


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  changes in tissues following application of physical stress.
2 teraction importance responded positively to physical stress.
3  iRHOM2 regulates the epithelial response to physical stress.
4 ereby exposing plasma membrane to tremendous physical stress.
5 women and occurs in response to emotional or physical stress.
6 thology associated with psychological and/or physical stress.
7 radigm that is insulated from the effects of physical stress.
8 he capsid against disassembly by chemical or physical stress.
9 ng upper body pain, triggered by fasting and physical stress.
10 unction precipitated by intense emotional or physical stress.
11 sigma(B) transcription factor in response to physical stress.
12 d in otherwise healthy adults that are under physical stress.
13 lymers for applications such as detection of physical stress.
14 the level of tissue damage after chemical or physical stress.
15  to proinflammatory stimuli, infections, and physical stress.
16 olerance of the yeasts products to different physical stresses.
17  cells and cell networks sense and transduce physical stresses.
18      Both of these metrics were regressed on physical stress, a combination of catchment-scale agricu
19                                              Physical stress activates sigma(B) through a collection
20                                              Physical stress activation of sigma(B) involves a large-
21 luid tissue is blood settling, which induces physical stress and compaction, aggregates blood cells,
22 series initially presented with emotional or physical stress and had similarities to transient apical
23  cellular force production and adaptation to physical stress and have been well studied within the co
24  important for protection of male sperm from physical stresses and consists of an inner gametophyte-d
25 icle acts as both a physical barrier against physical stresses and pathogens and a chemical deterrent
26 channels play a critical role in transducing physical stresses at the cell membrane into an electroch
27            Psychological, physiological, and physical stress, both acute and chronic, triggers immune
28 tivity in ClpP- B. subtilis was triggered by physical stress but not by the induced synthesis of the
29 tion and severity, psychological tension and physical stress can enhance or suppress the immune syste
30 e of the heart, using ECG, during mental and physical stress challenges and corresponding control con
31 nd female rats were exposed to intermittent, physical stress during either early (PD22-33) or mid -(P
32   In contrast, the activation of sigma(B) by physical stress (e.g., ethanol treatment) is not affecte
33 stand high temperatures and endure prolonged physical stress (e.g., long-distance running).
34 nstrate that social isolation, but not acute physical stress has sex-specific effects on PVN CRH neur
35 heximide, etoposide, and camptothecin, and a physical stress, hyperthermia.
36  effect of underestimating the true level of physical stress imposed during exercise testing and the
37 BAs contents, as a result of the thermal and physical stress imposed on ground coffee by these method
38  channel permeable to Ca(2+) , it transduces physical stress in the form of osmotic cell swelling int
39                   Their ability to withstand physical stresses in high energy environments relies on
40 markable in their resistance to chemical and physical stresses, including exposure to UV radiation.
41                     Resilience to mental and physical stress is a key determinant for the survival an
42                                              Physical stress is communicated to sigma(B) via a large-
43                              Psychologic and physical stress is known to be related with periodontal
44 en genetic and environmental factors such as physical stress is needed.
45 hich occurs at lower heart rates than during physical stress, is not well understood.
46 ative stress but was elevated in response to physical stresses, like salt (NaCl) and heat.
47 ular mechanisms leading to cell breakdown on physical stress may point the way to mutation-independen
48                                              Physical stresses may perturb the cell surface or alter
49               Our research strategy combined physical stress measures via the salivary analytes corti
50 icate that cell migration incurs substantial physical stress on the NE and its content and requires e
51 prone to limitations such as the exertion of physical stress on the worms and limited throughput.
52                  To examine the influence of physical stress on TLR expression and function, peripher
53 nse, triggered by a variety of biological or physical stresses on an organism, is a delicate system o
54 , and alanine substitutions in this section, physical stress, or exposure of H to soluble ligands tri
55 vate the principal negative regulator of the physical stress pathway (RsbS) by phosphorylation and ac
56 ress but not by the induced synthesis of the physical stress pathway's positive regulator (RsbT).
57 in as an essential positive regulator of its physical stress pathway.
58 associated with emotional, physiological, or physical stress precede and might trigger the attacks.
59 ice were exposed to either emotional (ES) or physical stress (PS) for 10 minutes per day for 10 days.
60 ng junctions that exist in cells that endure physical stress such as cardiac myocytes.
61 tions are key to organism success under high physical stress, such as recolonization of bare substrat
62 taining the integrity of tissues that endure physical stress, such as the epidermis and myocardium.
63 talium, elevated expression of MG_454 due to physical stress suggests its control by an unidentified
64 or grouped) or group housed females to acute physical stress (swim), increased FSL.
65 mic and catecholamine responses to mental or physical stress than patients who did not exhibit daily
66  are thought to stem from yet to be observed physical stresses that act in some direct and causal mec
67 anes are exposed to a number of chemical and physical stresses that may alter the structure of the li
68 Surgeons are routinely subject to mental and physical stresses through the course of their work in th
69 Surgeons are routinely subject to mental and physical stresses through the course of their work in th
70 ernal cracks, as well as the causes of these physical stresses, to be identified.
71 L following either social isolation or acute physical stress was blocked by the glucocorticoid synthe
72                   Precipitating emotional or physical stress was reported in 56.5%.
73 ccumulation of (p)ppGpp during antibiotic or physical stresses, while RelQ appears to be responsible
74                                 By combining physical stress with incubation in alkaline and acidic a

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