


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 dertaking a screen for magnetic cells in the pigeon.
2 cats, chickens, cows, dogs, ducks, pigs, and pigeons.
3  plumage coloration on the survival of feral pigeons.
4  intertectal modulation was quantified in 19 pigeons.
5 s was similar to rhesus monkeys, humans, and pigeons.
6 g combined with GABA immunohistochemistry in pigeons.
7 ckens, whereas C. psittaci dominates only in pigeons.
8 observed reliable space-time interactions in pigeons.
9 e and in-flight leader-follower relations in pigeons.
10 r were compared to a similar experiment with pigeons.
11 ees-of-freedom inertial sensors to show that pigeons (1) maintain powered, banked turns like aircraft
12                                              Pigeons' 3-range discriminations were similar in accurac
13                                        Thus, pigeons achieve low speed turns much like helicopters, b
14        Comparative transcriptome analysis of pigeon and chicken retinas at different embryonic stages
15 amphibian (frog), reptilian (turtle), avian (pigeon and chicken), and mammalian (mouse and human) spe
16  from the orthologous violet pigments of the pigeon and chicken.
17 ting of feather lice (Columbicola) and their pigeon and dove hosts (Columbiformes).
18                The COOH-terminal peptides of pigeon and moth cytochrome c, bound to mouse IE(k), are
19 ce reactions come from recent studies on the pigeon and the locust.
20 that have been observed in Golgi-impregnated pigeon and turtle retinas.
21 ondrial and 4 nuclear genomes from passenger pigeons and 2 genomes from band-tailed pigeons, which ar
22                            Here we show that pigeons and baboons can concurrently learn, in a cogniti
23 lice" and "wing lice," are both parasites of pigeons and doves (Columbiformes).
24 al tract (nTTD), have only been performed in pigeons and ducks.
25                  Among Columbea, we identify pigeons and flamingoes as belonging to sister clades.
26                   Experiments 2 and 3 tested pigeons and humans, respectively, with small and large v
27 en landmarks were rotated or removed, intact pigeons and left HF-lesioned pigeons relied exclusively
28 tween the serial organization of behavior in pigeons and monkeys.
29 ransmitted the virus to direct contacts, but pigeons and Pekin ducks did not.
30  that underlie classical color phenotypes of pigeons and present a mechanistic explanation of their d
31 tion of the midsession reversal task between pigeons and rats.
32 he solution of structural discriminations in pigeons and the hippocampus is important for processing
33 edge-containing land features attract homing pigeons and trigger changes in their navigational states
34                                              Pigeons and undergraduates learned conditional discrimin
35 chicken with those of CPI-17-rich rabbit and pigeon, and studied the effect of CPI-17-reconstitution
36 h YB is encoded by a single-copy gene in the pigeon, and their mRNAs are expressed in many tissues.
37 e auditory pathways of a nonoscine bird, the pigeon, and we suggest that the descending auditory proj
38 rent species of animals including mole rats, pigeons, and sea turtles are thought to use the magnetic
39  phenotypes using data from humans, domestic pigeons, and vaccinia virus.
40 pars ventrolateralis (Avl; comparable to the pigeon archistriatum pars dorsalis) is theorized to be a
41 cal to spatial coding strategies and suggest pigeons are able to code location based on absolute and
42                     The results suggest that pigeons are not only able to learn a specific behavior b
43                                              Pigeons are now known to recapitulate faithfully their i
44 in folium IXcd of the vestibulocerebellum in pigeons are related to response properties of PCs.
45                                     Domestic pigeons are spectacularly diverse and exhibit variation
46 n but partially inhibited them in rabbit and pigeon arteries.
47 chicken artery, but is readily detectable in pigeon artery.
48                                              Pigeon-associated strains are still virulent in mice.
49 eral commonly used basic learning paradigms (pigeon autoshaping, delay- and trace-eye-blink condition
50 s intermedius in the Karten and Hodos (1967) pigeon brain atlas, and what was identified as the hypog
51  an ADP-forming succinyl-CoA synthetase from pigeon breast muscle and the GDP-forming enzyme from liv
52  morphology-based classification of domestic pigeon breeds [3], but the relationships among major gro
53 e sample of 361 individuals from 70 domestic pigeon breeds and two free-living populations to determi
54 ion to the striking variation among domestic pigeon breeds-generated by thousands of years of artific
55 arn a specific behavior by observing another pigeon, but they can also learn under which circumstance
56 ricted in their domain to detect change than pigeons, but both species learned the basic task and app
57 ed to shape and location changes, unlike the pigeons, but neither species transferred to size changes
58 at even species as abundant as the passenger pigeon can be vulnerable to human threats if they are su
59 pigeons ranging in age from 0.5 to 17 years (pigeons can live approximately 20 years in captivity).
