


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 y approximately 1000-fold (from nanomolar to picomolar).
2 or reaches concentration detection as low as picomolar.
3 1000 copies of wild-type KRAS oncogene at 30 picomolar.
4 affinities ranging from low nanomolar to mid-picomolar.
5 e typically observed nanomolar but is rather picomolar.
6 s with affinities ranging from micromolar to picomolar.
7 d peptidocryptophane detection limits at low-picomolar (10(-11) M) concentration, which compares favo
8  in vivo with short hippocampal infusions of picomolar Abeta enhancing contextual memory and prolonge
9                   The mechanism of action of picomolar Abeta(42) on both synaptic plasticity and memo
10 nAChR) as one possible functional target for picomolar Abeta.
11  series of compounds showed low nanomolar to picomolar activities against recombinant human sEH.
12  analogues to date, exhibiting nanomolar and picomolar activities in protein kinase C affinity assays
13                        The lead compound has picomolar activity against cultured T. cruzi and is effi
14 of the catechol diether compound series have picomolar activity against HIV strains with wild-type RT
15        The new 2-Cl-6-F-S-DABOs showed up to picomolar activity against wt HIV-1.
16 y specific to the human IL-23 cytokine, with picomolar activity.
17 ovided ultrapotent inhibitor 38 (DH376) with picomolar activity.
18 antibodies bind primate and human DKK-1 with picomolar affinities yet do not appreciably bind to DKK2
19                         This correlates with picomolar affinities, increased residence times and an a
20                                              Picomolar affinity antibodies, approaching the associati
21 In membrane homogenates, AMC20: demonstrated picomolar affinity at D(2)RHigh (mean inhibition constan
22 c acid 3-cyano-propyl ester (AM7438), showed picomolar affinity for CB receptors and is deactivated b
23 nt proteinaceous inhibitor that exhibits low picomolar affinity for class A beta-lactamases.
24  coupled to a thioether-rich receptor, has a picomolar affinity for Cu+ with high selectivity over co
25  (-)-34 exhibited full agonist activity with picomolar affinity for D3 receptor with high selectivity
26 , whose attachment envelope glycoprotein has picomolar affinity for ephrinB2, a molecule proposed as
27 irectly have faced difficulties owing to its picomolar affinity for GTP/GDP and the absence of known
28 -lactamases with a wide range of affinities: picomolar affinity for K1; nanomolar affinity for TEM-1,
29               Here we use a soluble TCR with picomolar affinity for the HLA-A2-restricted 157-165 epi
30   Further, we show that Ca(2+)/CaM has a sub-picomolar affinity for the IQ domain that is achieved wi
31 045 is a peptide analog of somatostatin with picomolar affinity for the somatostatin receptor subtype
32 ociated epitope-specific monoclonal TCR with picomolar affinity fused to a humanized cluster of diffe
33      Numerous analogs in this series exhibit picomolar affinity in radioligand binding assays and nan
34 of TLR4 with an affinity comparable with the picomolar affinity of E.MD-2.
35 e protein-protein interface is vital for the picomolar affinity of LDI to LD as assessed by analysis
36 ch of which contains inhibitors binding with picomolar affinity to human PNP.
37 in tightens MG binding over 1000-fold to low picomolar affinity without altering the large binding en
38 ected against nerve growth factor binds with picomolar affinity, but undergoes reversible self-associ
39 P, bound a proteolytically remodeled GP with picomolar affinity, suggesting that engineered ebolaviru
40 l protein called BINDI that binds BHRF1 with picomolar affinity.
41 cod (designated TFD100) that binds gal3 with picomolar affinity.
42  antibodies bound the cancer cells with high picomolar affinity.
43 that allow CRF-BP to bind CRF and Ucn 1 with picomolar affinity.
44 and bind selectively to prefusion RSV F with picomolar affinity.
45 include a very high (femtomolar) and a high (picomolar) affinity site, with approximately 40% of the
46              PDE8A binds to Raf-1 with high (picomolar) affinity.
47 ell line, and primary adipocytes showed that picomolar amounts of osteocalcin are sufficient to regul
48 igh recovery of the beads (99.5%), such that picomolar amounts of target molecule can be used.
49 on, resulting in limits of quantification of picomolar amounts of Trolox and nanogram amounts of DOM
50 he detection limits were brought down to the picomolar and femtomolar concentration levels with satis
51 8, 31) had k(i) to CRF receptors in the high picomolar and low nanomole ranges, respectively.
