


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 eptors by the guanylate cyclase/PDE6 pair in phototransduction.
2 oreceptor degenerate as a result of abnormal phototransduction.
3  level of metabolic activity associated with phototransduction.
4 ing evidence for TRPA1 function in mammalian phototransduction.
5 lutionary-based theoretical model of humoral phototransduction.
6  outer segment, which is the primary site of phototransduction.
7 nts for the acceleration of translocation by phototransduction.
8 -gated (CNG) channels play a pivotal role in phototransduction.
9 e guanylate cyclase) is a vital component of phototransduction.
10 s the channels for their specialized role in phototransduction.
11  is expressed in HEMs and contributes to UVR phototransduction.
12 A phospholipase C which mediates rhabdomeric phototransduction.
13 e discrete PDE6 enzymes that are crucial for phototransduction.
14 ng PDE families and is central to vertebrate phototransduction.
15  the signal transduction apparatus mediating phototransduction.
16 n to gain some insight into the mechanism of phototransduction.
17 sor proteins with their targets operating in phototransduction.
18 licate the function of a 'taste receptor' in phototransduction.
19 n age-dependent impairment in termination of phototransduction.
20 d function in ROS-GC1 signaling, linked with phototransduction.
21  signaling events alternative to the classic phototransduction.
22 he local regulation of PIP(2) and PLC during phototransduction.
23 ma-subunit (Pgamma) is pivotal in vertebrate phototransduction.
24 h response, a measure of the initial gain of phototransduction.
25 revealing these responses to be triggered by phototransduction.
26 e-gated (CNG) channels play pivotal roles in phototransduction.
27  role in light adaptational processes during phototransduction.
28  diversity of processes including Drosophila phototransduction.
29 egeneration, suggesting potential defects in phototransduction.
30 G channels and the second messenger cGMP for phototransduction.
31 ignaling cascade similar to that used in fly phototransduction.
32 tions of the hemolymph by a barrier to allow phototransduction.
33  account for virtually all remaining retinal phototransduction.
34 6c) gene, a key regulatory component in cone phototransduction.
35  conclude with a working model of melanopsin phototransduction.
36 ling pathway(s) in addition to its classical phototransduction.
37 ess, whereas in light they use it to support phototransduction.
38 oes a calcium-myristoyl switch during visual phototransduction.
39 receptors that influences the sensitivity of phototransduction.
40 s well as mutants with disrupted opsin-based phototransduction.
41 -gated (CNG) channels play a pivotal role in phototransduction.
42  into neuronal signals in a process known as phototransduction.
43 r cells, PDE6, is the key effector enzyme in phototransduction.
44 nown whether this mutant pigment can mediate phototransduction.
45 ubunit (CNGA1), a PM component essential for phototransduction.
46 death in light damage caused by constitutive phototransduction.
47 of genes, specifically those associated with phototransduction.
48          Cyclic-GMP is a second messenger in phototransduction, a G-protein signaling cascade that co
49 suggested to be rate-limiting for vertebrate phototransduction, a highly amplified G protein-coupled
50                                 Loss of cone phototransduction accompanies the compromised integrity
51         A physiologically based model of rod phototransduction activation was used to determine photo
52 alysis of the retinal metabolome showed that phototransduction also influences steady-state concentra
53 r segments despite near normal expression of phototransduction and cilia genes.
54 ne signaling deficits arising from disrupted phototransduction and cone loss rather than from synapti
55 he cell death pathway caused by constitutive phototransduction and identify the unfolded protein resp
56 al cone photoreceptor terminals and to probe phototransduction and its diverse regulatory mechanisms
57 and ON-bipolar cells, Gbeta3 is essential in phototransduction and ON-bipolar cell signaling.
58 ggest that there exists a cross-talk between phototransduction and other signal transduction pathways
59 ent; electroretinography was used to measure phototransduction and outer retinal function; electron m
60 gram recordings show age-progressive loss of phototransduction and photoreceptor synaptic transmissio
61 xpression of UAS-shi(ts1) causes decelerated phototransduction and reduced neurotransmitter release.
