


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  segment, the light-sensing organelle of the photoreceptor cell.
2             This accumulation can damage the photoreceptor cell.
3 ge-gated Ca(2+) channels (Cav1.4) in retinal photoreceptor cells.
4 ng the first example of dispersed high-order photoreceptor cells.
5 ontinuously supply 11-cis-retinal to retinal photoreceptor cells.
6  are the most abundant transport vesicles in photoreceptor cells.
7 le to long wavelength-sensitive (M/LWS) cone photoreceptor cells.
8 eneration of visual pigments in rod and cone photoreceptor cells.
9 yanine green may have a late toxic effect on photoreceptor cells.
10  to loss of insm1a expression than were cone photoreceptor cells.
11 er retinal layers toward the RPE and loss of photoreceptor cells.
12 rmination of photoactivated rhodopsin in rod photoreceptor cells.
13 ted ommatidial lattice and reduced number of photoreceptor cells.
14 dness caused by the dysfunction and death of photoreceptor cells.
15 p of Mendelian disorders primarily affecting photoreceptor cells.
16 s involved in generating a light response in photoreceptor cells.
17 essive production of bisretinoid by impaired photoreceptor cells.
18 ormally fast kinetics of Ca(2+) elevation in photoreceptor cells.
19 s conserved between rhabdomeric and ciliated photoreceptor cells.
20 proper development of hair cells and retinal photoreceptor cells.
21 role in retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) and photoreceptor cells.
22 characterized by progressive loss of retinal photoreceptor cells.
23 of mechanosensitive channels introduced into photoreceptor cells.
24 e to white light to assess protection of the photoreceptor cells.
25 sing exclusively the mutant rhodopsin in rod photoreceptor cells.
26 ct on RHD12, a protein found specifically in photoreceptor cells.
27 er conditions that fully bleach rod and cone photoreceptor cells.
28 ndent superoxide production in epithelia and photoreceptor cells.
29  major blood supply for the outer retina and photoreceptor cells.
30 hows properties of both retinal ganglion and photoreceptor cells.
31 nscriptional regulator of homeostasis in rod photoreceptor cells.
32 e intraflagellar transport (IFT) particle in photoreceptor cells.
33 R-183/96/182 cluster are highly expressed in photoreceptor cells.
34  disease characterized by apoptotic death of photoreceptor cells.
35 cellular trafficking of PDE6 and survival of photoreceptor cells.
36 rted to the outer segments in Rce1-deficient photoreceptor cells.
37 MP-sensitive CNG channels and stimulation of photoreceptor cells.
38 s in phototaxis behavior that is mediated by photoreceptor cells.
39 ositide 3-kinase/Akt survival pathway in rod photoreceptor cells.
40 ranes rather than to plasma membranes of rod photoreceptor cells.
41 e eye, where it is specifically expressed in photoreceptor cells.
42 ll integrity is critical for the survival of photoreceptor cells.
43 tate with the outer segments of rod and cone photoreceptor cells.
44 inal ganglion cells and connecting cilium of photoreceptor cells.
45 transport in specialized cilia of vertebrate photoreceptor cells.
46 products to the RPE and dispose of the dying photoreceptor cells.
47 associate in the outer segments of mouse rod photoreceptor cells.
48 itical component of the viability of RPE and photoreceptor cells.
49  participate in the transport of proteins in photoreceptor cells.
50 indicated that vitamin E treatment protected photoreceptor cells.
51 previously under-appreciated S1R presence in photoreceptor cells.
52  2A (IVS1-2A>G mutation) in the BBS8 gene to photoreceptor cells.
53 thus eliminating the protein specifically in photoreceptor cells.
