


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 nosine and purine metabolites in the newborn piglet.
2  a wedding meal that included a spit-roasted piglet.
3 ed in vitro with in vivo data collected from piglets.
4  the study (p = 0.002) compared with control piglets.
5 ovascular performance in asphyxiated newborn piglets.
6 tal death and respiratory disease in newborn piglets.
7 ing the resuscitation of asphyxiated newborn piglets.
8 e failure in sows and respiratory disease in piglets.
9           Twenty-four newborn (1-4 days old) piglets.
10 her VirHRV fecal titers in nonvaccinated VAD piglets.
11 nd high mortality compared to BBG-challenged piglets.
12 uce myocardial injury in asphyxiated newborn piglets.
13 ulation compared to postarrest, normothermic piglets.
14  by Firmicutes in asymptomatic and diarrheal piglets.
15  flow after fluid percussion brain injury in piglets.
16 rcent cerebrovasodilation in male and female piglets.
17 created by graded hemorrhage in anesthetized piglets.
18 iglets when compared to those of the healthy piglets.
19 9-day-old F4ac receptor-positive gnotobiotic piglets.
20 ei of the cerebral cortex of hypoxic newborn piglets.
21 ated piglets compared with the NIPPV-treated piglets.
22 ter the administration of vitamin A doses to piglets.
23 p < .0001) as compared with the SIMV-treated piglets.
24 maglobulinemia, and autoimmunity in neonatal piglets.
25 ion of the preimmune VDJ repertoire in young piglets.
26 ighly virulent PEDV strain PC22A in neonatal piglets.
27 igher in EcN-colonized than in LGG-colonized piglets.
28 l of gastric eosinophil in peanut-sensitized piglets.
29 d compared with LGG-colonized or uncolonized piglets.
30 et-dependent bacterial succession process in piglets.
31 tion and immunity using neonatal gnotobiotic piglets.
32 n of the gut microbiota in the early life of piglets.
33 ere enteric disease particularly in neonatal piglets.
34  mesenteric lymph nodes of 40% of challenged piglets.
35  was assessed in ligated intestinal loops in piglets.
36 oronavirus causing lethal watery diarrhea in piglets.
37 in vivo model to study oral SS2 infection in piglets.
38 d with neonatal and post-weaning diarrhea in piglets.
39  coronavirus that causes diarrhea in nursing piglets.
40                                              Piglets (1-4 d old, weighing 1.4-2.5 kg).
41                                   Thirty-six piglets (1-4 days old, weighing 1.4-2.5 kg) were acutely
42 veloped moderate gastritis compared to naive piglets (1.5 vs 1.0, median score).
43 opulmonary resuscitation was provided to ten piglets (10.7 +/- 1.2 kg) for 18 mins as six 3-min epoch
44 ich represented a patient <1 yr old, and ten piglets (16-24 kg), which represented a pediatric patien
45 toms in 9 of 10 animals when it was given to piglets 24 h after bacterial challenge and in 5 of 9 ani
46                                       Eleven piglets (4-8 kg), which represented a patient <1 yr old,
47 was significantly reduced in EPIT vs placebo piglets (61.4 +/- 16.3 vs 105.9 +/- 25.6 ng/mL, P < .01)
48  air trapping more frequently than wild-type piglets (75% vs. 12.5%, respectively).
49                                     Fourteen piglets 8 weeks of age underwent atrioventricular node a
50                          Conversely, 100% of piglets administered only anti-TcdA developed severe GI
51  of pulmonary hypertension after CPB/DHCA in piglets administered SN50, possibly through a reduction
52  and attenuates myocardial injury in newborn piglets after asphyxia-reoxygenation.
53 urthermore, whole-body PET scans of 5 female piglets (age +/- SD, 44 +/- 3 d; weight +/- SD, 13.7 +/-
54  surface liquid (ASL) collected from newborn piglets and ASL on cultured airway epithelia.
