


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 reventing actual control from being realized physically.
2 d neural network representations for storing physically accessible quantum states.
3 h socioeconomic groups were found to be less physically active and consume more fats, salt, and proce
4                                            A physically active lifestyle has beneficial effects on hi
5                                            A physically active lifestyle keeps both the vasodilator r
6 ions that aim to improve iron status involve physically active populations.
7  an infected or transformed target cell is a physically active structure capable of exerting mechanic
8 ay be associated with shorter LTL among less physically active women.
9 of participants had a healthy diet, 66% were physically active, 95% were nonsmokers, and 55% had low
10 status accurately reflect iron metabolism in physically active, nonanemic women.
11 dependent reductions in the motivation to be physically active.
12 es with the greatest percentage of happy and physically-active tweets had lower obesity prevalence-ac
13                                   Second, we physically adhered spheres to the surface of erythrocyte
14 rmination of the enthalpy difference between physically adsorbed pentene in ZSM-5 and the localized h
15         We explored how cortical vessels are physically altered following TBI using a newly developed
16 re able to communicate with each other, both physically and biochemically, thereby facilitating the f
17  reef systems is economically, biologically, physically and culturally immense.
18        Mechanistically, we find that CBX6 is physically and functionally associated to both canonical
19 he nuclear pore complex (NPC) protein Nup170-physically and functionally interact with one another an
20  We demonstrate that BCCIPbeta binds DNA and physically and functionally interacts with RAD51 to stim
21 e demonstrated that nuclear IGF-1R (nIGF-1R) physically and functionally interacts with some nuclear
22    Together, these results suggest that BAG3 physically and functionally links Hsp70 and sHsps.
23  are localized in the pars tuberalis (PT), a physically and functionally separate part of the gland.
24 yndrome (WRN) protein, and that it interacts physically and functionally with WRN both in vivo and in
25                             We find that Shv physically and genetically interacts with betaPS integri
26                               Notably, Kr-h1 physically and genetically interacts with dFOXO in vitro
27 from poles, but we do not know where and how-physically and molecularly-this load distributes across
28                                 Many men are physically and psychologically ill-prepared and suffer f
29 eruse of unneeded services can harm patients physically and psychologically, and can harm health syst
30                   Here we recruited healthy, physically and socially active young (YO) and elderly (E
31 tiffness, as the skin layer constituents are physically and therefore mechanically similar between sp
32 ditions let alone in forest canopy, which is physically and visually highly dynamic.
33                    GATA4 and NKX2-5 interact physically, and the activation of GATA4, in cooperation
34      Here we report that GABAB receptors can physically associate with the potassium-chloride cotrans
35               This is because genomic DNA is physically associated with an astonishing collection of
36                                         CIB1 physically associated with apoptosis signal-regulating k
37                          Furthermore, Sigma1 physically associated with ARV7 and AR(v567es) as well a
38                                    PGBD5 was physically associated with genomic PSS sequences that we
39 In addition, we demonstrated that Ssl2245 is physically associated with Sll1130 by electrostatic inte
40                                      MSI2 is physically associated with the BCAT1 transcript and posi
41               Notably, we discovered that PR physically associated with the Pol III holoenzyme.
42                                    AIPR-1 is physically associated with the ryanodine receptor at syn
43  protein 1-interacting protein (Wtip), which physically associates with and cooperates with Pk3 to re
44 vated leukocyte cell adhesion molecule), and physically associates with the T cell receptor (TCR) at
45 irectly recognizes histone ubiquitylation by physically associating with ubiquitin-bound RNF168.
46 tion study prove that DauA and DctA interact physically at the membrane.
47  (95% CI, 18.0%-36.6%) reported feeling less physically attractive compared with 56.3% (95% CI, 31.9%
48 ow why prosocial behaviors are biased toward physically attractive individuals, as they can gain valu
49 o the central business district and to other physically attractive neighborhoods-an observation that
50  a positive charge on the fiber surface that physically attracts and bonds with bacteria.
