


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ous surface chemistry as well as homogeneous physical properties.
2 layered material that exhibits extraordinary physical properties.
3  yield cell-active molecules with reasonable physical properties.
4 al parameter for structure-driven control of physical properties.
5 gh the tailoring of scaffold composition and physical properties.
6  providing new technologies based on dynamic physical properties.
7 so nondestructive control of the electrodes' physical properties.
8 es as simple as improvements in stability or physical properties.
9 nd nanopores, which have unique chemical and physical properties.
10 nal surfaces, optical properties, and robust physical properties.
11 n extensive repertoire of silks with diverse physical properties.
12 pically observable as new gels with distinct physical properties.
13 accessible heterostructures with interesting physical properties.
14 tional groups on both device performance and physical properties.
15 n these clusters has involved elucidation of physical properties.
16 ted to exhibit good stability and remarkable physical properties.
17  and root traits also benefit essential soil physical properties.
18  exhibit an impressive array of chemical and physical properties.
19 membrane contains microdomains with distinct physical properties.
20 ls, determining their crystal structures and physical properties.
21  the chemical ordering of the dopants on the physical properties.
22 nal plane that is responsible for its unique physical properties.
23 anomalous lattice vibration and chemical and physical properties.
24 stals grown using both procedures affect the physical properties.
25  compounds with a wide range of chemical and physical properties.
26 , as well as to understand and predict their physical properties.
27 phenotype and classify cells purely based on physical properties.
28 ompounds were optimized for BRD4 potency and physical properties.
29 e devices owing to their unique chemical and physical properties.
30 riguing topologically dependent chemical and physical properties.
31 namically shape soft colloids and tune their physical properties.
32 ials with new optical effects and many other physical properties.
33 rials vary widely in their functionality and physical properties.
34 rose from their unusual oxidation states and physical properties.
35 use their non-trivial topology creates novel physical properties.
36 aterials with tunable optical, chemical, and physical properties.
37 at can bestow a huge variety of chemical and physical properties.
38 to their fascinating electrical, thermal and physical properties.
39 ibility and a wide range of compositions and physical properties.
40  allotropes with highly diverse chemical and physical properties.
41 ses with distinct structures, symmetries and physical properties.
42 the crystal structure resulting in different physical properties.
43 terials without significantly altering their physical properties.
44 face sites in relation to their chemical and physical properties.
45  candidates for designing both: chemical and physical properties.
46 hondria results in opposite changes in these physical properties.
47    A power discrimination was obtained using physical properties (97.06%), and the best separations w
48  of chemical complexity on their fundamental physical properties, a family of (eight) Ni-based, face-
49 universal nature of networks' structural and physical properties across diverse systems offers a bett
50 ble at subnanomolar concentrations and whose physical properties allow them to serve as highly sensit
51 id pose unique and well defined chemical and physical properties, allowing their further transformati
52                  Due to their mechanical and physical properties, aluminium alloys possess wide poten
53 as become an obstacle to further explore the physical properties and advanced applications of 2D nano
54 ft on the titanium surfaces altered titanium physical properties and adversely affected the osteoblas
55  understand the effects of such water on the physical properties and chemical evolution of Earth's in
56  to the wide range of variations in chemical/physical properties and concentrations of these metaboli
57 mer quaternary assemblies with improved (bio)physical properties and divergent topologies.
58                                          The physical properties and elemental abundances of the inte
59 nantly peptides that display quite different physical properties and gas-phase conformations from lip
60 to bean flour and processing moisture on the physical properties and in vitro digestibility of rice-b
61 xtensive research interest for its excellent physical properties and its unique potential for applica
62 icular (119)Sn NMR and UV-vis spectroscopy), physical properties and material properties of polystann
63 istinct localized states, which often govern physical properties and may lead to unprecedented functi
64     Cholesterol is widely known to alter the physical properties and permeability of membranes.
65 onsiderable attention due to its interesting physical properties and practical applications.
66 -NH2(+)CH2-aryl, but they generally had poor physical properties and some showed toxicity in vitro.
67 live oil phenolic content and pattern on the physical properties and stability of olive oil mayonnais
68 hts into how this regulation may control the physical properties and structure of the plant cell wall
69  provides a direct explanation for different physical properties and understanding of the combination
70 menology of interactions, resulting in novel physical properties and unique functionalities.