52 the first thumb pocket 2 NS5B inhibitor with picomolar antiviral potency in genotype (gt) 1a and 1b r
53 inds the series of bivalent ligands with low picomolar avidities (K(d)(avidity) = 3-40 pM).
54                               In particular, picomolar beta-amyloid was found to have an agonist-like
55 idged bicyclic diamines exhibit double-digit-picomolar binding affinities for the alpha 4 beta 2 subt
56  = 67 x 10(6) M(-1) min(-1)), endowed with a picomolar binding affinity (Ki = 38 pM), coupled with a
57                                We engineered picomolar binding affinity agents to neutralize the pote
58 onist in this class of molecules, exhibiting picomolar binding affinity and in vivo blood pressure lo
59                          However, the strong picomolar binding affinity between GAS6 and AXL and the
60 hR ligands that display high selectivity and picomolar binding affinity for alpha4beta2 nicotinic rec
61 cystine knot (knottin) miniproteins with low-picomolar binding affinity to tumor cells.
62 pecifically coordinating one Cu(II) ion with picomolar binding affinity.
63  energy sufficiently high to account for the picomolar binding constant of RLF and its receptor.
64 f the antibody-antigen interactions with low picomolar binding constants, 2 orders of magnitude lower
65 rmed to a series of very potent nanomolar to picomolar catechol diethers.
66 and sensitive (between low nanomolar and mid-picomolar) colorimetric detection of proteases and antib
67          The size of the liposomes and their picomolar concentration are also determined in biologica
68 vative (TAAC) was indirectly detected at 1.4 picomolar concentration at 320 K in aqueous solution, wh
69 and C-peptide with high specificity and with picomolar concentration detection limits in times as sho
70 r-AuNPs was enhanced even in the presence of picomolar concentration of melamine.
71  effect enables Abeta to polymerize within a picomolar concentration range that is close to the physi
72 hly potent gene silencers, with EC50s in the picomolar concentration range, demonstrating that Dicer
73 ble to detect nanoparticle probes in the low picomolar concentration range.
74 heory with a Limit of Detection (LOD) in the picomolar concentration range.
75 s in certain regions of the brain at or near picomolar concentration, rising in level during the prod
76 enables chemically amplified GV detection at picomolar concentrations (a 100- to 10,000-fold improvem
77 ular organisms, Sgs1 is remarkably active at picomolar concentrations and can efficiently unwind dupl
78 a cells and patient-derived myeloma cells at picomolar concentrations and results in complete depleti
79  current were linear from 10 pM to 1 muM and picomolar concentrations could be detected without the n
80 -effective sensing systems to detect ZIKV at picomolar concentrations in biofluids would be a breakth
81 ction of three protein cancer markers at low picomolar concentrations in buffer and 10% serum was dem
82 ts of anthrax LT on B cell function occur at picomolar concentrations in vitro and at sublethal doses
83 equences exerted antiinflammatory effects at picomolar concentrations in vitro.
84  presence of effector cells at as low as sub-picomolar concentrations in vitro.
85 ry, the high size resolution of complexes at picomolar concentrations obtained with SV offers a disti
86 in and Cd2+(7)-MT toxicity were prevented by picomolar concentrations of 24p3.
87                        Here we show that low picomolar concentrations of a preparation containing bot
88                                              Picomolar concentrations of Abeta42 oligomers could be o
89              It is a remarkable finding that picomolar concentrations of aminocyclitols are sufficien
90   Using this method, we were able to analyze picomolar concentrations of analytes contained within pi
91 e detected directly in blood plasma, even at picomolar concentrations of antibody.
92 nodulating Bradyrhizobium strain responds to picomolar concentrations of cinnamoyl-HSL and thus, prod
93 nd volcanic soils, persist by scavenging the picomolar concentrations of H2 distributed throughout th
94           The method is rapid and sensitive: picomolar concentrations of HIV-1 protease could be dete
95  nanotube forest arrays capable of detecting picomolar concentrations of immunoglobulin G (IgG) using
96                 First, the AU-FDS can detect picomolar concentrations of labeled solutes, allowing th
97 and photoacoustic tomography (PAT) to detect picomolar concentrations of nanoparticles.