62                                 Mutations in phototransduction and retinal signaling genes are implic
63 S9 reaction into the conventional scheme for phototransduction and show that this augmented scheme ca
64                                         Cone phototransduction and survival of cones in the human mac
65                   Ion fluxes associated with phototransduction and synaptic transmission dominate; as
66 iples of G-protein signaling from studies of phototransduction and to relate these signals to downstr
67 ochondrial oxidative phosphorylation for its phototransduction and visual function.
68 OS) is a sensory compartment specialized for phototransduction, and it shares many features with prim
69 al of phospholipase C (PLC), a key enzyme in phototransduction, and that of Arr2 failed to inhibit rh
70 ow and why RGS9 concentration matters in rod phototransduction, and they provide a framework for unde
71 ve pressure in the genes involved in retinal phototransduction, and traces of this selective pressure
72 cones, but their individual contributions to phototransduction are unknown.
73 ates (conformations) of a channel for insect phototransduction as well as one for fungal mechanotrans
74 al regulator of photoreceptor morphology and phototransduction, as well as suggests its involvement i
75 spares the trafficking of key structural and phototransduction-associated proteins.
76  (CNG) channels, revealing a conservation in phototransduction between worms and vertebrates.
77 h KK mouse rods displayed markedly decreased phototransduction, biochemical studies of the mutant rho
78 demonstrate that P23H mutant Rho can trigger phototransduction but Rho(P23H/P23H) rods are approximat
79 r light intensities that activate melanopsin phototransduction, but not at dimmer light intensities t
80 In worm neurons, P23H isorhodopsin initiated phototransduction by coupling with the endogenous Gi/o s
81 lowed retinal degeneration, whereas blocking phototransduction by crossing KK mice with GNAT1-deficie
82 ing differential reliance upon cone-mediated phototransduction by ipRGC subpopulations.
83  be replenished during the recovery phase of phototransduction by photoreceptor guanylate cyclases (G
84 tended cylindrical structure specialized for phototransduction called the outer segment (OS).
85  that of the wild-type, suggesting that cone phototransduction can function efficiently without a Gbe
86 eceptor potential channel (TRP), but how the phototransduction cascade accelerates Arr2 translocation
87 enzyme-linked immunoassay was used to assess phototransduction cascade activity by measurement of lig
88                                              Phototransduction cascade activity was assessed by measu
89  mRGCs are activated both by their intrinsic phototransduction cascade and by the rods and cones.
90 lex controls signal amplification of the rod phototransduction cascade and is critical for the abilit
91 erase 6 (PDE6) is the effector enzyme in the phototransduction cascade and is critical for the health
92 rt powerful modulation on the mammalian cone phototransduction cascade and play an important role in
93 ponents to suppress random activation of the phototransduction cascade and thus increases the signali
94 ch leads to a constitutive activation of the phototransduction cascade as revealed by in vitro bioche
95 ts, where they are capable of regulating the phototransduction cascade by the active targeting signal
96 etic mutations affecting the proteins in the phototransduction cascade cause blinding disorders in hu
97  increase in the rate of inactivation of the phototransduction cascade during the light step, residua
98     Sensory cilia of photoreceptors regulate phototransduction cascade for visual processing.
99                       Our results identify a phototransduction cascade in C. elegans and implicate th
100 n repetitive light exposure, and an impaired phototransduction cascade in ppr mutants results in exce
101 e-6 (PDE6) is the key effector enzyme of the phototransduction cascade in rods and cones.
102 k loop that increases the sensitivity of the phototransduction cascade in rods.
103 ase) is critical for the deactivation of the phototransduction cascade in vertebrate photoreceptors.