71                   Integrating toxicity data, physical properties, and fate and transport parameters w
72 s of complex chemical synthesis, undesirable physical properties, and poor selectivity along with unw
73        The solution structures, stabilities, physical properties, and reactivities of sodium diisopro
74                                  Thermal and physical properties are also similar to cocoa butter.
75 nce of VexE, Vi antigen is produced, but its physical properties are altered, its export is impaired,
76 models based on arbitrarily selected sets of physical properties are inherently deficient.
77 ts, one of which is how their structural and physical properties are modified at the nanoscale.
78                                        Their physical properties are strongly dependent on parameters
79 onse potency; highlighting the importance of physical properties as a consideration in designing a MW
80 ferent heat transport modes having different physical properties at small length scales: layer-restri
81 nd hierarchical regenerated silk fibers with physical properties beyond natural fiber construction.
82 tibodies critically determine biological and physical properties but their precise control is a signi
83 nanocrystals, with size- and shape-dependent physical properties, but they are less successful in ach
84  compelling strategy for producing desirable physical properties by atomic-scale manipulation.
85 ich allows fine-tuning of their chemical and physical properties by design.
86   In most synthetic elastomers, changing the physical properties by monomer choice also results in a
87 aries of colloidal nanocrystals with tunable physical properties by tailoring the nanocrystal size, s
88  film, a material's chemical composition and physical properties can be reversibly reconfigured using
89                                        Their physical properties can be very different from those of
90                          It is shown that no physical property can be identified that carries signifi
91  been to quantitatively predict how membrane physical properties change upon addition of new amphiphi
92 d elastic properties of materials exhibiting physical properties comparable to pure diamond have rece
93  Cyclic polymers have dramatically different physical properties compared with those of their equival
94 oneys were analysed for various chemical and physical properties; comparison of rate constants and th
95 must be considered when collecting/analyzing physical property data of SmB6.
96                     The combination of ideal physical properties (dense, smooth, uniform) and broad c
97 ing poly(aryl ethers), despite the excellent physical properties displayed by many polysulfides.
98  received little attention despite excellent physical properties displayed by many polysulfides.
99 er, the crystal phase-dependent chemical and physical properties (e.g. chemical stability, magnetic,
100  that previously reported some variations of physical properties (e.g., density, electrical conductiv
101  properties of chromatin constrained by some physical properties embedded in 5C data.
102 ies a central role in directing chemical and physical properties for almost any given compound or mat
103 triggered vigorous efforts to modulate their physical properties for their use in devices.
104 ategies are: simulation-based predictions of physical properties (for example, charge mobility, photo
105 ructure in metallic glasses (MGs) with their physical properties has been a long-sought goal.
106 es and demonstration of its correlation with physical properties has been challenging.
107 lexible and tunable chemical composition and physical properties have attracted tremendous attention
108 dary (MPB), where concomitant enhancement of physical properties have been detected.
109                       Recently, new types of physical properties have been explored in lanthanide-bea
110 tal in chemistry, with profound effects upon physical properties, however their role in excited state
111 ributions (MWD) of polymers influences their physical properties; however, no synthetic methods allow
112 s to materials with fascinating chemical and physical properties imparted by the presence of inorgani
113 ent, with corresponding large changes in the physical properties in a bulk oxide at unprecedented low
114 cific environmental changes and adjust their physical properties in a predictable manner, making them
115 e motions can be coupled to other attractive physical properties in such 2D systems.
116 blish Cu2Si as a platform to study the novel physical properties in two-dimensional Dirac materials a
117                                          The physical properties including acidity, thermo-physical p
118       These states have remarkably different physical properties including very different optical con
119 he quantification of cell and model membrane physical properties, including local hydration, fluidity
120 define subsurface lithofacies and these same physical properties influence subsurface microbial commu
121 e combined effects of membrane thickness and physical properties influenced the size, shape, and dist
122 hysical properties including acidity, thermo-physical properties, ionic conductivity, spectroscopy, a
123 liquids (e-liquids), research on their chemo-physical properties is still in its infancy.