98 ndothelial and vascular smooth muscle cells, picomolar concentrations of native thrombospondin-1 simi
99 ine inhibitory potency in reactions with low picomolar concentrations of NS3-4A is crucially importan
100 ticularly sensitive protease assay that uses picomolar concentrations of NS3.
101 cAMP following receptor stimulation with sub-picomolar concentrations of peptide.
102                                              Picomolar concentrations of ScA disrupted proliferation
103 eatment of lung and breast cancer cells with picomolar concentrations of soluble SEMA3B inhibited the
104 eceptors, including one that is sensitive to picomolar concentrations of strigolactone.
105  hybridization are sensitive and convenient--picomolar concentrations of target DNA are readily detec
106 sured in situ within 24 h in the presence of picomolar concentrations of tau seeds.
107                                              Picomolar concentrations of testosterone resulted in ful
108                              Applications of picomolar concentrations of testosterone to the primary
109 the optimal pressure differential allows for picomolar concentrations of the cleaved form of synaptos
110     Both receptors specifically responded to picomolar concentrations of the genuine flg22 ligand but
111 ity substrate for Msp that is able to detect picomolar concentrations of the purified enzyme.
112 lar range in contrast to previously reported picomolar concentrations of these compounds in bulk seaw
113        The observed levels of this NO2-FA at picomolar concentrations suggested its role as a signali
114 y for the detection of protein biomarkers at picomolar concentrations that utilizes surface plasmon r
115 role for the neurosteroid PregS that acts at picomolar concentrations to intensify the intracellular
116  formed from a Vibrio cholerae DNA target at picomolar concentrations using a novel optomagnetic appr
117 ow-molecular-weight (244 Da) biomolecules at picomolar concentrations using a standard affinity model
118 ed neural APP production in SH-SY5Y cells at picomolar concentrations without affecting viability or
119 rostate specific membrane antigen (PSMA), at picomolar concentrations without the use of antibodies,
120 n-nano-particles are capable of blocking (at picomolar concentrations) a model of the infection of T-
121 ction of biomolecules with high sensitivity (picomolar concentrations).
122                                           At picomolar concentrations, a synergistic mixture of at le
123 orescence excitation at 488 or 561 nm at low picomolar concentrations, allowing for the study of high
124  (GRFT-P) was shown as active against HIV at picomolar concentrations, directly virucidal via binding
125 lizing 100% of the 118 viruses tested at low picomolar concentrations, including viruses resistant to
126 pal neurons following exposure to Abeta42 at picomolar concentrations, mimicking its physiological le
127                                 At nano- and picomolar concentrations, the new tacrine-4-oxo-4H-chrom
128 y killed HER2-expressing cancer cells at low picomolar concentrations.
129 namic resolution of protein complexes at low picomolar concentrations.
130 ibute to the ability of VCC to lyse cells at picomolar concentrations.
131 4, 18, and 22 showed significant activity at picomolar concentrations.
132 a virulence trait under the control of QS-at picomolar concentrations.
133 r-cell mediated cytotoxicity was observed at picomolar concentrations.
134 wild-type and mutant K9 protein synthesis at picomolar concentrations.
135  cytotoxic against MUC1+ cancer cells at low picomolar concentrations.
136 roteins with their ligands to be measured at picomolar concentrations.
137 d exhibits a high trimerization potential at picomolar concentrations.
138       The siRNAs were effective at very low, picomolar concentrations.
139 s cognate DNA target was demonstrated at low picomolar concentrations.
140 nfines of that synapse, and to exist only in picomolar concentrations.
141 reaches near 100% transduction efficiency at picomolar concentrations.
142  cultured cancer cell lines at low nanomolar-picomolar concentrations.
143 enic BPL xenograft cells, even at femtomolar-picomolar concentrations.
144 cient sensitivity for binding studies at low picomolar concentrations.
145  of cultured human cancer cells at nanomolar-picomolar concentrations; however, the mechanism respons
146 range from nano- to micromolar [Cu(II)], and picomolar [Cu(I)].
147 state specific antigen in aqueous buffer and picomolar detection for IgG in plasma and diluted blood
148                    With this approach, a sub-picomolar detection limit can be achieved within 40 min
149 re achieved in less than 2 min, yielding low-picomolar detection limits using arc lamp illumination a
150 ic aromatic hydrocarbons) with nanomolar and picomolar detection limits.