104 anylate cyclase 1 (GC1), a key member of the phototransduction cascade involved in modulating the pho
105 ion between PDEgamma and alpha(t) during the phototransduction cascade involves the selection of prec
106           Calcium ions (Ca(2+)) modulate the phototransduction cascade of vertebrate cone photorecept
107 o effect on SOCE, the sensitivity of the rod phototransduction cascade or synaptic transmission at ro
108 f light sensitive visual pigments, and other phototransduction cascade signaling proteins expressed i
109 pear to be driven through an ancient type of phototransduction cascade similar to that in rhabdomeric
110                               The Drosophila phototransduction cascade terminates in the opening of t
111 damage caused by prolonged activation of the phototransduction cascade was assessed.
112  of rhodopsin, but not signaling through the phototransduction cascade, and is not based on direct Gr
113 ying mechanism functions downstream from the phototransduction cascade, as evident from the sensitivi
114 hodiesterase 6 (PDE6) is a key enzyme of the phototransduction cascade, consisting of PDE6alpha, PDE6
115 CAP1, and GCAP2) operating in the vertebrate phototransduction cascade, over variations in Ca(2+) con
116 rotein involved in the regulation of retinal phototransduction cascade, transcriptional control, and
117            In the G-protein-coupled receptor phototransduction cascade, visual Arrestin 1 (Arr1) bind
118 gle photons using a stochastically operating phototransduction cascade.
119 sities both at the front and back end of the phototransduction cascade.
120 o the G-protein transducin and activates the phototransduction cascade.
121 vity, but not on the subsequent steps of the phototransduction cascade.
122 ccurs independently of known elements of the phototransduction cascade.
123 athway, which is distinct from the classical phototransduction cascade.
124 d cone Talpha couple equally well to the rod phototransduction cascade.
125 ) is the effector molecule in the vertebrate phototransduction cascade.
126 vity characteristic of an activatable visual phototransduction cascade.
127 bdomeral degeneration independent of the PLC phototransduction cascade.
128 nsducin is a key component of the vertebrate phototransduction cascade.
129 king it an essential component of the visual phototransduction cascade.
130 volved as effector enzymes in the vertebrate phototransduction cascade.
131 ve changes arising from processes within the phototransduction cascade.
132 degeneration by persistent activation of the phototransduction cascade.
133  defective association of crucial players in phototransduction cascade.
134  trigger further downstream reactions of the phototransduction cascade.
135 s in genes encoding proteins involved in rod phototransduction cascade; night blindness is the only s
136 sive stimulation of the visual transduction (phototransduction) cascade, or through apoptotic pathway
137 olved in either the photoreceptor structure, phototransduction cascades, or visual cycle are expresse
138                             How constitutive phototransduction causes photoreceptor cell death is poo
139 ween TAX-4 and TAX-2 and subunits of the rod phototransduction channel raise the possibility that nem
140 , control several sensory functions, such as phototransduction, chemosensation, and thermosensation,
141 rved cellular mechanism exists to create the phototransduction compartments by examining the function
142 of photoreceptor cells into their respective phototransduction compartments.
143               In rod photoreceptors, several phototransduction components display light-dependent tra
144 y between 2 and 4 weeks postnatally, but the phototransduction components including rhodopsin traffic
145                             Translocation of phototransduction components out of the OS may protect r
146         Despite the expression of homologous phototransduction components, the molecular basis for di
147 tigate the hypothesis that signaling through phototransduction controls production of energy in mouse
148 pon photoactivation, the second messenger of phototransduction, cyclic GMP, is rapidly degraded and m
149 ivity and speeded the rate-limiting step for phototransduction deactivation, causing rod photorespons
150 duced ATP level in ppr mutants underlies the phototransduction defect, leading to increased Rhodopsin
151 ce lacking functional alleles of AQP-0 had a phototransduction deficit as assessed by electroretinogr
152  lag, combined with the approximately 100 ms phototransduction delay at photopic light levels, gave a
153 ) channel, which is essential for Drosophila phototransduction, depends on a phospholipase C (PLC).