60 g significant sequence identity to human and pigeon carnitine acetyltransferase genes, therefore show
61 europeptides were examined within the homing pigeon caudolateral neostriatum (NCL).
62                             In >/=8-year-old pigeons, ChBF compensation was absent at >90 mm Hg BP, w
63 , nonanal, dominates the odorant spectrum of pigeons, chickens, and humans from various ethnic backgr
64 d peptides in other avian species, including pigeons, chickens, and songbirds.
65               The present experiment offered pigeons choices between unreliable and certain rewards b
66                                   Only a few pigeons chose the most useful information in either situ
67 rom band-tailed pigeons, which are passenger pigeons' closest living relatives.
68 eir roles directly, we expressed recombinant pigeon cN-I or human cN-II at similar activities in COS-
69                                              Pigeons, college students, and preschool children were g
70 ng selection against rare pigeon phenotypes, pigeon color polymorphism is maintained through negative
71  variants of their principal prey, the feral pigeon Columba livia, presumably because targeting odd-l
72 p-ir) in the brains of two bird species: the pigeon (Columba livia) and zebra finch (Taeniopygia gutt
73              We had previously reported that pigeon (Columba livia) egg white and serum glycoproteins
74 called cp35 and cp37, are expressed from the pigeon (Columba livia) genome, but they are regulated di
75 ted and phenotypically diverse domestic rock pigeon (Columba livia) remain largely unknown.
76 n the best studied avian species, the homing pigeon (Columba livia), two apparently independent prima
77 merican chameleon (Anolis carolinensis), and pigeon (Columba livia).
78                                              Pigeons (Columba livia) and humans (Homo sapiens) both s
79 ntation and line position discriminations by pigeons (Columba livia) and humans (Homo sapiens).
80  the vestibular and the cerebellar nuclei of pigeons (Columba livia) and hummingbirds (Calypte anna,
81                     In the present research, pigeons (Columba livia) and rats (Rattus norvegicus) wer
82 various points during a 30-peck requirement, pigeons (Columba livia) could choose between completing
83 orces and body orientations in slowly flying pigeons (Columba livia) executing level 90 degrees turns
84 ies of artificial selection in domestic rock pigeons (Columba livia) have cultivated tremendous varia
85                         Here, we describe in pigeons (Columba livia) how retinal inputs to the optic
86 latta), capuchin monkeys (Cebus apella), and pigeons (Columba livia) learning a same/different (S/D)
87 itioning-system loggers, we show that homing pigeons (Columba livia) not only come to rely on highly
88                                 Demonstrator pigeons (Columba livia) stepped on a treadle in the pres
89                                      We flew pigeons (Columba livia) through an array of vertical obs
90 ta suggest that rats (Rattus norvegicus) and pigeons (Columba livia) use different interval-timing st
91                  In a reference memory task, pigeons (Columba livia) were trained to locate a goal in
92                                       Homing pigeons (Columba livia) were trained to locate a goal in
93                In an open-field search task, pigeons (Columba livia) were trained to search for a goa
94                                              Pigeons (Columba livia) were trained with a spatial stru
95                      In Experiment 1, homing pigeons (Columba livia) with unilateral lesions of the r
96 trol procedure was used to determine whether pigeons (Columba livia) would imitate a demonstrator tha
97     Several plumage types are found in feral pigeons (Columba livia), but one type imparts a clear su
98                                           In pigeons (Columba livia), lesion damage to the Wulst has
99 A series of experiments investigated whether pigeons (Columba livia), like most humans, would fail to
100                                Monkeys, like pigeons (Columba livia), showed full transfer to four no
101            The authors compared results from pigeons (Columba livia, a nonsongbird species) with resu
102 pated reinforcement, a form of incentive, on pigeons' (Columba livia) reaction time to respond to a t
103  monedula), and a non-seed-caching columbid (pigeons; Columba livia), were tested for ability to lear
104 of of principle, we assembled genomes of the pigeon (Columbia livia) and peregrine falcon (Falco pere
105 on a majority of trials much sooner than the pigeons, contrary to the findings by Herbranson and Schr
106 ce is an important aspect of variation among pigeons, correlated with aggression and access to food,
107 -action method was used to determine whether pigeons could learn to imitate a conditional discriminat
108 n cytochrome c (CYT), the B cell response to pigeon CYT (PCC) was examined in mice transgenic for PCC
109  cell populations specific for the model Ags pigeon cytochrome c (PCC) and hen egg lysozyme (HEL).
