


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  PC to the sn-1 position of this molecule in plant cells).
2 lling ion balance and ion homeostasis in the plant cell.
3 can have profound effects on the rest of the plant cell.
4 O signaling molecules are generated within a plant cell.
5  gene expression and protein biosynthesis in plant cells.
6 is to suppress helical twisting of expanding plant cells.
7 lular transport and cytoplasmic streaming in plant cells.
8 elp to reinforce the perception of danger by plant cells.
9 h detergent-resistant membranes in yeast and plant cells.
10 ds) and Virulence (Vir) effector proteins to plant cells.
11 om a marine plant endophyte can replicate in plant cells.
12 s for carotenoid biosynthesis and storage in plant cells.
13 ic reticulum (ER) and F-actin network inside plant cells.
14 hose of chloroplasts and mitochondria within plant cells.
15 teins present in the extracellular spaces of plant cells.
16 e to interact with AtWRI1, both in yeast and plant cells.
17 nas, that function as gene activators inside plant cells.
18 h peroxules, a poorly described structure in plant cells.
19 ion serves as a primary Pd sorting signal in plant cells.
20  peroxules, have been associated with ROS in plant cells.
21 nvolved in nearly all regulatory pathways in plant cells.
22 ) as an unavoidable, cytotoxic by-product in plant cells.
23 s such as e.g. Candida albicans, or selected plant cells.
24 f the RSE in RNA synthesized in vitro and in plant cells.
25 the SA-dependent transcriptional response in plant cells.
26 facilitate delivery of DNA and proteins into plant cells.
27 ient for conferring recognition of AvrPto in plant cells.
28 onstrating the latent potential of untreated plant cells.
29 n-proteasome system-dependent degradation in plant cells.
30 ciates with the CUL4-DDB1-DET1 E3 complex in plant cells.
31 teractions in most native systems, including plant cells.
32 will widen the applicability to a variety of plant cells.
33 ve materials across the cell wall barrier in plant cells.
34 gmin-dependent MT nucleation and dynamics in plant cells.
35 ly, for estimating vacuolar pH inside intact plant cells.
36  cargo/importin-alpha transport complexes in plant cells.
37 thods for delivering DNA repair templates to plant cells.
38 id anchor conferring mechanical stability in plant cells.
39 tion of the volatile ethylene in all flooded plant cells.
40 eduled reprogramming of fully differentiated plant cells.
41 red [eATP] flux in the immediate vicinity of plant cells.
42 uences blocked TBSV replication in yeast and plant cells.
43 el, two essential elements in K(+) uptake in plant cells.
44 enable fungi to sense the presence of living plant cells.
45 DNA (T-DNA) and virulence proteins into host plant cells.
46 hionylation as a means of redox signaling in plant cells.
47 and to support TBSV replication in yeast and plant cells.
48 rice leaf, enabling the fungus entry to host plant cells.
49 trafficking and cytoplasmic streaming in the plant cells.
50 fic nucleases (SSNs) and repair templates to plant cells.
51 cited strong defense responses in penetrated plant cells.
52 lling IT-mediated bacterial progression into plant cells.
53 llows an alternative route for delivery into plant cells.
54  gene expression and protein biosynthesis in plant cells.
55 s represented by many isoforms in angiosperm plant cells.
56 nal activation platform is still lacking for plant cells (7-9) .
57                                 In yeast and plant cells, a key detoxifying mechanism involves iron s
58 id biosynthetic pathway that is expressed in plant cells accommodating fungal arbuscules.
59 abilize the temperature response of isolated plant cells adding carbon nanotubes (CNTs).
60 ctivity of isoprenoid-generating pathways in plant cells; additionally, it suggests an exchange of is
61 Nodulation requires the reprogramming of the plant cell, allowing the microsymbiont to enter the plan
62 he nucleus, mitochondria and chloroplasts in plant cells also contain genomes.
63 he organization and function of d-LDH in the plant cell and exemplify how the plant mitochondrial res
64 m-wide coordination of cellular transport in plant cells and can be readily applied to investigate cy
65 location of bacterial effector proteins into plant cells and causes a loss of ICS1-mediated salicylic
66 for the maintenance and regulation of LDs in plant cells and perform nonredundant functions in variou
67  for the degradation of LDH, dsRNA uptake in plant cells and silencing of homologous RNA on topical a
68  Subcellular lipid droplets (LDs) in diverse plant cells and species are coated with stabilizing oleo
69 entering the field of 3D image processing of plant cells and tissues and to help general readers in u
70  form of the RSE within nascent viral RNA in plant cells and when RNA is synthesized in vitro The TCV
71 racts with its cognate R proteins inside the plant cell, and can be translocated into plant cells in
72 le is one of the hallmarks of a prototypical plant cell, and the multiple functions of this compartme
73 he vacuole may be key to removal of unwanted plant cells, and may carry out functions that are analog
74 on mechanisms of the impact of nanosilver on plant cells, and show that these include the induction o
75  data show that NAP1 has another function in plant cells, and that is as a regulator of autophagy.