55 re also remarkably increased in asymptomatic piglets and diarrheal piglets when compared to those of
56 ng carbon dioxide pneumoperitoneum in 6 male piglets and maintaining PPP at 25 mmHg, CVP was measured
57 le toxin B (TcdB) in sera and body fluids of piglets and mice exposed to C. difficile to investigate
58                                              Piglets and neonatal calves were chosen because intimin-
59         Therefore, we used newborn wild-type piglets and piglets with cystic fibrosis to assess air t
60 4.3 +/- 3.1 kg) were obtained up to 236 min (piglets) and 355 min (humans) after injection of 186.6 +
61                       On the basis of mouse, piglet, and human kinetic data, the projected human ED o
62 5 muSv/MBq in mice, 14.7 +/- 0.7 muSv/MBq in piglets, and 23.4 +/- 0.4 muSv/MBq in humans.
63 robiota along the length of the intestine of piglets, and determined the effect of SUCRAM supplementa
64 2-specific antibody is sufficient to protect piglets, and possibly humans, against STEC strains that
65                                              Piglets are a good model for infants because of their si
66                             We conclude that piglets are highly susceptible to shigellosis, providing
67 Resection of approximately 90% of the IPP in piglets at birth did not alter Ig levels in serum and se
68                                          For piglets, Bacteroidetes, the dominant bacteria in healthy
69                                      Data of piglet birth weight and survival show that the presence
70  multiple regression and apply it to data on piglet birth weight and survival.
71 trait, thus, reduction in the variability of piglet birth weight to improve the sow prolificacy is po
72                                              Piglet birth weight variability, a trait also known as t
73  allocation (maternal investment measured as piglet birth weight/litter weight) was statistically sig
74 on, preliminary data suggested that suckling piglets born by a sow immunized with the pLT(192):pSTa(1
75  effectively provides a fourfold increase in piglets born per oocyte collected.
76                               Castrated male piglets born to sows fed a vitamin A-depleted diet throu
77 ors in 200 microm thick tissue sections from piglet brain.
78 s in activation of Src kinase in the newborn piglet brain.
79 ostering model with an obese typical Chinese piglet breed and a lean Western breed was used to identi
80 During the suckling period until day 14, the piglet breed and the nursing mother lead to increasing d
81 mage was observed in mitochondria of control piglets but attenuated in that of cyclosporine (10 mg/kg
82 ry low in fetal IPP and the IPP of germ-free piglets but increased 3- to 5-fold after colonization.
83 al signs and pathological lesions in newborn piglets, but they are presumed to be antigenically disti
84 hemodynamic effect of 10% or 20% lean during piglet cardiopulmonary resuscitation.
85 can have mortality rates approaching 100% in piglets, causing serious economic impact.
86 ately 37 nM in smooth muscle cells of intact piglet cerebral arterioles.
87  coli, was shown in an experimental model of piglets challenged with this infection after bromelain p
88 lso higher in ventilator-induced lung injury piglets compared with control piglets, whereas regions s
89 ere higher in ventilator-induced lung injury piglets compared with controls animals.
90  and oxidative stress in doxycycline-treated piglets compared with controls.
91 o chronotropic effect in doxycycline-treated piglets compared with controls.
92 l inflammation (p = .04) in the SIMV-treated piglets compared with the NIPPV-treated piglets.
93                                         This piglet cross-fostering model is a useful tool for studyi
94 biphasic truncated exponential waveform in a piglet defibrillation model for young children.
95                                              Piglets developed acute diarrhea, anorexia, and dehydrat
96 ejuni successfully established infection and piglets developed an increased temperature with watery d
97     Following oral intake of PPE, sensitized piglets developed moderate gastritis compared to naive p
98                            We produced three piglets devoid of all cell surface class I proteins.
99  FPI were greater in male compared to female piglets during normotension which was blunted by SNP.
100 egatively correlated with the mean growth of piglets during sucking.
101 d distributed into 16 blocks of 3 littermate piglets each.
102 ensitive to ionizing radiation than non-SCID piglets, eliminating the RAG1 and RAG2 genes.
103  roles of tPA and ERK during/after injury in piglets equipped with a closed cranial window.
104 ated impairment of vasodilation after H/I in piglets equipped with a closed cranial window.
105                                CG-challenged piglets experienced severe disease accompanied by early
106                              However, in the piglet feed-challenge experiment, only the piglets recei
107 rochalcone (NHDC) and saccharin] included in piglets' feed reduces incidence of enteric disease.