51                     We recently introduced a physically based approach to sequence comparison, the pr
52 esistance of faults are vital ingredients in physically-based predictive models of the earthquake sou
53 ther demonstrated that extracellular lumican physically binds with EGFR to trigger EGFR internalizati
54 nt of cardiac arrhythmias and are thought to physically block the pore.
55                                              Physically blocking pili imposed resistance to pilus ret
56  alphaB-crystallin, suggesting that it might physically bring the chaperone families together into a
57 edox-sensitive disulfide bond, while TET was physically capsulated spontaneously for the aim to suppr
58 odel, where individual-level patient DNA are physically centralized at a single site, PRINCESS perfor
59 th endothelia lining blood vessels, which is physically challenging because of the shear stress gener
60 at while neither the P/R nor the HD locus is physically closely linked to its centromere in C. amylol
61 ars to involve transcriptional activation of physically clustered genes through chromatin de-condensa
62 binds these genes simultaneously nor do they physically colocalize in myocyte nuclei.
63 pressed by the abundant PD-L1(+) TAMs, which physically colocalize with PD-L1(+) HRS cells in a micro
64 earching plant genomes, we reveal a suite of physically colocalized pairs of PT and TPS genes for the
65 ves cell migration through biochemically and physically complex microenvironments at the blood-brain
66  the single dominant function of MeCP2 is to physically connect DNA with the NCoR/SMRT complex, by re
67 y between the plasma membrane dynamics and a physically connected cell cortex or wall, accounting for
68 as well as different types of molecules into physically connected individual neighboring cells separa
69 ary structure into spatially distributed yet physically connected networks of co-evolving amino acids
70 omain (LBD) and DNA-binding domain (DBD) are physically connected to foster allosteric signal transmi
71 cally-distant parts of the chromosome can be physically connected, through paths combining linear dif
72                               This result is physically consistent with that of the variation of the
73                             The models allow physically-consistent interpretation and prediction of o
74                          These events may be physically constrained by the plasma membrane.
75 of implantation for applications in small or physically constrained regions of the body.
76 and rearrangement, all of which occur within physically constrained regions.
77 o covalently immobilize the enzyme, as it is physically constrained.
78 neurons (OSNs), primary sensory neurons that physically contact odor molecules in the nose and provid
79 turn physically uncontrollable networks into physically controllable ones by imposing slightly augmen
80                     This approach provides a physically controlled drug delivery method harnessing th
81            The melody of the song was either physically correct or modified by compression or expansi
82 m and excretion (ADME), provide guidance for physically coupling MPS, and offer an approach to coupli
83 the nucleotide-binding domain of ATP7B, thus physically coupling the domains involved in copper bindi
84  a poly(gamma-glutamic acid) polymer network physically cross-linked via grafted self-assembling beta
85 he assembly of protein block copolymers into physically cross-linked, viscoelastic hydrogels.
86 e nucleic acid probes embedded in permeable, physically crosslinked, alginate beads were also enginee
87 nical response and morphology of microporous physically-crosslinked cryogels are compared to those of
88 m rejection levels as low as 30% after being physically damaged.
89  likely to fish using legal methods that are physically demanding, require travel to deep waters, and
90 tron microscopy, we showed that this peptide physically destroyed influenza virions.
91 coral reef habitats and are functionally and physically different from back reefs, are unknown.
92  only present in ascocarp-forming fungi that physically discharge ascospores.
93 at in humans, the scaffold transforms into a physically discontinuous structure during the transition
94 read thinly across the substrate and are not physically disrupted.
95 B2 effectively suppressed autophagic flux by physically dissociating Beclin-1 from the Vps34-Vps15 co
96 es (i.e., pool, riffle, run, and glide) were physically distinct and created unique mosaics of mesoha
97 rticles (VLPs) that were morphologically and physically distinct from M-only or F-only VLPs.
98 d fluorescence correlation spectroscopy, two physically distinct methods, both yielded Kd values of a
99  compelling agreement with experiment, three physically distinct phases of the time evolution are ide
100  ring is a complex molecular apparatus which physically divides many eukaryotic cells.
101 ormances comparable to the ones of unipolar, physically-doped 2D electronic devices.
102 ed by complex predator-prey interactions and physically driven variations in upper water column growt
103 icant cognitive demand and others being more physically effortful.
