


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 host sooty mangabey and the non-natural host pig-tailed macaque.
2 ion of iNKT cells in the peripheral blood of pig-tailed macaques.
3 es in vivo, HIV(NL-DT5R) was inoculated into pig-tailed macaques.
4 e and elicits autoantibodies against CCR5 in pig-tailed macaques.
5 cytes are not a major reservoir for virus in pig-tailed macaques.
6 veloped preferentially in rhesus compared to pig-tailed macaques.
7 eric viruses encoding IIIB env in rhesus and pig-tailed macaques.
8 s, and used this for passive immunization of pig-tailed macaques.
9  acute PBj-like disease when inoculated into pig-tailed macaques.
10 lted in vaginal infection in rhesus, but not pig-tailed, macaques.
11 characterized classical MHC class I genes of pig-tailed macaques and have identified 19 MHC class I a
12  SHIV that caused CD4+ cell loss and AIDS in pig-tailed macaques and used a cell-free stock of this v
13 s, we obtained a 2.24-A crystal structure of pig-tailed macaque APOBEC3H with bound RNA.
14 r previous experiments using a single female pig-tailed macaque as a model for M. genitalium infectio
15          Our findings further support female pig-tailed macaques as a model of M. genitalium infectio
16     This study supports the use of MneRV2 in pig-tailed macaques as an important model for studying r
17  in four different species (rhesus macaques, pig-tailed macaques, baboons, and sooty mangabeys).
18 ypeptide comprising the N-terminal domain of pig-tailed macaque CCR5 fused to streptavidin that, when
19 ns, with viruses growing to higher titers in pig-tailed macaque cells than in rhesus macaque cells.
20 marked contrast to rhesus macaques, 19 of 21 pig-tailed macaques controlled DeltaGY replication with
21     We demonstrate that, like human DC-SIGN, pig-tailed macaque DC-SIGN (ptDC-SIGN) is expressed on D
22 n HIV infection, we cloned and characterized pig-tailed macaque DC-SIGN and generated monoclonal anti
23      Moreover, transmission of virus between pig-tailed macaque DCs and CD4(+) T cells is largely ptD
24                                           In pig-tailed macaques, DeltaGY also replicated acutely to
25                     Our earlier studies with pig-tailed macaques demonstrated various simian-human im
26 e, virus was isolated from a lymph node of a pig-tailed macaque (designated PGm) and the cerebrospina
27  carried out serially in three groups of two pig-tailed macaques each, via intravenous blood-bone mar
28 ased on these findings, we conclude that the pig-tailed macaques exhibit potential as a non-human ani
29 , we describe such a system that uses female pig-tailed macaques exposed vaginally to a CCR5-using si
30                     Among nonhuman primates, pig-tailed macaques following SIV infection are predispo
31  herpesvirus Macaca nemestrina (RFHVMn), the pig-tailed macaque homolog of Kaposi's sarcoma-associate
32 the sequence characterization of MneRV2, the pig-tailed macaque homolog of rhesus rhadinovirus (RRV).
33 munoglobulin G (IgG) were administered to 15 pig-tailed macaques in order to obtain a statistically v
34 genomes were amplified from the plasma of 44 pig-tailed macaques infected with SIV(mac251) at 4 to 10
35                         Third, we found that pig-tailed macaque iNKT cells produce IFN-gamma in respo
36               Interestingly, the majority of pig-tailed macaque iNKT cells that secrete IFN-gamma are
37                                       Female pig-tailed macaques inoculated with Chlamydia trachomati
38 hogenic effects were observed in 100% of the pig-tailed macaques inoculated with either virus.
39      Together these results suggest that the pig-tailed macaque is a suitable model to study M. genit
40 DNA extracted from unpassaged LN tissue of a pig-tailed macaque (Macaca nemestrina) infected with SIV
41 le of high levels of replication in vitro in pig-tailed macaque (Macaca nemestrina) lymphocytes.
42 simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV)-infected pig-tailed macaque (Macaca nemestrina) model, but this i
43  nothing is known of this interaction in the pig-tailed macaque (Macaca nemestrina), which is used in
44 (AF) was used to test for social learning in pig-tailed macaques (Macaca nemestrina) and adult humans
45 uences in primary SFV isolates obtained from pig-tailed macaques (Macaca nemestrina) and rhesus macaq
46                                              Pig-tailed macaques (Macaca nemestrina) and rhesus monke
47         Rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta) and pig-tailed macaques (Macaca nemestrina) were inoculated
48 simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV)-infected pig-tailed macaques (Macaca nemestrina) were treated wit
49     In this model, treatment of SIV-infected pig-tailed macaques (Macaca nemestrina) with the combina
50                 Here we evaluated DeltaGY in pig-tailed macaques (Macaca nemestrina), a species in wh
51 ute infection phase (12 hours to 28 days) in pig-tailed macaques (Macaca nemestrina), challenged intr
52 were evaluated by intravenous inoculation of pig-tailed macaques (Macaca nemestrina).
