


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 res a retinol dehydrogenase, PDH, in retinal pigment cells.
2 des with the location of SJs in the cone and pigment cells.
3 al for the development of melanin-containing pigment cells.
4 extual placement of photoreceptors, cone and pigment cells.
5 lature in association with a large number of pigment cells.
6 nd are formed between and among the cone and pigment cells.
7 tely are deposited within the melanosomes of pigment cells.
8 reased melanogenesis and dendricity in human pigment cells.
9 er cell specification and failure to produce pigment cells.
10  including peripheral neurons, cartilage and pigment cells.
11 on lumenal determinants and conserved in non-pigment cells.
12 pecification of the mesodermal precursors of pigment cells.
13 dihydroxyindole-2-carboxylic acid (DHICA) in pigment cells.
14 yo leading to a loss of neural crest derived pigment cells.
15 no oligonucleotide results in larvae without pigment cells.
16 peripheral neurons, and glia, and iridophore pigment cells.
17 and is expressed and required in the retinal pigment cells.
18 primordia, and subsequently differentiate as pigment cells.
19 g photoreceptor cells by neighboring retinal pigment cells.
20 acial cartilage and bone, smooth muscle, and pigment cells.
21 at these genes are specifically expressed in pigment cells.
22  belong to a differentiation gene battery of pigment cells.
23 ng different classes of neural crest-derived pigment cells.
24 nsert was transfected into immortalized frog pigment cells.
25 luding the epaulets, blastocoelar cells, and pigment cells.
26 t, promotes neuronal fates at the expense of pigment cells.
27 st the photoreceptors, then cone and finally pigment cells.
28 ional (Microphthalmia) gene product lack all pigment cells.
29 e-specific transcription factor of embryonic pigment cells.
30 ubsequently, at larval stages, supernumerary pigment cells.
31 em, the retinular cells, the rhabdom, and of pigment cells.
32 l skeleton, peripheral neurons and glia, and pigment cells.
33 e sensory cell in the close vicinity of dark pigment cells.
34 and also promote specification of NC-derived pigment cells.
35 r Flk1 expression and contained no obviously pigmented cells.
36 al and nuclear DNA lesions compared with non-pigmented cells.
37 t transdifferentiation of retinal cells into pigmented cells.
38 ylalanine (DOPA) or (-)-epinephrine produced pigmented cells.
39  from homozygous embryos do not give rise to pigmented cells.
40 vesicles and striations of premelanosomes in pigmented cells.
41 y distinct pathways to late endosomes in non-pigmented cells.
42 ized compartments, such as the melanosome of pigmented cells.
43 as stronger on the non-pigmented than on the pigmented cells.
44 residual neural retina is invaded by heavily pigmented cells.
45  in the retinal pigment epithelial and other pigmented cells.
46 xpressed in IOCs, and Hbs and Sns in primary pigment cells (1 degrees s).
47 l and Pax3/7 and generate melanin-containing pigment cells, a derivative of the neural crest in verte
48 upal eye led to an excess of interommatidial pigment cells, aberrant cell contacts, and an increase i
49 erated during regeneration or in response to pigment cell ablation.
50                                         Many pigment cells acquire unique structural properties and g
51 y greater proportion (>90%) than more darkly pigmented cells after culture.
52 roduction of photoreceptors, cone cells, and pigment cells and a corresponding reduction in programme
53                 BACE2 is highly expressed in pigment cells and Bace2(-/-) but not Bace1(-/-) mice dis
54 he development of two mesodermal cell types, pigment cells and blastocoelar cells.
55 evelopment of the peripheral nervous system, pigment cells and craniofacial cartilage and bone.
56 est Trpm7 at early stages results in loss of pigment cells and dorsal root ganglion neurons.
