


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  and without physical provocation (mild tail pinch).
2  many proteins, including UNC-97 (vertebrate PINCH).
3  PAT-6 (alpha-parvin/actopaxin), and UNC-97 (PINCH).
4 ation of the hind paws (brush, pressure, and pinch).
5 D) of ILK and the first LIM domain (LIM1) of PINCH.
6 angle, and skilled motions such as precision pinch.
7 titively inhibit the interaction of ILK with PINCH.
8 enuated the tachycardic response to hindlimb pinch.
9 teracts with UNC-97, a C. elegans homolog of PINCH.
10  effectors represent mutations in Drosophila pinch.
11 er and were characteristically distorted and pinched.
12 rom initiation of coat formation to membrane pinching.
13                                       Third, PINCH-1 and ILK are required for optimal activating phos
14                                      Fourth, PINCH-1 and ILK function in the survival pathway not onl
15 se genetics, to investigate the functions of PINCH-1 and ILK in human cells.
16  by Tbeta(4) and the focal adhesion proteins PINCH-1 and ILK on NF-kappaB activity in this study open
17                                       First, PINCH-1 and ILK, but not alpha-parvin, are essential for
18                                      Second, PINCH-1 and ILK, like alpha-parvin, are crucial for cell
19 fects of its intracellular binding partners, PINCH-1 and ILK, on NF-kappaB activity after TNF-alpha s
20  beta3 null mice, there were lower levels of PINCH-1 and ILK-1.
21 types of apoptosis-resistant cancer cells on PINCH-1 and provide new insights into the molecular mech
22 Such an interface suggests a transient Nck-2/PINCH-1 association process that may trigger rapid focal
23  ILK and alpha-parvin induced by the loss of PINCH-1 but failed to restore the survival signaling or
24                                        Thus, PINCH-1 contributes to apoptosis resistance through supp
25 stigated the signaling pathway through which PINCH-1 contributes to apoptosis resistance.
26  Small interfering RNA-mediated knockdown of PINCH-1 disrupted the cytoskeleton and caused apoptosis
27 In a mouse model of obstructive nephropathy, PINCH-1 expression increased in a time-dependent manner,
28                                              PINCH-1 formed a ternary complex with ILK at the focal a
29                  These findings suggest that PINCH-1 functions as a molecular platform for coupling a
30 th an ILK inhibitor or disruption of the ILK/PINCH-1 interaction by overexpressing a dominant-negativ
31                                              PINCH-1 is a widely expressed focal adhesion protein tha
32                         To determine whether PINCH-1 is also involved in the EMT process, we investig
33                                              PINCH-1 is an adaptor protein that binds to the integrin
34 y 3 x 10(-3) M) between Nck-2 SH3 domain and PINCH-1 LIM4 domain.
35       The C-terminal tail not only regulates PINCH-1 localization to focal adhesions but also functio
36                                      Loss of PINCH-1 markedly increases the level of Bim and promotes
37                            TGF-beta1 induced PINCH-1 mRNA and protein expression in human proximal tu
38                                      Loss of PINCH-1 or ILK, to which alpha- and beta-parvin bind, si
39                                              PINCH-1 promotes activating phosphorylation of Src famil
40 308 phosphorylation of PKB/Akt, depletion of PINCH-1 reduced both the Ser473 and Thr308 phosphorylati
41                            Overexpression of PINCH-1 suppressed epithelial markers E-cadherin and ZO-
42                             Mechanistically, PINCH-1 suppresses Bim not only transcriptionally but al
43 n deposition, indicating that the ability of PINCH-1 to stimulate EMT is ILK-dependent.
44 extracellular assembly, whereas knockdown of PINCH-1 via small interfering RNA reduced TGF-beta1-medi
45                          We report here that PINCH-1, a cytoplasmic component of cell-extracellular m
46                                              PINCH-1, a widely expressed protein consisting of five L
47 Vbeta3 integrin expression, stabilization of PINCH-1, and remodeling of the cytoskeleton.
48 on of PINCH-1; Ox-LDL decreased the level of PINCH-1, but the application of mechanical stretch or ov
49                                       Fifth, PINCH-1, ILK and to a less extent alpha-parvin are mutua
50           The coordinated down-regulation of PINCH-1, ILK, and alpha-parvin proteins is mediated at l
51 ortant cellular process that is regulated by PINCH-1, ILK, and alpha-parvin.
