


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 , we examined whether resveratrol might be a phytoestrogen.
2 rcuma comosa Roxb., has been identified as a phytoestrogen.
3 gency-sponsored quality assurance scheme for phytoestrogens.
4  in engineering plants to contain isoflavone phytoestrogens.
5  tofu), soy protein, or urinary excretion of phytoestrogens.
6  bone density may be favorably influenced by phytoestrogens.
7 s, including the naturally occurring dietary phytoestrogens.
8 e of the biological effects of diets rich in phytoestrogens.
9 ense properties, as well as similar roles as phytoestrogens.
10 , was investigated for 29 mycotoxins and two phytoestrogens.
11 ibitors belonging to the coumestan family of phytoestrogens.
12 phytoestrogens or on a chow nearly devoid of phytoestrogens.
13 s under the stimulation of estrogens but not phytoestrogens.
14 contained lower amounts of naturally present phytoestrogens.
15 wn to be a suitable method for hydrolysis of phytoestrogens.
16 ning diet [(P-600); that had 600 microg/g of phytoestrogens].
17  diets containing plant-derived isoflavones (phytoestrogens) afford protection against CVDs, suppleme
18 h, menopause, and climacteric, combined with phytoestrogens, alternative medicine, herbal medicine, t
19 t comprehensive suite of natural hormone and phytoestrogen analytes examined to date across a livesto
20              Resveratrol, a well-established phytoestrogen and chemopreventive agent, has gained much
21            We conclude that resveratrol is a phytoestrogen and that it exhibits variable degrees of e
22 T1A10 is important for detoxifying estrogens/phytoestrogens and aromatic acids with complementary act
23             Research on the relation between phytoestrogens and breast cancer risk has been limited i
24                                              Phytoestrogens and environmental xenoestrogens will fall
25                                However, both phytoestrogens and estrogen inhibited RANKL-induced Ikap
26  attenuation of natural steroid hormones and phytoestrogens and estrogenic activity were assessed acr
27 s due to their biological activity as strong phytoestrogens and potent cancer chemopreventive agents.
28           Isoflavones are classified as both phytoestrogens and selective estrogen receptor modulator
29 nd to contain lower amounts of contaminating phytoestrogens and showed increased enzyme activity for
30 ethod has been developed for the analysis of phytoestrogens and their conjugates in human urine using
31                                        These phytoestrogens and their metabolites have many potent ho
32 ological evidence is needed on the levels of phytoestrogens and their metabolites in foods and biolog
33 ne and a variety of EDCs produced by plants (phytoestrogens), and that the diversity of organic EDCs
34 study, the distribution of steroid hormones, phytoestrogens, and estrogenic activity was thoroughly c
35 broad class of nonsteroidal estrogens called phytoestrogens, and in the past decade there has been co
36                                              Phytoestrogens appear to have little effect on breast ca
37                                              Phytoestrogens are a group of polyphenolic plant metabol
38 hough epidemiological data are inconclusive, phytoestrogens are considered to be beneficial for a var
39                                              Phytoestrogens are plant-derived compounds found mainly
40 though natural toxins, such as mycotoxins or phytoestrogens are widely studied and were recently iden
41 to that of cntnap2 mutants and show that the phytoestrogen biochanin A specifically reverses the muta
42 , these data present the first evidence that phytoestrogens can affect aggressive behavior and, concu
43 on to naturally occurring estrogens, dietary phytoestrogens can affect sexual differentiation.
44 emiological data suggest that consumption of phytoestrogens can be protective against the development
45 vironmental estrogen-like molecules, such as phytoestrogens, can also affect cardiac physiology in bo
46                         In urine, all of the phytoestrogen conjugates hydrolyzed within 2h under stan
47  6 proved to be detrimental to hydrolysis of phytoestrogen conjugates, especially those in plasma.
48   The authors' findings suggest that dietary phytoestrogen consumption may partially defeminize adult
49 the beneficial and/or detrimental impacts of phytoestrogen consumption through commercial rodent diet
50 mals fed a phytoestrogen-free (P-free) vs. a phytoestrogen-containing diet [(P-600); that had 600 mic
51 mbined with an enzyme "blank" to correct for phytoestrogen contamination was shown to be a suitable m
52              The finding that variability in phytoestrogen content in commercial rodent diets, both w
53  or the general public, reliable data on the phytoestrogen content of food is necessary.
