


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 nces (BES) to produce a de novo whole-genome physical map.
2 s constructed, showing collinearity with the physical map.
3 ,473 BAC end sequences (BES) to decorate the physical map.
4 rly in relation to an integrated genetic and physical map.
5 uous sets of clones (contigs) of the soybean physical map.
6 on enzyme were used to construct a consensus physical map.
7  genome sequence assembly with a clone-based physical map.
8 me was used to construct a restriction-based physical map.
9 essential genes, correlating the genetic and physical map.
10 ed to close gaps in a sequenced clone or the physical map.
11  bacterial artificial chromosome library and physical map.
12 o an approximately 6.5 Mb region on the UCSC physical map.
13 ic map and to mark the bin boundaries on the physical map.
14 cing data also were integrated into the rice physical map.
15  also be traced to specific locations in the physical map.
16 triction enzymes minimized the "gaps" in the physical map.
17 enomes are being interpolated on the sorghum physical map.
18 quence information to genetically anchor the physical map.
19 quenced by NGS that do not have a genetic or physical map.
20 ghout the genome and positioned on the maize physical map.
21 to anchor molecular markers onto the soybean physical map.
22 for anchoring these scaffolds to a BAC-based physical map.
23 Panzea markers and genes/loci on genetic and physical maps.
24 lies, and consistency with optical and other physical maps.
25 and for the rapid correlation of genetic and physical maps.
26 ew markers connect genetic linkage maps with physical maps.
27 ored various strategies to construct quality physical maps.
28 res favorably with several other linkage and physical maps.
29 ents, is calculated by comparing genetic and physical maps.
30 from the corresponding Brachypodium and rice physical maps.
31 ssicaceae species are lacking genetic and/or physical maps.
32 gene approaches using integrated genetic and physical maps.
33 nments to the O. sativa reference genome and physical maps.
34  techniques have recently been developed for physical mapping.
35 ution ,: using the Lander-Waterman model for physical mapping.
36 ombined phenotypes were selected for further physical mapping.
37 genetic diversity assays, and to genetic and physical mapping.
38 ding a general tool for targeted comparative physical mapping.
39 hen retransformed (70%), that have identical physical maps (5%), or that carry either of the mel1 or
40                                Based on this physical map, a total of approximately 2,100 clones from
41            We constructed a complete, 4.2-Mb physical map across the genetically implicated disease-g
42         We present an integrated genetic and physical map across the P. vulgaris S locus flanked by p
43                                          The physical mapping algorithms based on the GA, SA and LSMC
44 ently outperform the SA-based and LSMC-based physical mapping algorithms in terms of runtime and fina
45 of whole-genome sequences organized around a physical map anchored to a genetic map.
46 ps in the sorghum contigs; the emerging rice physical map and assembled sequence will further acceler
47 imized BAC pooling strategy, to validate its physical map and correlate it with its chromosome comple
48 d a scaffold for integration of the emerging physical map and genome sequence assembly.
49 g an Ensembl implementation at medicago.org, physical map and marker resources at mtgenome.ucdavis.ed
50                                            A physical map and partial sequencing of the Rp1 complex i
51 ssembly provide anchoring information to the physical map and result in joining of existing physical
52 a pseudogene, Adh5ps, were obtained from the physical map and sequence.
53  two aid in integrating sequence with an FPC physical map and the third automatically selects a minim
54 tical among these was the need to finalize a physical map and to obtain a better understanding of gen
55  and other cereals using an integrated maize physical map and wheat genetic map was strikingly high,
56                                              Physical mapping and DNA sequencing determined that the
57                                              Physical mapping and genome sequencing are underway for
58                                              Physical mapping and sequence analysis of this region re
59 esis-based fingerprinting methods for genome physical mapping and the effects of different fingerprin
60 anchor points for integration of genetic and physical maps and also validate BAC contigs assembled ba
61  intrinsic difficulties in constructing both physical maps and complete sequence assemblies of long s
62 rtia have already produced BAC libraries and physical maps and now are in a position to proceed with
63 wheat chromosomes, thus, precise ordering of physical maps and sequenced contigs across the whole-gen
64 c map is being used to integrate genetic and physical maps and to assign genome sequence scaffolds to
65 bly, a bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) physical map, and assembled sequences from 4355 BACs.
66 from a bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) physical map, and identified 16 known or predicted genes
67 , using a whole-genome shotgun assembly, BAC physical mapping, and clone-based finishing.