57  causes beta-alanine accumulation in retinal pigment cells and impairs carcinine synthesis, leading t
58 reening pigment granules in the two types of pigment cells and in the retinular cells in the equatori
59 (pTpT) stimulates melanogenesis in mammalian pigment cells and intact skin, mimicking the effects of
60 s rise to much of the craniofacial skeleton, pigment cells and peripheral nervous system, yet its spe
61 that is expressed in many tissues, including pigment cells and the hypothalamus.
62            SpPks is expressed exclusively in pigment cells and their precursors starting at blastula
63 ransporter, Sp-ABCC5a (C5a), is expressed in pigment cells and their precursors, which are a subset o
64  human genetic disorder that affects retinal pigment cells and, to a lesser degree, neural crest-deri
65 on with defects of neural crest derivatives (pigment cells and/or cartilaginous elements of the jaw).
66 sumptive donor RPE cells were seen as single pigmented cells and as cell clusters in the subretinal s
67 ide to albino melanocytes, we detected black-pigmented cells and isolated multiple single clones.
68 ead and trunk, including peripheral neurons, pigment cells, and cartilage.
69 elium, circumesophageal muscle, basal cells, pigment cells, and endodermal epithelium.
70 ts in NC-derived lineages such as cartilage, pigment cells, and enteric neurons.
71 dary mesenchyme cells (SMC) that will become pigment cells, and genes that are expressed in portions
72 luble adenylyl cyclase (sAC) is expressed in pigment cells, and its inhibition impairs gastrulation.
73 dy produced migratory peripheral neurons and pigment cells, and that the neural crest evolved through
74 proper formation of craniofacial structures, pigment cells, and the outflow tract of the heart.
75  The objective of this study was to identify pigment cell antigens that are recognized by autoantibod
76                     Based on distinctions in pigment cell appearance between mutants, we proposed hyp
77                                   Vertebrate pigment cells are derived from neural crest cells and ar
78                                   Vertebrate pigment cells are derived from neural crest, a tissue th
79 ers expressed in sequential fashion when new pigment cells are generated during regeneration or in re
80 vatives, such as melanophore and xanthophore pigment cells are not affected.
81 tion is significantly decreased, even though pigment cells are present in normal amounts and distribu
82       Recent evidence suggests that ascidian pigment cells are related to neural crest-derived melano
83 tor screening pigment granules and screening pigment cells are restricted to the region below the pho
84 ct from the later period of development when pigment cells are specified from neural crest.
85                                              Pigmented cells are derived from adult nerve, because pi
86                           We show that adult pigment cells arise from distinct lineages having distin
87 est showed that lineage-restricted clones of pigment cells arise from medial cells near the neural ke
88 eover, our data implicate Drosophila retinal pigment cells as functioning in the conversion of dietar
89 ssues including the brain, pectoral fins and pigment cells as well as pharyngeal arches.
90 spective blastocoelar cells, not prospective pigment cells, as was previously believed.
91                                      Lightly pigmented cells attached and spread in a substantially g
92                   In zebrafish, Danio rerio, pigment-cell autonomous interactions generate dark strip
93 sity can be generated when a core network of pigment-cell autonomous interactions is coupled with cha
94 rocess of melanosome transfer has fascinated pigment cell biologists for decades.
95 nts of three classes of neural crest-derived pigment cells: black melanocytes, yellow xanthophores an
96 ere was a marked reduction in the numbers of pigment cells, blastocoelar cells and cells expressing t
97 fication of mesodermal cell types, including pigment cells, blastocoelar cells and muscle cells.
98 ted in the induction of SMC1-positive cells, pigment cells, blastocoelar cells and muscle cells.
99  the lineage choice between neural/glial and pigment cells by repressing MITF during the early phase
100  the potential role of TRPM7 ion channels in pigment cells by studying the phenotype of zebrafish trp
101 te (Teruel, Spain) [9, 10], preserves dermal pigment cells (chromatophores)-xanthophores, iridophores
102 ects, driving the intermingling of all three pigment cell classes and resulting in the loss of stripe
103 attern in D. albolineatus in which all three pigment cell classes are intermingled.