124 set of building blocks with new chemical and physical properties is transforming the study, manipulat
125 in accurate observational estimates of their physical properties (masses, radii, temperatures and alb
126                                              Physical property measurement results including resistiv
127                                              Physical property measurements indicate that oxygen vaca
128               Its detailed characterization, physical property measurements, and ab initio calculatio
129 in monomer syntheses and the preparation and physical properties, morphologies, mechanical behavior,
130             Here, we show preservation of SE physical properties, (morphology, concentration, intensi
131 djuvants are equal neither in terms of their physical properties nor their biological reactivity and
132                        However, the distinct physical properties of (83)Kr that enable unique MRI con
133          The extremely promising optical and physical properties of 1 shown here motivate further exp
134 the spectral identification and describe the physical properties of a bright kilonova associated with
135                                          The physical properties of a doped quantum dot (QD) are stro
136 n rice (Oryza sativa) RSA in response to the physical properties of a granular substrate.
137 egree of informatic independence between the physical properties of amino acids as encoded in actual
138  on the view that cell shape arises from the physical properties of an elastic cell wall inflated by
139 onduct a comprehensive study of the chemical-physical properties of an empty HIV-1 capsid, including
140 osensors, Spillane and Tolar explore how the physical properties of antigen-presenting cell surfaces
141 lecular crowding agents has an impact on the physical properties of buffer solutions.
142                      The unique chemical and physical properties of CAP have led to its use in variou
143 y affected by bulk solution pH, the chemical-physical properties of CaP solids collected on the catho
144 echniques relying on inherent mechanical and physical properties of cells offer high-throughput scala
145 ean and efficient way of reversibly altering physical properties of chemical systems and injecting en
146 er, proper understanding of how altering the physical properties of CNTs may influence antigen uptake
147 olecule inorganic chemistries to control the physical properties of colloidal QDs and provide microsc
148  addition, it enables tuning of the emergent physical properties of complex oxides, through strong in
149 les remain, particularly regarding different physical properties of crystalline and amorphous phases.
150 e experimental data provide a glimpse of the physical properties of dense hydrogen above 325 gigapasc
151 mental to understanding the variation in the physical properties of different spinel compositions.
152                           Here we assess how physical properties of display sites can alter this bala
153 understood how these modifications influence physical properties of DNA and chromatin.
154 ylation has long been suspected to alter the physical properties of DNA, but the full spectrum of the
155 universes" depend strongly on the individual physical properties of each "universe" via the Purcell e
156               These results demonstrate that physical properties of engineered hydrogels modulate the
157 efore, mixing LAE with lecithin improved the physical properties of EOC nanoemulsions but did not imp
158 llable interfacial strain can manipulate the physical properties of epitaxial films and help understa
159 nd key molecules responsible for sensing the physical properties of food are unknown.
160 the molecule of choice for understanding the physical properties of graphene for over a decade.
161 oton can crucially affect the structural and physical properties of hydrogen compounds.
162 powerful approach to tailor the chemical and physical properties of interfaces and has given rise to
163 heory of associative polymers to uncover the physical properties of intrinsically disordered linkers
164 e microscopy, we analyzed the morphology and physical properties of isolated HIV-1 cores during the c
165 ty of the tafazzin reaction results from the physical properties of lipids.
166                            The structure and physical properties of liquid crystal (LC) mixtures are
167         Few studies have addressed the basic physical properties of long single-stranded RNAs.
168                   In order to understand the physical properties of materials it is necessary to dete
169 for tuning the crystal structure, bonds, and physical properties of materials, and is a significant t
170 es exist throughout nature and determine the physical properties of materials.
171 rmal conductivity is one of the most crucial physical properties of matter when it comes to understan
172 erization of catecholic small molecules, the physical properties of melanins are influenced by covale
173  the feasibility of dynamically changing the physical properties of microswimmers through assembly an
174 sponding thiols and alter the electronic and physical properties of modified proteins.
175 tions suggest a productive interplay between physical properties of mouse optic nerve gliomas and the
176           These results demonstrate that the physical properties of MreB filaments are important for
177            We hypothesized that altering the physical properties of multi-walled CNTs (MWNTs)-antigen
178 rovide us with the tools to understand which physical properties of nanoparticles are beneficial for
179 ibrils, which retain structural features and physical properties of native silk fibers, show potentia
180                             The chemical and physical properties of nitrosamines, the parent amine, a
181 ulation variables had significant effects on physical properties of NLC.
182 ysical zero-knowledge proof that can compare physical properties of objects, this experiment opens th
183                                              Physical properties of omega-3 containing powders and ta
184  highly desirable in tuning the activity and physical properties of peptidic macrocycles.
185 mplexity proteins and RNA in determining the physical properties of phase-separated structures.
186                                          The physical properties of polycrystalline materials depend
187 ng gels, have important consequences for the physical properties of polymeric materials.