76 he stem cells or initials, the plasticity of plant cells, and the extent of localized cellular respon
77 ly stages of interactions between Ag NPs and plant cells, and to investigate their physiological role
78                                              Plant cells are embedded within cell walls, which provid
79                           Actin filaments in plant cells are incredibly dynamic; they undergo incessa
80           In some specialized cases, though, plant cells are programmed to detach, and root cap-deriv
81                                   Individual plant cells are rather complex mechanical objects.
82 c piece of DNA (transferred DNA, T-DNA) into plant cells at the infection site.
83 ew potent dCas9-TAD, named dCas9-TV, through plant cell-based screens.
84 normal, whereas rhizobia and their symbiotic plant cells become necrotic immediately after rhizobia a
85 ene regulatory network (GRN) that results in plant cells becoming flowers instead of leaves.
86                 Oral feeding of whole intact plant cells bioencapsulating the artemisinin reduced the
87                     A fundamental mystery of plant cell biology is the occurrence of "stromules," str
88 mbrane-lined pores that connect neighbouring plant cells, bridging the cell wall and establishing cyt
89  droplets (LDs) are ubiquitous organelles in plant cells, but their physiological roles are largely u
90 al for maintaining copper homeostasis within plant cells, but until now they have been studied mostly
91 and disrupted organization of F-actin in Li1 plant cells by confocal microscopy.
92 ment of Agrobacterium-delivered VirE2 inside plant cells by using a split-GFP approach in real time.
93  plant cell wall such that remodeling of the plant cell can occur.
94                                   All living plant cells can be triggered to de-differentiate, assume
95                                   Polyhedral plant cells can display complex patterning in which indi
96             Our results also illustrate that plant cells can respond flexibly to serious challenges o
97                                              Plant cells cannot rearrange their positions; therefore,
98  reassessment of the mechanisms that control plant cell-cell communication.
99 thesis of isoprenoid precursors in different plant cell compartments.
100 0.08 to 11 mm, which span the range for most plant cell compartments.
101                                              Plant cells contain subcellular lipid droplets with a tr
102                          Microtubules at the plant cell cortex influence cell shape by patterning the
103 ations in the metabolic response to U(VI) of plant cell cultures.
104 demonstrate that AtRLPH2 is localized to the plant cell cytosol, is resistant to the classic serine/t
105 oreover, apoplast-targeted PstSCR1 triggered plant cell death in a dose dependent manner.
106 road spectrum of defense responses including plant cell death.
107 plastids, and some produced elsewhere in the plant cell derive from geranylgeranyl diphosphate (GGPP)
108 ct the symplasmic molecular exchange between plant cells determined by plasmodesmal permeability.
109 ein with a signal peptide to secrete it from plant cells, did not passively re-enter the cells upon s
110 ave addressed this problem in the context of plant cell division in which a large number of TGN-deriv
111        Construction of the cell plate during plant cell division requires the precise insertion of ma
112 represent the well-known historical rules of plant cell division, such as those given by Hofmeister,
113 oduction of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in plant cells during flooding and directly after subsidenc
114 copy to investigate delivery of effectors to plant cells during infection.
115 all polymers can be degraded and recycled by plant cells, either via direct re-incorporation by trans
116      The long-standing Acid Growth Theory of Plant Cell Elongation posits that auxin promotes cell el
117      The long-standing Acid Growth Theory of plant cell elongation posits that auxin promotes cell el
118 ediated actin nucleation and assembly during plant cell expansion.
119  for AM symbiosis, providing clues as to how plant cells fine-tune their biology to enable symbiosis,
120 be heterologously expressed in mammalian and plant cells for targeted knockdown of either reporter or
121              However, it remains unclear how plant cells form well-organized cortical microtubule arr
122  vacuolar Mn transporter suitable to prevent plant cells from Mn toxicity.
123 rs of magnitude away from those required for plant cell function.
124                                              Plant cell growth depends on a delicate balance between
125 l wall and cellulose synthesis is pivotal to plant cell growth, and its regulation is poorly understo
126 ytoskeleton network has an important role in plant cell growth, division, and stress response.