104 lid state sensing materials were prepared by physically embedding the fluoroionophore into water-swel
105 rylazadipyrromethene dyes (aza-BODIPYs) dyes physically entrapped in polyurethane hydrogels and dispe
106 CsA) were prepared with synthesized ACQ dyes physically entrapped.
107 ) the faces are inverted and (3) an identity physically equidistant from the two faces is adapted.
108 roving the resolution of light microscopy by physically expanding a specimen, has not been applied to
109 term total and aneurysm-related mortality in physically frail patients with abdominal aortic aneurysm
110                     This analysis provides a physically grounded framework that can guide the develop
111    Sensitivity analysis of studies with only physically healthy participants identified higher blood
112  ambiguous conditions, when the stimuli were physically identical and the inset was absent in both, s
113 oronal mass ejections and jets are indeed of physically identical origin (although on different spati
114    This suggests that the two phenomena have physically identical origin and hence that a single mech
115 ging how a simple reflex circuit responds to physically identical stimuli.
116  Creek (190 mug/L), two tributaries that are physically impacted by tailings structures.
117 -machine interfaces represent a solution for physically impaired people to communicate with external
118 ution to determine whether two molecules are physically in contact or simply nearby by chance.
119 horiovitelline placenta is never established physically in the human, the placental villi, the exocoe
120 ses of interest occur in optically opaque or physically inaccessible contexts, necessitating approach
121 least effective, but a reasonable choice for physically inactive patients aged 80 years or older, in
122                      Moreover, the ODNs were physically incorporated into the genome only in the bidi
123 y whether EVAR reduces mortality in patients physically ineligible for open repair.
124           Thus ANTs and the OXPHOS machinery physically interact and functionally cooperate to enhanc
125 hown to function in chitin or salt signaling physically interact and intimately link the downstream r
126 TCF and cohesin co-occupy the same sites and physically interact as a biochemically stable complex.
127 s that DauA and the sensor complex DctA/DcuS physically interact at the membrane.
128  and AtRALF1 are both secreted proteins that physically interact in a Ca(2+)- and pH-dependent manner
129  in stabilizing the actin cytoskeleton, they physically interact in the cytoplasm of chondrocytes, an
130                              RBR and AtBRCA1 physically interact in vitro and in planta Genetic inter
131 ion of the nitrate reductase gene, NIA1, and physically interact under continuous nitrate and N-starv
132 ese PREs, colocalize with PRC2 on chromatin, physically interact with and recruit PRC2, and are requi
133         Moreover, we found that BOP proteins physically interact with both PIF4 and CULLIN3A and that
134                           SOX10 was found to physically interact with BRG1 in differentiating melanoc
135                   We found that SPOP(WT) can physically interact with c-MYC protein and, upon exogeno
136  that sodium channel alpha-subunits not only physically interact with each other but they actually as
137 Our analyses identify hundreds of genes that physically interact with enhancers gained on the human l
138                            ViaA was found to physically interact with FrdA, the flavin-containing sub
139      Briefly, we found that both ERK1 and -2 physically interact with HDAC6.
140 at HEC factors transcriptionally control and physically interact with MONOPTEROS (MP), a key regulato
141 nding [5-7], we do not know how kinetochores physically interact with polymerizing versus depolymeriz
142 und that some KCNQ channels functionally and physically interact with sodium-dependent solute transpo
143 are associated with the ability of RanBP9 to physically interact with tau and heat shock protein 90/h
144    We show that both wild-type and mutant AR physically interact with the APC/C(Cdh1) complex in a li
145 is a functional homolog of CKS1/SUC1 and can physically interact with the CDK protein Cdc28, and Som1
146  Polo-docking sites by Cdk1 and PLK-1 itself physically interact with the PLK-1 PBD.
147                     We found that Egr2 and 3 physically interact with the T-box domain of T-bet, bloc
148                         PSY was uncovered to physically interact with various Clp protease subunits (
149 or Smad3 regulate a common set of genes, can physically interact, and exhibit multilevel cross-talk r
150                               ACTL6A and p63 physically interact, cooperatively controlling a transcr
151            Delta-tubulin and epsilon-tubulin physically interact, indicating that these tubulins act
152         CNPYb and gp93 were further found to physically interact.
153 the first direct evidence that ToxR and ToxS physically interact.