54 igher than the P-free values and the mbh-poa phytoestrogen content was 8-fold higher than the P-free
55 xposure duration and timing, dietary fat and phytoestrogen content, or lack of sophisticated phenotyp
56 nesis less effectively than the nonselective phytoestrogen daidzein, which effectively reproduced eff
57  initial experiments using estradiol and the phytoestrogens daidzein and genistein (compounds known t
58                                Additionally, phytoestrogens decreased body weight but increased consu
59 on with females of both genotypes on the low phytoestrogen diet.
60                            Exposure to these phytoestrogens early in life may have long-term health b
61 e cancer-preventative "mammalian" lignan or "phytoestrogen" enterolactone, formed in the gut followin
62 holesterol, fatty acids, vitamins, minerals, phytoestrogens, ethanol, and polyphenols, are either ben
63 rge range in both the amount and the type of phytoestrogens excreted.
64 idual variation seen in urinary isoflavonoid phytoestrogen excretion, we conducted a series of 3 huma
65                               Early-life soy phytoestrogen exposure has been shown in Eker rats to in
66 support for persistent effects of early life phytoestrogen exposure on the uterus.
67                         We hypothesized that phytoestrogen exposure regulates PTEN protein expression
68 he relation between uterine fibroid risk and phytoestrogen exposure.
69 tion between exposure to fungicides, dioxin, phytoestrogens, flame retardants, heavy metals and child
70  dietary xenobiotics including glycosides of phytoestrogens, flavonoids, simple phenolics and cyanoge
71                                 Genistein, a phytoestrogen found abundantly in soy products, is thoug
72                       Resveratrol, a natural phytoestrogen found in red wine and a variety of plants,
73 ls (via Western analysis) from animals fed a phytoestrogen-free (P-free) vs. a phytoestrogen-containi
74           We used a phytoestrogen (PE) and a phytoestrogen-free (PE-Free) diet to determine whether o
75 either a phytoestrogen-rich (Phyto-600) or a phytoestrogen-free (Phyto-free) diet.
76 ales, which are nonagouti, were fed either a phytoestrogen-free control diet or one of six experiment
77 -6 weeks of age, transgenic males were fed a phytoestrogen-free diet (AIN-76A) containing 0, 100, 250
78 nts may provide the health benefits of these phytoestrogens from consumption of more widely used grai
79 wt(-1) x d(-1)), whereas the intake of these phytoestrogens from human milk is negligible (<0.01 mg/d
80 flammatory gene expression, because both the phytoestrogen genistein and low doses of EE were effecti
81                                          The phytoestrogen genistein is able to modulate uterine estr
82 with these findings, STX, tamoxifen, and the phytoestrogen genistein were able to increase SF-1 trans
83  either methyl donors like folic acid or the phytoestrogen genistein, negated the DNA hypomethylating
84               For example, dietary intake of phytoestrogen, genistein (Gen), seems to play a preventi
85 y study has been pursued on the nonsteroidal phytoestrogen, genistein.
86                           The soy isoflavone phytoestrogens, genistein and daidzein, and equol (a dai
87 enis) was associated with maternal intake of phytoestrogens, given their potential impact on estrogen
88 diet) and soy protein from which most of the phytoestrogens had been extracted (low-isoflavone diet)
89 bDiet 5001) as compared to chow with minimal phytoestrogens (Harlan 2016 Teklad) was associated with
90                                              Phytoestrogens have a similar structure to estradiol and
91                                 Furthermore, phytoestrogens have antineoplastic effects with inhibiti
92 ared with soy protein from which most of the phytoestrogens have been extracted, soy protein with int
93                                          The phytoestrogens have certain similarities to 'designer ho
94                                              Phytoestrogens have the ability to bind estrogen recepto
95 ate intakes of soy protein containing intact phytoestrogens (high-isoflavone diet) and soy protein fr
96 ucibility and can be easily adapted to other phytoestrogens if required.
97 exposure to 17beta-estradiol or genistein (a phytoestrogen in soy protein-based diets), and neonatal
98 the first generic method for the analysis of phytoestrogens in food, using automated solid-phase extr
99 s of the metabolism and disposition of these phytoestrogens in humans.
