  combines the advantages of its high-quality photonic properties with a ground-state electronic spin,
255  semiconductor with promising electronic and photonic properties.
256                                              Photonic PT-symmetric systems that also support topologi
257 nalysis platform for the electrochemical and photonic quantification of the direct electron transfer
258                          To date, integrated photonic quantum systems have primarily relied on path e
259 antum emitters are an important resource for photonic quantum technologies, constituting building blo
260 egration of high-quality quantum emitters in photonic quantum technologies.Inhomogeneous spectral dis
261 roadband quantum storage and transduction of photonic qubits, with applications in high-rate quantum
262 .Effective use of single emitters in quantum photonics requires coherent emission, strong light-matte
263 way to section-by-section analysis of larger photonics resources.
264 aterial science, fabrication techniques, and photonic sensing strategies endow optical microresonator
265 cysteine in its inactivation motif, as a non-photonic, sensitive, gateable, and reversible sensor for
266 ors as well as material- and structure-based photonic sensors.
267 f relative spatial disorder that generates a photonic signature that is highly salient to insect poll
268 ed include those in polymers, life sciences, photonics, solar cells, semiconductors, pharmaceuticals,
269 p of the interacting superposed and coherent photonic states.
270 inary parts of the refractive index across a photonic structure are deliberately balanced.
271                 The crucial feature of these photonic structures is dissipative coupling between mode
272 thod may enable the placement of emitters in photonic structures such as optical waveguides in a scal
273 , gallium phosphide is an ideal material for photonic structures targeted at the visible wavelengths.
274 ectional edge states at the boundary between photonic structures with distinct topological invariants
275 estation of light-propagation control due to photonic structures, has largely been overlooked.
276 , enabling massively parallel fabrication of photonic structures.
277 bility, and ability to readily organize into photonic structures.
278 l optical elements with ultrathin and planar photonic structures.
279 n AG using molecular (5) , atomic (6, 7) and photonic systems (8-10) , including those with semicondu
280                                              Photonic systems for high-performance information proces
281 e elusive logarithmic Sinai sub-diffusion in photonic systems for the first time.
282 nd control mechanisms employed in biological photonic systems will allow this study to challenge curr
283  physics have recently also been explored in photonic systems.
284  the key element in designing disorder-based photonic systems.
285 tonic devices are crucial for many important photonic technologies and applications, ranging from opt
286 terial that holds promise for electronic and photonic technologies.
287 lation is far more accessible for chip-scale photonics than previously thought.
288                         However, for silicon photonics, the indirect band gap of silicon and lack of
289 ing measurements, we show the observation of photonic topological surface-state arcs connecting topol
290 a high-gain and high-speed (up to terahertz) photonic transistor and its counterpart in the quantum l
291 ing, routing and com-munication of data, and photonic transistor using a weak light to control a stro
292                                   We observe photonic valley Hall effect originating from valley-depe
293 on hardware implemented by a two-dimensional photonic waveguide mesh realizes different functionaliti
294 lectronic device that integrates a TI with a photonic waveguide.
295   Future optical materials promise to do for photonics what semiconductors did for electronics, but t
296 n the context of non-silicon electronics and photonics, where the ability to re-use the graphene-coat
297 n the tapered hydrogenated amorphous silicon photonic wires with either decreasing dispersion or incr
298  offering architectural choices that combine photonics with electronics to optimize performance, powe
299 e and efficient emitter material for on-chip photonics without the need for epitaxy and is at CMOS co
300 phorus shows promise for optoelectronics and photonics, yet its instability under environmental condi

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