154 SR1-positive and -negative breast cancer can physically interact.
155          Secreted frizzled-related protein 2 physically interacted and colocalized with transforming
156 -increased and co-localized to lysosomes and physically interacted in lal(-/-) ECs.
157                      Mechanistically, MCPIP1 physically interacted with a stem-loop structure in the
158 T3, a known Bcl-6 transcriptional regulator, physically interacted with Aiolos to form a transcriptio
159                        Mechanistically, Akt1 physically interacted with and phosphorylated UBE2S at T
160 ranscription factors Tal1, Gata2, and Ets1/2 physically interacted with and recruited Hdac3 to the ev
161                                         EOL1 physically interacted with CLF, its partially redundant
162 ssay (Duolink) indicated that PTPRO directly physically interacted with ERBB2.
163                                       ZNF764 physically interacted with GR at ligand-binding domain t
164                           Stress-induced p53 physically interacted with hypoxia-inducible factor-1alp
165                                         HBL1 physically interacted with MIR1 in an AGO2 complex.
166                              CIA2B and MMS19 physically interacted with the C terminus of viperin and
167 oprecipitation studies, we showed that HDAC5 physically interacted with the LSD1 complex through its
168                                       Smurf2 physically interacted with Topo IIalpha and modified its
169 es, and, critically, the genes identified as physically interacting are shown to be transcriptionally
170 ble of determining whether two molecules are physically interacting or simply in proximity by random
171 uding mechanical sensing, energy harvesting, physically interacting, and so on.
172           Proteomic analyses show that HOXA1 physically interacts on chromatin with PBX, MEIS, and PR
173                                       NaJAZi physically interacts with a newly identified NINJA-like
174                           Furthermore, VRK2A physically interacts with A-type, but not B-type, lamins
175 ed death through a surprising mechanism: ARF physically interacts with and antagonizes activation by
176 OP2), contain high levels of active TOR ROP2 physically interacts with and, when GTP-bound, activates
177 ecipitation experiments indicated that CERK1 physically interacts with ANNEXIN 1 (ANN1), which was re
178 to more precise mechanism, we show that LMP1 physically interacts with c-Src, and the phosphatidylino
179                                Further, Mdm2 physically interacts with Cdc25C and promotes its degrad
180 box protein in Arabidopsis thaliana KFB(CHS) physically interacts with CHS and specifically mediates
181          Consistent with this finding, COL12 physically interacts with CO in vivo, suggesting that CO
182                                  Pet117 also physically interacts with Cox15 and specifically mediate
183                                     Occludin physically interacts with FAK, and occludin and FAK phos
184 lectively, our studies demonstrate that DLX3 physically interacts with GCM1 and inhibits its transact
185                             We show that RPA physically interacts with HIRA to form RPA-HIRA-H3.3 com
186  that FLIL33, but not mature interleukin-33, physically interacts with IPO5 and that this interaction
187                                         LIP5 physically interacts with IST1-LIKE1 (ISTL1), a protein
188 not three, transmembrane domains and that it physically interacts with key components of the nuclear
189       AtRAP is localized in chloroplasts and physically interacts with Low Sulfur Upregulated 2 (LSU2
190 hydrogel lacking the imidazole moiety, which physically interacts with macrophages via histamine rece
191                                        TRPC3 physically interacts with Nox2 at specific C-terminal si
192  protein which is expressed in all ATL cases physically interacts with NRF-1 and inhibits the DNA-bin
193                                         EYA1 physically interacts with protein arginine methyltransfe
194                            In addition, Dia2 physically interacts with Sgs1 upon checkpoint activatio
195 zes predominantly at the Golgi apparatus and physically interacts with small guanosine triphosphatase
196                          We show that Shisa7 physically interacts with synaptic AMPARs in mouse hippo
197                                         BRG1 physically interacts with Tbeta4 and is recruited by CCA
198 s, and, importantly, the human ortholog CHD2 physically interacts with TDP-43 and is strikingly reduc
199 ranscription factor forkhead box O3 (Foxo3a) physically interacts with Tet2 and regulates the express
