


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ate transformation of a Deiters' cell into a pillar cell.
2  it did not transfer between inner and outer pillar cells.
3 but is restricted to developing Deiters' and pillar cells.
4 ole in the commitment and differentiation of pillar cells.
5  division with an increase in cell number of pillar cells.
6 in the fate of supporting cells (Deiters'-to-pillar cells) along the entire length of the cochlear du
7 anges in the shape and distribution of outer pillar cell and Deiters' cell phalangeal processes that
8 Cs; these phase-led vibrations beneath outer pillar cells and adjacent to the spiral ligament by appr
9 ar proliferation, suggesting that additional pillar cells and inner hair cells were a result of incre
10 ween neuronal loss and abnormalities of both pillar cells and Reissner's membrane, however.
11 d to a significant increase in the number of pillar cells and to a small increase in the number of in
12 to-basal progression of pathology of limbus, pillar cells, and Reissner's membrane run counter to mos
13 companied by abnormalities of spiral limbus, pillar cells, and Reissner's membrane.
14 cells (IHCs) and its supporting cells, inner pillar cells, and synaptic region of the outer hair cell
15                Moreover, the position of the pillar cells appears to be determined by the activation
16 on and maintenance of pillar cell fate, that pillar cells are distinguished by Hey2 expression, and t
17 ated decreasing GJIC between inner and outer pillar cells around the onset of hearing.
18 ich abort cell division, postmitotic Rb(-/-) pillar cells can proliferate, maintain their SC fate and
19         In the dissociated Deiters cells and pillar cells, Cx30 showed dense labeling at the cell bod
20                    The factors that regulate pillar cell development have not been determined; howeve
21  To examine the specific effects of FGFR3 on pillar cell development, we inhibited receptor activatio
22         Inner ear defects include failure of pillar cell differentiation and tunnel of Corti formatio
23 ation of FGFR3 resulted in the resumption of pillar cell differentiation.
24 ient inhibition of FGFR3 did not inhibit the pillar cell fate permanently, because reactivation of FG
25 y for the differentiation and maintenance of pillar cell fate, that pillar cells are distinguished by
26 render Hey2 Notch independent also liberated pillar cells from the need for direct contact with surro
27                                              Pillar cell head enlargement continued until 20 days pos
28 n the middle turn, before enlargement of the pillar cell heads at 8 days postnatally.
29 ing was found in supporting cells, including pillar cells, Hensen cells, Claudius cells, and Boettche
30 alian cochlea is the presence of two rows of pillar cells in the region between the single row of inn
31            In neonatal mice, Sox2-null inner pillar cells (IPCs, a subtype of SCs) proliferated and g
32    Results indicated that differentiation of pillar cells is dependent on continuous activation of FG
33 ctorial membrane, reticular lamina (RL), and pillar cell motion; the inner rows of OHCs moved antipha
34 ieved in vivo conversion of two SC subtypes, pillar cells (PCs) and Deiters' cells (DCs), into HCs by
35 e/loxP system in mice to specifically ablate pillar cells (PCs) and Deiters' cells (DCs).
36     Two of these cell types, inner and outer pillar cells (PCs), are arranged in adjacent rows that f
37 ed cells, including Deiters' cells (DCs) and pillar cells (PCs), coupled by gap-junctions composed of
38 erentiation, whereas mutation of Hey2 leaves pillar cells sensitive to the loss of Notch signaling an
39 her spontaneous rate fibers terminate on the pillar-cell side of the IHC and lower rate fibers termin
40 gion than in the 1 mm region and also on the pillar-cell side of the IHC compared with the modiolar s
41 was more pronounced in the Deiters cells and pillar cells than in the Hensen cells.
42 an of Corti cytoarchitecture: instead of two pillar cells, there are three, resulting in the formatio
43 on of connexin 26 in Deiters cells and outer pillar cells, which constrain outer hair cells standing
44 ells but not to stereociliary ankle links or pillar cells, which nonspecifically react with two antis

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