188 distribution impact the chain dimensions and physical properties of polymers.
189 eral changes that reduce the nutritional and physical properties of potatoes.
190                           Three chemical and physical properties of primary sequences: purine, pyrimi
191        Our studies thus demonstrate that the physical properties of prion-like domains can retarget c
192  of dispersion-bound systems, we explore the physical properties of prototypical ABO3 bulk ferroelect
193                             The chemical and physical properties of QD surfaces and the interfaces in
194 n this study, effects of HHP up to 600MPa on physical properties of quinoa starch were studied and co
195 etal-insulator transition and the intriguing physical properties of rare-earth perovskite nickelates
196              The chemistry, microbiology and physical properties of saline groundwater were character
197                                              Physical properties of sediments are commonly used to de
198                 Additionally, we measure the physical properties of separated tissues and quantify th
199 ucts of microbial decay and the chemical and physical properties of silt and clay particles that occl
200 sucrose behenate for the modification of the physical properties of soft fats, such as soybean oil-ba
201                  Hydrogels mimic many of the physical properties of soft tissue and are widely used b
202 aterial design to exploring the chemical and physical properties of structures already known.
203 s in controlling the geochemical cycling and physical properties of subduction zones.
204 ipulating the size, shape, distribution, and physical properties of synthetic vesicles, with potentia
205 nfluence of spin-orbit coupling (SOC) on the physical properties of the 5d(2) system Sr2MgOsO6 is pro
206 n amino acid sequence, and identify specific physical properties of the amino acids that govern varia
207 ic to mesoscopic length scales and (iii) the physical properties of the amyloids in the context of th
208                Although widely observed, the physical properties of the assemblies, as well as the me
209 nities for further exploration of the exotic physical properties of the B4 phase.
210                           In particular, the physical properties of the bilayer perovskite Sr3Ru2O7 a
211 , the parent amine, and the influence of the physical properties of the carbon sorbents on nitrosamin
212 ction engenders a dramatic modulation of the physical properties of the chain compound.
213 ology of the human lateral canal using known physical properties of the endolymph and perilymph in th
214 ll wall-modifying enzymes, thus altering the physical properties of the endosperm to condition a mech
215 g the bidirectional relationship between the physical properties of the environment and the cell mech
216                                 Chemical and physical properties of the environment control cell prol
217 Tumor progression alters the composition and physical properties of the extracellular matrix.
218 ological facies, and the relationships among physical properties of the facies, physicochemical attri
219 thod of graphite oxidation can influence the physical properties of the graphitic oxide, the preparat
220                                       As the physical properties of the materials are being explored,
221 ngth of the "rollers" and the electronic and physical properties of the materials are carefully studi
222            We show a correlation between the physical properties of the membrane (bending rigidity an
223 pholipid scrambling significantly alters the physical properties of the membrane and its landscape an
224 rom a variety of theoretical work that known physical properties of the membrane, such as its bending
225 t tactile judgment of speed is influenced by physical properties of the moving object, though the neu
226     In turn, alterations in the chemical and physical properties of the nanoparticle often have a neg
227 fic chromatin modifications, which alter the physical properties of the nucleus and thereby enable T-
228 on, Escherichia coli LPS environments on the physical properties of the OMs and OprH using all-atom m
229  renders antigen extraction sensitive to the physical properties of the presenting cells.
230 increase in interest in the potential of the physical properties of the radio channel itself to provi
231 akes advantage of the intrinsic chemical and physical properties of the respective components to enco
232                                          The physical properties of the resultant HPHs were evaluated
233             Our data reveal the chemical and physical properties of the solvent-derived ligand of the
234 rted by the subsiding reservoir roof and the physical properties of the subsurface flow path explain
235 ding, arise naturally with variations in the physical properties of the surface.
236 ves as a first look toward understanding the physical properties of the textile itself to better unde
237                                        These physical properties of the tissue connect across scales
238 eption consistently misjudges the objective, physical properties of the visual stimulus.
239 ot only do we find distinctively contrasting physical properties of the VO2 polymorphs, but that the
240        Sensory hair cells require control of physical properties of their apical plasma membranes for
241 sts a means by which bacteria can manage the physical properties of their membranes through the cell
242  must quickly adapt in the short term to the physical properties of their surroundings.