104                        In zebrafish, several pigment cell classes interact to generate stripes, yet t
105 es, as well as interactions within and among pigment cell classes, for both pigment pattern developme
106 which comprises several neural crest-derived pigment cell classes, including black melanophores, yell
107                               The reflecting pigment cells commonly found in decapod retinas are repr
108  and genetic tools reveal a new way in which pigment cells communicate in zebrafish.
109 tial metabolites found in both variants, the pigmented cells contained anthocyanidins, other flavonoi
110 ve rise to many diverse cell types including pigment cells, craniofacial cartilage and the peripheral
111 ch photoreceptor loss is caused by a retinal pigment cell defect, it argues for an effect related to
112 0 is necessary for development of neural and pigment cell derivatives of the neural crest (NC).
113              In many species of salamanders, pigment cells derived from the neural crest give rise to
114  we proposed hypotheses as to the process of pigment cell development affected by each mutation.
115 identified roles for thyroid hormone (TH) in pigment cell development and patterning, and in postembr
116 , which controls a set of genes critical for pigment cell development and pigmentation, including dop
117 n turn regulates a set of genes critical for pigment cell development and pigmentation.
118 genes and regulatory mechanisms required for pigment cell development are conserved across vertebrate
119 large set of embryonic mutations that affect pigment cell development from neural crest.
120                         Neural crest-derived pigment cell development has been used extensively to st
121 ts provide insights into mechanisms of adult pigment cell development in the strikingly colorful Plat
122 nic bHLH factor Mash1 was expressed early in pigment cell development in transgenic mice from the dop
123 ults demonstrate that the sea urchin GRN for pigment cell development is quite shallow, which is typi
124         Transcription factor genes governing pigment cell development that are associated with spotti
125 cleavage Delta-Notch signaling, required for pigment cell development, positively regulates SpPks.
126 ine the effects of bHLH factor expression on pigment cell development, the neurogenic bHLH factor Mas
127     Mutations in either Sox10 or Mitf impair pigment cell development.
128 d has not been implicated in neural crest or pigment cell development.
129  studied for their roles in neural crest and pigment cell development.
130                  While it is clear that some pigment cells differentiate de novo during pigment patte
131 hyme blastula stage and maintains it through pigment cell differentiation and dispersal.
132 show that SpGsc is required for endoderm and pigment cell differentiation and for gastrulation.
133 Also included are signaling factors and some pigment cell differentiation genes.
134 lating hormone (MSH) plays a crucial role in pigment cell differentiation via cAMP-regulated expressi
135 ey use homologous key components to regulate pigment cell differentiation.
136 a zebrafish homolog of MITF, is required for pigment cell differentiation.
137 ctly activates nacre, which in turn leads to pigment cell differentiation.
138 mous interactions is coupled with changes in pigment cell differentiation.
139 st that Pax6 interacts with Mitf to regulate pigment cell differentiation.
140 , neural crest cells generate three types of pigment cells during embryogenesis: yellow xanthophores,
141  cell shape changes, and the organisation of pigment cells during metamorphosis.
142                                      Primary pigment cells employ Hibris to function as organizers in
143 ITF do occur, albeit in reduced numbers, and pigmented cells eventually develop in nearly normal numb
144 rtebrates, three types of melanin-containing pigment cells, exert a variety of functional roles inclu
145 eta1 isoform of Na,K-ATPase, whereas the non-pigmented cells express mainly the alpha2beta3 isoform o
146    In the ciliary epithelium of the eye, the pigmented cells express the alpha1beta1 isoform of Na,K-
147 mplicating it as a signal that can influence pigment cell fate directly.
148 d identification of a new mutation affecting pigment cell fate in the zebrafish neural crest.
149 tions in the direct specification of primary pigment-cell fate.
150 d sufficient for neural crest cells to adopt pigment cell fates.