108              Experiments were carried out in piglets first sensitized by three intra-peritoneal injec
109 t of autoregulation during hypotension after piglet fluid percussion brain injury (FPI).
110  mitochondrial injury in asphyxiated newborn piglets following resuscitation.
111 s and the number of both total and live-born piglets for parturition.
112                                              Piglets from a line of Yorkshire pigs at Iowa State Univ
113 dy alone or with anti-TcdA protected 100% of piglets from development of systemic CDI and minimized G
114 VNA-Stx treatment is effective in protecting piglets from fatal Stx2-mediated CNS complications follo
115 oclonal antibodies (HuMAbs) protect mice and piglets from fatal systemic complications of Stx2.
116 sfully obtained from the small intestines of piglets from sow farms in Indiana and Iowa, respectively
117  these two toxins in terms of importance for piglets &gt;1 week old with a study design that involved co
118                                          The piglet had been stuffed with a raw stuffing partly made
119 rterial hypotension, postarrest, hypothermic piglets had a significant decrease in the perfusion pres
120                                      Hypoxic piglets had cardiogenic shock (cardiac output 40% to 48%
121                                      Hypoxic piglets had cardiogenic shock (cardiac output 58% +/- 1%
122 After treatment with ciprofloxacin, infected piglets had diarrhea and the severe fatal neurological s
123 , 88% and 100% TC-PC177- and mock-inoculated piglets had diarrhea following challenge, respectively,
124                          Doxycycline-treated piglets had lower myocardial matrix metalloproteinase-2
125                     Cells derived from these piglets had markedly reduced alpha 1,3 galactosyl sugar
126  animals grew and developed normally, and SF piglets had several health benefits (eg, increased bone
127  with the reduction of NF-kappaB activity in piglet hearts.
128 ng of the intestinal contents of a diarrheic piglet in Vero cell culture.
129         Anti-A antibodies developed in naive piglets in a kinetic pattern analogous to human infants;
130 improves the recovery of asphyxiated newborn piglets in comparison with coordinated 3:1 resuscitation
131  hemodynamic recovery in asphyxiated newborn piglets in comparison with standard coordinated 3:1 resu
132  individual submucosal glands from 1-day-old piglets in situ in explanted tracheas, using optical met
133                                          The piglets in the SIMV group had higher PaO2/PaO2 ratio tha
134 ed systemic-to-pulmonary shunting in growing piglets induces PH with biventricular remodeling and myo
135                             We conclude that piglets infected with C. difficile mimic many of the key
136 t systemic administration of alpha-GalCer to piglets infected with pandemic A/California/04/2009 (CA0
137                                     Isolator piglets infected with porcine reproductive and respirato
138 allenged with Stx2 and protected gnotobiotic piglets infected with STEC from fatal systemic intoxicat
139 as found to have diminished virulence in the piglet infection model.
140 ntly evaluated clinically in the gnotobiotic piglet infection model.
141  genes of which Tn mutants showed attenuated piglet infection were identified.
142 n, Tn mutants of 14 genes displayed enhanced piglet infection.
143 resulting in less mortality in a gnotobiotic piglet-infection model.
144 f Adh were also confirmed in both murine and piglets infectious models in vivo.
145             Compared with 100% protection in piglets initially inoculated with PC21A, 88% and 100% TC
146 lume and plasma total protein of gnotobiotic piglets inoculated with the LT-positive strains were sig
147                                          The piglet is a reproducible model of acute or chronic CDI w
148                                          The piglet is a suitable model for determining the effective
149 rally delayed isohemagglutinin production in piglets is analogous to the developmental kinetics in hu
150 a coli (ETEC)-caused postweaning diarrhea in piglets is one such infection that may be prevented by o
151  anti-A antibody production after "A-into-O" piglet kidney transplantation indicates that tolerance d
152  in three secondary lymphoid tissues between piglets lacking IPP and colonized controls, whereas both
153 diarrhea and high mortality rates in newborn piglets, leading to massive losses to the swine industry
154 f PEDV infection on the GM of sows and their piglets less than 10 days old.