151 ometric trace that allowed for the selective picomolar determination of redox enzymes.
152 or the 16S ribosomal RNA, characterized by a picomolar dissociation constant that is approximately 26
153 on constant with stoichiometric nickel and a picomolar dissociation constant with excess nickel.
154 onclude that transition-state analogues with picomolar dissociation constants exhibit long lifetimes
155 e hypothesis that engineered antibodies with picomolar dissociation constants for a neutralizing epit
156 isothermal titration calorimetry, reveal low picomolar dissociation constants for both analogues with
157                Transition-state analogs with picomolar dissociation constants have been achieved for
158 0-fold salt gradient allows the detection of picomolar DNA concentrations at high throughput.
159 nd 38 (ABT-267), provided compounds with low-picomolar EC50 values and superior pharmacokinetics.
160 fector human memory T cells (subnanomolar to picomolar EC50 values).
161 l PDE4 inhibitors to reach compounds down to picomolar enzymatic potencies while at the same time tac
162 or binding assays that required only tens of picomolar enzyme or tracer-labeled inhibitor.
163 Using protein A-coated gold nanoparticles, a picomolar experimental detection limit was achieved.
164 somes in 50 muL) for intact exosomes and 3-5 picomolar for internal exosomal syntenin levels with alm
165                                              Picomolar free Zn(2+) concentrations potentiate RyR2 res
166 ve Kv1.3 antagonist (>1000x over Kv1.1) with picomolar functional activity in whole blood and a pharm
167 (7-37)-Cys ((PEG))-Ser-Gly-NH2 (24) retained picomolar functional potency and avid receptor binding p
168  dependent, as might be expected, the use of picomolar GLP-1 reveals a new and important mechanism th
169 ibitor of the HCV NS5A protein that exhibits picomolar half-maximum effective concentrations (EC(50))
170 t all four of the AgrC receptors (I-IV) with picomolar IC50 values in reporter strains.
171 e TNFalpha signal varies substantially, from picomolar in the blood plasma of healthy organisms to na
172 -7-azabicyclo[2.2.1]heptane derivatives with picomolar in vitro binding affinity at nicotinic acetylc
173           The most potent, compound 3, had a picomolar inhibition constant versus BChE due to strong
174 n complex with adenosine, guanosine, and the picomolar inhibitor 2'-deoxycoformycin.
175 d 4-hydroxyproline derivative 4, a selective picomolar inhibitor of MMP-13, the radiolabeled counterp
176 tion, aided by X-ray crystallography, led to picomolar inhibitors of both Streptococcus pneumoniae an
177 -790052) is the clinical lead for a class of picomolar inhibitors of HCV replication.
178 xy-9-methylene Immucillin-H (DADMe-ImmH) are picomolar inhibitors of human purine nucleoside phosphor
179 aals interactions distinguish nanomolar from picomolar inhibitors.
180                 Some of these compounds show picomolar inhibitory activity toward GSK-3beta and an en
181 phenylpropanamide (13d, delmorphan-A) showed picomolar inhibitory potency (Ke = 0.1 nM) in the [35S]G
182  affinity of protein-antibody complexes with picomolar KD values.
183 ning six decades) and unmatched sensitivity (picomolar Kd's and detection limits of 10,000s of molecu
184  analysis of total dissolved iron at the low picomolar level in oceanic waters suitable for onboard a
185 aled that tightly binding inhibitors (at the picomolar level of affinity) appear to "lock" into the p
186 ion of glycoside hydrolase activities at the picomolar level using quartz-crystal microbalance with d
187 permits absolute ferritin determination at a picomolar level with good precision (below 5%) and accur
188 ingly, CP32M is exceptionally potent (at low picomolar level) against infection by a panel of HIV-1 m
189 s used to optimize its binding affinity to a picomolar level, and X-ray co-crystal structures of two
190 d to quantify binding affinities in vitro at picomolar levels and perform pharmaceutical fragment scr
191  electrochemical detection of NPY and OXA at picomolar levels from subnanoliter samples, with suffici
192         Retinyl ester (RE) was detectable at picomolar levels in BrM-LLP.
193 eptide fragments that may be present at only picomolar levels in human plasma.
194  amplification for PQQ detection down to the picomolar levels is well-predicted.