100 large body of evidence documents the role of phytoestrogens in influencing hormone-dependent states.
101 amental plants) increase the distribution of phytoestrogens in surface waters.
102                                  In summary, phytoestrogens, in the form of dietary isoflavones, repr
103 fants fed soy formula receive high levels of phytoestrogens, in the form of soy isoflavones, during a
104                             Broadly defined, phytoestrogens include isoflavones, coumestans, and lign
105 urine, and prostatic fluid concentrations of phytoestrogens, including genistein.
106                                              Phytoestrogens, including isoflavones and lignans, can a
107 have been extracted, soy protein with intact phytoestrogens increases HDL-cholesterol and apolipoprot
108                       Excreta also contained phytoestrogens indicative of a soy-based diet, particula
109                      The characterization of phytoestrogen intake and cancer risk has been hindered b
110 represents the first large-scale analysis of phytoestrogen intake and hypospadias.
111  sex/gender difference exists in response to phytoestrogen intake and what the possible underlying me
112 colorectal, and prostate cancers relative to phytoestrogen intake on the basis of a comprehensive dat
113        For example, the odds ratio for total phytoestrogen intake was 0.7 (95% confidence interval: 0
114                                              Phytoestrogen intake was not associated with breast canc
115                                              Phytoestrogen intake was not associated with breast canc
116 ontrols) cancers were calculated relative to phytoestrogen intake.
117                                   Individual phytoestrogen interventions such as dietary and suppleme
118 e P-free group, demonstrating the passage of phytoestrogens into brain.
119 terest in engineering the synthesis of these phytoestrogens into plants.
120                                              Phytoestrogen isoflavone intervention to engage the neur
121                               Genistein is a phytoestrogen isoflavone that exerts agonist and antagon
122                              From a panel of phytoestrogen isoflavones, biochanin A (BCA) was identif
123                                              Phytoestrogens (isoflavones and lignans) are of increasi
124 mized rats (9 weeks) on chow containing high phytoestrogen levels (Purina LabDiet 5001) as compared t
125 mice to a commercial rodent diet with higher phytoestrogen levels facilitates uterine growth in the p
126 plus maze and body weight were unaffected by phytoestrogen levels in the diet.
127                                 P-600 plasma phytoestrogen levels were 78-fold higher than the P-free
128 implantation compared with a diet with lower phytoestrogen levels.
129  significantly: (1) elevate plasma and brain phytoestrogens levels and (2) decrease brain calcium-bin
130 In the ArKO females raised on a diet high in phytoestrogens, lordosis was reduced in comparison with
131                                              Phytoestrogens may act as natural selective estrogen rec
132                                      Dietary phytoestrogens may contribute to the risk of colorectal
133          It may be logical to postulate that phytoestrogens may regulate proteins that control cellul
134                                 Genistein, a phytoestrogen, may have estrogenic cardioprotective acti
135 humans with a soy challenge, a comparison of phytoestrogen metabolism when subjects consumed fermente
136                         In addition, dietary phytoestrogens modified mammary development and tumor la
137                Here, we identify Icaritin, a phytoestrogen molecule enhances self-renewal of mouse em
138 Liquiritigenin was found to be the principle phytoestrogen of the licorice extracts; however, it exhi
139  isolates and contain significant amounts of phytoestrogens of the isoflavone class.