54      Postmortem human eyes and mouse-derived photoreceptor cells (661W) were examined for Fas express
55                                              Photoreceptor cells achieve high sensitivity, reliably d
56 acity of Xenopus laevis retina to regenerate photoreceptor cells after cyclic light-mediated acute ro
57 unappreciated role of IRBP in protecting the photoreceptor cells against the cytotoxic effects of acc
58               We found here that, in macaque photoreceptor cells, all USH1 proteins colocalized at me
59     WDR81 is expressed in Purkinje cells and photoreceptor cells, among other CNS neurons, and like t
60  cilia-based outer segment of the vertebrate photoreceptor cell and the microvilli-based rhabdomere o
61 characterized by progressive degeneration of photoreceptor cells and a strongly decreased light respo
62 hyde (bisretinoids) form nonenzymatically in photoreceptor cells and accumulate in retinal pigment ep
63                  However, ribbon synapses of photoreceptor cells and bipolar neurons in the retina ex
64                           Ribbon synapses of photoreceptor cells and bipolar neurons in the retina si
65 ons in genes associated with BBS affect only photoreceptor cells and cause nonsyndromic retinitis pig
66  Synaptic transmission between light-sensory photoreceptor cells and downstream ON-bipolar neurons pl
67 yer in prenylated protein trafficking in rod photoreceptor cells and establishes the potential role f
68 te of elongase ELOVL4, which is expressed in photoreceptor cells and generates very long chain (>/=C2
69                 In vitro systems of isolated photoreceptor cells and intact neural retina were used.
70 lp1 gene in mouse (Mus musculus) retinal rod photoreceptor cells and measured the effects on G-protei
71 voked rapid PLC-mediated contractions of the photoreceptor cells and modulated the activity of mechan
72 E8 function is necessary for the survival of photoreceptor cells and NHE8 is important for RPE cell p
73 characterized by degeneration of the retinal photoreceptor cells and progressive loss of vision.
74 eurons that receive synaptic input from cone photoreceptor cells and provide the output of the first
75 onstrate a novel transport mechanism between photoreceptor cells and RPE that does not involve canoni
76                           Ribbon synapses of photoreceptor cells and second-order bipolar neurons in
77                      Two retinal cell types, photoreceptor cells and the adjacent retinal pigmented e
78       The demanding physiologic functions of photoreceptor cells and the retinal pigmented epithelium
79 quential biochemical reactions that occur in photoreceptor cells and the retinal pigmented epithelium
80 nderstanding better the interactions between photoreceptor cells and the RPE, and may help in the dev
81    However, precise roles of BBS proteins in photoreceptor cells and the underlying mechanisms of pho
82 sulted in activation of Muller glia, loss of photoreceptor cells, and an increase in phosphorylated t
83 rmal ciliogenesis and differentiation in the photoreceptor cells, and that ttc26 is required for norm
84 additional visible light to the rod and cone photoreceptor cells, and thereby improve the visual syst
85 n about the function of DICER1 in mature rod photoreceptor cells, another retinal cell type that is s
86 led that chrysophanol attenuated MNU-induced photoreceptor cell apoptosis and inhibited the expressio
87 3 and Ascl1a proteins following rod and cone photoreceptor cell apoptosis.
88           In the eyes, the outer segments of photoreceptor cells appeared shortened or absent, wherea
89 ions that generate a photoreceptor and a non-photoreceptor cell are decreased in favor of symmetric t
90                The function and integrity of photoreceptor cells are dependent upon the creation and
91                         The newly integrated photoreceptor cells are light-responsive with dim-flash
92                                              Photoreceptor cells are remarkable in their ability to a
93 he rhodopsin gene, which is expressed in rod photoreceptor cells, are a major cause of the hereditary
94 huttling of the major arrestin in Drosophila photoreceptor cells, Arrestin2 (Arr2), occurs independen
95 r cells and maintenance of some rod and cone photoreceptor cells, as identified by vimentin, recoveri
96 ning localized to the inner segments (IS) of photoreceptor cells, as well as the outer segments (OS)
97                                           In photoreceptor cells, associated neurons, and radial glia
98         Microarray analysis revealed loss of photoreceptor cell-associated transcripts, with preserva
99 on, indicating an essential role for Numb in photoreceptor cell biology.
100 retinal membrane guanylyl cyclase (RetGC) in photoreceptor cells, blocks RetGC catalytic activity and
101 e in the fly retina, where they are found in photoreceptor cell bodies and surrounding pigment glial
102 ne metabolites between perisynaptic glia and photoreceptor cell bodies to mediate a novel, long-dista
103 t 6 months of age, the treated eyes retained photoreceptor cell bodies, while there were no detectabl
104 ght according to the adaptation state of the photoreceptor cells by shifting the detection limit to h
105  question remains whether transplantation of photoreceptor cells can actually improve vision.