110 ymphoma of a TCR transgenic mouse respond to pigeon cytochrome C (PCC) antigen in association with di
111 e AND TCR specific for amino acids 88-104 of pigeon cytochrome C (PCC) to the Fas-intact MRL/Mp(+)(Fa
112 plex class II- restricted murine response to pigeon cytochrome c (PCC), we provide evidence for both
113 rimary and memory B10.BR Th cell response to pigeon cytochrome c (PCC).
114 e use the I-Ek-restricted murine response to pigeon cytochrome c (PCC).
115  PPD but were proliferative nonresponders to pigeon cytochrome c 81-104 (PCC), having a large decreas
116 nts transgenically expressing membrane-bound pigeon cytochrome c as a self-Ag.
117 ferate and produce IL-2 after challenge with pigeon cytochrome c in ex vivo recall assays, a typical
118 s associated with high affinity responses to pigeon cytochrome c made less IL-4 than clones that poss
119 , which have a fixed beta-chain specific for pigeon cytochrome c peptide I-Ek.
120 (-/-) mice with recombinant BCG that express pigeon cytochrome c peptide in a mycobacterial 19-kDa ba
121   Previous work has shown that the antigenic pigeon cytochrome c peptide PCC-(89-104) has at least tw
122 lexed with an antigenic peptide derived from pigeon cytochrome c residues 89-104 (PCC) by 19F-NMR.
123 anged TCR specific for amino acids 88-104 of pigeon cytochrome c to cognate and low affinity peptide
124 ned the resistance to T. gondii infection of pigeon cytochrome c transgenic (PCC-Tg) Rag-2(-/-) mice
125 TCR transgenic T cells (Valpha11/Vbeta3 anti-pigeon cytochrome c) are preferentially excluded from gr
126 for the sensitizing Ag (in the current case, pigeon cytochrome c), a decline in production of IL-2 an
127 88-104) TCR-transgenic T cells, specific for pigeon cytochrome c, from lupus-prone Fas-intact MRL/Mp+
128 nic mice bearing rearranged TCR specific for pigeon cytochrome c, peptides 88-104) TCR-transgenic T c
129 C) were more efficient in processing the Ag, pigeon cytochrome c, than vehicle control macrophages.
130       Using TCR transgenic mice containing a pigeon cytochrome c-specific T cell population or lympho
131  However, recombinase-activating gene 2(-/-) pigeon cytochrome c-specific TCR transgenic mice fail to
132 sed on adoptive transfer of CD4 T cells from pigeon cytochrome C-specific transgenic H-2(k/k) TCR-Val
133 ss a TCR specific for a peptide derived from pigeon cytochrome C.
134 -40 signaling on primary responses to the Ag pigeon cytochrome c.
135      Therefore, unlike V-formation pelicans, pigeons do not gain an aerodynamic advantage from flying
136 genome (mitogenome) of two extinct passenger pigeons (Ectopistes migratorius) using de novo assembly
137 lo)), and ovomucoid (POM) were isolated from pigeon egg white (PEW).
138 n previously that all major glycoproteins of pigeon egg white contain Galalpha1-4Gal epitopes.
139 NAc branch terminals, which are not found in pigeon egg white glycoproteins.
140 eons in two pigeonholes, at least two of the pigeons end up in the same hole," is an obvious yet fund
141    The dodo, Raphus cucullatus, a flightless pigeon endemic to Mauritius, became extinct during the 1
142                   Using the sequences of the pigeon enzymes as queries in BLAST searches, we obtained
143 antly with their selectivity for odd-colored pigeons, even after controlling for confounding age effe
144 th similar glycosylation more intensely than pigeon EW.
145 anized cryptococcal cells were isolated from pigeon excreta contaminated with Cryptococcus neoformans
146 Cryptococcus neoformans, and their growth in pigeon excreta supported melanization.
147 nment, where it is primarily associated with pigeon excreta.
148 of environmental isolates were obtained from pigeon excreta.