151 al cells of the peripheral nervous system to pigment cells, fibroblasts to smooth muscle cells, and o
152 le case, the regulatory processes underlying pigment cell formation in sea urchin embryos.
153 rogram of these cells from skeletogenesis to pigment cell formation, confirming a direct prediction o
154 blast growth factor signalling, which govern pigment cell formation.
155 A encoding cytoplasmic beta-catenin promotes pigment-cell formation at the expense of neurons and gli
156  endogenous Wnt signalling normally promotes pigment-cell formation by medial crest cells and thereby
157 nhancer activities in iridophores, a type of pigment cells found in egg-spots, suggesting that a cis-
158                                 Formation of pigment cells from multipotential neural crest cells inv
159 nally preserved fossils [16, 17], and dermal pigment cells generate coloration in numerous reptile, a
160  zebrafish Danio rerio, neural crest-derived pigment cells generate different pigment patterns during
161                    This dome-shaped, melanin-pigmented cell generates enormous turgor and applies phy
162 PC) causes retinal neuronal degeneration and pigment cell hypertrophy, a phenotype remarkably similar
163 e that FGF signalling sequentially imposes a pigment cell identity at the expense of anterior neural
164 elinating Schwann cells, enteric neurons and pigment cells in a CHARGE model.
165       Pmel 17 is preferentially expressed in pigment cells in a manner suggestive of involvement in m
166 , we determine a revised cell lineage of the pigment cells in Ciona intestinalis embryos.
167         Purified BMP-4 reduces the number of pigment cells in culture while increasing the number of
168 s results in the appearance of male-specific pigment cells in otherwise morphologically normal ovarie
169  medium dramatically increases the number of pigment cells in quail neural crest cultures while decre
170 ves rise to most primary sensory neurons and pigment cells in the adult organism, among other cell ty
171 be required for development of eye and crest pigment cells in the mouse.
172 tinal pigment layer is directly derived from pigment cells in the overlying retina.
173 ipes generated by the precise positioning of pigment cells in the skin.
174  genetic evidence for a role for the retinal pigment cells in the visual response.
175 V-induced DNA photoproducts, to unirradiated pigment cells in vitro or to guinea pig skin in vivo ind
176 articles is already being exploited to treat pigmented cells in dermatology and ophthalmology.
177 l cells and MRP4 to basolateral membranes of pigmented cells in the human eye.
178 ic background, the progressive appearance of pigmented cells in the neural retina, concomitant with l
179 eservation of the dentate nuclei, and of the pigmented cells in the substantia nigra.
180 hese patterns result from several classes of pigment cells including black melanophores and yellow xa
181  biogenesis and macromelanosome formation in pigment cells, including melanocytes and retinal pigment
182 ative model in which evolutionary changes in pigment cell interactions themselves have contributed to
183 s for differentiation state heterogeneity in pigment cell interactions, and an unanticipated morphoge
184                        Thus, the presence of pigment cells is a sexually dimorphic trait that is cont
185 an epithelial bilayer consisting of an outer pigmented cell layer (PE) and an inner nonpigmented cell
186 illuminate a physiologic hypoxia response in pigment cells leading to M-MITF suppression, one that su
187 zed fourth A-P oriented cell division in the pigment cell lineage leads to the generation of the post
188 or expansion of both ERK1/2 activation and a pigment cell lineage marker and subsequently, at larval
189 vior of one type of embryonic stem cell: the pigment cell lineage of the neural crest.
190 n the posterior sister cells, into which the pigment cell lineage segregates.
191 f neural crest progenitors fated to form the pigment cell lineage.
192 ell-autonomously to promote the expansion of pigment cell lineages during metamorphosis.
193 nd maintains transcriptional specificity for pigment cell lineages.
194 rmation, progressive renal disease, aberrant pigment cell localization, precocious mammary lobuloalve
195               GPR143, primarily expressed in pigment cells, localizes exclusively to endolysosomal an
196 iological conditions, and that this leads to pigment cell loss when animals are exposed to intense vi
197 brains were used for a study of neuromelanin pigmented cell loss.