106                                         Cone photoreceptors cells can use 11-cis-retinal from the RPE
107 , which are destined to produce amacrine and photoreceptor cells, can be re-programmed into RGCs when
108                                   Mature rod photoreceptor cells contain very small nuclei with tight
109                               The vertebrate photoreceptor cell contains an elaborate cilium that inc
110 se (PDE6) involved in visual transduction in photoreceptor cells contains two inhibitory gamma-subuni
111 ceptor survival and function, as measured by photoreceptor cell counts, apoptosis assays, and ERG ana
112                                           In photoreceptor cells, dark activation of G(q)alpha molecu
113                                              Photoreceptor cell death accompanying many retinal degen
114    Edaravone treatment may aid in preventing photoreceptor cell death after RD by suppressing ROS-ind
115  Oxidative stress plays an important role in photoreceptor cell death after RD.
116  inherited retinal disorder characterized by photoreceptor cell death and genetic heterogeneity.
117 d macular degeneration and induce subsequent photoreceptor cell death and permanent vision loss.
118 uthors conclude that Drgal1-L2 is induced by photoreceptor cell death and secreted by stem cells and
119 d surrounding commotio retinae with specific photoreceptor cell death and sparing of cells in the oth
120       Possible mechanisms that could lead to photoreceptor cell death are discussed.
121 PE atrophy, choroidal neovascularisation and photoreceptor cell death associated with severe visual l
122                                          The photoreceptor cell death associated with the various gen
123 indness are caused by mutations that lead to photoreceptor cell death but spare second- and third-ord
124 h pathways will be more effective at slowing photoreceptor cell death caused by elevated cGMP.
125                                The extent of photoreceptor cell death declined and necrosis progresse
126 mislocalization of opsin is a major cause of photoreceptor cell death from kinesin-2 dysfunction and
127 uture investigation into retbindin's role in photoreceptor cell death in models of retinal degenerati
128     Dysfunctional RPE may ultimately lead to photoreceptor cell death in the NHE8 mutants.
129 t critical pathobiological factor leading to photoreceptor cell death in these animals is insufficien
130 tress-induced retinal pigment epithelial and photoreceptor cell death in vitro and in vivo.
131    How constitutive phototransduction causes photoreceptor cell death is poorly understood.
132                                              Photoreceptor cell death is the proximal cause of blindn
133                                    Increased photoreceptor cell death was observed when retinas lacki
134 a-1(+) cells in the subretinal space, severe photoreceptor cell death, and increased Ccl4 expression
135 and retinal pigmented epithelium, early cone photoreceptor cell death, and reduced lengths of rod out
136 group of disorders which lead to progressive photoreceptor cell death, resulting in blindness.
137    Retinal degeneration leads to progressive photoreceptor cell death, resulting in vision loss.
138  proliferating Muller glia without affecting photoreceptor cell death.
139 emistry were observed after the onset of rod photoreceptor cell death.
140 hin the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and cause photoreceptor cell death.
141 e only model of retinal trauma with specific photoreceptor cell death.
142 e fate of misfolded P23H rhodopsin linked to photoreceptor cell death.
143 ontinuous long-term light damage, leading to photoreceptor cell death.
144 reduced photoreceptor function and increased photoreceptor cell death.
145 tion of intracellular mechanisms, leading to photoreceptor cell death.
146 ative vitreoretinopathy, and protect against photoreceptor cell death.
147 s and mutations in Drosophila PNPLA6 lead to photoreceptor cell death.
148 e to mutant rhodopsin that ultimately limits photoreceptor cell death.
149 tive optics images does not necessarily mean photoreceptor cell death.
150 inal degeneration mutants, and light-induced photoreceptor cell degeneration models), the use of Tb(3
151 system functions in patients who suffer from photoreceptor cell degeneration or related retinal disea
152 ct mechanism by which this mutation leads to photoreceptor cell degeneration remains unknown.
153 iers and affected males demonstrated RPE and photoreceptor cell degeneration.
154 e lacking the chromophore showed accelerated photoreceptor cell degeneration.
155                     The further reduction of photoreceptor cell demise by co-treatment with calpastat
156 pmental apoptotic pathway is not involved in photoreceptor cell demise.
157 stress responses that together contribute to photoreceptor cell demise.