149 d if ChBF compensation for BP fluctuation in pigeons fails with age.
150 ipe pair represents a functional unit in the pigeon flocculus insofar as the CSA of all PCs in the st
151                                          The pigeon flocculus receives visual-optokinetic information
152                                           In pigeons, folium IXcd consists of seven pairs of ZII+/- s
153  LAMP to examine the distribution of LAMP in pigeon forebrain and midbrain.
154                                       In the pigeon, GABAergic hair cells are present throughout the
155  will be more genetically diverse, passenger pigeon genetic diversity was surprisingly low.
156                      Research has shown that pigeons given a simultaneous visually based discriminati
157 nal P(Cl) pigment in the pineal gland of the pigeon has a lambdamax value at 481 nm.
158                                              Pigeon has a typical avian karyotype (2n = 80), while fa
159                                     Domestic pigeons have striking variation in foot feathering withi
160 and the depolarization of the V(z) in type I pigeon HCs by activation of mAChRs represents a new find
161              Localized regions of the homing pigeon HF were stimulated at 400-600 microA while evoked
162 y homed was not influenced by air pollution, pigeons homed faster when the air was especially pollute
163  how visual landscape information influences pigeons' homing behaviour.
164                                  Analysis of pigeons' homing routes recorded using global positioning
165 o-thirds of high mannose-type N-glycans from pigeon IgG were monoglucosylated.
166             Because of the growing number of pigeons in Middle and Southern Europe cities, some cases
167        Archaeological deposits at Grotte des Pigeons in Morocco document extensive evidence for human
168 ampal formation (HF) of freely moving homing pigeons in order to provide a taxonomy of unit types fou
169 cause of isolation of the virus from several pigeons in poultry markets in China, but experimental st
170  The pigeonhole principle: "If you put three pigeons in two pigeonholes, at least two of the pigeons
171 y correlated with a host range restricted to pigeons, in contrast to phage types with broader host ra
172                                          The pigeons, in contrast, exhibited a configural inferiority
173 rovar Typhimurium frequently associated with pigeon infections were tested for genomic anomalies and
174                                          The pigeon is also known for its UV vision, detecting light
175 phage types, we compared the genomes of four pigeon isolates to serotype Typhimurium strain LT2 using
176 n, which are absent from the host-restricted pigeon isolates.
177 -7283, CBS 9732, from the nasal passage of a pigeon), K. heterogenica (type strain NRRL Y-27499, CBS
178 ars to receive magnetic information from the pigeon lagena receptor organs.
179                                    Passenger pigeons' large population size appears to have allowed f
180 switch, all college students and all but one pigeon learned to switch on nearly every trial.
181             Control and hippocampal-lesioned pigeons learned at a similar rate, but the control birds
182                            Results suggested pigeons learned relative and absolute distances.
183  location and error on test trials suggested pigeons learned relative distance.
184        In the more challenging 8-range task, pigeons, like zebra finches, discriminated shifts from r
185 /ADP, have been purified to homogeneity from pigeon liver and breast muscle.
186                            Subsequently, the pigeon mainly reacquired the body orientation used in fo
187 with the Bischof-Kohler hypothesis, rats and pigeons may solve tasks by encoding the future but only
188         Behavioral testing has revealed that pigeons may use the same visual information sources as h
189  uniting cuckoos, bustards, and turacos with pigeons, mesites, and sandgrouse; (3) cranes and their r
190     In skeletal muscle samples from turtles, pigeons, mice, and humans, alpha(3) Na(+),K(+)-ATPase wa
191                    In ventral root fibers of pigeons, mice, and humans, the alpha(3) Na(+),K(+)-ATPas
192 g the test trials; choosing like HF-lesioned pigeons on some test trials but choosing randomly on oth
193 rackers searched more accurately than either pigeons or jackdaws.
194 d, but jackdaws took much longer than either pigeons or nutcrackers.
195                            Here we show that pigeons, organisms that separated from humans more than
196 The Fe3O4@Al2O3 MNPs are functionalized with pigeon ovalbumin (POA), which contains Gal-alpha(1-->4)-
197 ing the matrix gene and more specifically as pigeon paramyxovirus serotype 1 (PPMV-1) by hemagglutini
198                                             (pigeon pea) and Lablab purpureus L.
