


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 esses and is also a key fundamental issue in physical chemistry.
2 nted in an advanced undergraduate lecture on physical chemistry.
3 al fluids is largely governed by interfacial physical chemistry.
4  a frontier of ultrafast optical science and physical chemistry.
5 acterization is a long-standing challenge in physical chemistry.
6  were predictable by the first principles of physical chemistry.
7 ion spectroscopy, cold molecule physics, and physical chemistry.
8                 The relationship between the physical chemistry and biology of self-assembly is poorl
9 ast tentative conclusions about the physics, physical chemistry and biology which underpin the proces
10 ools for many applications in analytical and physical chemistry and engineering.
11  tool for research in the fields of biology, physical chemistry and soft condensed matter physics.
12   The results are of interest to fundamental physical chemistry and they have important consequences
13 nd education led me to an academic career in physical chemistry and ultimately to a study of proteins
14 f problems of interest to materials science, physical chemistry, and condensed-matter physics have be
15 ical studies of DNA replication and then DNA physical chemistry, and DNA studies ended with the energ
16 er-plant surface interactions, plant surface physical chemistry, and plant ecophysiology.
17 omprehensive understanding of the underlying physical chemistry as well as accurate parameterizations
18 biquitous in bacterial cells, the underlying physical chemistry behind heat shock response remains po
19                               In fundamental physical chemistry, Criegee intermediates have unique an
20 ne of the greatest challenges in physics and physical chemistry, due to the prohibitively large compu
21 or ion identification and it is also used in physical chemistry for 3D structure elucidation with com
22 of the computed models are determined by the physical chemistry implicit in the Rosetta all-atom ener
23 o focus on the role of carbohydrate/selectin physical chemistry in mediating rolling.
24 bination of two powerful diagnostic tools in physical chemistry: ion mobility and single molecule flu
25 e gap between what is currently known in the physical chemistry literature of quantum dots and the qu
26 ological convergence from polymer chemistry, physical chemistry, materials science and engineering di
27 nce of thermal fluctuations in the fields of physical chemistry, materials sciences, and the biologic
28 ents, suggesting that there may be important physical chemistry missing in the energy calculations.
29 luated according to a scoring system for the physical chemistry of cholelithiasis during feeding of a
30 ning sites of IgG are discussed based on the physical chemistry of fullerenes and previously describe
31  suggests the origin of the effect is in the physical chemistry of L-selectin interaction with its li
32 ology becomes more closely entwined with the physical chemistry of lipids in explaining membrane stru
33 anes pose conceptual problems related to the physical chemistry of liquids.
34  past several years toward understanding the physical chemistry of membrane protein stability, the st
35                     In the current work, the physical chemistry of molten solutions of lithium chlori
36 ous mathematical model that incorporates the physical chemistry of nucleation and fibril growth dynam
37                                       In the physical chemistry of polar liquids, systems that evade
38 roteins inside living cells, focusing on the physical chemistry of quinary structure and cellular org
39 sults show that incorporation of appropriate physical chemistry of the reactions with accurate kineti
40 ition that involves direct alteration of the physical chemistry of the virus membrane.
41 nal theory of isotope fractionation, but the physical chemistry of these isotope effects remains poor
42     We present a detailed description of the physical chemistry of this hitherto little explored memb
43 nt point in the life cycle of any virus, the physical chemistry of virus capsid assembly is poorly un
44 tions that violate established principles of physical chemistry, particularly as it concerns the expo
45 raction is temporally controlled by the same physical chemistry principle in the cell as in vitro.
46                It is necessary to couple the physical chemistry, reaction kinetics, ion flow, heat ge
47 dition, new applications of these effects to physical chemistry, solar system origin models, terrestr
48 at merge control and information theory with physical chemistry, that seemingly mild constraints on t
49                        The classical polymer physical chemistry theory developed by Flory and Stockma
50 nce of the tip fail to capture the essential physical chemistry underpinning the imaging mechanism.

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