155 ant role in dehydrating diarrheal disease in piglets &lt;1 week old and also enhances bacterial coloniza
156                                   In control piglets, &lt;5% of microglia isolated from the hippocampus
157 fication than did late-term fetal piglets or piglets maintained germ-free.
158                           We characterized a piglet model for Shigella dysenteriae type 1.
159 Accordingly, we used an established neonatal piglet model of C. parvum infection to examine the role
160 rately and in combination in the gnotobiotic piglet model of CDI.
161                              We examined the piglet model of Clostridium difficile illness (CDI) in h
162                                    We used a piglet model of Cryptosporidium parvum infection to dete
163 (HRV) vaccine efficacy in a gnotobiotic (Gn) piglet model of HRV diarrhea.
164 volved in sensing the necrotic bone, using a piglet model of Legg-Calve-Perthes disease.
165 ermia after transient hypoxia-ischaemia in a piglet model of perinatal asphyxia using clinically rele
166 ter transient cerebral hypoxia-ischemia in a piglet model of perinatal asphyxia using magnetic resona
167 nd PCCO analysis correlate with PATD CO in a piglet model of severe hemorrhagic shock.
168                                   The inbred piglet model represents a system that is comparable to h
169                                         This piglet model suggests that, for supplementation to infan
170         In this study, we used a gnotobiotic piglet model to study determinants of pathogenicity of C
171                                      Using a piglet model, the present study showed that inoculation
172 idium infection was shown in both murine and piglet models.
173 ner, SUCRAM, included in the diet of weaning piglets modulates the composition of lumenal-residing gu
174 tions to farm animal welfare issues, such as piglet mortality, are likely to lie within the scientifi
175 ia was surgically induced in one hip of each piglet (n=8) after approval from the Subcommittee on Res
176                               Age-matched Gn piglets (n = 14) served as mock-inoculated controls.
177  were collected from sows (n = 22) and their piglets (n = 33) beginning 1 week after the onset of the
178                                     Neonatal piglets (n = 48) were weaned on day 2 of age and distrib
179                                Sham-operated piglets (n = 5) received no hypoxia-reoxygenation.
180             Three- to 5-day-old anesthetized piglets (n=51) underwent a single, rapid (117-266 rad/s)
181                           In resting newborn piglets (n=6) on isoflurane anesthesia, we measured a me
182                                Sham-operated piglets (n=8) underwent no asphyxia-reoxygenation.
183                                 Term newborn piglets (n=8/group) were anesthetized, intubated, instru
184 ons from three different inoculated animals: piglets, neonatal calves, and mice.
185         In surfactant-deficient term newborn piglets, NIPPV offers an effective and noninvasive venti
186          Thirty healthy Landrace/Large-White piglets of both sexes, aged 10 to 15 wks, whose average
187                                        Fetal piglets offer an in vivo model for determining whether A
188  in the feces of 24 healthy and 12 diarrheic piglets on a high-density farm.
189         Measures were compared either in all piglets or between 3 subgroups with no (n = 5, favourabl
190 ter diversification than did late-term fetal piglets or piglets maintained germ-free.
191 ed with data from a single boar family of 72 piglets over swine chromosomes 6 and 8 (SSC6 and SSC8).
192  369 +/- 104 at 120 minutes in the untreated piglets (p = 0.001) compared with SN50-treated animals (
193 males doubles mean litter size to about nine piglets per litter.
194 ed with all major isotypes in PRRSV-infected piglets (PIPs), explaining why PRRSV-induced hypergammag
195 s in EcN-colonized compared with uncolonized piglets post-VirHRV challenge.
196 lphaEbeta7) expressing DCs in VAS versus VAD piglets postchallenge, indicating that VAD may interfere
197 tic cells (cDCs and pDCs) were higher in VAD piglets prechallenge, but decreased substantially postch
198 impaired mucociliary transport in newborn CF piglets prior to the onset of secondary manifestations.