199 icer arietinum (chickpea) and Cajanus cajan (pigeon pea) and two outgroup reference species: Arabidop
200 sal inoculation of chickens, Japanese quail, pigeons, Pekin ducks, Mallard ducks, Muscovy ducks, and
201 and a weak agonist-antagonist variant of the pigeon peptide bound to IE(k).
202                                 However, the pigeon peptide has an alanine at p9 shifting the lysine
203 titution of Ser for Thr at p8 in the variant pigeon peptide induces no detectable surface change othe
204 o place the lysine in the anchor pocket, the pigeon peptide takes the extended course through the bin
205 he findings by Herbranson and Schroeder that pigeons perform better than people on this task.
206 ects of picture manipulations on humans' and pigeons' performance were examined in a go/no-go discrim
207                          Experiment 1 tested pigeons' performance with these stimuli in a target loca
208 tion of chickens and other land-based birds (pigeon, pheasant, quail, guinea fowl, and chukka) from s
209 y hawks exerts strong selection against rare pigeon phenotypes, pigeon color polymorphism is maintain
210          One of the major glycoproteins from pigeon plasma was identified as IgG (also known as IgY),
211 have made substantial contributions to feral pigeon populations.
212 ment and was not produced merely because the pigeons preferred a variable alternative over a fixed al
213  probability of reinforcement, implying that pigeons processed incentive at a constant rate.
214                         We hypothesized that pigeons produce aerodynamic forces in a uniform directio
215        Live-poultry markets (mostly chicken, pigeon, quail, ducks, geese, and a wide range of exotic
216 ed multiple linear regression to analyse 415 pigeon races in the North China Plain, an area with cons
217 g spontaneous BP fluctuation in anesthetized pigeons ranging in age from 0.5 to 17 years (pigeons can
218                          We generated a rock pigeon reference genome and additional genome sequences
219                   In this study, we compared pigeons' relative influence over flock direction to thei
220 removed, intact pigeons and left HF-lesioned pigeons relied exclusively on global room cues to locate
221                          ChBF in <8-year-old pigeons remained near 100% of basal ChBF at BPs ranging
222 signal: Rats stop timing during the gap, and pigeons reset their timing mechanism after the gap.
223              We found that feathered feet in pigeons result from a partial transformation from hindli
224                                 However, the pigeon retina and the human macula share a number of str
225 ffect on the developmental patterning of the pigeon retina, which is at odds with the current models
226 is is shown to result from the fact that the pigeon retinal epithelium is inhibitory to cell differen
227 he SWS1(Cl) opsin cDNA was isolated from the pigeon retinal RNA, expressed in cultured COS1 cells, re
228    Here we provide a new detailed map of the pigeon's arcopallium/amygdala complex and compare the re
229   Our approach supports a segregation of the pigeon's arcopallium/amygdala complex into the following
230   Here we describe neuronal responses in the pigeon's brainstem that show how single cells encode mag
231                                            A pigeon's degree of leadership was predicted by its groun
232 the genome, we calculated that the passenger pigeon's effective population size throughout the last m
233 natural population dynamics in the passenger pigeon's extinction remains unexplored.
234  human exploitation in causing the passenger pigeon's rapid demise.
235                            Surprisingly, the pigeon's upstroke generated aerodynamic forces that were
236                             In Experiment 3, pigeons searched at the midpoint of rotated arrays in bo
237                             In Experiment 4, pigeons searched in the appropriate goal direction when
238                                          The pigeons selected either a strategy involving only a slig
239 nd MS/MS analyses revealed that N-glycans of pigeon serum IgG included (i) high mannose-type (33.3%),
240 al-bearing glycoproteins are also present in pigeon serum, lymphocytes, and liver, as probed by Weste
241  deviation from optimal choice suggests that pigeons show a bias similar to the sunk cost effect in h
242 l transfer from the 32- and 64-item groups), pigeons show the same degree of transfer as rhesus and c
243                    In three experiments, the pigeons showed a bias to complete the pecks already star
244                         Both nutcrackers and pigeons showed good transfer to novel landmark arrays in
245 ndency to unidimensional categorization, the pigeons showed no evidence of rule-governed behavior, bu
246                                              Pigeons showed remarkably similar errors in anticipation
247           Results suggest that both rats and pigeons stop timing during a nonsalient gap and reset ti
248 that it was most closely related to virulent pigeon strains of APMV-1.
