


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ates (six cynomolgus, five rhesus, and three pigtail macaques).
2 dose that is required for engraftment in the pigtail macaque.
3  Zika virus (ZIKV) inoculation in a pregnant pigtail macaque.
4 udy rhesus macaques to also be used to study pigtail macaques.
5 gus monkey isolates, and (iii) isolates from pigtail macaques.
6  and produced an acute disease in rhesus and pigtail macaques.
7 l model of HIV-1 infection, SIV infection of pigtailed macaques.
8 mutation K165R in HAART-treated SIV-infected pigtailed macaques.
9 d AIDS following experimental inoculation of pigtailed macaques.
10 ivity with NK cells from rhesus macaques and pigtailed macaques.
11 roducibly induced a rapidly fatal disease in pigtailed macaques.
12 ens (66%), 30 of 40 rhesus macaques, 5 of 11 pigtail macaques, 2 of 4 sooty mangabeys, and 0 of 1 chi
13  modify viral and host cell genetics to make pigtail macaques a suitable, clinically relevant model f
14 chimpanzees and various Old World monkeys: a pigtail macaque, a mangabey and 12 rhesus macaques.
15 gative (< 1:25) were infused i.v. into naive pigtailed macaques (ages 3-6 months).
16 ned, expressed, and analyzed rhesus macaque, pigtailed macaque, and murine DC-SIGN and made a panel o
17 udy defines sites of immune escape in SIV in pigtailed macaques, and this enables a more refined leve
18             We have recently discovered that pigtailed macaques are naturally infected with viral hom
19                                              Pigtailed macaques became persistently infected by STLV-
20 ther a SIV that causes immunopathogenesis in pigtail macaques could be made sensitive to NNRTIs.
21                  We conclude that rhesus and pigtailed macaque DC-SIGN proteins are structurally and
22                                   Rhesus and pigtailed macaque DC-SIGN proteins were highly similar t
23      Most MAbs cross-reacted with rhesus and pigtailed macaque DC-SIGN, although none recognized muri
24  transcriptase inhibitor tenofovir protected pigtailed macaques depending on the timing of viral chal
25                   Sixteen Macaca nemestrina (pigtailed macaques) from 18 to 29 years of age were age-
26 elay viral infection in rotavirus-challenged pigtailed macaques has important implications for the de
27 the C-C chemokine receptor 5 (CCR5) locus in pigtailed macaque HSPCs by zinc finger nucleases (ZFNs)
28                                              Pigtailed macaques infected with a virulent human immuno
29 on in vivo, was enhanced in lymph nodes from pigtailed macaques infected with simian immunodeficiency
30                                We examined a pigtail macaque infection model responsive to anti-HIV-1
31  macrophage infection in vivo, we inoculated pigtailed macaques intravenously or intrarectally with t
32                                We found that pigtail macaque (Macaca nemestrina) hepatic cells derive
33 peutics in an appropriate model, such as the pigtail macaque (Macaca nemestrina; Mn), is crucial.
34 hed conditions for efficient transduction of pigtailed macaque (Macaca nemestrina) long-term repopula
35 pic virus type I/II (STLV-I/II) seronegative pigtailed macaque (Macaca nemestrina) with a cutaneous T
36 iency virus (SIV) model in which over 90% of pigtailed macaques (Macaca nemestrina) coinoculated with
37 escribe a comprehensive analysis of two male pigtailed macaques (Macaca nemestrina) experimentally in
38                                              Pigtailed macaques (Macaca nemestrina) were coinoculated
39            We conducted a study by infecting pigtailed macaques (Macaca nemestrina) with a geneticall
40          For these purposes, we infected six pigtailed macaques (Macaca nemestrina) with reconstructe
41 lyzed the renal pathology and function of 27 pigtailed macaques (Macaca nemestrina), infected intrave
42 ut' experiments on a large, captive group of pigtailed macaques (Macaca nemestrina), we show that a p
43  characterization of KIR-MHC interactions in pigtailed macaques (Macaca nemestrina).