68 ion of integrated genomic maps from genetic, physical mapping, and sequencing data and permits an int
69 opment of BAC libraries, sub genome specific physical maps, and a new-generation sequencing approach
70 e complementary to both sequencing and other physical mapping approaches.
71                         Although genetic and physical maps are colinear, there are well-characterized
72                                  Genome-wide physical maps are crucial to many aspects of advanced ge
73                       Integrated genetic and physical maps are extremely valuable for genomic studies
74 nous chromosomes, indicating that our barley physical maps are robust.
75  genes cannot be mapped genetically, leaving physical mapping as the only option for establishing the
76                                              Physical map assembly from error free data is straightfo
77 ntain loci of interest where only genetic or physical mapping associations are reported.
78 ed and served the publicly available soybean physical map, bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) fing
79 mosomes and for refining the sorghum genetic/physical map based on the rice genome sequence.
80                             We now present a physical map built with P1, P1 artificial chromosome, an
81 ime (SMRT) long-read sequencing, construct a physical map by NanoChannel arrays and generate a de nov
82  of mouse radiation hybrid panel mapping and physical mapping by mouse: human genomic sequence compar
83                                    The peach physical map can be viewed using WebFPC/WebChrom, and al
84           Here we deployed rapid genome-wide physical maps combined with high-coverage short-read seq
85                                The resultant physical map comprises 9,265 contigs with a cumulative s
86                                          The physical map consists of 2331 overlapping BAC contigs an
87                                          The physical map consists of 2702 contigs, and it is estimat
88                This map represents the first physical map constructed using the CE technology, thus p
89 around this locus and have aligned it with a physical map constructed with BAC clones.
90                                A genome-wide physical map constructed with bacterial artificial chrom
91 es for constructing BAC-based physical maps, physical map construction is accelerating and it is impo
92  and source clone genome coverage on quality physical map construction revealed by computer simulatio
93 int contig and contributed to the process of physical map construction.
94 urthermore, we built an approximately 1.5-Mb physical map containing both GRB2 and GALK1, genes so fa
95 ysical map and result in joining of existing physical map contigs into 84 clusters containing 9551 fo
96 ions in the genome, as well as for extending physical map contigs.
97                                              Physical map data and phylogenetic analysis indicated th
98                       However, assemblies of physical map data are sensitive to input parameters, whi
99                                          Our physical map data exhibited a high level of synteny with
100 iMapDB is populated with current genetic and physical map data, describing relationships among geneti
101 omparative analyses of community linkage and physical map data.
102 ing and retrieving many types of genetic and physical map data.
103                                              Physical mapping data are consistent with the 16S, 5.8S,
104                                              Physical mapping data indicate that the cat SRY gene is
105                                              Physical mapping data were combined with public draft an
106 me sequence in good agreement with available physical mapping data.
107                     Our previous genetic and physical mapping efforts localized the responsible gene(
108           Partial sequence data and complete physical maps estimate the actual size of this region to
109 ral properties (e.g. transitivity, coverage, physical maps, etc.).
110  In this article, we present the genetic and physical mapping, expression analysis, and molecular evo
111 cted an approximately 2.7-Mb high-resolution physical map extending from DXS8026 to ELK1, correspondi
112       Our novel method abandons the original physical-mapping-first framework.
113 were isolated using comparative genomics and physical mapping followed by BAC sequencing in barley.
114 ented an updated version of a sequence-based physical map for a complex chromosomal region, and we ra
115            Our goal is to construct a robust physical map for maize (Zea mays) comprehensively integr
116 ng the assembly of an integrated genetic and physical map for maize.
117 is to develop a fully integrated genetic and physical map for maize.
118  this map is being integrated into a sorghum physical map for map-based gene isolation, comparative g
119 aset labeled with ddTTP-dROX, we assembled a physical map for P.chrysogenum, with 2-3 contigs per chr
120 The development of an integrated genetic and physical map for the maize genome involves the generatio
121 an opportunity to reevaluate the genetic and physical maps for 11 of the species, in part to aid in t
122 for effective construction of quality genome physical maps for advanced genomics research.
123  protocol serves as a model for constructing physical maps for entire genomes.
124 ncing technology require the construction of physical maps for high-quality draft sequences of large
125                                              Physical maps for nine of the most diverse genomes revea
126 ve useful in the construction of genome-wide physical maps for polyploid plant genomes including Upla
127 ere focused on the construction of BAC-based physical maps from multiple mammalian species (chimpanze
128 ng and alignment of DArT clones to reference physical maps from tomato and cultivated potato allowed
129 presenting the minimal tiling path of 72 052 physical-mapped gene-bearing BACs.