158                                              Photoreceptor cell densities under various conditions of
159                                          Rod photoreceptor cells depend completely on the output of 1
160                                              Photoreceptor cells depolarized normally following light
161 a basis for better understanding rhabdomeric photoreceptor cell development and function.
162 k controlling the late stages of rhabdomeric photoreceptor cell development and function.
163 ds to retina-specific enhancers and controls photoreceptor cell development.
164 nstrate that Notch signaling is required for photoreceptor cell differentiation and retinal organizat
165 ain protein, leads to a synergistic delay in photoreceptor cell differentiation in the developing eye
166  several developmental genes involved in the photoreceptor cell differentiation suggest that a role o
167                Circadian shedding of retinal photoreceptor cell discs with subsequent phagocytosis by
168 ominant retinal degeneration, in rhabdomeric photoreceptor cells disrupts morphogenesis in ways paral
169 on of the G-protein transducin in vertebrate photoreceptor cells during their recovery from light exc
170                                              Photoreceptor cells encode light signals over a wide ran
171 the P23H protein failed to accumulate in rod photoreceptor cell endoplasmic reticulum but instead dis
172 e slower termination in retin(1), the mutant photoreceptor cells exhibited increased endocytosis of R
173 oceeded normally in the absence of Rce1, but photoreceptor cells failed to respond to light and subse
174 ipper (Nrl) is a critical determinant of rod photoreceptor cell fate and a key regulator of rod diffe
175 cine zipper) is critical for rod versus cone photoreceptor cell fate choice during retinal developmen
176 ort the 'transcriptional dominance' model of photoreceptor cell fate determination and provide insigh
177 ription factor that dictates rod versus cone photoreceptor cell fate in the mammalian retina.
178        Here we show that Abl is required for photoreceptor cell fate maintenance, as Abl mutant photo
179 ether in gene regulatory networks to control photoreceptor cell fate specification.
180                  The mechanisms that specify photoreceptor cell-fate determination, especially as reg
181 trinsic activity to suppress the alternative photoreceptor cell fates of early retinal progenitors by
182 37 donors examined, there was marked loss of photoreceptor cells for variable distances distal from t
183  the need to identify approaches to generate photoreceptors cells for future replacement therapies.
184 istered noninvasively to efficiently protect photoreceptor cells from oxidative damage.
185 e role of the STK38L pathway in neuronal and photoreceptor cell function, and suggests that genes in
186 ys an integral role in promoting rhabdomeric photoreceptor cell function.
187 tumor that expresses several markers of cone photoreceptor cells has been described earlier.
188                                  Retinal rod photoreceptor cells have double membrane discs located i
189                 The two fundamental types of photoreceptor cells have evolved unique structures to ex
190 s between the photoreceptors and RPE because photoreceptor cells have very high energy demands, large
191 thelium (RPE), a monolayer of cells vital to photoreceptor cell health.
192 , organization and function of brain and eye photoreceptor cells in bilaterian animals.
193 dies against TTLL5 stained the basal body of photoreceptor cells in rat and the centrosome of the spe
194 results point to a potential way to generate photoreceptor cells in situ in adult mammalian eyes.
195 dent light reception in the compound eye and photoreceptor cells in the Hofbauer-Buchner eyelet.
196  adults and ultimately leads to the death of photoreceptor cells in the macular area of the neural re
197 ith two r-opsins in depolarizing rhabdomeric photoreceptor cells in the pigmented eyes of Platynereis
198                 Postmitotic neurons, such as photoreceptor cells in the retina and epithelial cells i
199                   Spectral absorbance of the photoreceptor cells in these sharks revealed the presenc
200  and thickening of Bruch's membrane, loss of photoreceptors, cells in subretinal space, and a reducti
201 f cells and at the connecting cilium (CC) of photoreceptor cells, indicating that SPATA7 is a ciliary
202 enesis of these compartments is integral for photoreceptor cell integrity and function.
203 atic RPE cell signaling that aims to sustain photoreceptor cell integrity and reveal potential therap
204 n in photoreceptors and RPE, thus preserving photoreceptor cell integrity.
205 al membranes of the two fundamental types of photoreceptor cells into their respective phototransduct
206 antial fraction of the visual pigment in our photoreceptor cells is bleached.