200                        Mechanistically, EBF2 physically interacts with the chromatin remodeler BRG1 a
201                                     Aquarius physically interacts with the germline Argonaute HRDE-1.
202                              LincRNA-Tnfaip3 physically interacts with the high-mobility group box 1
203                We also demonstrate that Gad8 physically interacts with the MluI cell cycle box-bindin
204     Furthermore, we demonstrated that FBXO32 physically interacts with the N-terminus (1-60 aa) of KL
205                       We also show that TRBP physically interacts with the Notch transcriptional coac
206  of selected gene terminators and because it physically interacts with the ribonucleolytic nuclear RN
207                                           CO physically interacts with the same HFD surface required
208                                 KLF4 protein physically interacts with the Smad7 promoter.
209                          We show this region physically interacts with the transcription start site o
210         Our observations indicate that Nrdp1 physically interacts with the Vangl1 and Vangl2 proteins
211 NA replication of circular genomes generates physically interlinked or catenated sister DNAs.
212        These mathematical approaches produce physically interpretable membrane shapes, energy estimat
213                                            A physically intuitive current injection efficiency model
214                                   By using a physically intuitive, first-order interference model of
215  transcriptional and genetic markers between physically isolated biopsies of a single tumor poses maj
216 e for differentiation among (but not within) physically isolated regions in the south, including Iber
217            To characterize ALT in detail, we physically isolated this lncRNA by a strand-specific hyb
218  characterizes one key viral lncRNA, ALT, by physically isolating ALT and by a sequencing-independent
219 trophil effector mechanisms to destroy these physically large microbial structures.
220 rs acquire these behaviors, despite having a physically limited nervous system of 302 neurons, is poo
221 nts then resulted in the 2 MAT loci becoming physically linked and eventually fusing to form the sing
222                             Co-expression of physically linked genes occurs surprisingly frequently i
223 ly, we show that several of the CES that are physically linked to each other in vivo are LBC interact
224 d myosin-based contractile ring (CR) that is physically linked to the plasma membrane (PM).
225 gens should be kept in close proximity (i.e. physically linked) to ensure delivery of antigens and ad
226 g PEG-grafted cationic polypeptides, and (4) physically loading neoantigen into iDR-NCs.
227 washing steps, as the free dye molecules are physically located away from the nanoparticle surface, a
228  in which preserved biological specimens are physically magnified by embedding them in a densely cros
229 hat Willis properties are required to obtain physically meaningful effective material properties resu
230 on whose mean and variance are determined by physically meaningful parameters and which in turn deter
231 e find that transient chaos, besides being a physically meaningful phenomenon by itself, provides a r
232                                 We propose a physically meaningful well-specific critical SfCP criter
233 ecomposing their optical absorbance into two physically measurable components and analyzing them as a
234                                          The physically measurable stiffness of gels, as well as tiss
235 fluenza VLPs without CCL28 or influenza VLPs physically mixed with sCCL28 (soluble) in mice.
236                                     Here, we physically model the population dynamics of microbes tha
237 ve function subject to a number of important physically motivated constraints, we are able to efficie
238 s is complete passivity, and thus provides a physically motivated identification of thermal states wh
239 -motor skills, pre-date difficulties in more physically oriented daily activities.media-1vid110.1093/
240 ategory using a validation approach based on physically orthogonal measurements to CLSM.
241 ty and nuclear factors could in principle be physically perturbed.
242 ovided to undermine the well-established and physically plausible consensus that the brain extracellu
243  Such networks may contain data that are not physically pooled but instead are distributed horizontal
244 t of a potential direct effect, BLM is found physically proximal to DNA:RNA hybrids in human cells, a
245 gation assays show that these 2 proteins are physically proximal to Nbeal2 in human megakaryocytes.
246 HP) can have major consequences for patients physically, psychologically, emotionally and socially, l
247 r histologically scored or biochemically and physically quantified in all animals.
