


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ding cassettes and repair templates into the plant genome.
2 even Arabidopsis, perhaps the best-annotated plant genome.
3  transcribed and integrated elsewhere in the plant genome.
4 of DNA Pol lambda in the repair of DSBs in a plant genome.
5  thaliana) genome is the most well-annotated plant genome.
6  its tumor-inducing plasmid (T-DNA) into the plant genome.
7 h anniversary of the completion of the first plant genome.
8 ion and expression of bacterial genes in the plant genome.
9 an provide a robust description of a complex plant genome.
10 ocated on the transferred DNA (T-DNA) in the plant genome.
11 hort extrachromosomal DNA molecules into the plant genome.
12 f the host cell where it integrates into the plant genome.
13 an underlying functional organization of the plant genome.
14 crobiome by minute genetic variations in the plant genome.
15 ogs were identified in every sequenced green plant genome.
16 for Agrobacterium T-DNA integration into the plant genome.
17 a alone, particularly with highly repetitive plant genomes.
18 C52-like genes is rather common in sequenced plant genomes.
19 ation and metabolic model reconstruction for plant genomes.
20 estions about the role of DNA methylation in plant genomes.
21 e rearrangements in driving the evolution of plant genomes.
22 ications, the largest proportion thus far in plant genomes.
23 nucleotides among the billions that comprise plant genomes.
24 types of noncanonical LTRs from 42 out of 50 plant genomes.
25 may represent a window into the past of seed plant genomes.
26  NAC copy number is highly variable in these plant genomes.
27 across mitotic and meiotic cell divisions in plant genomes.
28 e biosynthetic pathways are scattered across plant genomes.
29  annotated genes extracted from 25 sequenced plant genomes.
30  genes, such as caspases, are not present in plant genomes.
31 ural products have recently been reported in plant genomes.
32  retrotransposons (LTR-RTs) are prevalent in plant genomes.
33 ), have made it possible to precisely modify plant genomes.
34 ghts into the evolution of gene structure in plant genomes.
35  about the incidence of ultraconservation in plant genomes.
36 omic and ecological factors influencing seed plant genomes.
37 ng and complex segments of DNA sequence into plant genomes.
38 , such as those encoding useful traits, into plant genomes.
39 icant role in the evolution of GC content in plant genomes.
40 logy and paralogy relationships of sequenced plant genomes.
41 d map open chromatin and TF-binding sites in plant genomes.
42 ve comparative analysis of several sequenced plant genomes.
43 sequencing approaches for analyses of mutant plant genomes.
44  to play a critical role in the evolution of plant genomes.
45 he dynamic nature of the MIRNA complement of plant genomes.
46 onstructing metabolic pathway complements of plant genomes.
47 istent with their elevated retention rate in plant genomes.
48 cation produces massive duplicated blocks in plant genomes.
49 nts often constitute more than 50% of higher plant genomes.
50 istinct functions, adds to the complexity of plant genomes.
51 ased on the sequences from several divergent plant genomes.
52      Retrotransposons are abundant in higher plant genomes.
53 ods to detect novel evolutionary patterns in plant genomes.
54  and may have been instrumental in reshaping plant genomes.
55  and precise process for the manipulation of plant genomes.
56 ins, genes orthologous to cruP also occur in plant genomes.
57 iption factor gene family using 51 completed plant genomes.
58 erfamily is widely distributed in animal and plant genomes.
59 ) in genomic DNA prior to DNA integration in plant genomes.
60 o ylm homologues are also found in algal and plant genomes.
61 ue types with related genes evident in other plant genomes.
62 promoters in sequences of a wide spectrum of plant genomes.
63 ghts into the evolution of gene structure in plant genomes.
64 ordably sequence and assemble gigabase-sized plant genomes.
65  double-domain bulb-type lectins abundant in plant genomes.
66  cause of inbreeding depression across other plant genomes.
67  and report that TRIMs are ubiquitous across plant genomes.
68  evolution of gene innovation and novelty in plant genomes.
69 ention processes of young duplicate genes in plant genomes.
70 ibuted to an abundance of duplicate genes in plant genomes.
71 ogether in biosynthetic gene clusters within plant genomes.
72 onforms to the present Helitron landscape of plant genomes.
73 units of DNA that comprise large portions of plant genomes.
74 s of polyploidy and epigenetic regulation in plant genomes.
75 tes, are the most common components of woody plant genomes.
76 rsity through analysis of multiple sequenced plant genomes.
77 ms, structural variation is abundant in many plant genomes.
78  non-CG contexts (CHG, CHH) in mammalian and plant genomes.
79 on levels of DNA-binding proteins encoded in plant genomes.
80 nomes are being tackled, including polyploid plant genomes.
81 l of grasses and other difficult-to-annotate plant genomes.
82 are organized in operon-like clusters within plant genomes.
83   Retrotransposons are the main component of plant genomes.
84 uca, Pinaceae), which has one of the largest plant genomes (20 Gbp).
