


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  of carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus found in phytoplankton).
2 mulates CO2 consumption by photosynthesizing phytoplankton.
3 Hg concentrations in zooplankton compared to phytoplankton.
4 lakes, but rather to the low availability of phytoplankton.
5 diverse and ecologically important groups of phytoplankton.
6 drivers of evolution in single-celled marine phytoplankton.
7 nteractions with diatoms and other siliceous phytoplankton.
8 ocean, lives in symbiosis with single-celled phytoplankton.
9  with rhythmic photobiological indicators in phytoplankton.
10 yanobacteria are the major components of the phytoplankton.
11 essed ash a significant source of Fe(II) for phytoplankton.
12 ported by a very active CEF in psychrophilic phytoplankton.
13 more nitrogenous nutrients for the growth of phytoplankton.
14 ent iron acquisition mechanisms among modern phytoplankton.
15 g cyanobacteria and, potentially, eukaryotic phytoplankton.
16 istributions, but do not correspond to known phytoplankton.
17 uted to increase in temperature, sea ice and phytoplankton.
18 lated cell death responses observed in other phytoplankton.
19          Modeled bioaccumulation factors for phytoplankton (10(2.4)-10(5.9)) are more variable than t
20 et) transamination pathway as macroalgae and phytoplankton(10).
21 ing over several weeks to smaller and motile phytoplankton(4).
22                                 We show that phytoplankton abundance increased since the 1960s in par
23 luating and further understanding drivers of phytoplankton abundance, resolving differences attributa
24  responded to variations among the levels of phytoplankton and bacteria in the seawater.
25 e accompanied by equally important shifts in phytoplankton and bacterial community structure.
26 r results show that the growth rates of both phytoplankton and bacterioplankton populations were sign
27 ow three end points, carbon transfer between phytoplankton and Daphnia magna, D. magna mobility and g
28  will lead to a variety of effects on marine phytoplankton and ecosystems.
29 rctic Peninsula (WAP) sea ice, oceanography, phytoplankton and encrusting zoobenthos have been monito
30 nthic and pelagic energy pathways connecting phytoplankton and fish, (ii) depresses trophic transfer
31 likely consequences for grazing pressures on phytoplankton and hence for biogeochemical cycling, high
32                                   Therefore, phytoplankton and heterotrophic community dynamics are i
33 tary statistical analysis of 13 data sets of phytoplankton and periphyton communities exposed to chem
34                                              Phytoplankton and prokaryotic communities correlated bet
35 munity variation from daily rRNA analysis of phytoplankton and prokaryotic community members followin
36                A prospective study of marine phytoplankton and reported illness among recreational be
37 ions between recreational exposure to marine phytoplankton and reports of eye irritation, respiratory
38 obacter subtypes and the interaction between phytoplankton and the environment explained an additiona
39 sfully reproduces measured concentrations in phytoplankton and zooplankton across diverse sites from
40 h low allochthony (< 0.3) had wide ranges of phytoplankton and zooplankton biomass and production, de
41   At coarse levels of taxonomic aggregation, phytoplankton and zooplankton community composition show
42 e by removing the strict distinction between phytoplankton and zooplankton from a global model of the
43 estrial particulate organic carbon (TPOC) on phytoplankton and zooplankton in five whole-lake experim
44  0.3) had low biomass and production of both phytoplankton and zooplankton.
45      Plankton comprises unicellular plants - phytoplankton - and generally small (millimetres or less
46 luid dynamic niches of motile and non-motile phytoplankton, and highlights that rapid responses to hy
47 ne water column, wherein HCB associated with phytoplankton are better tuned to degrading crude oil hy
48                              Many species of phytoplankton are motile and undertake diel vertical mig
49              Concentrations of cyclic VMS in phytoplankton are negatively correlated with sea surface
50                                              Phytoplankton are responsible for about 45% of global an
51               Highest MeHg concentrations in phytoplankton are simulated under low dissolved organic
52 e yet mechanisms of AgNPs toxicity to marine phytoplankton are still not well resolved.