249 tion, and found that while the proportion of pigeons successfully homed was not influenced by air pol
250 ile house sparrows, European starlings, rock pigeons, swallows, and American robins were the most com
251 rlaps with two subdivisions described in the pigeon that have been related to the mammalian dentate g
252  Imitation was evidenced by the finding that pigeons that saw a demonstrator push the screen made a h
253 songbirds, which is not present in doves and pigeons that vocalize with a closed beak, may modulate t
254 ally-located eyes, such as zebra finches and pigeons, the tectofugal visual pathway is the most promi
255 us system of the rat (as well as monkeys and pigeons) there are several native subtypes of the GABA(A
256                                       In the pigeon these neurones signal the time remaining before c
257 l), sws1(Cl), sws2(Cl), and lws(Cl) from the pigeon; these encode RH1(Cl), RH2(Cl), SWS1(Cl), SWS2(Cl
258  case of severe nocturnal anaphylaxis due to pigeon tick bite showing the diagnostic value of the ext
259                        The identification of pigeon ticks as a trigger of anaphylaxis would greatly i
260 ntensity of the signal and gap when rats and pigeons timed in the gap procedure.
261 ctive proteins in extracts from a variety of pigeon tissues, including the cropsac.
262 m of these developmental features allows the pigeon to build a retina that displays the structural an
263                          Here, we use homing pigeons to investigate whether the repeated removal and
264                  Here, we trained humans and pigeons to recognize four shapes.
265 he geometric shape of the arena was encoded, pigeons trained on a slope were guided by a goal represe
266            Specifically, we demonstrate that pigeons trained to discriminate words from nonwords pick
267                      These results show that pigeons trained with small sets (e.g., 8 items) have car
268 athogen-vector-host system, avian malaria in pigeons transmitted by fly ectoparasites, where both two
269 ng cell differentiation are postponed in the pigeon until the end of the period of cell proliferation
270                              Both humans and pigeons used cotermination, the most diagnostic nonaccid
271                    Ion channel candidates in pigeon vestibular HCs that might underlie the modulation
272 -patch recordings were performed on isolated pigeon vestibular type I and type II HCs during the appl
273  pair may represent a functional unit in the pigeon vestibulocerebellum.
274                                           In pigeons, visual object processing is lateralised with a
275 f the passage of time, some students, but no pigeons, waited for the most useful information, especia
276      This result suggests that the passenger pigeon was not always super abundant but experienced dra
277                        The extinct passenger pigeon was once the most abundant bird in North America,
278                                The passenger pigeon was once the most abundant bird in the world, wit
279  60 to 90 mm Hg range, ChBF in >/=8-year-old pigeons was maintained at 60-70% of young basal ChBF.
280 sing high-precision GPS tracking of pairs of pigeons, we found that if conflict between two birds' di
281                Lastly, as shown by Clarke in pigeons, we found that PL projects to caudal cerebellar
282 ependent and context-specific hierarchies in pigeons, we succeed in setting out a robust, scalable me
283            After reaching training criteria, pigeons were again tested with novel interlandmark dista
284                                  Thus, these pigeons were capable of affordance learning.
285  swabs of healthy chickens, ducks, geese and pigeons were collected nationwide from live-animal marke
286                              The monkeys and pigeons were further tested to compare transfer with oth
287                                              Pigeons were previously suggested to be a possible sourc
288                             In addition, the pigeons were sensitive to the bigram frequencies of word
289  for rodents, HF-lesioned and control homing pigeons were tested on a visual paired-associate learnin
290            After reaching training criteria, pigeons were tested with novel interlandmark distances.
291                              Three groups of pigeons were trained in a same/different task with 32, 6
292 ded the responses of single Wulst neurons as pigeons were trained on the acquisition and subsequent r
293 enger pigeons and 2 genomes from band-tailed pigeons, which are passenger pigeons' closest living rel
294                        When flying in pairs, pigeons with different preferred paths back to the loft
295                                              Pigeons with right HF lesions were the only group to dem
296 wo enzymes are differentially distributed in pigeon, with only the GTP-specific enzyme detected in li
297 ted ChBF baroregulatory impairment occurs in pigeons, with ChBF linear with above-basal BP, and ChBF
298                        As such, responses of pigeon Wulst neurons indicate a role in representing asp
299 thern blots, the sizes of the mRNAs encoding pigeon YB1 (pYB1) and pigeon YB2 (pYB2) were 1.8 and 1.7
300  of the mRNAs encoding pigeon YB1 (pYB1) and pigeon YB2 (pYB2) were 1.8 and 1.7kb, respectively.

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