248 ognized, but incorporating these features in physically-rational bedform models at various scales rem
249 tract models can not be well-approximated by physically realistic models, putting constraints on phys
250 results demonstrate that neurocomputing in a physically realistic network of micromechanical oscillat
251 relationships between more abstract and more physically realistic tile assembly models.
252                                   Since NuRD physically rearranges nucleosomes, the dynamic mobility
253 d on classical Marcus theory, which provided physically reasonable fits with only two adjustable para
254 ed using a hybrid framework TST and KGT with physically reasonable parameters controlling the interfa
255                         Here, we demonstrate physically reconfigurable circuitry through light-induce
256 g, this site is not sufficient on its own to physically recruit miRISC.
257                                              Physically relevant compound descriptors were computed t
258 he rapid ability of multicellular tissues to physically remodel their matrix enables their constituen
259 e transition when establishing seedlings are physically removed by winter storms.
260  axial dimension of the volume is sampled by physically removing thin sections from the embedded spec
261  A new mechanics-based system is proposed to physically restrain cells that grow more than their neig
262                  Whereas this would normally physically restrict cell motility, when the particulate
263 outcome, here we find that these signals are physically segregated within each granuloma.
264           The resulting hydrogel composed of physically self-assembled CarHC polymers exhibited a rap
265 nsport receptor for PTEN that is required to physically separate PTEN from elements of the PTEN degra
266 r -4 kleisins form a central core, which may physically separate sister chromatids.
267   Three types of equipment have been used to physically separate the bacterial test strains from eith
268 completely encapsulate the cargo PC1 and are physically separated from ER.
269               At P9, E. coli K1 bacteria are physically separated from villi by the mucus layer and t
270                             Here we employed physically separated neuron-astrocyte cocultures to inve
271 municate this exploratory behaviour to other physically separated streptomycetes using an airborne vo
272  D2 oxidation and proton reduction occur are physically separated.
273                                  Cytokinesis physically separates dividing cells by forming a contrac
274     We developed a microfluidic reactor that physically separates Geobacter sulfurreducens from the M
275  contacts the embryonic epsilon-globin gene, physically separating the fetal globin genes from the en
276 olves a large number of transcripts that are physically sequestered in ribonucleoprotein particles (R
277                        This suggests that Ku physically sequesters blunt-ended telomeres within its D
278                               Shade works by physically shielding skin from direct harmful UV rays; h
279                     Toroidal dipoles provide physically significant contributions to the basic charac
280 confused with those of closely associated or physically similar particles.
281 dent rolling promotes adhesion to HA by both physically slowing cells and enabling them to position p
282 of variations of scaling relationships and a physically sound estimation of hydrodynamic characterist
283 onsistency is underpinned by appropriate and physically sound values of hydrodynamic invariants, indi
284 4%, presented the most effective peptides to physically stabilize emulsions with smaller droplet size
285 mulations provided ANE photoprotection, were physically stable after 15months of storage at 4 degrees
286 90H loading anethole were demonstrated to be physically stable upon reconstitution in HP-ss-CD soluti
287 l world, bacteria are more likely to live in physically structured habitats as colonies, within which
288  biofilm expansion on nutritious surfaces by physically swelling the colony, which enhances nutrient
289 entional hardware for such studies, however, physically tethers the experimental animal to an externa
290  control energy, we offer strategies to turn physically uncontrollable networks into physically contr
291 is a recessive factor that causes SC that is physically unlinked to the S-locus.
292                              Zonda interacts physically with Atg1 through its kinase domain, as well
293 ously unknown stromal protein that interacts physically with both ALB4 and ALB3.
294           We demonstrate that UBR5 interacts physically with MOAP-1, ubiquitylates MOAP-1 in vitro an
295  in recognizing the way that people interact physically with objects and other people.
296             We show that HDAC6 is associated physically with the chaperone protein dHsc4/Hsc70 to mai
297 64 Moreover, the encoded proteins interacted physically with the chloroplast maintenance-related TF S
298       We demonstrated that NLRP14 interacted physically with the nucleic acid sensing pathway and tar
299 ntaining transcription factors that interact physically with the red and far-red light photoreceptors
300 ne motif-rich protein Aim21, which interacts physically with the SH3 domain of the Arp2/3 complex reg

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