195 onic retina explant system, we observed that picomolar levels of a recombinant self-MHC I molecule in
196                                              Picomolar levels of Abeta(42) also produce a pronounced
197 tem cells become neuron-like when exposed to picomolar levels of MIF, suggesting the general importan
198                             The detection of picomolar levels of serum insulin binding to the surface
199 ologically active synapses after exposure to picomolar levels of soluble oligomers.
200 -resistant H275Y strain, at low nanomolar to picomolar levels, and significantly protect mice from in
201  products (TEACOPs), which are active at low picomolar levels.
202 f self-assembled monolayer formation rate at picomolar levels.
203 is a potent vasodilator peptide in plasma at picomolar levels.
204 ing affinity >2,000-fold, from micromolar to picomolar levels.
205 e interface consequently lowering the LDL to picomolar levels.
206 otency of infection inhibition to impressive picomolar levels.
207 thod to measure 3-nitrotyrosine at very low (picomolar) levels.
208 lts for both biomarkers were assays with low picomolar limits of detection.
209 of all the metalloconjugates are in the high picomolar-low nanomolar range, and these are the most af
210 lin-2-yl)methyl]propionamide (UCM1014), with picomolar MT2 binding affinity (K(i) = 0.001 nM), more t
211 on binding curves of single 220 nm HNPs from picomolar nanoparticle solutions onto hydrophobic alkane
212 nically relevant detection limits in the low picomolar (ng/mL) concentration range for all five marke
213 face, has been used to deliver physiological picomolar oligomer concentrations to primary astrocytes
214 re able to bind GPVI tightly, each with high picomolar or low nanomolar affinity.
215  is present in human plasma at trace levels (picomolar or nanograms per milliliter).
216 ate envelope, regardless of whether they are picomolar or nanomolar, have flatter profiles with respe
217  Transition-state analogues of PNP bind with picomolar (pm) dissociation constants.
218 (+)-C(46)-chlorophorboxazole A (3) displayed picomolar (pM) inhibitory activity in several cell lines
219  in each series, with K(i) values in the low picomolar (pM) range.
220  achieving limits of detection (LODs) in the picoMolar (pM) range.
221 cribed so far, with in vitro activity in the picomolar (pM) to low nanomolar (nM) range.
222  to the identification of compounds with low picomolar potencies against certain cancer cell lines.
223 n A mAb PA-50 and antitoxin B mAb PA-41 have picomolar potencies in vitro and bind to novel regions o
224 hnologies, some of these compounds exhibited picomolar potencies that qualify them as payloads for an
225 ing in improved solubility while maintaining picomolar potency [5 (KLCA4); IC50 = 305 pM].
226 triptase) reveals the molecular basis of its picomolar potency and specificity.
227 3 pM), which is the first G9a inhibitor with picomolar potency and the most potent G9a inhibitor to d
228 hepatitis C virus (HCV) NS5A inhibitors with picomolar potency containing 2-pyrrolidin-2-yl-5-{4-[4-(
229 its hepatitis C virus (HCV) replication with picomolar potency in preclinical assays.
230 ural homology to BLIP and is a femtomolar to picomolar potency inhibitor, and the amino acid determin
231  Among these, matriptase activated Par2 with picomolar potency, and hepsin and prostasin activated ma
232  enabling us to evaluate inhibitors with low picomolar potency.
233                                          Low picomolar PregS similarly activates cAMP response elemen
234 l respiratory transition, is present in only picomolar quantities in tracheal aspirate samples and di
235 H]38 revealed a dissociation constant in the picomolar range (Kd 0.044 nM, SK-N-MC cells) and very hi
236 4Abu], with an affinity for Kv1.3 in the low picomolar range and a selectivity of more than 2,000-fol
237 ivalent ligands show binding affinity in the picomolar range for cells coexpressing both GPCRs and un
238  responsible for inhibitory constants in the picomolar range for some members of the M14A subfamily o
239 uilibrium dissociation constants (KD) in the picomolar range is of significant interest in many field
240 otent inhibitors with K(I) values in the low picomolar range that compete with substrate binding in t
241 pes A and B and anthrax lethal factor in the picomolar range was demonstrated with a limit of detecti
242 brium binding constants in the micromolar to picomolar range were obtained for small- and large-molec
243 peptide that maintained efficacy (within the picomolar range) in live cells similar to that of the 3L
244 ) in a highly diluted water solution (in the picomolar range).
245 titive, reversible and tight binding to FXa (picomolar range).