52 sults identify Rac as a downstream target of PINCH-1, ILK, and parvin.
53 em, it was found that the cellular levels of PINCH-1, integrin linked kinase (ILK), and alpha-parvin,
54 t a ternary protein complex that consists of PINCH-1, integrin-linked kinase, and alpha-parvin, cytop
55 ding protein that is structurally related to PINCH-1, prevented the down-regulation of ILK and alpha-
56                             We conclude that PINCH-1, through its interaction with ILK, plays an impo
57                        Overexpression of the PINCH-1-binding ankyrin repeat domain of ILK but not tha
58 kyrin repeat domain of ILK but not that of a PINCH-1-binding defective mutant form of the ankyrin dom
59             Importantly, the PINCH-2-ILK and PINCH-1-ILK interactions are mutually exclusive.
60 important evidence for a crucial role of the PINCH-1-ILK-alpha-parvin complex in the control of podoc
61                            Disruption of the PINCH-1-ILK-alpha-parvin complex significantly reduced t
62 n the podocytes in which the assembly of the PINCH-1-ILK-alpha-parvin complex was compromised was det
63    Concomitantly, an increased amount of the PINCH-1-ILK-alpha-parvin complex was detected in the dif
64 n effectively inhibited the formation of the PINCH-1-ILK-alpha-parvin complex.
65 ression of glomerular failure, regulates the PINCH-1-integrin-linked kinase-alpha-parvin (PIP) comple
66 over of Bim, is suppressed by the removal of PINCH-1.
67 C abolished the stretch protective effect on PINCH-1.
68 ely blocked apoptosis induced by the loss of PINCH-1.
69 -induced apoptosis involved stabilization of PINCH-1; Ox-LDL decreased the level of PINCH-1, but the
70             Finally, increased expression of PINCH-2, an ILK-binding protein that is structurally rel
71                             Importantly, the PINCH-2-ILK and PINCH-1-ILK interactions are mutually ex
72 en subjects lifted the 4 N test object after pinching a force transducer with a force of 8 N.
73                           Here, we show that PINCH, a protein required for integrin-dependent cell ad
74 ng the response pattern observed during tail-pinch, a representative stressful procedure.
75 d proteins), and the ability to activate ILK/PINCH/Akt, and other signaling molecules important in bo
76  a stable cytosolic complex and that the ILK.PINCH.alpha-parvin complex is recruited to integrin adhe
77  We conclude that the recruitment of the ILK.PINCH.alpha-parvin complex to membrane adhesion complexe
78  and a significant decrease in expression of PINCH and alpha-parvin, which, along with ILK, form a st
79  associations of radiographic variables with pinch and grip strength among individuals with radiograp
80               We demonstrate that Drosophila PINCH and ILK are complexed in vivo and are coincident a
81 theta rhythmic activity was elicited by tail pinch and in which a slower theta rhythm persisted after
82  significantly facilitated dural and noxious pinch and innocuous brush evoked firing from the TCC.
83 mosin beta4 formed a functional complex with PINCH and integrin-linked kinase (ILK), resulting in act
84 to natural arousing stimuli (one-minute tail-pinch and one-minute social interaction with another mal
85 enetic interaction analyses reveal that both PINCH and RSU-1 antagonize JNK signaling during DC.
86                     Our results suggest that PINCH and RSU-1 contribute to the integration of JNK and
87 uate two sample dispensing schemes, modified pinched and gated injections.
88  final value of 30 nm just before coated-pit pinching and formation of the coated vesicle.
89 rticularly interesting Cys-His-rich protein (PINCH) and affects the host ILK-PINCH interaction in vit
90 first discovered as an interactor of UNC-97 (PINCH) and UNC-96, components of an M-line costamere in
91 unoprecipitation analysis indicted that ILK, PINCH, and alpha-parvin form a stable cytosolic complex
92 /threonine kinase, and its binding proteins, PINCH, and alpha-parvin may be recruited to membrane adh
93 esion (FA) complex components beta-integrin, PINCH, and integrin-linked kinase (ILK) caused formation
94 omplex between integrin-linked kinase (ILK), PINCH, and parvin is an essential signaling platform, se
95 sia was discontinued, rats recovered to tail pinch, and TBI was delivered by controlled cortical impa
96  which AD and HIV may intersect and identify PINCH as a contributing factor to the accumulation of hy
97  reduction in withdrawal threshold to muscle pinch as adults (P < 0.05).