154 lacking KIF3A, membrane proteins involved in phototransduction did not traffic to the outer segments
155  acid rich proteins (GARPs) are required for phototransduction, disk morphogenesis, and rod structura
156                   This result indicates that phototransduction does not play a direct role in the lig
157                                   A negative phototransduction feedback in rods and cones is critical
158 appears to extend the operating range of rod phototransduction following pigment bleaching.
159 g CRY and mutants with disrupted opsin-based phototransduction for behavioral and electrophysiologica
160 s of fast Ca2+ feedback to cGMP synthesis in phototransduction for GCAPs-/- mice increases the magnit
161 hologic mechanism is prolonged activation of phototransduction from the presence of mutant rhodopsin
162 model of rod phototransduction suggests that phototransduction gain adjustments and bleaching adaptat
163 ff's law reveals that complete activation of phototransduction generates a potentially harmful 20% in
164 rl(-/-) mice, and the levels of several cone phototransduction genes are significantly increased coin
165 e, through adaptive evolutionary analyses of phototransduction genes by using a variety of approaches
166                                    Six of 20 phototransduction genes evaluated had gene-level selecti
167 ssed in subsets of photoreceptors to that of phototransduction genes that are expressed broadly, in a
168    The level of recent positive selection in phototransduction genes was evaluated and compared to a
169       Pph13 regulates Rh2 and Rh6, and other phototransduction genes, demonstrating that Pph13 and Ot
170 cupancy of NonO at rhodopsin and a subset of phototransduction genes.
171                         Free opsin activates phototransduction; however, the link between constitutiv
172 resemble those observed in animals that lack phototransduction in all three photoreceptor classes.
173 type and various mutant worms, we found that phototransduction in ASJ is a G protein-mediated process
174          The GCAP mode plays a vital role in phototransduction in both rods and cones and the S100B m
175 molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying phototransduction in C. elegans remain largely unclear.
176 tion in vitamin A-deprived Xenopus rods with phototransduction in constitutively active mammalian rod
177                Cone photoreceptors carry out phototransduction in daylight conditions and provide the
178                                              Phototransduction in Drosophila microvillar photorecepto
179 plausible model for circadian photoreception/phototransduction in Drosophila.
180                                              Phototransduction in flies is the fastest known G protei
181 st identified as membrane proteins mediating phototransduction in fruit flies.
182 ology and could provide insights into visual phototransduction in humans.
183 onventional signaling mechanisms: melanopsin phototransduction in ipRGCs and output by the neuropepti
184                    This cascade differs from phototransduction in mammalian rods and cones, but is re
185                                              Phototransduction in microvillar photoreceptors is media
186  cascade, as evident from the sensitivity of phototransduction in phosducin knock-out rods being affe
187                             RGS9-1 regulates phototransduction in rods and cones, and RGS9-2 regulate
188 he calcium feedback mechanisms that modulate phototransduction in rods have been studied extensively.
189       No receptor protein directly mediating phototransduction in skin has been identified.
190            Separate pools of Ca(2+) regulate phototransduction in the outer segment, metabolism in th
191 This low amplification is in contrast to rod phototransduction in vision, the best-quantified G-prote
192 n of retinal guanylyl cylcase (RetGC) during phototransduction in vision.
193                                  Contrasting phototransduction in vitamin A-deprived Xenopus rods wit
194 igated the functional role of CNG-modulin in phototransduction in vivo in morpholino-mediated gene kn
195 nct isoforms of PDE6, the effector enzyme in phototransduction, in these differences.
196 nd that Nckx2(-/-) cones exhibit compromised phototransduction inactivation, slower response recovery
197                                              Phototransduction is a G-protein signal transduction cas
198                                   Drosophila phototransduction is a model system for the ubiquitous p
199                                              Phototransduction is carried out by a signaling pathway
200                                              Phototransduction is initiated when the absorption of li
201   GPCR signaling, including rhodopsin-driven phototransduction, is terminated by receptor phosphoryla
202                               Interestingly, phototransduction kinetics are normal in single rods and
203                  Despite its central role in phototransduction, little is known about the mechanisms
204               These novel photoreceptors use phototransduction machinery distinct from other photorec
205 lyl cyclase (RetGC1), a key component of the phototransduction machinery in photoreceptors.