53                                     Although phytoplankton are the major source of marine dissolved o
54      This work highlights the phycosphere of phytoplankton as an underexplored biotope in the ocean w
55 hs, the impact of PCD on the fate of natural phytoplankton assemblages and its role in aquatic biogeo
56 position following incubation with different phytoplankton assemblages or a no-phytoplankton control.
57 , especially in waters with diatom-dominated phytoplankton assemblages.
58 bly, the oil biodegradation potential of the phytoplankton-associated community exceeded that of the
59 ia (HCB), yet it is not understood how these phytoplankton-associated HCB would respond in the event
60                                              Phytoplankton-associated subtypes and differentiation in
61 d compare it to that of the free-living (non phytoplankton-associated) bacterial community.
62 ntrol) and top-down (AMO control) forcing on phytoplankton at decadal timescales.
63                                              Phytoplankton-bacteria interactions drive the surface oc
64        Both nitrogen sources stimulated bulk phytoplankton, bacterial and DOM production and enriched
65         Diatoms constitute a major phylum of phytoplankton biodiversity in ocean water and freshwater
66 ling season by quantifying the dependence of phytoplankton biomass (as indicated by satellite chlorop
67 ntration in the bay remained at half, as did phytoplankton biomass (C), compared to pretreatment cond
68 orted by stronger correlations found between phytoplankton biomass and LMW-DON than other N forms.
69 ge of understanding the temporal dynamics of phytoplankton biomass and predicting its future change.
70                           In recent decades, phytoplankton biomass and production in the Laurentian G
71 s are elements in repeating annual cycles of phytoplankton biomass and they have significant ecologic
72                          Temporal changes in phytoplankton biomass are governed by complex predator-p
73 le ecosystem impairments caused by increased phytoplankton biomass as chlorophyll-a (chl-a).
74         These ocean oases increase nearshore phytoplankton biomass by up to 86% over oceanic conditio
75                   Ice scour coupled with low phytoplankton biomass drove a phase shift to high mortal
76                                              Phytoplankton biomass increased with P load and planktiv
77                                              Phytoplankton biomass is particularly influential near c
78 edenitrification BNR effluents produced more phytoplankton biomass than CAS effluents despite lower N
79 surveyed, creating near-island 'hotspots' of phytoplankton biomass throughout the upper water column.
80 es, reduce their grazing pressure, and allow phytoplankton biomass to build.
81  to the most significant reductions in total phytoplankton biomass without this shift occurring, beca
82 ntained levels of chlorophyll a, a proxy for phytoplankton biomass, characteristic of meso- to eutrop
83  in the NASG can be warmer and host a higher phytoplankton biomass.
84 er values for chlorophyll a, 15.8% of summer phytoplankton biovolume and 25.3% of summer zooplankton
85 arctica on six occasions throughout a summer phytoplankton bloom (November-March).
86 l output (maximum 5 days) to investigate how phytoplankton bloom timing changes in response to projec
87 the timing, magnitude and composition of the phytoplankton bloom.
88                                       Strong phytoplankton blooming in tropical-cyclone (TC) wakes ov
89 hase driven by sinking organic matter during phytoplankton blooms and the filter-feeding behavior of
90                        Intense annual spring phytoplankton blooms and thermohaline stratification lea
91                                              Phytoplankton blooms are a worldwide problem and can gre
92                                              Phytoplankton blooms are elements in repeating annual cy
93       Recent studies have reported extensive phytoplankton blooms beneath ponded sea ice during summe
94                                              Phytoplankton blooms beneath snow-covered ice might beco
95                   In line with our findings, phytoplankton blooms downstream of South Georgia are mor
96  investigated such successions during spring phytoplankton blooms in the southern North Sea (German B
97                Expansive ice cover supported phytoplankton blooms of filamentous diatoms.
98                   Spatial characteristics of phytoplankton blooms often reflect the horizontal transp
99  Climate affects the timing and magnitude of phytoplankton blooms that fuel marine food webs and infl
100 owth) and ice-shelf losses (resulting in new phytoplankton blooms which are eaten by benthos) are the
101 tion (but not peak or integrated biomass) of phytoplankton blooms, both in directly sampled, local sc
102 es have emerged in the literature to explain phytoplankton blooms, but over time the basic tenets of
103 es and ions coincided with the second of two phytoplankton blooms, signifying the influence of ocean
104 antial inter-annual variation between spring phytoplankton blooms, the accompanying succession of bac
105  which is highly bioavailable and stimulates phytoplankton blooms.