98                            Decreased ILK and PINCH as well as alterations of components of related si
99 e, dominant negative version of the vesicle "pinch-ase" dynamin 2 (dyn2K44A) inhibited the downregula
100                             The responses to pinch at control, 10 V, 20 V, 30 V, and recovery were 58
101                             The responses to pinch at control, 10 V, 20 V, and 30 V, and recovery wer
102 rins are required for proper localization of PINCH at the myotendinous junction.
103 mechanical stimulation (brush, pressure, and pinch) at their respective receptive fields while a step
104 mechanical stimulation (brush, pressure, and pinch) at their respective receptive fields, while a ste
105 the viral ORF119L directly binds to the host PINCH, attenuates the host PINCH-ILK interaction, and th
106 Ras signaling in mammalian cells, as a novel PINCH binding partner that contributes to PINCH stabilit
107 onserved in other LIM domains, disrupted the PINCH binding to ILK and abolished the PINCH targeting t
108             Our in vitro data confirmed that PINCH binds to hyperphosphorylated (hp) Tau and to E3 ub
109                The N-terminal LIM1 domain of PINCH binds to ILK and is required for the targeting of
110 Transcriptional profiling analysis of paired pinch biopsies from different regions of the intestine i
111 s topology to that of a disk through a "neck-pinching" boundary singularity.
112  C fibres expressing MRGPRD was activated by pinching but not by stroking, consistent with previous p
113 d net MeHg production but decreased when the pinched cocci (persister) form became the major morphoty
114 t the solution NMR structure of the core ILK.PINCH complex (28 kDa, K(D) approximately 68 nm) involvi
115 and is required for the targeting of the ILK-PINCH complex to focal adhesion sites in fibroblasts dur
116 mponent of the integrin-linked kinase-parvin-pinch complex.
117 f one diagonal pair of nitroxides leads to a pinched cone conformation for 1 with strong intradimer a
118 rd of diabetic rats, suggesting that ILK and PINCH contribute to stabilization of axonal and dendriti
119                Consistent with the idea that PINCH could contribute to integrin function, PINCH prote
120    Here, we examined the effects of a strong pinch delivered to the rat posterior paw on spontaneous
121 nylium cation, C8H9(+) (1), which supports a pinched diatropic ring current, the C(2v) transition sta
122 ri-middle meningeal artery dural and noxious pinch evoked firing of neurons in the TCC.
123 rdiac vagal baroreflex seems to underlie the pinch-evoked tachycardia seen in vivo.
124                                         Tail pinch excited neurons (n=16), inhibited neurons (n=10) a
125  their consistent response to a noxious tail pinch (excited, inhibited, and non-responsive).
126                            Single endoscopic pinch FFPE biopsies (n = 41) were sampled at both active
127 l lift forces, which we term elasto-inertial pinched flow fractionation (eiPFF).
128 lent spherical diameter) via elasto-inertial pinched flow fractionation (eiPFF).
129                                              Pinched flow fractionation (PFF) is a microfluidic techn
130 sidewall roughness cannot be separated using pinched flow fractionation.
131 o achieve detection of oligonucleotides in a pinched-flow fractionation (PFF) microseparator was deve
132  stimulus was applied by a bilateral hindpaw pinch for 5 s that increased mean arterial pressure (MAP
133    Dental students applied greater mean peak pinch force (35.7 +/- 3.8 N) compared to dentists (24.5
134                           The application of pinch force by dentists was related to the required scal
135 tal scaling leads to the application of less pinch force to accomplish scaling.
136 g forces, whereas students applied excessive pinch force to the tools.
137                                        Thumb pinch force was measured by a pressure sensor, whereas t
138                            In this case, the pinch force was unrelated to the fingertip forces necess
139 disorders is forceful pinching; however, the pinch forces and instrument forces during scaling are un
140                Nonetheless, the applied peak pinch forces in both groups are high and may pose a risk
141          During PMN, teardrop-like blebs are pinched from the nucleus, released into the vacuole lume
142 e cells within embryos that have compromised PINCH function display disturbed actin organization and
143                           A key step for the PINCH function is its localization to FAs, which depends
144 mple, larger map area correlated with weaker pinch grip force (r=-0.42, P=0.01).