198 and like these two genes, can induce ectopic pigmented cell masses when overexpressed in developing e
199                             Furthermore, the pigmented cells match the retinal pigmented epithelium i
200 tion of lysosome-related organelles, such as pigment cell melanosomes.
201               Neural crest cells that become pigment cells migrate along a dorsolateral route between
202 g of the stromal iris BM zone was found, and pigmented cells migrated out of the iris and covered the
203 n3), encoding a peptide factor that promotes pigment cell migration and differentiation in other vert
204          White (d/d) mutants have defects in pigment cell morphogenesis and differentiation, whereas
205                                              Pigment cells must be specified; their migration, prolif
206  in most crest-derived cell types, including pigment cells, neurons and specific glia.
207 istic of Hirschsprung's disease with reduced pigment cell number, although the cell biological basis
208                                          The pigment cells of amphibians and fish have provided excel
209  Mash1 further highlight differences between pigment cells of distinct developmental origins, and sug
210 t-2 null mutant flies lack the male-specific pigment cells of the reproductive tract sheath and the m
211 asts are the progenitors of melanocytes, the pigment cells of the skin, hair and choroid.
212  ganglia, cartilage and bone of the face and pigment cells of the skin.
213                                              Pigment cells of the zebrafish, Danio rerio, offer an ex
214                       Cone cells and primary pigment cells oppose this signal by supplying a 'life'-p
215 gment pattern formed by neural crest-derived pigment cells, or chromatophores, which include black me
216 stem cell development, and understanding how pigment cells organize into a patterned tissue.
217  forms four major categories of derivatives: pigment cells, peripheral neurons, peripheral glia, and
218 lation generated retinas in which neural and pigmented cell phenotypes were co-mingled.
219 ing the rest of the eye lies a thick band of pigment cells (pigment rim; PR).
220 monstrate that parallel neural crest-derived pigment cell populations depend on the activities of two
221 on of Wnt2 within the somatic gonad triggers pigment cell precursor formation from surrounding cells.
222 during late cleavages for the early phase of pigment cell precursor specification.
223 ng gcm output in a cohort of fully specified pigment cell precursors at a relatively early developmen
224 e effects of transcriptional perturbation of pigment cell precursors by Mash1 further highlight diffe
225 embryogenesis but is required for recruiting pigment cell precursors to xanthophore fates, with conco
226  gonad by investigating the formation of the pigment cell precursors, a male-specific cell type in th
227 ingly, we find that sex determination in the pigment cell precursors, as well as the male-specific so
228 ng in the development of amniote and teleost pigment cell precursors.
229  leads to the generation of the post-mitotic pigment cell precursors.
230    The six cell populations were presumptive pigment cells, presumptive neurogenic cells, presumptive
231  is known about the developmental origins of pigment cells produced in adult organisms during tissue
232 lls, we trace and quantitatively compare the pigment cell progenitors at four stages, from embryogene
233                                    PMEL is a pigment cell protein that forms physiological amyloid in
234 rogenitor cell fates that enables both rapid pigment cell renewal and maintenance of regenerative cap
235 emonstrate that the specification of primary pigment cells requires the reiterative use of the sequen
236            RDHB was expressed in the retinal pigment cells (RPCs), where it promoted the final enzyma
237 n neural input that alters photoreceptor and pigment cell shape, pigment migration, and phototransduc
238            Pmel17 is a approximately 100 kDa pigment cell specific glycoprotein that plays a crucial
239                We identify FGF-dependent and pigment cell-specific factors, including the small GTPas
240                  These cells express several pigment cell-specific genes that are thought or have bee
241                                  Pmel17 is a pigment cell-specific integral membrane protein that par
242 proteolytic fragments derived from Pmel17, a pigment cell-specific integral membrane protein.