44 ee dominance-related signal used by monkeys (pigtailed macaques: Macaca nemestrina) means submission
45 thrombotic and cardiovascular disease in the pigtail macaque model.
46            We used a rapidly progressing SIV/pigtailed macaque model of HIV to examine enteropathy an
47 sing the simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV)/pigtailed macaque model of HIV-1 disease.
48      Using an accelerated and consistent SIV pigtailed macaque model of HIV-associated neurologic dis
49 ociated neurologic disorders, we used an SIV pigtailed macaque model to study innate immune responses
50 cterization of NKG2A and NKp80 in rhesus and pigtailed macaque NK cells provides a new approach in th
51 pheral blood were isolated from SIV-infected pigtailed macaques on days 4, 14, and 114 postinoculatio
52 endent virus, SIV required CD4 on rhesus and pigtail macaque PBMCs for infection and chemotaxis.
53 of TRIMCyp has, in fact, occurred twice, and pigtailed macaques (pgt) express an independently genera
54  Among nonhuman primates, SIV-infected Asian pigtailed macaques (PM) are relatively more susceptible
55  XMRV replication and spread were limited in pigtailed macaques, predominantly by APOBEC-mediated hyp
56                                              Pigtail macaques (PTM) are an excellent model for HIV re
57                                              Pigtail macaques (PTM) are an excellent model in which t
58 rican green monkey (AGM), to a new host, the pigtailed macaque (PTM), viral adaptation and increased
59 d, lymph nodes, and intestine collected from pigtailed macaques (PTMs) and African green monkeys (AGM
60 n in pathogenic SIV infections of rhesus and pigtailed macaques (PTMs) and in nonpathogenic SIV infec
61  exposed adult and juvenile AGMs, as well as pigtailed macaques (PTMs) as a nonnatural host control,
62                                         Four pigtailed macaques (PTMs) were infected with SIVrcm, and
63 s species of African green monkeys (AGMs) to pigtailed macaques (PTMs).
64 ve neuropathologic review of 30 SIV-infected pigtailed macaques receiving combination antiretroviral
65 e-specific CD8(+) T cells in 25 SIV-infected pigtail macaques responding to three SIV epitopes.
66 zed the unique genome of an uncultured novel pigtailed macaque roseolovirus.
67                                     Further, pigtail macaques sharing nearly identical MHC-I genes wi
68  from simian immunodeficiency virus-infected pigtailed macaques showed an increase in YKL-40 concentr
69                            A recent study of pigtailed macaques shows that most effective policing in
70 D169 was observed in lymph nodes of infected pigtailed macaques, suggesting productive infection of C
71 ophage infection in blood and lymph nodes of pigtailed macaques that did or did not develop simian im
72 ransmission, we passaged a modified HIV-1 in pigtailed macaques that were transiently depleted of CD8
73 ferred by blood transfusion from an infected pigtailed macaque to a rhesus macaque.
74                                              Pigtail macaques underwent identical transplants and Sim
75 uence diversity in 44 MHC-typed SIV-infected pigtail macaques, we defined over 70 sites within SIV wh
76                               Groups of four pigtail macaques were immunized four times over a 25-wee
77                                              Pigtail macaques were infected with a pathogenic simian
78                                          Six pigtail macaques were infected with an SIV/HIV chimeric
79                                          Six pigtail macaques were trained on a visual object discrim
80                                         Four pigtailed macaques were inoculated with an infectious, a
81                                              Pigtailed macaques were inoculated with human cells harb
82 p CNS disease by 3 months after inoculation, pigtailed macaques were treated with a regimen of tenofo
83 GI tract physiology, we treated SIV-infected pigtail macaques with ARVs, probiotics, and prebiotics o
84                                 Infection of pigtail macaques with SIVsmmPBj14, biological clone 3 (S
85 ive immune response following vaccination of pigtailed macaques with envelope protein(s) derived from
86 rated that treatment of acutely SIV-infected pigtailed macaques with the drug sevelamer, which binds

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