145  risk factor for these disorders is forceful pinching; however, the pinch forces and instrument force
146 guing nonzero cross point, resolved from the pinched hysteresis current-potential (i-V) curves in con
147 ctric field or high frequency, whereas these pinched hysteresis loops also can become normal by risin
148 binds to the host PINCH, attenuates the host PINCH-ILK interaction, and thus impairs ILK signaling.
149 .e., when discontinued with recovery to tail pinch immediately before injury).
150 actors (UNC-95, LIM-8, and LIM-9) for UNC-97/PINCH in Caenorhabditis elegans.
151 ring embryogenesis, revealing a key role for PINCH in development.
152 have tested directly the in vivo function of PINCH in Drosophila melanogaster.
153             In order to evaluate the role of PINCH in integrin-mediated cellular events, we have test
154            METHODS AND To define the role of PINCH in myocardium, we generated mice that were doubly
155 urrent study addressed potential role(s) for PINCH in neurodegenerative diseases.
156 und that afferent activity evoked by noxious pinch in these preparations was conveyed to central gang
157 he ongoing activity and responses to noxious pinches in nociceptive VTT neurons were frequently inhib
158 d to produce the observed degree of membrane pinching in liposomes.
159 light the importance of studying the role of PINCHs in human cardiac injury and cardiomyopathy.
160 hese results demonstrate essential roles for PINCHs in myocardial growth, maturation, remodeling, and
161 ASK knock-out animals unresponsive to a tail pinch; in assays of sedation (loss of movement) and hypn
162 onic cells increase their firing during tail pinch-induced brain state-activation.
163  from 71 to 96 microm compared to a standard pinched injection due to the presence of the tee interse
164 sensitivity of 500 fold compared to a normal pinched injection using fluorescence detection.
165 ein, respectively, relative to a traditional pinched injection.
166 close proximity and evaluated for repetitive pinched injections.
167 ich protein (PINCH) and affects the host ILK-PINCH interaction in vitro in fathead minnow (FHM) cells
168 domain, revealing the molecular basis of ILK-PINCH interactions and providing a structural descriptio
169 .59+/-0.08*, 0.75+/-0.05*, 0.49+/-0.07*) and pinch (ipsilaterally: 0.89+/-0.08, 0.46+/-0.05*, 0.54+/-
170 results provide direct genetic evidence that PINCH is essential for Drosophila development and is req
171 s from HIVE, AD and FTD patients showed that PINCH is increased and binds to hp-Tau.
172  the situation in adult where high-intensity pinch is normally required.
173     The evolutionarily conserved LIM protein PINCH is postulated to act as part of an integrin-depend
174        Our previous studies also report that PINCH is recalled by neurons showing decreased levels of
175 ovel modular recognition and demonstrate how PINCH is specifically recruited by ILK to mediate the FA
176 sting new cysteine- histidine- rich protein (PINCH) is an adaptor protein that our data have shown is
177 h the animal cell uses a contractile ring to pinch itself in half.
178 rrelated with syncytium formation induced by PINCH knockdown.
179 x of the ILK ankyrin repeat domain (ARD) and PINCH LIM1 domain, respectively, are evaluated.
180                                          The PINCH LIM1-2 fragment also inhibited tension development
181                                          The PINCH LIM1-2 fragment inhibited the recruitment of endog
182                         We expressed the GFP-PINCH LIM1-2 fragment, consisting only of LIM1-2 domains
183  grip the two contiguous zinc fingers of the PINCH LIM1.
184 from punctate dimples, to the formation of a pinched liposomal funnel that may impinge on the apparen
185 ance of accumulating hp-Tau, suggesting that PINCH may play a role in stabilizing hp-Tau.
186 t practice of evaluating maximal forces with pinch meters.
187 ctroosmotic flow carrying a hydrodynamically pinched, mixed sample, resulting in the separation of th
188                                An 'iterative pinching' model is proposed wherein FtsZ itself generate
189 c particle separation technique that employs pinching of particles to a narrow microchannel.
190              This slow process resulted in a pinching of the inclusion, protrusion out of the cell wi
191                   The larger cations cause a pinching of the S...S contact, which is responsible for
192 ound to be insufficient to provide mid-cell "pinching" of the parental cell to form two daughter cell
193 thrin-coated pits assemble on a membrane and pinch off as coated vesicles.
194 nate from specific membrane compartments and pinch off as coated vesicles.
195 ence of cytoplasmic chromatin fragments that pinch off from intact nuclei of primary cells during sen
196  of glucose, and the endocytic vesicles then pinch off from the plasma membrane.