207 y of a gene playing an essential function in photoreceptor cells is derived with high specificity and
208  Phototransduction in Drosophila microvillar photoreceptor cells is mediated by a G protein-activated
209 ial reduction of RPGRIP1 levels at the CC of photoreceptor cells is observed, suggesting that SPATA7
210 Retinal degenerative disease causing loss of photoreceptor cells is the leading cause of untreatable
211 e protein from the retinal Muller glia (RMG)/photoreceptor cell junction.
212                           In the retina, the photoreceptor cell layer showed the strongest beta-galac
213 rface of the inner and outer segments of the photoreceptor cell layer with variable loss of outer nuc
214 n: increased migration, translocation to the photoreceptor cell layer, proliferation, and phagocytosi
215 al endothelial cells from migrating into the photoreceptor cell layer.
216                                            A photoreceptor cell line, 661W, derived from a mouse reti
217 duced cell death in 661W cells, a mouse cone photoreceptor cell line, shown to express both estrogen
218 ne 661W, a mouse SV-40 T antigen transformed photoreceptor cell line.
219 itro and reduced microglial infiltration and photoreceptor cell loss after subretinal hemorrhage in v
220 deposits, severe reduction in ERG responses, photoreceptor cell loss and gliosis.
221 can help inhibit the inflammation-associated photoreceptor cell loss in late AMD, including geographi
222 a role for inflammatory responses in driving photoreceptor cell loss in subretinal hemorrhage, and it
223 inal pigment epithelium (RPE) and late-onset photoreceptor cell loss in the mutant retina.
224                                        Minor photoreceptor cell loss occurred in adult Mfsd2a KO mice
225 age, indicated by a significant reduction in photoreceptor cell loss, and restoration of the alpha-tr
226 cular disorders characterized by progressive photoreceptor cell loss, night blindness, constriction o
227 ession of retinoic acid-responsive genes and photoreceptor cell loss, overall leading to a reduction
228 chronic uveitis characterized by progressive photoreceptor cell loss, retinal degeneration, focal ret
229 t, as well as Purkinje cell degeneration and photoreceptor cell loss.
230 s of these ER stress markers correlated with photoreceptor cell loss.
231  including abnormal RPE cells and late-onset photoreceptor cell loss.
232  AMD in a proportion of cases and imply that photoreceptor-cell loss may contribute to the functional
233  for ocular retinoid production required for photoreceptor cell maintenance and visual function.
234 es in regulating epithelial polarity and, in photoreceptor cells, morphogenesis and stability.
235 elease, marked apoptosis was detected in the photoreceptor cell nuclei of the retina.
236   In addition, there was a reduction in cone photoreceptor cell number and cone b-wave amplitude.
237 and raised in constant dark have higher cone photoreceptor cell number, improved cone opsin localizat
238 sin ciliary trafficking, was mislocalized in photoreceptor cells of rpgrip1 mutants.
239 of Dronc in specific neurons, but not in the photoreceptor cells of the eyes of transgenic flies; sim
240 etwork in hair cells of the inner ear and in photoreceptor cells of the retina via binding to PDZ dom
241 ffort to understand genetic disorders of the photoreceptor cells of the retina, we have focused on in
242 ctivation of visual pigments in rod and cone photoreceptor cells of the retina.
243 uestion, we expressed cone PDE6alpha' in the photoreceptor cells of the retinal degeneration 10 (rd10
244 s: random reactions of vitamin A aldehyde in photoreceptor cell outer segments, and phagocytosis of d
245 , ey>CHMP2B(Intron5) flies showed defects in photoreceptor cell patterning and phototactic behavior.
246            The cGMP phosphodiesterase of rod photoreceptor cells, PDE6, is the key effector enzyme in
247 rosophila melanogaster larvae, which have 12 photoreceptor cells per hemisphere, are attracted to dis
248          Accumulating evidence suggests that photoreceptor cells play a previously unappreciated role
249 significant advance for the understanding of photoreceptor cell (PRC) evolution and development and f
250 esterase gene Pde6beta and lose rod and cone photoreceptor cells (PRC) within the first 6 wk of life,
251 tein common to both rhabdomeric and ciliated photoreceptor cells, Prominin.
252           For instance, different classes of photoreceptor cells (PRs) are distributed stochastically
253 ction of Otx2 primarily in newly postmitotic photoreceptor cells (PRs), as well as in a subset of ret
254 and HP1a are required for differentiation of photoreceptor cells R1, R6 and R7.
