


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 on that encodes the light-harvesting protein phycocyanin.
2 he specific oligomeric structures found with phycocyanin.
3 ocyanobilin-bound, cysteine 153 of wild-type phycocyanin.
4 operties very similar to those of unmodified phycocyanin.
5 bearing core polypeptides, but no detectable phycocyanin.
6 ycobiliproteins (100mg/kg ig), (4) PB plus C-phycocyanin (100mg/kg ig), and four groups receiving HgC
7 ed pyrromethenone 6, the C,D-ring segment of phycocyanin (2).
8 ups receiving HgCl(2)+phycobiliproteins or C-phycocyanin (50, and 100mg/kg ig).
9            The two lowest-energy CD bands of phycocyanin 612 originated from paired bilins, and the t
10 lins as naturally occurring reporter groups, phycocyanin 612 was shown to undergo a reversible change
11                                          For phycocyanin 612, a major surprise was that a pair of bil
12 anization of three cryptomonad biliproteins (phycocyanins 612 and 645 and phycoerythrin 545) was exam
13                                  Two others (phycocyanin 630 and phycoerythrin 566) were studied less
14                                              Phycocyanin 645 and phycoerythrin 545 were suggested to
15                             At 45 degrees C, phycocyanin 645 maximally undergoes a reversible and sta
16                                              Phycocyanin 645 was found to have a 550-fs lifetime.
17                                              Phycocyanin, a natural product purified from Spirulina,
18    CpcM exhibited lower activity on trimeric phycocyanin after complete chromophorylation and oligome
19                            Fluorescence from phycocyanin, allophycocyanin, allophycocyanin-B/terminal
20                  Genes for the apoprotein (C-phycocyanin alpha subunit; cpcA) and the heterodimeric l
21                           The ability of the phycocyanin alpha-subunit (CpcA) to bind alternative lin
22  that includes the subunits of the CpcE/CpcF phycocyanin alpha-subunit lyase of Synechococcus sp. str
23 02 was coexpressed in these strains with the phycocyanin alpha-subunit phycocyanobilin lyase, CpcE/Cp
24  phycocyanobilin by phycoerythrobilin on the phycocyanin alpha-subunit.
25  the total Microcystis population based on c-phycocyanin (alpha subunit; cpcA) gene equivalents (Adj.
26 tures are assembled from chromophore-bearing phycocyanin and allophycocyanin subunits, nonpigmented l
27                              Recombinant apo-phycocyanin and apo-allophycocyanin subunits were used a
28 a new approach for fast cleavage of PCB from phycocyanin and gave at 120 degrees C the same yield wit
29 orms of a major phycobilisome protein called phycocyanin and initiate the production of a third form
30 iptional regulation and that it co-ordinates phycocyanin and phycocyanobilin biosynthesis in red ligh
31 coloured phycobiliproteins, allophycocyanin, phycocyanin and phycoerythrin (PE).
32 onated, circular helical (blue) structure of phycocyanin and the anionic SDS micelles.
33 lities to stabilise the blue conformation of phycocyanin and to apply the stabilised form in food pro
34              The total antioxidant activity, phycocyanins, and beta carotene content were quantified
35                                              Phycocyanins are pigment-protein complexes with potentia
36 d autophagic cell death, thereby identifying phycocyanin as a promising anti-pancreatic cancer agent.
37  we investigate the therapeutic potential of phycocyanin as an anti-PDA agent in vivo and in vitro.
38 pplication of phycobiliproteins, e.g. blue C-phycocyanin, as natural water-soluble food colourants is
39                                   His-tagged phycocyanin beta--BCCP114 constructs expressed in Anabae
40                                          The phycocyanin beta-subunit from the cpcT mutant has slight
41  peptide containing Cys-153 derived from the phycocyanin beta-subunit of the cpcT mutant.
42 y attaches phycocyanobilin to Cys-153 of the phycocyanin beta-subunit.
43 sing practical real-time measures of in vivo phycocyanin (by fluorometry) and secchi depth was constr
44              The spectra reveal the ratio of phycocyanin (C-PC) and allophycocyanin (APC) in the ante
45 resent single-molecule characterization of C-phycocyanin (C-PC), a three-pigment biliprotein that sel
46                        All cells have a high phycocyanin content whilst phycoerythrin is absent.
47 chromatographic method for purification of C-phycocyanin (CPC) from species of Oscillatoria tenuis.