197 n the accumulation of virions that failed to pinch off from the plasma membrane.
198 he emergence of virus particles that fail to pinch off from the plasma membrane.
199                       Subsequently, vesicles pinch off from the tips of the tubular structures in a p
200 rane, where it concentrates on vesicles that pinch off from this organelle.
201 ermal fluctuations can fuse the membrane and pinch off the vesicle.
202  considerably smaller than the virus during 'pinch off'.
203 de invaginates and forms the otic pit, which pinches off as a small vesicle called the otocyst.
204  receptor complexes, evidently by inhibiting pinching off of endocytic vesicles containing the cluste
205 anule shrinks in situ, probably by a gradual pinching off of membrane patches.
206 cle forms at the end of the tube, eventually pinching off to form a "free" vesicle.
207 anisms and undergo further maturation before pinching off to form clathrin-coated vesicles (CCVs).
208  O-shaped, fully formed pits, captured while pinching off.
209 ncement mode of operation, achieving channel pinch-off and drain-source current saturation within the
210 ught that melt segregation is prevented by a pinch-off at melt fractions slightly below the percolati
211 perse droplets because fluctuation-dominated pinch-off may allow the unique situation where satellite
212                 Our results suggest that the pinch-off mechanism may be assisted by a pearling-like i
213  the cross-over from the classical two-fluid pinch-off scenario of a liquid thread to the fluctuation
214 hese two proposals could be important in the pinch-off stage, however, where additional actin polymer
215 rmed by polymerizing actin filaments; and 3) pinch-off.
216 rings, suggesting that these structures were pinched-off endosomes.
217  use chemical cross-linking in synaptosomes, pinched-off nerve terminals that are capable of stimulus
218  the transition from a fully formed pit to a pinched-off vesicle.
219 ally blocked the effects elicited by the paw pinch on cortical excitability, whereas systemic adminis
220 ory" by observing the effects of an isolated pinch on the subsequent lift of a known object.
221 ermined whether they would be grasped with a pinch or clench (Grasp condition), functionally used wit
222  (Grasp condition), functionally used with a pinch or clench (Prehensile Use condition), or functiona
223  Similar effects occurred when the preceding pinch or lift was performed with the opposite hand.
224 ctivated by noxious stimuli, such as hindpaw pinches or electrical footshocks.
225 ect use may be either prehensile (clenching, pinching) or non-prehensile (e.g., palming, poking), in
226             The integrin-linked kinase (ILK)-PINCH-parvin (IPP) complex interacts with the cytoplasmi
227    Calpain activation also disrupted the ILK-PINCH-Parvin complex and altered platelet adhesion and s
228  description of a key interaction in the ILK-PINCH-parvin scaffolding complex.
229 rtain focal adhesion proteins including ILK, PINCH, paxillin, and cdc42, as well as regulating the ep
230                           Expression of ILK, PINCH, PI3K, GSK-3beta, tau, MAP2, synaptophysin and dre
231 s, the SLIT2-ROBO system may represent a key pinch point to regulate PDAC spread.
232 binding module form a substrate recognition "pinch point" that we propose aids in alginate binding an
233                                    Silencing PINCH prior to induction of hp-Tau resulted in more effi
234 PINCH could contribute to integrin function, PINCH protein colocalizes with betaPS integrin at sites
235                                              PINCH proteins are 5 LIM domain-only adaptor proteins th
236                         A potential role for PINCH proteins in myocardium remains unknown.
237 ich may reflect a redundant role for these 2 PINCH proteins in myocardium.
238 s provide new insights into the functions of PINCH proteins in regulation of ILK and alpha-parvin and
239                                      ILK and PINCH proteins levels were significantly decreased and b
240                                          Two PINCH proteins, PINCH1 and PINCH2, have been described i
241                            Following the paw pinch, pyramidal cells exhibited a significant decrease
242 everity (r = -0.31, P < 0.05), and number of pinch/release cycles (r = -0.31, P < 0.05), and positive
243  strength (P < 0.01) and a reduced number of pinch/release cycles per second (P < 0.05).
244 maximum voluntary contraction and visuomotor pinch/release testing) and tactile discrimination capaci
245                Our data suggest that noxious pinch releases SP within the NTS to selectively attenuat
246 tasks such as rapid acquisition of precision pinch remains unknown.
247  von Frey filaments and gastrocnemius muscle pinch, respectively.