106 o our understanding of ecological impacts of phytoplankton blooms.
107 taset and potentially linked with eukaryotic phytoplankton blooms.
108  subpolar gyre (NASG), which hosts extensive phytoplankton blooms.
109 e affected by freshwater-borne nutrients and phytoplankton blooms.
110 ous studies of sea spray aerosol impacted by phytoplankton blooms.
111                             Thus, krill crop phytoplankton but boost new production via their nutrien
112  by 100000 times between seawater and marine phytoplankton, but levels vary across sites.
113            Iron is an essential nutrient for phytoplankton, but low concentrations limit primary prod
114 bottom-up processes, the top-down control of phytoplankton by copepods decreased over the same time p
115 ighlights the advanced level of control that phytoplankton can exert on their migratory behaviour.
116           Solar radiation absorbed by marine phytoplankton can follow three possible paths.
117 y ecosystem models can no longer assume that phytoplankton cannot adapt.
118 es of wind and nitrate, bottom-up control of phytoplankton cannot be described by either one alone, n
119 with the highest (>/= 75th percentile) total phytoplankton cell count was associated with eye irritat
120 ater samples were quantitatively assayed for phytoplankton cell count.
121         We evaluated the association between phytoplankton cell counts and subsequent illness among r
122                                  Daily total phytoplankton cell counts ranged from 346 to 2,012 cells
123 ropose that organic material associated with phytoplankton cell exudates is a likely candidate for th
124  The microenvironment surrounding individual phytoplankton cells is often rich in dissolved organic m
125 ng for 34 +/- 13% of 1589 +/- 448 eukaryotic phytoplankton cells ml(-1) (annual average) at Station A
126 significantly related to observed changes in phytoplankton chlorophyll concentration and the intensit
127                                  Analysis of phytoplankton chloroplast 16S rRNA demonstrated ten diff
128 ing the multifaceted biological relevance of phytoplankton chytridiomycosis, resulting from discussio
129                                   Monitoring phytoplankton classes in river networks is critical to u
130  in 90% acetone to assess the variability in phytoplankton classes, herbivory, and organic matter qua
131  Climate change is predicted to alter marine phytoplankton communities and affect productivity, bioge
132                                       Marine phytoplankton communities appear sensitive to climate ch
133 plex effects of higher CO2 concentrations on phytoplankton communities in coastal eutrophic environme
134 tential impacts on remineralization depth as phytoplankton communities respond to a warming climate.
135 ings suggest, therefore, that Southern Ocean phytoplankton communities tolerate "baseline" variabilit
136                                              Phytoplankton communities were dominated by Aphanizomeno
137           It is not clear how Southern Ocean phytoplankton communities, which form the base of the ma
138 ng the biodiversity and biomass of the local phytoplankton communities.
139 ical differences in cell size composition of phytoplankton communities.
140 osystems and their importance in structuring phytoplankton communities.
141 owever, variations in the composition of the phytoplankton community and particularly the prominence
142                           The North Atlantic phytoplankton community appears poised for marked shift
143                       The factors regulating phytoplankton community composition play a crucial role
144 O production, NO2(-) toxicity, and shifts in phytoplankton community composition.
145 in the extent of the oxygen minimum zone and phytoplankton community composition.
146 ti-nutrient limitations potentially increase phytoplankton community diversity.
147  it is likely that the observed shift from a phytoplankton community dominated by filamentous diatoms
148  preliminary field experiment with a natural phytoplankton community in the southeast Atlantic Ocean
149  Numerous regional studies have demonstrated phytoplankton community shifts to lightly-silicified dia
150 s well correlated with spatial variations in phytoplankton community structure and the export of ball
151                                              Phytoplankton community structure is shaped by both bott
152 tion between exposure to three categories of phytoplankton concentration and subsequent illness.