127 echnology to produce recombinant vaccines in plant cells has evolved from modest proofs of the concep
128                            Polyhedral-shaped plant cells have faces, corners, and edges that can have
129                                              Plant cells have the autonomous ability to induce locali
130 ormation of root nodules, in which symbiotic plant cells host and harbor thousands of nitrogen-fixing
131 n thread-like structures and sparsely-packed plant cells in nodules suggest that bacteroid developmen
132 the plant cell, and can be translocated into plant cells in the absence of the pathogen.
133 erception of fungal and bacterial pathogens, plant cells initially close their PD.
134                   During pathogen infection, plant cells initiate a range of immune responses and it
135 rganizes polarity determinants necessary for plant cell invasion.
136 unction of RNA-protein interactions within a plant cell is much broader than previously appreciated.
137      The Clp protease in the chloroplasts of plant cells is a large complex composed of at least 13 n
138 ical roles nor their localization within the plant cells is known.
139        Bacterial accommodation inside living plant cells is restricted to the nitrogen-fixing root no
140                              The adhesion of plant cells is vital for support and protection of the p
141                    The surface of LDs in all plant cells may be an inert refuge for these and other p
142 ansport of organic acids plays a key role in plant cell metabolism and demonstrate that AtQUAC1 reduc
143 and thermodynamic modeling, we show that the plant cell metabolism is affected predominantly by hydro
144  variety of stresses, our data indicate that plant cells might modulate mitochondrial activity to mai
145 d cells are widely recognized as the premier plant cell model for membrane transport, signaling, and
146  uranium (in the U(VI) oxidation state) in a plant cell model of Brassica napus.
147    The cell wall is one major determinant of plant cell morphology, and is an attractive bioresource.
148             Some rhizobia were released into plant cells much later than observed for the wild-type;
149                                      Growing plant cells need to rigorously coordinate external signa
150  are major and essential constituents of all plant cells, not only provide structural integrity and e
151 G-Element Binding Protein (STKR1) inside the plant cell nucleus.
152 that the ABF are formed by tiny particles of plant cells of sugar cane.
153 ponse (UPR), which enhances the operation in plant cells of the ER protein folding machinery and the
154 ntified functions of the retromer complex in plant cells, our work provides unanticipated evidence fo
155                      Amino acid oxidation in plant cells plays a key role in this by generating elect
156 e roles of actin organization in determining plant cell polarity, shape and plant growth.
157                                           In plants, cell-producing meristems utilize this signaling
158  organism with characteristics of animal and plant cells provide novel explanations regarding how pH
159 wledge of its function in the context of the plant cell remains sketchy.
160 of enhancement of sterol levels in yeast and plant cells replicating TBSV.
161 rane (DRM) fractions obtained from yeast and plant cells replicating TBSV.
162                            Nitrate uptake by plant cells requires both high- and low-affinity transpo
163                             Cell division in plant cells requires the deposition of a new cell wall b
164                                              Plant cell separation and expansion require pectin degra
165 rocesses for the coordination and control of plant cell shape and cell growth.
166 ible mechanism for the generation of complex plant cell shapes.
167 the general picture of the advanced stage of plant cell specialization and to reveal novel participan
168 onverted to pyrazinecarboxylic acid (POA) in plant cells, suppressing the activity of 1-aminocyclopro
169 riguing question in such associations is how plant cell surface perceives signals from other living o
170 ethylene-dependent and -independent roles in plant cells that affect responses to ABA.
171              Laticifer cells are specialized plant cells that synthesize and accumulate latex.
172                                       Within plant cells, the amplitude-weighted mean fluorescence li
173 Here we show that during oxidative stress in plant cells, the pathogen-inducible oxidoreductase Nucle
174 pid droplets (LDs) are found in all types of plant cells; they are derived from the endoplasmic retic
175 visualize bacterial effectors delivered into plant cells through the type III secretion system.
176 actome employs the structural framework of a plant cell to show metabolic, transport, genetic, develo
177  transiently amplify to high copy numbers in plant cells to deliver abundant SSNs and repair template
178 te effector proteins and many operate inside plant cells to enable infection.
179 cytoplasmic) or can act outside (apoplastic) plant cells to neutralize host immunity.
180  cinerea delivers small RNAs (Bc-sRNAs) into plant cells to silence host immunity genes.
181             Pathogens deliver effectors into plant cells to suppress immunity-related signaling.
182 i by small RNAs (sRNAs) that can move within plants cell to cell and long distance.
183 toria, which form intimate interactions with plant cells, to accumulate at its sites of action in the
184  transcription factors are key regulators of plant cell totipotency, as ectopic overexpression of eit
185 ehensive view of gene expression in a single plant cell type across multiple species.