48 activity of cytochrome-c-oxidase, and slower phycocyanin degradation.
49                          In such recombinant phycocyanins equipped with stable trimerization domains,
50  In conclusion, our studies demonstrate that phycocyanin exerts anti-pancreatic cancer activity by in
51 a or beta subunits of Anabaena sp. PCC7120 C-phycocyanin formed stoichiometric complexes in vivo with
52                                              Phycocyanin from the cpcT mutant has an absorbance maxim
53 al structure of the light-harvesting protein phycocyanin from the cyanobacterium Cyanidium caldarium
54                                              Phycocyanins from cyanobacteria are possible sources for
55                                     Purified phycocyanins from the cpcT mutant and wild type were cle
56                                 We show that phycocyanin gene expression requires RcaC.
57 mplete loss of light regulation, measured by phycocyanin gene expression, only occurred in the triple
58  and all other cyanobacteria that synthesize phycocyanin have a gene, cpcT, that is paralogous to cpe
59                                              Phycocyanin hexamers dissociate to trimers with equilibr
60                                              Phycocyanin induces G2/M cell cycle arrest, apoptotic an
61                   These results suggest that phycocyanin instability in bilin-deletion mutants is a c
62                                              Phycocyanin is able to induce apoptosis of PANC-1 cell b
63       Mechanistically, cell death induced by phycocyanin is the result of cross-talk among the MAPK,
64 , which plays an important role in balancing phycocyanin-mediated apoptosis and autosis.
65 tion of both autophagy and apoptosis rescues phycocyanin-mediated cell death.
66   The altered genes were then expressed in a phycocyanin-minus mutant of the transformable Synechocys
67 cpcU mutants produced an altered form of the phycocyanin (PC) beta subunit, which had a mass approxim
68 core and six radiating rods, each with three phycocyanin (PC) discs.
69 ha and beta subunits of the phycobiliprotein phycocyanin (PC) in the filamentous cyanobacterium Fremy
70    In red light, cells produce red-absorbing phycocyanin (PC), whereas in green light, green-absorbin
71          All doses of phycobiliproteins or C-phycocyanin prevented enhancement of oxidative markers a
72  shown to stabilise the blue conformation of phycocyanin, preventing formation of the green conformat
73                           On the other hand, phycocyanin promotes autophagic cell death by inhibiting
74                                 Furthermore, phycocyanin promotes the activation and nuclear transloc
75 lly, spectroscopic properties of recombinant phycocyanin R-PCIII, in which the CpcA subunits carry a
76 new role assigned to chromophore beta-155 in phycocyanin sheds light on the numerical relationships a
77  into protonated, partially unfolded (green) phycocyanin species.
78                                              Phycocyanin subunits from Synechocystis sp. 6701 that we
79 bacterium Anabaena sp. PCC7120 recombinant C-phycocyanin subunits with one or more different tags, in
80         A cpcT null mutant contains 40% less phycocyanin than wild type and produces smaller phycobil
81 cible variations in phycobilisome-associated phycocyanin that do not correlate with transcript levels
82 he mutants showed that tryptic peptides from phycocyanin that included Asn72 were also 14 Da lighter
83 s are offset rather than aligned as in other phycocyanins that have been crystallized to date.
84 imitation and exhibits an increased ratio of phycocyanin to chlorophyll during nutrient-replete growt
85                                              Phycocyanin trimers dissociate to monomers with equilibr
86                               In crystals of phycocyanin used in this study, the hexamers are offset
87                      The perceived colour of phycocyanins varies with pH, and a method to stabilise t
88  micelles on pH-induced colour variations of phycocyanin was examined.
89  chromophore bound by the alpha subunit of C-phycocyanin was probed in buffered binary solvent system
90 lative contents of phycoerythrin (PE) and/or phycocyanin when cells are shifted from red to green lig
91  cell growth inhibition and death induced by phycocyanin, whereas inhibition of both autophagy and ap
92 d initiate the production of a third form of phycocyanin, which possesses a minimal number of sulfur-

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