53 owever, replicate in CD4(+) T lymphocytes of pig-tailed macaques (Macaca nemestrina).
54 uced AIDS when inoculated intravenously into pig-tailed macaques (Macaca nemestrina).
55                    Thus, SIVmne infection of pig-tailed macaques may provide an opportunity to invest
56                       This detailed study of pig-tailed macaque MHC-I genetics and SIV polymorphisms
57 d variant may prove useful in establishing a pig-tailed macaque model of HIV-1 infection.
58             To evaluate the suitability of a pig-tailed macaque model of M. genitalium infection, we
59 uence-based typing of rhesus, cynomolgus and pig-tailed macaques, nearly half of which have not been
60 ngrafted with PBMC of human, chimpanzee, and pig-tailed macaque origin.
61 in and induced proliferation of unstimulated pig-tailed macaque PBMC.
62 ) CD3(+) iNKT cells make up 0.13% to 0.4% of pig-tailed macaque PBMCs, which are comparable to the pe
63 (HIV-1) variant with enhanced replication in pig-tailed macaque peripheral blood mononuclear cells (p
64 replicated efficiently in human, rhesus, and pig-tailed macaque peripheral blood mononuclear cells (P
65    However, in phytohemagglutinin-stimulated pig-tailed macaque peripheral blood mononuclear cells (P
66                                          Two pig-tailed macaques progressed to disease with persistin
67                                              Pig-tailed macaques provide important models of human di
68                     Among Old World monkeys, pig-tailed macaques (Pt) are uniquely susceptible to hum
69      HIVA(Q23)/SIV(vif) replicated poorly in pig-tailed macaque (Ptm) lymphocytes, but viruses were a
70 SIV-vif-NL4-3) could infect and replicate in pig-tailed macaques (PTM), indicating that APOBEC3 prote
71    We compared and contrasted pathogenic (in pig-tailed macaques [PTMs]) and nonpathogenic (in Africa
72 ooty mangabey (designated FGb) to rhesus and pig-tailed macaques resulted in the development of neuro
73                       We determined that the pig-tailed macaque RV2 rhadinovirus, MneRV2, is highly a
74                                              Pig-tailed macaques showed robust viral replication conc
75  and F peptide-binding pockets in rhesus and pig-tailed macaques suggests that their MHC-B molecules
76 ipheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) of a pig-tailed macaque that was inoculated with a slow-low/N
77  followed the evolution of coreceptor use in pig-tailed macaques that developed severe CD4 T-cell los
78                When inoculated into juvenile pig-tailed macaques, the Pt-tropic HIV-1 persistently re
79 less, our data suggest the potential for the pig-tailed macaque to be developed as an animal model of
80 elope glycoprotein cytoplasmic tail leads in pig-tailed macaques to a unique phenotype in which high
81 as investigated using the HIV type 2 (HIV-2)/pig-tailed macaque transmission model.
82 liferation was blocked in vitro with FK-506, pig-tailed macaques treated preinoculation with FK-506 w
83 ca. 20- to 50-fold lower with the rhesus and pig-tailed macaque versus the human CD4 receptor.
84 o high titers and causes immunodeficiency in pig-tailed macaques, virus loads measured in SHIV(DH12)-
85 imian/human immunodeficiency virus (SHIV) in pig-tailed macaques, we have developed a macaque model o
86 V-I or -II) accelerates progression to AIDS, pig-tailed macaques were inoculated with the simian coun
87           We studied the evolution of SIV in pig-tailed macaques with a range of MHC-I haplotypes.
88 cted, the virus replicated preferentially in pig-tailed macaques with an earlier plasma viral peak an
89 e immunogenicity of mutant Env, we immunized pig-tailed macaques with recombinant vaccinia viruses, o
90 noculation of rhesus macaques with PRV or of pig-tailed macaques with RRV, whether the animals were a
91                    Importantly, infection of pig-tailed macaques with stHIV-1 results in acute viremi
92                                 Infection of pig-tailed macaques with the simian immunodeficiency vir

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