186  genomic analysis at the level of one single plant cell type, the root hair cell, and between two mod
187 idopsis and soybean orthologs in this single plant cell type.
188 stion of how the nanoscale properties of the plant cell ultrastructure correlate with delignification
189 d fluorescent dye into the cytosol of intact plant cell very efficiently.
190 adation of the three major components of the plant cell wall (cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin),
191                             The breakdown of plant cell wall (PCW) glycans is an important biological
192 ealed that HaEXPB2 could be localized in the plant cell wall after H. avenae infection.This The cell
193             Given both the complexity of the plant cell wall and the fact that many pathogens secrete
194 responsible for dynamic modifications of the plant cell wall are largely unknown.
195 n of the genetic architecture that underpins plant cell wall biosynthesis and restructuring.
196 s an additional layer of signaling following plant cell wall breakdown during cell wall remodeling or
197 ayer of the extracellular matrix composed of plant cell wall carbohydrates that is used as a model fo
198 ith genes that target degradation of various plant cell wall components.
199 gineering is a promising strategy to improve plant cell wall composition for biofuel and bioproducts
200 yb60 represents a target for modification of plant cell wall composition, with the potential to impro
201 a of pathogenicity-related genes involved in plant cell wall degradation and secondary metabolite bio
202 othesize that this complex has a function in plant cell wall degradation, either by catalysing polysa
203 umbers of orphan genes and genes involved in plant cell wall degradation, secondary metabolism, and s
204 notation, gene expression assays, studies of plant cell wall degrading enzymes, and other functional
205         Ruminococcus albus 8 is a specialist plant cell wall degrading ruminal bacterium capable of u
206                                Extensins are plant cell wall glycoproteins that act as scaffolds for
207                   Genetic improvement of the plant cell wall has enormous potential to increase the q
208             Xylans play an important role in plant cell wall integrity and have many industrial appli
209                      It also plays a role in plant cell wall integrity as mutants impaired in the Gbe
210                                          The plant cell wall is a complex and dynamic network made mo
211                                  The growing plant cell wall is commonly considered to be a fibre-rei
212 ion of structural feature of whole lignin in plant cell wall is of great importance for understanding
213 ed polyphenols to be in the range of 30-150% plant cell wall mass.
214 ing that both electrostatic interactions and plant cell wall microstructure were important.
215                                          The plant cell wall plays an important role in communication
216                                  Lignin, the plant cell wall polymer that binds fibers together but m
217              Significant activity toward the plant cell wall polysaccharide xyloglucan was also obser
218 construction of cellulose, the most abundant plant cell wall polysaccharide, requires the cooperative
219 nic acid (UDP-GlcA) is the precursor of many plant cell wall polysaccharides and is required for prod
220 hydrate active enzymes (CAZymes) that modify plant cell wall polysaccharides and other complex glycan
221 d by pectins, a network of covalently linked plant cell wall polysaccharides containing galacturonic
222                                 Digestion of plant cell wall polysaccharides is important in energy c
223 ities that improve digestion of recalcitrant plant cell wall polysaccharides may offer solutions for
224 s primarily known for its ability to degrade plant cell wall polysaccharides through utilization of a
225                                          The plant cell wall presents a plant-specific route for poss
226   Here, we report a novel strategy to modify plant cell wall property by small molecules.
227                                              Plant cell wall proteins are important regulators of cel
228                                  Because the plant cell wall provides the first line of defence again
229 , made at the proper time, have an impact on plant cell wall recalcitrance without negative effects o
230 ed to be incorporated into refined models of plant cell wall structure, growth and morphogenesis.
231 mutates the physiochemical properties of the plant cell wall such that remodeling of the plant cell c
232 on and characterization of genes involved in plant cell wall synthesis is far from complete.
233 ir preferential positioning in the secondary plant cell wall ultrastructure.
234 lfur cycle, metal resistance, degradation of plant cell wall was significantly increased in the degra
235               Using a monoclonal antibody to plant cell wall xyloglucan, we show that this polysaccha
236 usible piercing device used to penetrate the plant cell wall, all suggest that facultative and obliga
237 ctin, one of the main polysaccharides in the plant cell wall, and are of critical importance in plant
238 y during infection is challenging due to the plant cell wall, autofluorescence, and low effector abun
239 ranscriptional networks and/or modifying the plant cell wall, AvrHah1 may promote water uptake to enh
240              Xylan, a major component of the plant cell wall, consists of a backbone of beta-1,4-xylo
241         Pectin, an integral component of the plant cell wall, is a recalcitrant substrate against enz
242 the complex and recalcitrant lignocellulosic plant cell wall, making it difficult and expensive to ex
243                                          The plant cell wall, often the site of initial encounters be
244 olysaccharides intertwining cellulose in the plant cell wall, thus increasing accessibility of the ta
245                                          The plant cell wall, which represents a major source of biom
246  have a reduced complement of genes encoding plant cell wall-degrading enzymes (PCWDEs), as compared
247 strate how type A CBMs target their appended plant cell wall-degrading enzymes to a diversity of reca
248 s of unknown function and reduced numbers of plant cell wall-degrading enzymes.