206                                              Phototransduction machinery in vertebrate photoreceptors
207 xpand the apical membrane to accommodate the phototransduction machinery, exemplified by the cilia-ba
208  sequesters the many proteins comprising the phototransduction machinery.
209 uanylyl cyclase is potentially a key step in phototransduction modulation.
210 le for meckelin in intraciliary transport of phototransduction molecules and their effects on subsequ
211 PA1 and H2O2 production but not conventional phototransduction molecules.
212 gmatic, particularly since these cells use a phototransduction motif that allows invertebrates like D
213 ell as crossbred Gnat1(-/-) mice lacking rod phototransduction (n = 110) were gavaged weekly for 6 mo
214 equently became integrated with higher plant phototransduction networks.
215 ches have led to inconsistent expositions of phototransduction noise performance.
216 ying genetics of evolutionary adaptations in phototransduction not only allows greater understanding
217 channels play crucial physiological roles in phototransduction, olfaction, and cardiac pace making.
218 do not exhibit significant defects in either phototransduction or the visual cycle, suggesting that m
219 receptors via the intrinsic melanopsin-based phototransduction pathway and as a relay for rod/cone in
220 n kinetics of the intrinsic melanopsin-based phototransduction pathway and its contribution to severa
221 luding Crx, Nr2E3, NeuroD, and RXRgamma, and phototransduction pathway components, including transduc
222  TRPA1 is essential for a unique extraocular phototransduction pathway in human melanocytes that is a
223                 We recently identified a UVA phototransduction pathway in melanocytes that is mediate
224 is the key effector enzyme of the vertebrate phototransduction pathway in rods and cones.
225 Collectively, our data further elucidate the phototransduction pathway in the photosensitive RGCs and
226 ted expression of the visual opsins from the phototransduction pathway in the skin translates illumin
227  Reduced expression of genes involved in the phototransduction pathway indicates altered photorecepto
228 cone PDE6 can effectively couple to the cone phototransduction pathway to mediate visual signaling.
229 analyses of the vision genes involved in the phototransduction pathway to predict the diel activity p
230 ies on either CRY or the canonical rhodopsin phototransduction pathway, which requires the phospholip
231 PDE6alpha' can couple effectively to the rod phototransduction pathway.
232 catalytic subunits from coupling to the cone phototransduction pathway.
233  role in regulating rhythmic elements in the phototransduction pathway.
234                                Circadian and phototransduction pathways are enriched in our results.
235                             Clock control of phototransduction pathways remained robust across a rang
236 dopsis plants is complex, in part due to its phototransduction pathways, which are themselves under c
237 mone and retinoic acid signaling, as well as phototransduction pathways.
238 phila genetic system to characterize two new phototransduction players.
239 ransport of several membrane-associated cone phototransduction polypeptides in these cones.
240 f cone pigments and membrane-associated cone phototransduction polypeptides to the outer segments pro
241 hare similar structures, and closely related phototransduction polypeptides.
242                                          The phototransduction process in VCOP-D108A is investigated
243 aptation in cones that is independent of the phototransduction process.
244 y photoreceptor model, which mimics the real phototransduction processes, has elucidated how light ad
245              Because the expression of other phototransduction proteins did not increase, transducin
246 ation is profoundly slowed in mutants of key phototransduction proteins including phospholipase C (PL
247 toreceptors use similar but distinct sets of phototransduction proteins to achieve different function
248                    Upon illumination several phototransduction proteins translocate between cell body
249 cone OS may maximize density or proximity of phototransduction proteins, but is not required for OS f
250                                 In addition, phototransduction proteins, such as rhodopsin, arrestin,
251 ed normal levels of RetGC isozymes and other phototransduction proteins, with the exception of GCAP2,
252 expression sequence for synaptic, opsin, and phototransduction proteins.
253 or transport of a set of membrane-associated phototransduction proteins.