246 o the Fe(II) heme irreversibly (K(d)s in the picomolar range).
247 esenting K(d) values in the nanomolar to low picomolar range, and a maximum stabilization of at least
248 issociation constants up to the single-digit picomolar range, equivalent to those of high-affinity Ig
249 ions could be specifically detected into the picomolar range, even in the presence of cell lysates.
250 etection (LOD) of such microarrays is in the picomolar range, making it a promising system for develo
251 il increased from the nanomolar range to the picomolar range, providing evidence for the presence of
252 odies was improved up to 100-fold to the low picomolar range, suitable for in vivo studies.
253                     With an IC50 in the high picomolar range, the apparent affinity is higher than kn
254 s do increase the binding affinity up to the picomolar range.
255 yline and moclobemide, with Ki values on the picomolar range.
256 strong inhibitor of trypsin with K(i) in the picomolar range.
257 -8)M) with a very low detection limit in the picomolar range.
258  are the most potent with K(i) values in the picomolar range.
259 btilase SBT4.13 with Kd and Ki values in the picomolar range.
260 , with IC(50) values in the low nanomolar to picomolar range.
261 R with lowest IC50 values extending into the picomolar range.
262 agnitude by the laccase concentration in the picomolar range.
263 eral inhibitors with potencies in the 50-100 picomolar range.
264 tion, at concentrations in the nanomolar and picomolar range.
265 ith inhibition constants in the single-digit picomolar range.
266 an cells, with 50% neutralization in the low picomolar range.
267 rone directly activates TRPM8 channel at low picomolar range.
268 , whereas the clinical requirement is in the picomolar range.
269 ppression leading to detection limits in the picomolar-range.
270 omparable Kd values in the sub-nanomolar and picomolar ranges.
271 ve preclinical imaging technique that offers picomolar sensitivity and multiplexing capabilities to t
272 ccharide (dextran) immobilized on SWNTs with picomolar sensitivity and selectivity over other sugars
273 cted by all three modalities with at least a picomolar sensitivity both in vitro and in living mice.
274            In addition, this system displays picomolar sensitivity for these ions, with an added abil
275 biomarker measurements in complex media with picomolar sensitivity presents a large challenge to dise
276                                  It combines picomolar sensitivity with high hydrodynamic resolution,
277  (FERS) for chemical selective analysis with picomolar sensitivity.
278  G serotypes in real time with femtomolar to picomolar sensitivity.
279 nation of the sample, can be determined with picomolar sensitivity.
280 nsistors (MOSFETs) to achieve label-free sub-picomolar target protein detection.
281 ange of dissociation constants (nanomolar to picomolar) that is typical of those encountered in molec
282 ely, for peroxide concentrations in the high picomolar to low micromolar range.
283 n, each inhibitor binds its target with high picomolar to low nanomolar affinity and at least 300-fol
284 iple, we generated DNA aptamers that exhibit picomolar to low nanomolar affinity in human serum for t
285  HIV broadly neutralizing antibody 2G12 with picomolar to low nanomolar affinity.
286 and even against the MDR variants it retains picomolar to low nanomolar K(i), which is highly compara
287 had antiproliferative activities in the high picomolar to low nanomolar range and caused apoptosis an
288 X1 and NCX2 activities with an EC(50) in the picomolar to low nanomolar range, whereas it did not aff
289                                              Picomolar to micromolar concentrations of ascr#18, the m
290 her explored for label-free DNA detection at picomolar to micromolar concentrations.
291 I (40 pM) in the presence of Abeta peptides (picomolar to micromolar range).
292 with dissociation equilibrium constants from picomolar to micromolar.
293 of gramicidin pores to sense the activity of picomolar to nanomolar concentrations of membrane-active
294   Changes in QD PL caused by the activity of picomolar to nanomolar concentrations of protease were d
295 ion of phosphorylated and total proteins, in picomolar to nanomolar concentrations, were interpolated
296 diate NCP states and enables measurements at picomolar to nanomolar NCP concentrations where dissocia
297 in-A (MTDIA), an orally available, nontoxic, picomolar transition state analogue.
298 nhibitor having a potency of approximately 2 picomolar was identified.
299 as an ultra-trace detection limit equal to 5 picomolar was obtained for the sensor.
300 very late antigen-4 (VLA-4) antagonists with picomolar, whole blood activity and slow dissociation ra

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