


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 dom provides a plethora of exotic phases and physical phenomena.
2 lead to the realization of several predicted physical phenomena.
3 cal and mechanical devices and display novel physical phenomena.
4 er a rare platform for realizing many exotic physical phenomena.
5 amatically when compared to macroscale fluid physical phenomena.
6  it a flexible platform for exploring exotic physical phenomena.
7 rovide a unique test bed for low-dimensional physical phenomena.
8 ems in confined geometries are host to novel physical phenomena.
9 om single ion channels, as well as for other physical phenomena.
10 ts in this system show a plethora of diverse physical phenomena.
11 ensuring the robustness of a wide variety of physical phenomena.
12 ox potential, chemical reactions and various physical phenomena.
13 ly dispersed spatial data and simulations of physical phenomena.
14 maging, microscopy, and tests of fundamental physical phenomena.
15 lays a significant role in many chemical and physical phenomena.
16 bandgap can allow for the exploration of new physical phenomena.
17 lications for our understanding of important physical phenomena.
18 levant lengths to the nanoscale produces new physical phenomena.
19 stems, and their study has shed light on new physical phenomena.
20 x and involves a large number of species and physical phenomena, a comprehensive understanding of the
21 onal materials, which often exhibit striking physical phenomena absent in their bulk form.
22 properties as well as the emergence of novel physical phenomena and device functionality.
23  extensively studied as templates for unique physical phenomena and in the design of reconfigurable e
24 ly available specimens mask many anticipated physical phenomena and limit device applications of TMDC
25 esent a new class of matter with both exotic physical phenomena and novel application potentials.
26 terest due to their richness in chemical and physical phenomena and potential for technological appli
27 f freedom, making it possible to explore new physical phenomena and to foresee novel applications in
28 tor has the potential to give rise to exotic physical phenomena and useful device applications.
29 to leverage spatial principles in simulating physical phenomena and, by extension, advance the physic
30  already demonstrated a range of fascinating physical phenomena, and have also been used in demonstra
31              Special relativity asserts that physical phenomena appear the same to all unaccelerated
32                                          The physical phenomena are complex and nonintuitive, and so
33 d at the quantum level, the presumption that physical phenomena are fundamentally determinate seems t
34 ffers the potential for the discovery of new physical phenomena, as well as a better understanding of
35  performance, but also prevents the study of physical phenomena associated with an extended pi-electr
36                                  The primary physical phenomena associated with ultrasound that are r
37                   Understanding the emergent physical phenomena at surfaces requires the capability t
38 technological potential, along with the rich physical phenomena at the interface, has sparked intensi
39 abling the study of biological, material and physical phenomena at the nanometre scale.
40 ficant change in the relative proportions of physical phenomena attributed to genetic causes, but the
41 ta, indicating that the functional can cover physical phenomena behind adsorption of organic molecule
42 eting has been elaborated in studying purely physical phenomena, but there can be found therein many
43  heat currents, electric currents, and other physical phenomena by coordinate transformation methods
44                                         Many physical phenomena can be understood by single-particle
45                                         Many physical phenomena deviate from their established framew
46 rich material base for exploring many exotic physical phenomena (for example, chiral magnetic effects
47 s to experimental data on a diverse range of physical phenomena, from conductance in granular metals
48                    For the first time, novel physical phenomena have been observed at these dramatica
49                          It hybrids multiple physical phenomena i.e. magnetic flux leakage, induced e
50 tum spin correlations underlies a variety of physical phenomena in condensed-matter systems, potentia
51 rical breakdown is one of the most important physical phenomena in electrical and electronic engineer
52 y and document analytical laws that underlie physical phenomena in nature.
53 junctions as molecular switches, and general physical phenomena in single-molecule electronic devices
54 atic liquid crystals model a wide variety of physical phenomena in systems that rapidly switch betwee
55 ies using the combination of three different physical phenomena in the same channel of the SPR analyz
56 it coupling are known to give rise to exotic physical phenomena in transition metal oxides.
57 and heterostructures opens vistas into novel physical phenomena including magnetoelectric coupling an
58 y of oxide surfaces affects a broad range of physical phenomena, including mineral dissolution and so
59 ize area have been extensively used to model physical phenomena, including soap films, black holes, c
60           They also exhibit a variety of new physical phenomena, including suppression or enhancement
61  ferromagnetic metals and discoveries of new physical phenomena involving electron spin.
62 expanding interest in ultrafast chemical and physical phenomena, it has become important to develop t
63         Remarkably little is known about the physical phenomena leading to nucleation of new perfect
64  of two-dimensional materials have shown new physical phenomena, novel electronic and optical propert
65 hat such a model is inadequate and that many physical phenomena occur during grain boundary migration
66                              Critically, the physical phenomena occurring form the basis of the model
67 include measurement error in addition to the physical phenomena of interest.
68 's magnetic field, one of the most enigmatic physical phenomena of the planet, is constantly changing
69 ivity and circular dichroism are fascinating physical phenomena originating from the interaction of l
70                                Understanding physical phenomena peculiar to nanoconfined water paves
71              Knots and knotted fields enrich physical phenomena ranging from DNA and molecular chemis
72 d graphene-boron nitride layers, interesting physical phenomena ranging from Fermi velocity renormali
73  by presenting the theoretical principles of physical phenomena represented by mathematical descripti
74 ives rise to very interesting spin-dependent physical phenomena such as the Edelstein and inverse Ede
75 s have already led to the observation of new physical phenomena, such as the metal-insulator transiti
76 viour of phase is crucial for many important physical phenomena, such as, for example, the Aharonov-B
77            This review highlights the unique physical phenomena surrounding this class of polycyclic
78 de heterostructures exhibit a range of novel physical phenomena that are absent in the parent compoun
79                                Among all the physical phenomena that are enabled by Weyl semimetals,
80 ure X-ray structure provide insight into the physical phenomena that control the electronic modulatio
81 ary researchers strive to understand complex physical phenomena that involve many constituents, may b
82 which are also predicted to give rise to new physical phenomena that would be absent in a planar two-
83           By invoking a more complete set of physical phenomena, this new model will enable represent
84 e but also open a route for exploring exotic physical phenomena through phonon properties in Weyl sem
85 of two-dimensional crystals, they allow rich physical phenomena to be probed at the quantum level.
86 short timescale by actively exploiting local physical phenomena to develop communities and efficientl
87 n avenue to uncover technologically relevant physical phenomena unattainable in bulk materials.
88                                     The main physical phenomena were water loss during grilling, and
89  that the correlation may be caused by other physical phenomena with decadal periods or by a response
90     Using CUP, we visualize four fundamental physical phenomena with single laser shots only: laser p

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