255                                In vertebrate photoreceptor cells, rapid recovery from light excitatio
256  Here we show that Ca(2+) homeostasis in the photoreceptor cell relies on the protein calphotin.
257 he safety and efficiency of patient-specific photoreceptor cell replacement in humans.
258      Significant obstacles to advancement of photoreceptor cell-replacement include low migration rat
259                                              Photoreceptor cell-replacement may hold the potential fo
260            The outer segment of a vertebrate photoreceptor cell represents the most elaborate of all
261               Formation of membrane discs in photoreceptor cells requires evagination of its ciliary
262 and consequent removal from Muller glial and photoreceptor cells, results in severe and progressive r
263 ikely corresponded to histologically visible photoreceptor cell rosettes.
264  in other cell types in previous reports, in photoreceptor cells S1R was found in the nuclear envelop
265        Every day, shortly after light onset, photoreceptor cells shed approximately a tenth of their
266                 Emerging evidence has linked photoreceptor cell-specific nuclear receptor (PNR/NR2E3)
267  These intronic sequences are sufficient for photoreceptor-cell-specific splicing of heterologous exo
268 of a multimerized RCSI reporter, a marker of photoreceptor cell specificity previously suggested to b
269 ic opsins are employed by different kinds of photoreceptor cells, such as ciliary vertebrate rods and
270 cally and immunohistochemically recognizable photoreceptor cells, suggesting that the mutations in th
271  be a favorable potential target to increase photoreceptor cell survival after RD.
272 etabolism plays an important role in retinal photoreceptor cell survival and apoptosis.
273 thways and adenylate cyclases (ACs) improved photoreceptor cell survival, preserved photoreceptor fun
274 tion of guanylate cyclase (GC) signaling and photoreceptor cell survival.
275 rich leads to reduction of N-Cadherin in the photoreceptor cell synapses but not of other proteins im
276 osis (LCA) is a neurodegenerative disease of photoreceptor cells that causes blindness within the fir
277 specialized morphological features of mature photoreceptor cells, the fundamental question remains wh
278  signaling proteins to the sensory cilium of photoreceptor cells, the outer segment.
279 arily in the phototransducing compartment of photoreceptor cells, the rhabdomeres.
280 n of the phototransducing compartment of the photoreceptor cells-the rhabdomeres, reminiscent of the
281 storation of the mutant gene in all diseased photoreceptor cells, thereby ensuring sufficient transdu
282 ate PKM2 to provide a metabolic advantage to photoreceptor cells, thereby promoting cell survival.
283 (all-trans-retinol) from the circulation and photoreceptor cells to produce the esterified substrate
284 d protein complex, and that apoptosis of rod photoreceptor cells triggered by protein mislocalization
285 in mediating layer-specific targeting of one photoreceptor cell type in the Drosophila visual system.
286 ployment of this protein in a highly plastic photoreceptor cell type of mixed microvillar/ciliary org
287                                   Drosophila photoreceptor cells use the ubiquitous G-protein-mediate
288  the Abca4(-/-) mice corresponded to reduced photoreceptor cell viability as reflected in ONL thinnin
289 esent in the inner segment of Rce1-deficient photoreceptor cells was assembled and functional.
290 hese cilia, as well as in cilia of mouse rod photoreceptor cells, was reduced significantly when KIF3
291   To determine the importance of ARL3 in rod photoreceptor cells, we generated transgenic mice expres
292 o understand the importance of AIPL1 in cone photoreceptor cells, we transgenically expressed hAIPL1
293                              As both RPE and photoreceptor cells were affected, these cell types may
294                                          Rod photoreceptor cells were more sensitive to loss of insm1
295 of autofluorescence in the RPE suggests that photoreceptor cells were probably missing across the ret
296  process of vision is impossible without the photoreceptor cells, which have a unique structure and s
297 egulation or function of these lipids in rod photoreceptor cells, which have highly active membrane d
298 sion, that vertebrate eyes have two types of photoreceptor cells with differing sensitivity: rods for
299 e evolved from the primary cilium to provide photoreceptor cells with vast membrane surfaces for effi
300 te retina lacking the outer nuclear layer of photoreceptor cells would allow the survival, maturation

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