130 nnect research involving dense genetic maps, physical mapping, gene isolation, comparative genomics,
131                                       Unlike physical maps, genetic maps are based on the amount of r
132                                            A physical map has been developed with 220 and 115 BAC con
133              Its comparison to the available physical map has revealed the average physical size of a
134                                  Large-scale physical mapping has been a major challenge for plant ge
135 of sequences obtained from the clones in the physical map have revealed 14 known genes and five ESTs
136                             Many clone-based physical maps have been built with the FingerPrinted Con
137                                              Physical mapping identified multiple tandem insertions o
138                          Genetic mapping and physical mapping identified the inversions.
139 tial to integrate with cytogenetic and other physical maps, identifying paralogous regions of the rai
140 nes, we constructed three approximately 1 Mb physical maps in the R1 gene region, one for each of the
141 rs used in construction of the human BAC/YAC physical map, including autosomal dominant nocturnal fro
142 l to the combined genetic, transcriptome and physical mapping information.
143 ows users to easily compare both genetic and physical maps interactively and efficiently.
144 nt of a comprehensive genetic map, without a physical map intermediate.
145     Contig dynamics would indicate that this physical map is approximately 50% complete with approxim
146                    An integrated genetic and physical map is needed to better characterize quantitati
147                                  Genome-wide physical mapping is an essential step toward investigati
148 structural comparison with potato and tomato physical maps is the first genome wide comparison betwee
149                                  Genetic and physical mapping led to the discovery that several lines
150 tio between total genetic map length (G) and physical map length (P), measured in centimorgans per me
151 tion of the relationship between genetic and physical map length than the one-parameter regression th
152 e of genetic map length over the increase of physical map length.
153 ybrid (RH) maps, finger printed contig (FPC) physical maps, linkage maps and comparative maps to the
154 panels of the type generated can be used for physical mapping, map-based cloning, or sequence contig
155 ing the locations of sequence markers on the physical map, MapLinker generates a tentative sequence m
156 tions, other DNA/mRNA sequences, genetic and physical maps/markers, genes, quantitative trait loci (Q
157                                              Physical mapping methods independent of meiotic recombin
158                                              Physical mapping methods that do not rely on meiotic rec
159 d cloning of target quantitative trait loci, physical mapping, molecular cytogenetics and comparative
160  wheat stem rust resistance gene Sr50 (using physical mapping, mutation and complementation) as homol
161 construction of an accurate, high-resolution physical map of 6.9 Mb of human chromosome 4p15.3-p16.1,
162                             Reconstructing a physical map of a chromosome from a genomic library pres
163                                            A physical map of a genome is an essential guide for navig
164  sufficient for development of a genome-wide physical map of approximately 95% genome coverage.
165 archical map-based sequencing, a genome-wide physical map of its large and complex 5.1 billion-bp gen
166 atic platform for the integrated genetic and physical map of maize is required for storing, integrati
167 et the X-axis to equal spacing or to use the physical map of markers, and to specify plot labels, col
168 ques, BLAST and NIX, were used to assemble a physical map of MRIII, consisting of three overlapping b
169  (O. punctata) was constructed by aligning a physical map of O. punctata, deduced from 63,942 BAC end
170 acterial artificial chromosome (BIBAC)-based physical map of Penicillium chrysogenum.
171                                          The physical map of T. monococcum had perfect colinearity wi
172 ication and evaluation of candidate genes, a physical map of the 7-cM region surrounding the maximum
173                                A comparative physical map of the AA genome (Oryza sativa) and the BB
174                               To construct a physical map of the Ae. tauschii genome, we fingerprinte
175                        We have constructed a physical map of the apple genome from a total of 74,281
176  bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC)-based physical map of the apple genome has been recently const
177                            A genome-wide BAC physical map of the apple, Malus x domestica Borkh., has
178 ial artificial chromosome (BAC) contig-based physical map of the channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus
179                Here we present a clone-based physical map of the chicken genome at 20-fold coverage,
180                        We have constructed a physical map of the chicken genome from 57,091 BACs (7.9
181  represents the first genome-wide, BAC-based physical map of the chicken genome.
182      This map will become the anchor for the physical map of the Daphnia genome and will serve as a s
183 his mutation, we constructed a comprehensive physical map of the DM2 region around ZNF9.