153 es, mediated by marine particles, especially phytoplankton, continued at least 5 mo following the cap
154                                              Phytoplankton contribute c. 50% of the global photosynth
155  different phytoplankton assemblages or a no-phytoplankton control.
156                     Here we show that during phytoplankton deficiency, zooplankton (Daphnia magna) ca
157 uantify optimal environmental conditions for phytoplankton, defined as the wind/nitrate space that ma
158 ed that lower molecular weight (MW), labile, phytoplankton-derived compounds were degraded first, fol
159 continuous cultures on seawater amended with phytoplankton-derived DOM.
160 ed in situ stimulate the remineralization of phytoplankton-derived sinking organic matter, decreasing
161 s of aquatic ecosystems, the manner in which phytoplankton die critically determines the flow and fat
162  in their histories, with prasinophyte green phytoplankton diversifying 850-650 Mya.
163            Interactions between bacteria and phytoplankton during bloom events are essential for both
164 re complete drawdown of surface nutrients by phytoplankton during the ice ages is supported by some s
165 ce cover resulted in light limitation of the phytoplankton during winter.
166 variable climatic conditions dominate recent phytoplankton dynamics against a backdrop of nutrient ov
167  river networks is critical to understanding phytoplankton dynamics and to predicting the ecosystem r
168 iable climatic conditions strongly influence phytoplankton dynamics in estuaries globally.
169 copy is useful for monitoring and predicting phytoplankton dynamics in large river networks.
170 t research demonstrates the role of seasonal phytoplankton dynamics in the environmental fate of PCBs
171 nterest in the role of vitamins in governing phytoplankton dynamics, and illuminated amazing versatil
172 shallow lakes is a more complex interplay of phytoplankton dynamics, emission pathways, thermal struc
173 e show that vegetation (leaves, flowers, and phytoplankton) emits a wide variety of benzenoid compoun
174 ninsula margin, a region in which the modern phytoplankton environment is constrained by seasonal sea
175                                              Phytoplankton (eutrophication, biogeochemical) models ar
176                             Applicability of phytoplankton fluorescence as a quick and effective ecol
177 hat the extinction was caused by a change in phytoplankton food source.
178 atios, we incubated dialysis bags containing phytoplankton from mesotrophic/eutrophic Muskegon Lake i
179 l Gyre, and the transcriptional responses of phytoplankton functional groups were assayed.
180    We also found that associations varied by phytoplankton group, with Cyanobacteria having the stron
181                                           In phytoplankton group-specific analyses, the category with
182            This indicates that the two major phytoplankton groups use a different B12 currency.
183      Diatoms are amongst the most successful phytoplankton groups, adapting to and surviving periods
184                     The temporal dynamics of phytoplankton growth and activity have large impacts on
185 rn equatorial Pacific surface waters because phytoplankton growth fueled by nitrate (new production)
186 owed that chicken litter leachate stimulated phytoplankton growth greater than its coupled inorganic
187 and concentrated river DOM did not stimulate phytoplankton growth greater than their respective inorg
188 rus from sediments is critical in sustaining phytoplankton growth in many aquatic systems and is pivo
189  be responsible for stimulating the observed phytoplankton growth in the chicken litter leachate trea
190  sustain hypoxia and may potentially support phytoplankton growth in the surface water.
191 tation on nitrification, and a limitation on phytoplankton growth other than the commonly postulated
192 iron individually resulted in no significant phytoplankton growth over 48 hours.
193  relationship in which they are dependent on phytoplankton growth to fuel cobalamin production.
194 ctiluca may supply substantial nutrients for phytoplankton growth, especially following bloom senesce
195 se the availability of nitrogen often limits phytoplankton growth.
196 entific interest towards fungal parasites of phytoplankton has been gaining momentum in the past few
197  studies of recreational exposures to marine phytoplankton have been conducted.
198                                              Phytoplankton have been shown to harbour a diversity of
199  prokaryotic and eukaryotic photoautotrophs (phytoplankton) have an ancient evolutionary history on E
200 sentative of the photophysiological state of phytoplankton; however, the signal-to-noise ratio is una
201 observed in all dialysis bags with Bear Lake phytoplankton in July and August.