199 approximately 12,000 Cgamma clones from > 60 piglets provide the first report on the relative usage o
200                                              Piglets randomly assigned to the SI group received SIs w
201                                              Piglets received 100 microg/kg of SN50, a peptide inhibi
202                          For 3 months, eight piglets received active EPIT, using Viaskin((R)) loaded
203                                Blood group O piglets received kidney allografts from group A (AO-inco
204 cantly lower on day 23 after immunization in piglets receiving dietary AA/DHA supplementation and sow
205 e piglet feed-challenge experiment, only the piglets receiving feed containing the VHH-IgA-based anti
206                                              Piglets receiving the VHH-IgA-based antibodies in the fe
207 icantly higher weight gain compared with the piglets receiving VHH-IgG producing (dose 80 mg/d per pi
208 erent mammalian viruses were shed by healthy piglets, reflecting a high level of asymptomatic infecti
209 specific antibodies protected 100% and 0% of piglets, respectively, against oral challenge with a Stx
210 relative abundance for Meishan and Yorkshire piglets, respectively.
211 ation during normothermia and hypothermia in piglets resuscitated from arrest.
212 evels were induced in control VAD versus VAS piglet sera at postchallenge day 2.
213 ossess the IgG proteolytic activity and that piglet serum samples contain specific antibodies against
214 s evaluated by the weekly testing of sow and piglet serum samples on a SVA VP1 recombinant protein (r
215 c analysis of B cells from neonatal isolator piglets show a non-Gaussian pattern with preferential ex
216                                Two out of 15 piglets showed clinical symptoms compatible with S. suis
217                             In addition male piglets showed impaired thermoregulation compared to fem
218                                      Sow fed piglets showed significantly more VE-Cadherin, which ass
219                Inoculation of three-week-old piglets showed that A2MC2-P90 is avirulent and elicits i
220 ere analysed by a pathologist unaware of the piglets' status.
221  infection was independently associated with piglet stuffing consumption (RR = 1.69 [1.04-2.73], P =
222                                          Ten piglets submitted to an experimental model of acute resp
223                                        Seven piglets submitted to experimental ventilator-induced lun
224  physiological and behavioural indicators of piglet survival differed between the sexes and whether l
225        In many cases, the tumors regress and piglets survive the disease.
226            In contrast, azithromycin-treated piglets survived the infection and had little or no brai
227  and ciliary body hemorrhages were common in piglets that experienced a single, rapid head rotation.
228 lower-respiratory tract were reduced only in piglets that had received intranasal alpha-GalCer.
229                                          The piglets that were in the Hx+Cl group received clonidine
230 ontrast to previous studies with gnotobiotic piglets, there was no evidence that the expression of LT
231 ti-A/B antibodies were measured over time in piglets to establish developmental antibody kinetics.
232                 Here, we describe the use of piglets to evaluate the efficacy and mechanism of action
233 of gastric eosinophilia in peanut-sensitized piglets to evaluate the efficacy of epicutaneous immunot
234         In a test of spatial learning, PRRSV piglets took longer to acquire the task, had a longer la
235                                  Asphyxiated piglets treated with cyclosporine had lower plasma tropo
236                                              Piglets treated with NIPPV demonstrated higher arterial
237  were investigated by dynamic PET studies in piglets under baseline and blocking conditions using the
238                                              Piglets underwent hypoxic-asphyxic cardiac arrest or sha
239  effects were also documented in gnotobiotic piglets using the same consortium and Malawian diet.
240  prevalence of pulmonary edema was 20% among piglets ventilated with low strain rates and 73% among t
241                                              Piglets ventilated with low strain rates had an inspirat
242  liquid manure sampled at the farm where the piglet was born and in the untreated island wastewater.
243     However, only in PRRSV-infected isolator piglets was nearly the identical spectratype observed fo
244 tory molecule IL-10 in comparison to sow-fed piglets was observed.
245                In a dynamic PET study in one piglet, we detected a higher uptake of [(18)F]6b in the
246                         Thirty-three newborn piglets were acutely instrumented for continuous monitor
247                                       Thirty piglets were allocated at random to five groups: the lun
248 ous administration of the tracer in mice and piglets were assessed to determine the organ doses (ODs)
249                                    Crossbred piglets were assigned to three groups, intracranially in
250                                              Piglets were blindly, block randomized to receive IV bol
251                                              Piglets were block-randomized to receive intravenous bol
252 ghly virulent PEDV strain, all the surviving piglets were challenged with PC21A at 3 weeks postinocul
253                                  Gnotobiotic piglets were colonized with EcN, LGG, or EcN+LGG or unco
254 s of recovery from C. hominis infection, the piglets were completely protected against subsequent cha