184             Here we report a high-resolution physical map of the euchromatic, centromeric and heteroc
185                  We herein report a detailed physical map of the horse Y chromosome.
186                            By constructing a physical map of the LOH11CR2 minimal region of loss on 1
187                        We have constructed a physical map of the mouse genome that contains 296 conti
188 e constructed a contiguous BAC clone-derived physical map of the porcine kallikrein gene region and h
189                 Clones were assembled into a physical map of the region by PCR-based, sequence-tagged
190                                       A 5-Mb physical map of the region has been prepared from which
191 s provided by the genome project to derive a physical map of the region, examine gene density, and es
192 rial artificial chromosome fingerprint-based physical map of the rice genome to facilitate the whole-
193              This integrated high-resolution physical map of the rice genome will greatly facilitate
194 t out to construct an integrated genetic and physical map of the S locus of Petunia inflata and ident
195 sents the first genome-wide, BAC/BIBAC-based physical map of the soybean genome and would provide a p
196 insert plasmid clone (hereafter BIBAC)-based physical map of the soybean genome.
197                                A comparative physical map of the wild progenitor species, Oryza nivar
198 d used those sequences to create a BAC-based physical map of the X-degenerate region.
199                              Analysis of the physical map of the XLPRA and RP3 intervals shows a high
200                    In the integrated genetic-physical map of this region, BES were mapped against the
201 omosomal arms 3R and 3L by comparison with a physical map of this species.
202 ompared with each other and with a consensus physical map of wheat homoeologous group 1.
203          We have also constructed a complete physical map of YAC and BAC clones covering the Ltxs1 re
204                                              Physical mapping of 121 candidate R-gene sequences using
205                                      Through physical mapping of 3q2 interstitial deletions in severa
206                  This report illustrates the physical mapping of amplified EPSPS copies in A tubercul
207 e genomes greatly simplifies the genetic and physical mapping of centromeres using half-tetrad analys
208                                              Physical mapping of chromosomes using the maximum likeli
209                          A further in-silico physical mapping of DE genes with sequence variations be
210 Cas9 nanoparticles) for high-speed AFM-based physical mapping of DNA and (2) the first successful dem
211                                              Physical mapping of DNA with restriction enzymes allows
212 enzymes have proved to be invaluable for the physical mapping of DNA.
213 sorghum genome is thus even more amenable to physical mapping of genes and positional cloning than th
214 nes is an efficient approach for large-scale physical mapping of genes.
215 lysis of pri-miRNA structures, together with physical mapping of initial cleavage sites and in vitro
216      However, despite increasing genetic and physical mapping of plant nonrecombining sex-determining
217 fficient use of the CE technology for genome physical mapping of plants, animals and microbes.
218                                              Physical mapping of the 164 best R-gene candidates on 33
219 at-maize RH lines provide valuable tools for physical mapping of the complex highly duplicated maize
220                                    Detailed, physical mapping of the diverse populations shows them t
221                            We now report the physical mapping of the Dsi1 locus to a site 30 kb upstr
222                                We report the physical mapping of the genome of the Iowa isolate, sequ
223 y resource exists for the efficient targeted physical mapping of the majority of these BAC libraries.
224 arting point for high-resolution genetic and physical mapping of the target region, which will ultima
225                                   Subsequent physical mapping of this Tn551 insert revealed that it w
226 l of constructing and aligning BAC/STC based physical maps of 11 wild and one cultivated rice species
227 we describe our strategy to construct robust physical maps of all 12 rice species with an emphasis on
228 eport a novel approach to construct RH based physical maps of all seven D-genome chromosomes of the h
229  approach for the construction of long-range physical maps of chromosomes.
230 er region was identified in both genetic and physical maps of glaucous and glossy tetraploid wheat, d
231 A fragments suitable for the construction of physical maps of large genomes.
232  gene and for the integration of genetic and physical maps of papaya.
233 cused resequencing efforts, and for building physical maps of species that have not yet been sequence
234  utility of this BAC resource for generating physical maps of targeted loci, refining draft sequence
235   We have further integrated the genetic and physical maps of the genome and incorporated SSLP marker
236 ults represent the first sub genome anchored physical maps of Upland cotton, and a new-generation app
237 inting techniques for constructing BAC-based physical maps, physical map construction is accelerating