202  cell death (PCD) that are often observed in phytoplankton in response to a variety of stressors were
203                  Cyanobacteria are important phytoplankton in the Baltic Sea, an estuarine-like envir
204 cus are the two most abundant and widespread phytoplankton in the global ocean.
205 wed that seven classes and sixteen genera of phytoplankton in the lake underwent major temporal chang
206               About half the carbon fixed by phytoplankton in the ocean is taken up and metabolized b
207  (HCB) may be commonly found associated with phytoplankton in the ocean, but the ecology of these bac
208 c cues are important survival strategies for phytoplankton in the ocean.
209 xchange and enhanced nutrient consumption by phytoplankton in the Southern Ocean have been linked to
210  trophic linkage between marine bacteria and phytoplankton in the surface ocean is a key step in the
211                          Here we report that phytoplankton, including raphidophytes and dinoflagellat
212 n both silicifying and calcifying haptophyte phytoplankton, including some globally important coccoli
213 ratification of surface waters and long-term phytoplankton increase in subpolar regions, here we show
214  Based on these correlations, we propose the phytoplankton index as a proxy to reconstruct the stadia
215        ISIP2a is expressed by diverse marine phytoplankton, indicating that it is an ecologically sig
216 ses manipulate the physiology and ecology of phytoplankton, influence marine nutrient cycles, and act
217                                       Marine phytoplankton inhabit a dynamic environment where turbul
218 ent and other organisms, yet this process in phytoplankton is poorly defined.
219                     How the newly discovered phytoplankton lineages contribute to food chains and ver
220 ccess and evolutionary trajectory of diverse phytoplankton lineages.
221                             Blooms of marine phytoplankton may adversely affect human health.
222 in water clarity associated with declines in phytoplankton may have positive effects on benthic PP at
223  investigate the impact of eutrophication on phytoplankton MeHg concentrations.
224 xic water column eutrophication can increase phytoplankton MeHg content.
225 ing in a seasonal increase in both water and phytoplankton MeHg reservoirs above the halocline.
226  be of use in integrating models of vertical phytoplankton migrations in marine and freshwater ecosys
227  67% increase in the species richness of the phytoplankton, more evenly-distributed abundance, and hi
228 ibed have potential as indicators of mode of phytoplankton mortality, and of population growth.
229               The paradoxical enhancement in phytoplankton near an island-reef ecosystem--Island Mass
230             In diatoms, a dominant phylum in phytoplankton, NO was reported to mediate programmed cel
231 lankton and macrophytes, and have shown that phytoplankton nutritional quality is reduced, plankton c
232     Here, using historical environmental and phytoplankton observations, we characterize the realized
233                                   Eukaryotic phytoplankton of the red plastid lineage contain so-call
234 subtypes likely contribute to the effects of phytoplankton on Polynucleobacter subtype composition.
235                                The effect of phytoplankton on specific Polynucleobacter subtypes was
236 16S rRNA demonstrated ten different dominant phytoplankton over 18 days alone, including four taxa wi
237              By down-regulating respiration, phytoplankton overcame the metabolic constraint imposed
238 s dark ROS production, which likely involved phytoplankton, particle-associated heterotrophic bacteri
239              We use these results to explain phytoplankton patterns in Massachusetts Bay and to provi
240                                       Marine phytoplankton perform approximately half of global carbo
241                                              Phytoplankton perform half of global biological CO2 upta
242 of years of data needed to detect a trend in phytoplankton phenology is relatively insensitive to dat
243                                              Phytoplankton photosynthesis is often inhibited by ultra
244                                   Changes in phytoplankton population abundances explained, on averag
245    While the crude oil severely impacted the phytoplankton population and was likely conducive to mar
246 ow cytometer continuously profiles microbial phytoplankton populations across thousands of kilometers
247 both abiotic (ocean temperature) and biotic (phytoplankton prey) drivers.