248 oing firing rate and stimulus-evoked (brush, pinch, sciatic nerve) responses were markedly enhanced a
249             Markov modeling reveals a novel "pinched" SF configuration that stretch activation rapidl
250 metry of the calixarene, which maintains its pinched shape even when carrying an overall molecular ch
251                                              Pinched shape hysteresis loops appeared in low temperatu
252 ied by trapping, leading to the formation of pinched spots of high density, curvature and pressure.
253 el PINCH binding partner that contributes to PINCH stability.
254 in the conduction pathway indicate that this pinched state impairs ion conduction.
255 reased responses to phasic brush, press, and pinch stimuli applied to identified peripheral receptive
256 vity was the strongest predictor of grip and pinch strength (p < 0.0001).
257 trated reduced maximum voluntary contraction pinch strength (P < 0.01) and a reduced number of pinch/
258 ficantly negatively associated with grip and pinch strength (P < 0.05).
259  MCP joint was significantly associated with pinch strength (P < 0.05).
260 strength (p = 0.10) and a 0.57-kg decline in pinch strength (p = 0.002) relative to women who remaine
261 y perimenopausal showed a 0.20-kg decline in pinch strength (p = 0.04), whereas women who transitione
262 d relationships of the subscales to grip and pinch strength and a single-item pain measure.
263     Effects of menopausal status on grip and pinch strength did not vary by race.
264 ere used to examine associations of grip and pinch strength with 1) OA in joint groups (proximal inte
265  had the strongest correlation with grip and pinch strength, and the pain subscale had the strongest
266                                  We compared pinch strength, dynamic manipulation ability, and contra
267 severity is associated with reduced grip and pinch strength, even when controlling for self-reported
268 ated with both lower grip strength and lower pinch strength.
269 dual rays were significantly associated with pinch strength.
270  therapy (HRT) on 3-year changes in grip and pinch strength.
271 use is associated with a decline in grip and pinch strength.
272 15 +/- 4% from baseline) in response to tail pinch stress paradigm.
273 ak lift force was unaffected by the isolated pinch, suggesting that a generalized increase in fingert
274 d the PINCH binding to ILK and abolished the PINCH targeting to FAs.
275 nalyzed, and some preliminary experiments of pinch technologies are also conducted.
276 ve field center, and was usually greater for pinch than brush, although the selectivity for pinch ver
277  stimulus was applied by a 10-second hindpaw pinch that increased mean arterial pressure (MAP) and he
278 cal segments, P1 and P2, into proximity - a "pinch" that results in rate acceleration by almost three
279 ity peaks near the ends, which symmetrically pinch the fields.
280 resence of dicentrics, the cytokinetic septa pinch the nucleus, suggesting that dicentrics are severe
281 ontraction of the spicule-associated muscles pinch the vas deferens opening, thus blocking sperm rele
282 Z-ring contracts before septum formation and pinches the cell into two equal halves.
283 tracellular helix arrangement allosterically pinches the SF.
284 of the coagulum from the fistulous tracts by pinching the eyelid horizontally.
285 sient whole-body tonic immobility induced by pinching the skin at the back of the neck ("scruffing").
286                         The LIM-only adaptor PINCH (the particularly interesting cysteine- and histid
287 ibited the recruitment of endogenous ILK and PINCH to integrin adhesion sites and prevented their ass
288 h depends critically on the tight binding of PINCH to integrin-linked kinase (ILK).
289 ere located by applying brush, pressure, and pinch to the upper body.
290  an analysis channel similar to the standard pinched valve.
291 lses is generated by opening and closing two pinch valves interchangeably, so that either sample or s
292 tepper motor driven stage, solenoid-actuated pinch valves, miniaturized peristaltic pumps as well as
293 nch than brush, although the selectivity for pinch versus brush was not as great as with excitatory r
294 in current-evoked firing elicited by the paw pinch was inversely correlated with the baseline firing
295                             Noxious hindlimb pinch was without effect on the sympathetic baroreflex a
296  Green fluorescent protein (GFP)-ILK and GFP-PINCH were expressed in tracheal muscle tissues and both
297 rsal horn neuronal responses to pressure and pinch were observed during SSC stimulation.
298  and both endogenous and recombinant ILK and PINCH were recruited to the membrane in response to ACh
299  neuron identified, a series of noxious tail pinches were administered.
300 ss spectrometry predicted the interaction of PINCH with Tau and with members of the heat shock respon

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