238 Mit147 and D3Mit19 on a genetic map, but the physical map places RPE65 outside the markers.
239 30-kb bacterial artificial chromosome contig physical map positioned the gene between two crossovers
240 alculations and some mapping algorithms, and physical map positions are provided from the human genom
241 nsively curated data classes are genetic and physical maps, probes used for mapping, classical genes,
242 rossover and stochastic replacement, for the physical mapping problem under the maximum likelihood mo
243 ce tags (ESTs), genome sequence, genetic and physical maps, proteomic and microarray datasets] are gr
244                                              Physical map reconstruction in the presence of errors is
245              The apple genome-wide BAC-based physical map represents the first draft genome sequence
246 e and complex genomes, extensive genetic and physical map resources have, until now, been required to
247                   Integration of genetic and physical maps resulted in a chromosome-level draft genom
248             Deletion line-based high-density physical maps revealed that the wheat (Triticum aestivum
249                Comparison of the genetic and physical maps reveals that recombination is suppressed s
250 osaceae ESTs, the genetically anchored peach physical map, Rosaceae genetic maps and comprehensively
251                                The presented physical map should greatly enhance genome research in t
252                       Such a community-based physical map should have broad applications in Arabidops
253 cules by optical mapping enables assembly of physical maps spanning mammalian and plant genomes; howe
254                                            A physical mapping technique, termed RecA-mediated Achille
255 ophoresis (CE) promises to revolutionize the physical mapping technology.
256                    Contig maps are a type of physical map that show the native order of a set of over
257 cted a bacterial artificial chromosome-based physical map that spans 13 Mb of the pericentromeric het
258 ns between the rice sequence and two sorghum physical maps that integrate genetic markers, bacterial
259                                To generate a physical map, the entire library was fingerprinted with
260 aps for these four populations onto a common physical map, the results from each experiment were dire
261  library and correlation with an A. nidulans physical map, the septins are not clustered but are scat
262 ar distance between them on the chromosome's physical map, thereby permitting assessment of the DNA c
263 ave developed a system to align an FPC-based physical map to a genomic sequence based on BAC end sequ
264   Additionally, the alignment of the sorghum physical map to the rice genome sequence allowed sequenc
265       Here we demonstrate the power of HAPPY physical mapping to aid the complete assembly of T. ther
266 gments, PCR-based scaffold verification, and physical mapping to chromosomes.
267 as reinvigorated interest in high-resolution physical mapping to fill technical gaps that are not wel
268 re threefold: (1) to combine bioinformatics, physical mapping to produce comprehensive comparative ma
269                                      We used physical mapping to show that RT binds preferentially to
270 h that is based on comparing the genetic and physical maps to infer recombination rates along the maj
271 fic signal intensity at each SNP, as well as physical maps to make posterior inferences of CNAs.
272 tion, to link the transcripts to genetic and physical maps, to provide links to orthologous and paral
273 her improvements to the GA in the context of physical mapping under the maximum likelihood model are
274  first-generation comparative chicken-condor physical map using an overgo hybridization approach.
275 less so on the Z chromosome, as confirmed by physical mapping using bacterial artificial chromosome f
276                                              Physical maps using large-fragment bacterial artificial
277 found and placed to the metaphase chromosome physical maps using standard FISH methods.
278                                              Physical mapping was accomplished by 179 DNA markers mos
279                        To construct a robust physical map, we devised a novel and general strategy, e
280                   In a probabilistic view of physical mapping, we assert that all of the many possibl
281 acterial artificial chromosome (BACs) in the physical map were sequenced, fine structure was limited.
282                                          The physical maps were validated with FISH and genetic mappi
283 a combined approach of BAC fingerprint based physical maps, WGS sequence and HSV-based partitioning o
284                             Furthermore, the physical map will aid map-based cloning of agronomically
285 th the hybridization data, a high-resolution physical map with 194 positioned markers represented in
286 o flesh color colocalized on a contig of the physical map with a cDNA probe of the tomato (Solanum ly
287 n from genetic maps and the BAC contig-based physical map with the cytological structure of chromosom
288 we tested the feasibility of integrating the physical map with the existing soybean composite genetic
289 lecular linkage groups, and a sequence-based physical map with the karyotype has been impeded due to
290 dicated that it is feasible to integrate the physical map with the linkage map even though greater ef
291                                  Genome-wide physical mapping with bacteria-based large-insert clones
292  the utility of the CE technology for genome physical mapping with large-insert clones by constructin
293                                       Genome physical mapping with large-insert clones by fingerprint
294                                              Physical mapping with large-insert clones is becoming an
295 ice by combining high-resolution genetic and physical mapping with large-scale sequence analysis.
296  predicted hybridization accessibility after physical mapping with self-quenching reporter molecules
297                   In addition, the corrupted physical maps with an introduced random error of +/-6A a
298                            Comparison of the physical maps with genetic linkage maps showed that reco
299  particularly useful for comparing BAC-based physical maps with genetic maps.
300                            Comparison of the physical maps with the 3A genetic-linkage map localized

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