140     This review is focused on the effects of phytoestrogens on cognition by examining clinical and an
141  needed to evaluate the long-term effects of phytoestrogens on obesity and diabetes mellitus and thei
142 s study characterized the effects of dietary phytoestrogens on the expression of body and prostate we
143 s study characterized the effects of dietary phytoestrogens on the expression of body weight, consumm
144 er on a standard mouse chow that was rich in phytoestrogens or on a chow nearly devoid of phytoestrog
145 e interactions between tamoxifen and dietary phytoestrogens (or isoflavones) by dose and form in vivo
146 uded plasticizers, phthalates, metals, PCBs, phytoestrogens, PAHs, heterocyclic amines, antioxidants,
147 ndicate that women ingesting high amounts of phytoestrogens, particularly as isoflavones in soy produ
148 doxically, high consumption of plant-derived phytoestrogens, particularly soybean isoflavones, is ass
149                                    We used a phytoestrogen (PE) and a phytoestrogen-free (PE-Free) di
150                                              Phytoestrogen [plant estrogenic-like molecule(s)] resear
151            Evidence is emerging that dietary phytoestrogens play a beneficial role in obesity and dia
152 nd cell culture systems suggest that dietary phytoestrogens play an important role in prevention of m
153                                      Natural phytoestrogen polyphenols, including resveratrol (RES),
154                                              Phytoestrogens present in soybeans and other plant produ
155 occurring estrogen-like molecules in plants (phytoestrogens), present via soy, in animal diets can al
156 occurring estrogen-like molecules in plants (phytoestrogens), present via soy, in animal diets, exert
157                                              Phytoestrogens produced anxiolytic effects in both male
158 r data provide evidence that a mechanism for phytoestrogens' protective nature is partially through i
159 ng naturally occurring amounts of isoflavone phytoestrogens reduced lipid peroxidation in vivo and in
160 imental protocols, animals were fed either a phytoestrogen-rich (Phyto-600) or a phytoestrogen-free (
161                                              Phytoestrogen-rich soy is known to ameliorate menopause-
162               However, little is known about phytoestrogen's effects on the CNS.
163          Black cohosh and foods that contain phytoestrogens show promise for the treatment of menopau
164  and Asian populations and clinical studies, phytoestrogens show promise to improve health and brain
165 ondary aim was to evaluate the effect of soy phytoestrogen (SPE) treatment on the severity of OA.
166  metabolite equol was by far the predominant phytoestrogen species, with daidzein, genistein, formono
167                                Plant-derived phytoestrogens specifically have received much attention
168                          Increased intake in phytoestrogens stemmed from the search for safe alternat
169                               Concomitantly, phytoestrogen stimulation resulted in decreased Akt phos
170                  Soy products, which contain phytoestrogens such as genistein, are one source of expo
171 or increased consumption of other sources of phytoestrogens such as whole grains, vegetables, fruits,
172 re slightly increased in cells stimulated by phytoestrogens, suggesting that the mechanism for increa
173  trials suggests that composite and specific phytoestrogen supplementations were associated with mode
174 cts of 2 popular, commercially available soy phytoestrogen supplements on anxiety in male, diestrus f
175                        D3 is a weakly acting phytoestrogen that mimics the mitogenic responses produc
176     Taken together, BCA represents a natural phytoestrogen that mitigates stroke-induced injury by in
177               The isoflavones are a group of phytoestrogens that are present in high concentrations i
178  is a rich source of isoflavones--a class of phytoestrogens that has both antiestrogenic and anticarc
179 ds are rich in isoflavones, a major group of phytoestrogens that have been hypothesized to reduce the
180 cts of endogenous T-derived E2 and exogenous phytoestrogens, the authors used an aromatase knockout (
181 re no dietary recommendations for individual phytoestrogens, there may be great benefit in increased
182 edlings can serve multiple purposes, e.g. as phytoestrogens they can provide health benefits and as n
183               Similar to broad conversion of phytoestrogens, UGT1A10 metabolized estrogens and their
184                                      Because phytoestrogen use in nutritional and pharmaceutical appl
185  hindered by the absence of accurate dietary phytoestrogen values.
186       These data suggest that consumption of phytoestrogens via a soy diet for a relatively short int
187       These data suggest that consumption of phytoestrogens via a soy diet, significantly: (1) decrea
188                                       Use of phytoestrogens was associated with a decrease in the num
189                Previously, food analysis for phytoestrogens was performed using either HPLC-UV or GC/
190                            Daidzein, another phytoestrogen, was ineffective, but equimolar concentrat
191 nformation, we hypothesized that soy-derived phytoestrogens, weak estrogen-like substances in the soy
192  total isoflavones, total lignans, and total phytoestrogens were associated with reduced risks; odds
193                                 All of these phytoestrogens were found to be photolabile under certai
194  first time, average levels of all the above phytoestrogens were measured in samples of urine collect
195                                              Phytoestrogens were often more abundant than steroidal e
196                       We report an assay for phytoestrogens which is sensitive, accurate, and uses lo
197 estrogen agonist is the plant-based group of phytoestrogens, which include isoflavones, lignans and c
198 ver sprouts can be considered as a source of phytoestrogens with high biological activity and as a di
199 s trace minerals and phenolic compounds, and phytoestrogens, with potential hormonal effects.

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