243                Proteolytic processing of the pigment cell-specific Melanocyte Protein (PMEL) is also
244 re general expression resolves to a dramatic pigment cell-specific pattern in prism and pluteus stage
245 acidic dileucine-based sorting signal in the pigment cell-specific protein OCA2 to dissect the relati
246 eate their formation in the absence of other pigment cell-specific proteins.
247 e tyrosinase genes to promote high levels of pigment cell-specific transcription.
248 used by defects in the gene OCA2, encoding a pigment cell-specific, 12-transmembrane domain protein w
249                        Here we show that the pigment-cell-specific cuproenzyme tyrosinase acquires co
250 idence that MEK/ERK signals are required for pigment cell specification until approximately 30min aft
251   Here we analysed the mechanisms underlying pigment cell specification within the CNS of a simple ch
252 sults confirm that this gene is required for pigment cell specification.
253 ping zebrafish larvae, in vivo monitoring of pigment cells suggested that disturbances in melanocyte
254 ption factor (MITF) is a master regulator of pigmented cell survival and differentiation with direct
255 ally insulated by the pigment rim, a band of pigment cells that circumscribes the eye.
256  pigment rim (PR), which is a thick layer of pigment cells that lies directly adjacent to the HC and
257 cells of the PR are derived from presumptive pigment cells that previously surrounded peripheral omma
258 tiple organelles using Xenopus melanophores, pigment cells that translocate several thousand of pigme
259 er that arises from melanocytes, specialized pigmented cells that are found predominantly in the skin
260 m (RPE) consists of a monolayer of cuboidal, pigmented cells that is located between the retina and t
261 gment epithelial (RPE) cells, a monolayer of pigmented cells that line the subretinal space, an immun
262 l pigment epithelium (RPE) is a monolayer of pigmented cells that requires an active metabolism to ma
263 mily proteins in the 2 degrees and 3 degrees pigment cells throughout the main body of the eye.
264 n which C5a transports sAC-derived cAMP from pigment cells to control late invagination of the hindgu
265                  By examining the ability of pigment cells to respond to UV irradiation as part of th
266 cord with the distinct embryology of retinal pigmented cells, transgenic mice with toxigenic ablation
267 -injected embryos show a massive increase in pigment cells (Trp-2-expressing cells).
268  the development of the neural crest-derived pigment cell type common to all vertebrates, the melanoc
269 led and they must differentiate to the final pigment cell type.
270               Interactions between all three pigment cell types are required to form the stripe patte
271 hanisms of regulation are similar in the two pigment cell types.
272 ish, which give rise to three distinct adult pigment cell types: melanophores, iridophores, and xanth
273                                           In pigmented cells, TYR is trafficked through those organel
274 ea generates porphyrins in its subepithelial pigment cells under physiological conditions, and that t
275 hened receptor complex functions normally in pigment cells was demonstrated by co-transfection with t
276 protein kinase (Sp-CAPK/PKA) is expressed in pigment cells, we examined whether C5a could be involved
277 ecification and differentiation processes of pigment cells, we experimentally analyzed the putative S
278 that express the HNK-1 antigen and form body pigment cells were previously identified in diverse asci
279 ented yeast cells and particles derived from pigmented cells were stable free radicals consistent wit
280                                     Numerous pigmented cells were visible in the subretinal space at
281 n days posttransplantation, 50% rejection of pigment cells) were infiltrated with a large number of b
282 yme specific genes, expressed exclusively in pigment cells, were isolated from sea urchin embryos usi
283 al root ganglion neurons as well as glia and pigment cells, while late-migrating crest cells produce
284 t SKI-1 is constitutively expressed in human pigment cells with higher SKI activity in seven out of e
285                             Treatment of the pigmented cells with proteolytic enzymes, denaturant, an
286 d projection corresponded with the amount of pigmented cells within the RPE, but did not correspond w
287 nsplant bed, although there are many heavily pigmented cells within the transplant bed that are Barr

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