249                                Expansins are plant cell wall-loosening proteins involved in adaptive
250 sequence information from nematode-produced, plant cell wall-modifying enzymes, and the morphology an
251 the physical properties and structure of the plant cell wall.
252  which is one of the major components of the plant cell wall.
253 rete enzymes such as pectinases that degrade plant cell wall.
254 llulose is a key structural component of the plant cell wall.
255 l strategy for successful degradation of the plant cell wall.
256  complex recalcitrant substrates such as the plant cell wall.
257 ded by the presence of lignin polymer in the plant cell wall.
258 lose, a major, recalcitrant component of the plant cell wall; however, expression of clr-1 in the abs
259    The combined use of food-grade commercial plant cell-wall glycosidases (Celluclast/Novozyme plus V
260 ses (PMEs) are expressed in plants to modify plant cell-wall pectins for various physiological roles.
261 the Xyl donor used in the synthesis of major plant cell-wall polysaccharides such as xylan (as a back
262  that are likely broadly applicable to other plant cell-wall-degrading enzymes.
263                                              Plant cell walls also act as barriers against pathogenic
264 ion of homogalacturonan domains of pectin in plant cell walls and are regulated by endogenous pectin
265     Expansins are small proteins that loosen plant cell walls and cellulosic materials without lytic
266 ort the interactions between polyphenols and plant cell walls and show that although polyphenols are
267                                              Plant cell walls are a composite material of polysacchar
268                                              Plant cell walls are composed of an intricate network of
269                The matrix polysaccharides of plant cell walls are diverse and variable sets of polyme
270                                              Plant cell walls are important barriers against microbia
271 the roots suggests a filtering effect of the plant cell walls at various points along the water trans
272 eport an extremely biocompatible solvent for plant cell walls based on a polar liquid zwitterion that
273 eakdown of fucose and rhamnose released from plant cell walls by the cellulolytic soil bacterium Clos
274 d slowly for at least 48h, suggesting intact plant cell walls can be a controlling factor in microbia
275                                              Plant cell walls contain elaborate polysaccharide networ
276 ctinases predicted to mediate degradation of plant cell walls in the insect diet.
277                 The enzymatic degradation of plant cell walls is an important biological process of i
278 late to those found in primary and secondary plant cell walls is uncertain, but their presence enable
279 tocks has been hampered by the resistance of plant cell walls to enzymatic conversion, primarily owin
280 hat although polyphenols are associated with plant cell walls under hydrated conditions, they are not
281                                              Plant cell walls undergo dynamic structural and chemical
282            Cellulose, the major component of plant cell walls, can be converted to bioethanol and is
283 iated with cellulose and lignin in secondary plant cell walls, contributing to its rigidity and struc
284  degrade the main polysaccharide networks in plant cell walls, detoxify plant allelochemicals, and ot
285                                           In plant cell walls, individual beta-1,4-glucan chains poly
286 d include important structural components of plant cell walls, such as lignin and hydroxycinnamic aci
287 lose, the most recalcitrant component of the plant cell walls.
288 f cellulose, the most abundant biopolymer of plant cell walls.
289 onan (HG) is one of the main constituents of plant cell walls.
290 roduction of biofuels is the modification of plant cell walls.
291 biotic species are no longer able to degrade plant cell walls.
292 ces on the structural integrity of secondary plant cell walls.
293 sugars to the complex carbohydrates found in plant cell walls.
294 ass due to its ability to rapidly solubilize plant cell walls.
295 ant growth because of its incorporation into plant cell walls; however, in excess it is toxic to plan
296 ate the response to increased H2O2 levels in plant cells, we focused on the photorespiration-dependen
297 CSLD5 preferentially accumulates in dividing plant cells where it participates in the construction of
298 iating the key step of the dolichol cycle in plant cells which makes manipulation of dolichol content
299 ry plasmids were designed and delivered into plant cells with a Cas9 encoding-synthetic vector by Agr
300                      By using both yeast and plant cells with a chromosome that was specifically mark
301 e and Totiviridae families, can replicate in plant cells without evidence of host adaptation, i.e, ch

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