254  inner segment and reduction in selected rod phototransduction proteins.
255 egulation of genes encoding key rod and cone phototransduction proteins.
256 ), and the speed and recoverability of their phototransduction reactions.
257 s three physiological functions: it quenches phototransduction, reduces sensitivity during light adap
258 ct, as neither photoreceptor neurons nor the phototransduction regulators NORPA and INAF are required
259        In addition, we found that C. elegans phototransduction requires LITE-1, a candidate photorece
260 n of photoexcited rhodopsin, the GPCR of rod phototransduction, requires arrestin (Arr1), it has been
261 cond, there was an age-dependent loss in rod phototransduction sensitivity; the lack of dietary carot
262 this is mediated, directly or indirectly, by phototransduction signaling in rod and cone photorecepto
263 insights into the function and regulation of phototransduction signaling pathways.
264 r segments for terminating G-protein coupled phototransduction signaling.
265 kout (TKO) mice lack essential components of phototransduction signalling pathways present in rods, c
266 ic flux in mouse retinas, we also found that phototransduction slows metabolic flux through glycolysi
267 or transepithelial ion transport, olfaction, phototransduction, smooth muscle contraction, nociceptio
268 l system to compensate for the slow speed of phototransduction so that a moving object can be accurat
269 ansmission, photoreceptor morphogenesis, and phototransduction, suggesting that the miR-183/96/182 cl
270                               A model of rod phototransduction suggests that phototransduction gain a
271                 Therefore, it is unclear how phototransduction suppresses dark bump production arisin
272 had little effect on photoreceptor survival, phototransduction, synaptic transmission, and visual beh
273 ce of recent positive selection in the human phototransduction system at single nucleotide polymorphi
274 rmine the relative contributions of distinct phototransduction systems, we tested mutants lacking CRY
275 signaling cascades, especially those such as phototransduction that are turned on and off with great
276 st apoptosis mediated by A2E, a byproduct of phototransduction that becomes toxic when it accumulates
277 h exerts a well studied negative feedback on phototransduction that includes calcium-dependent inhibi
278  of the rod-specific G-protein transducin in phototransduction, the physiological function of the aux
279           This is particularly so for visual phototransduction, the process responsible for convertin
280 thways, including photoreceptor development, phototransduction, the retinoid cycle, cilia, and outer
281 is family, RGS9-1, in controlling vertebrate phototransduction, the roles and organizational principl
282                                 Nonetheless, phototransduction-the mechanism by which absorbed photon
283                                              Phototransduction--the process in which absorbed photons
284 d TRP have previously characterized roles in phototransduction, their function in cool avoidance appe
285 PDEgamma) plays a central role in vertebrate phototransduction through alternate interactions with th
286 ich calcium exerts negative feedback on cone phototransduction through recoverin and GRK1 are not wel
287  by fit of a model of the activation of cone phototransduction to the a-waves.
288 nvolved in a variety of processes, including phototransduction, transcriptional regulation, cell adhe
289 ectron transfer reactions do not affect dCRY phototransduction under bright or dim light in vivo as m
290 ntrinsic and extrinsic noise in invertebrate phototransduction using minimum mean squared error recon
291 rm n-3 fatty acid deficiency on rod and cone phototransduction was investigated in the rhesus monkey.
292                                         Cone phototransduction was not altered by n-3 deficiency.
293        The ability of the mutant to initiate phototransduction was tested using a radioactive filter
294  the rod a-waves by a model of activation of phototransduction were below normal mean.
295 ifferentiation and several genes involved in phototransduction were suppressed.
296 otein-coupled receptors including Drosophila phototransduction where light sensitive channels are act
297 the downregulated genes were associated with phototransduction, whereas upregulated genes were associ
298 d (CNG) channels play a pivotal role in cone phototransduction, which is a process essential for dayl
299  a fully constrained spatiotemporal model of phototransduction, which we used to determine the effect
300 rd current evoked by blue light derives from phototransduction within the outer segment of the S cone

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