243 ch allows us to predefine the mechanical and physical properties of these materials, achieved by the
244                            Consequently, the physical properties of these systems just above or below
245 ll wall is discussed with respect to how the physical properties of this structure affect water loss
246 re largely offset at the refinery due to the physical properties of this tight oil.
247 a powerful tool for optimizing the intrinsic physical properties of TMD systems.
248                              Analysis of the physical properties of tumor cells and integrin adhesion
249  Grain boundaries have a major effect on the physical properties of two-dimensional layered materials
250     Boosted by the remarkable electronic and physical properties of two-dimensional materials such as
251  provide an important basis for relating the physical properties of unstructured proteins to folding
252 xide (GO) in an effort to improve the thermo-physical properties of various base fluids.
253                                   Effects on physical properties of white bread of adding crude (E1)
254  show and explain how the layer stacking and physical properties of WSe2 are influenced by screw disl
255 udy reveals an unexpected new phenotype in a physical property of central neurons lacking FMRP that c
256      The viscosity of complex solutions is a physical property of central relevance for a large numbe
257  system (formulation) affect the optical and physical property of contact lenses.
258 ow-power consumption display in terms of the physical property of liquid crystal material and the ele
259 ergotamine or triptans, to the brain despite physical properties otherwise restricting their entry.
260                 Thanks to their chemical and physical properties PDMS and PAm hydrogel mimic the extr
261 for fundamental theories, while their unique physical properties promise a wide range of possible app
262 esigned to produce structures with a desired physical property rather than a specific shape.
263 tions can vary substantially in chemical and physical properties related to product quality.
264          We report a study of the structural-physical properties relationship of high crystalline qua
265 els exhibited a wide range of highly tunable physical properties, remarkable in vitro and in vivo bio
266 of how such interfaces can be used to tailor physical properties requires characterization techniques
267 r vesicles (EVs) whose biogenesis, size, and physical properties resemble those of retroviruses.
268 al location, phylogeny, conserved domain and physical properties showed highly conserved nature of la
269 sts of these high-metallicity absorbers have physical properties similar to massive star-forming gala
270  us to capture a single cell and measure its physical properties simultaneously.
271 To address this controversy, we assessed the physical properties, structure, purity, Dectin-1 binding
272 ontinuing advances in our ability to measure physical properties such as absorbed light dose, photose
273 vacancies, it is possible to influence their physical properties such as band-gap, conductivity, magn
274  surface states, but also exhibits appealing physical properties such as extremely large magnetoresis
275 of transformation and hence the evolution of physical properties such as fluid pressure.
276 roperties, sensorial attributes, shelf-life, physical properties such as melting, crystallization and
277 science communities due to their exceptional physical properties such as ultra-high mobility and extr
278                              Its fundamental physical properties, such as an excellent spatial and te
279    Both the structure of the crystal and its physical properties, such as methane storage capacity an
280                                 In addition, physical properties, such as solubility, melting points,
281 ite the distinguishable differences in their physical properties, suggests the universality of the ph
282 sign of protein sheets with architecture and physical properties suitable for nanotechnological appli
283 emitting semiconductors by solely relying on physical properties that are indigenous to the material
284  a series of MOFs with a remarkable range of physical properties that are not observed with the ligan
285 ign of nanomaterials through the lens of the physical properties that produce contrast signal for the
286 o various chemical reactions to modify their physical properties then conjugated to ovalbumin (OVA),
287                              The controlling physical properties (thermodynamics and kinetics) are de
288 x, protect, and deliver mRNA and then change physical properties through a degradative, charge-neutra
289 structure prediction with the computation of physical properties to allow researchers to choose the m
290 nyl metabolites to change their chemical and physical properties to such an extent that the labeled m
291 tive to TiO2 ETM, ZnO materials have similar physical properties to TiO2 but with much higher electro
292 etic phase, highlighting thickness-dependent physical properties typical of van der Waals crystals.
293 ir loosely bound electrons, electrides offer physical properties useful in chemical synthesis and ele
294 e distinct forms of spider silk chemical and physical property variability.
295 coordination complexes with particular photo-physical property, wherein unique donors are combined wi
296                              Three important physical properties which may affect the performance of
297 ese results are attributed to the material's physical properties, which include hierarchical porosity
298  community attention because of their unique physical properties, which make them promising candidate
299 of the ACI perovskites is expressed in their physical properties, which show a characteristic decreas
300 d with sesame peels flour showed interesting physical properties with lower moisture content and high

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