248                                              Phytoplankton primary production is at the base of the m
249                                       Marine phytoplankton produce approximately 10(9) tonnes of dime
250                                              Phytoplankton production drives marine ecosystem trophic
251                The large declines (5-45%) in phytoplankton production in the Great Lakes from the 197
252 onately to carbon sequestration(1), and most phytoplankton production is ultimately consumed by heter
253 ortant for understanding the contribution of phytoplankton production to the global carbon budget, pr
254 this shift in N-loading influences estuarine phytoplankton production, nutrient addition bioassays we
255 ts of dust (derived from the (232)Th proxy), phytoplankton productivity (using opal, (231)Pa/(230)Th
256 een associated with significant increases in phytoplankton productivity in recent years.
257                                   Increasing phytoplankton productivity is expected to fundamentally
258 ilability is an important factor controlling phytoplankton productivity.
259                    The results indicate that phytoplankton pulses during winter can be as important i
260                                 Short winter phytoplankton pulses were observed to disappear from sur
261 m speciation and extinction rates to examine phytoplankton response to climate change in the southern
262                            The prediction of phytoplankton response to climate change should be built
263  zooplankton is mainly based on high-quality phytoplankton rich in essential polyunsaturated fatty ac
264                      Here we examine whether phytoplankton seasonal succession affects the compositio
265 ortalities on hosts, causing e.g. changes in phytoplankton size distributions and succession, and the
266                                              Phytoplankton species also have evolved strategies to co
267                        The identification of phytoplankton species and microbial biodiversity is nece
268 oncentrating mechanism (CCM) of the dominant phytoplankton species during the growing season at Palme
269 s, while having little to no effect on other phytoplankton species in laboratory culture experiments.
270  a potential recognition cascade in a marine phytoplankton species that parallels better-understood v
271 which have been associated with PCD in other phytoplankton species.
272                     The timing of the annual phytoplankton spring bloom is likely to be altered in re
273    Here we present a unique time-series of a phytoplankton spring bloom observed beneath snow-covered
274 ce cover and duration predetermine levels of phytoplankton stock and thus, influence virioplankton by
275 /- 0.024 in Atlantic surface water resembled phytoplankton stoichiometry (sulfur/nitrogen ~ 0.08), in
276                  Biomineralization by marine phytoplankton, such as the silicifying diatoms and calci
277  of the random forest model demonstrate that phytoplankton taxonomic data outperform chlorophyll a in
278  and cause physiological stress in algae and phytoplankton that can favour disease development.
279 rious effects of strong turbulence on motile phytoplankton, these results point to an active adaptati
280 ons in pelagic and benthic energy flows from phytoplankton to fish, trophic transfer efficiencies, an
281 s across various habitats - from short-lived phytoplankton to long-lived corals - in response to envi
282                                 Responses of phytoplankton to OA may depend on the timescale for whic
283 Studies on the long-term responses of marine phytoplankton to ongoing ocean acidification (OA) are ap
284 years) covering multiple trophic levels from phytoplankton to predatory fish.
285 ed to document the response of bloom-forming phytoplankton to submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) i
286 ed organic phosphorus (DOP) is important for phytoplankton to survive the scarcity of dissolved inorg
287 sociated with a natural population of marine phytoplankton under oil spill-simulated conditions, and
288 s roughly an order of magnitude greater than phytoplankton uptake rates, and heterotrophic bacteria w
289                          We enumerated small phytoplankton using flow cytometry and qPCR assays for p
290 at the stoichiometry of nutrient elements in phytoplankton varies within the ocean.
291 idemics would grow larger in lakes with more phytoplankton via three energetic mechanisms.
292               We identify in the genome of a phytoplankton virus, which infects the small green alga
293 mics, and illuminated amazing versatility in phytoplankton vitamin metabolism.
294 st polar benthos feeds on microscopic algae (phytoplankton), which has shown increased blooms coincid
295 fluence the growth of dinitrogen (N2)-fixing phytoplankton, which contribute a large fraction of prim
296 mic ratio is negative feedback regulation by phytoplankton, which may result in this ratio in algal a
297 he bioavailability of trace metals to marine phytoplankton, while electrochemical measurements with f
298 daptive capacity, so we cannot conclude that phytoplankton will be able to adapt to the changes antic
299 consequence, different relationships between phytoplankton, zooplankton, and their physical environme
300 fect of regulating the dynamics of nutrients-phytoplankton-zooplankton ecosystems and enhancing accum

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