


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  (PDT), using aluminum phthalocyanine as the photosensitizing agent.
2 braries of potential chemical and biological photosensitizing agents.
3 lasmids, is examined as a potential cellular photosensitizing agent and offers unique opportunities a
4 ew treatment modality, uses a combination of photosensitizing agent and visible light for the therapy
5 ommended for adequate penetration of topical photosensitizing agents and subsequent protoporphyrin IX
6 sis on biological evaluation of FDA approved photosensitizing agents as well as newly designed nanoph
7 ophobic PSs to a cationic peptide produces a photosensitizing agent effective against Gram-negative b
8 mpounds of vegetable origin that are used as photosensitizing agents in the treatment of various skin
9 This paper describes the accumulation of the photosensitizing agent protoporphyrin IX in areas of pla
10  therapy (PDT), cells are impregnated with a photosensitizing agent that is activated by light irradi
11  enhancing intracellular accumulation of the photosensitizing agents used in this study, we propose t

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