255                                    Germ-free piglets were consistently and extensively colonized afte
256          HI-35 degrees C and HI-33 degrees C piglets were cooled between 2 and 26 h after HI.
257                           To accomplish this piglets were divided in three groups: normoxic, hypoxic,
258                                      Newborn piglets were divided into 3 groups (n = 5/group): normox
259                                              Piglets were divided into normoxic (Nx), hypoxic (Hx, Fi
260                                              Piglets were exposed to a second 10-day period of PPE or
261                                        PRRSV piglets were febrile (p < 0.0001), anorectic (p < 0.0001
262  significantly influenced by diet, 2-day old piglets were fed soy or milk formula (n = 6/group/gender
263                                              Piglets were imaged at approximately 48 hours and 1, 2,
264                        On day 9, 8 blocks of piglets were immunized with an inactivated influenza vir
265 ls were cooled to 18 degrees C with CPB, the piglets were in DHCA for 120 minutes, and the piglets we
266 ng two novel animal models: a model in which piglets were inoculated orogastrically and a model in wh
267  A vitamin A-depleted diet was fed until the piglets were killed on day 10.
268                           Thirty-six newborn piglets were randomized (all groups n = 9), with interve
269 te lung injury via repetitive saline lavage, piglets were randomized to NIPPV (n = 12) or SIMV (n = 1
270                                              Piglets were randomized to receive an IV bolus of cyclos
271  global hypoxic-ischaemic insult, 17 newborn piglets were randomized to the following: (i) therapeuti
272                                      Newborn piglets were randomized to: (i) HI-normothermia (n=12),
273                           Within each block, piglets were randomly assigned to a control formula, AA/
274                                              Piglets were randomly assigned to receive either 3:1 res
275                                           12 piglets were separated into 2 groups.
276 iglets were in DHCA for 120 minutes, and the piglets were then rewarmed on CPB to 38 degrees C and ma
277                                  Gnotobiotic piglets were used to investigate cross-protection.
278 teroidetes, the dominant bacteria in healthy piglets, were replaced by Firmicutes in asymptomatic and
279 reased in asymptomatic piglets and diarrheal piglets when compared to those of the healthy piglets.
280 example between birth weight and survival of piglets, where animals of extreme weights have lower sur
281  fed group in comparison to milk formula-fed piglets, whereas in milk formula-fed pigs Enterobacteria
282 ed lung injury piglets compared with control piglets, whereas regions suffering tidal recruitment or
283         Inoculation of 48-h-old conventional piglets with 10(11) CFU of the wild-type strain (NY-4) o
284 es from control piglets (WT and CFTR+/-) and piglets with CF-like disease (CFTR-/- and CFTR-/DeltaF50
285                                  Glands from piglets with CF-like disease responded qualitatively to
286  radiodense microdisks in airways of newborn piglets with CF.
287 uction, and airway size reduction in newborn piglets with cystic fibrosis before the onset of airway
288                   On the day they were born, piglets with cystic fibrosis exhibited air trapping more
289                            Moreover, newborn piglets with cystic fibrosis had increased airway resist
290                    On the day they are born, piglets with cystic fibrosis lack airway infection and i
291 efore, we used newborn wild-type piglets and piglets with cystic fibrosis to assess air trapping, air
292       We thereby generated heterozygote male piglets with each mutation.
293  and improves functional recovery in newborn piglets with hypoxia-reoxygenation.
294                             Pre-treatment of piglets with RAP, anti-LRP, and suPAR completely prevent
295 MV), in spontaneously breathing term newborn piglets with saline lavage-induced lung injury.
296 okine concentrations in the sera of mice and piglets with systemic and nonsystemic CDI and found that
297 y inoculated neonatal, conventional suckling piglets with TC-PC177 or PC21A to compare their pathogen
298                 Immunization of newly weaned piglets with UV-killed pandemic H1N1 A/California/04/200
299                 Secretion rates from control piglets (WT and CFTR+/-) and piglets with CF-like diseas
300             Isolation of islets from neonate piglets yielded identical islet equivalent quantities to

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