85  rice, we confirmed that, like these simpler plant genomes, 24-nt siRNAs whose abundance differs betw
86                            Mining fungal and plant genomes along with evolutionary and genetic approa
87                                          The plant genome also has 5-methylcytosine at CpG dinucleoti
88 phosphorus (P) availability within a complex plant genome and found hotspots of trans-eQTL within the
89 e developed Phytozome, a comparative hub for plant genome and gene family data and analysis.
90                  However, recently available plant genome and transcript sequence data sets are enabl
91        These elements are identified in many plant genomes and are most abundant in rice (Oryza sativ
92                      The number of sequenced plant genomes and associated genomic resources is growin
93                              A report on the Plant Genomes and Biotechnology: From Genes to Networks
94 on the 10(th) plant genome meeting entitled 'Plant genomes and biotechnology: from genes to networks'
95 Applications of MCScanX to several sequenced plant genomes and gene families are shown as examples.
96                 Detailed characterization of plant genomes and genetic diversity is crucial for meeti
97 vel computational tool HelitronScanner to 27 plant genomes and have uncovered numerous tandem arrays
98 f the OMA pipeline; (iii) better support for plant genomes and in particular homeologs in the wheat g
99  resistance (R) genes are often clustered in plant genomes and may exhibit heterogeneous rates of evo
100 led distinctive features compared with other plant genomes and may represent a window into the past o
101 t tolerated in animals, but is widespread in plant genomes and may result in extensive genetic redund
102 sing applications of CRISPR-Cpf1 for editing plant genomes and modulating the plant transcriptome.
103 rehensive phylogenomic analyses of sequenced plant genomes and more than 12.6 million new expressed-s
104 mall-scale gene duplication and preserved in plant genomes and to determine the underlying driving me
105 a model-based search for CLE domains from 57 plant genomes and used the entire pre-propeptide for com
106            GBS is most commonly used on crop plant genomes, and because crop plants have highly varia
107 ements (TEs) are the major component of most plant genomes, and characterizing their population dynam
108                                              Plant genomes, and eukaryotic genomes in general, are ty
109 predictions of Golgi-resident proteins in 18 plant genomes, and have made the preliminary analysis of
110 tion engine MAKER in order to better support plant genome annotation efforts.
111 nly been performed for three complete higher plant genomes - Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana), popl
112 , thereby unveiling a highly unusual form of plant genome architecture and offering novel avenues for
113 e extensive data on the transcription of the plant genome are derived primarily from the sporophytic
114 cise and straightforward methods to edit the plant genome are much needed for functional genomics and
115 xt-generation sequencing, a multitude of new plant genomes are being publicly released, providing uns
116         Relative to charophycean algae, land plant genomes are characterized by genes encoding novel
117                                 About 10% of plant genomes are devoted to cell wall biogenesis.
118                                              Plant genomes are extremely sensitive to, and can be dev
119 owever, G protein subunit numbers in diploid plant genomes are greatly reduced as compared with anima
120 hus, it can be hypothesized that some TFs in plant genomes are in the process of becoming pseudogenes
121                                              Plant genomes are relatively complex on a genomic level
122                                         Many plant genomes are resistant to whole-genome assembly due
123                                              Plant genomes are rich in long terminal repeat retrotran
124                                              Plant genomes are the source of large numbers of small R
125                              Many animal and plant genomes are transcribed much more extensively than
126        Over 3000 genomes, including numerous plant genomes, are now sequenced.
127        Incorporation of the S1 fragment into plant genomes as well as its transcription was confirmed
128  and a substantial number of newly available plant genomes as well as various new interactive tools a
129 of MT1 protein sequences may be preserved in plant genomes, because it has distinct metal-binding pro
130 ot simply due to higher duplication rates of plant genomes but also to a higher degree of expansion c
131  as they are absent from currently sequenced plant genomes but present in tomato (Solanum lycopersicu
132 ed to as LSMT-like enzymes, are found in all plant genomes, but methylation of LS Rubisco is not univ
133        Polyploidy is an important feature of plant genomes, but the nature of many polyploidization e
134 ber alterations are widespread in animal and plant genomes, but their immediate impact on gene expres
135           Efficient sequencing of animal and plant genomes by next-generation technology should allow
136 oding DNA that comprise the majority of many plant genomes can be a source of variation affecting gen
137 ergent and convergent gene pairs in multiple plant genomes can identify patterns that are shared by m
138  induction of double-strand breaks (DSBs) in plant genomes can lead to increased homologous recombina
139           NCBI Web pages for plants, such as Plant Genome Central, complete the system by providing c
140                                              Plant genomes characterized to date exhibit taxon-specif
141                                              Plant genomes code for large families of PUF proteins th
142                                     Vascular plant genomes code for two related intrinsic thylakoid p
143 ity and paralogy, all which are amplified in plant genomes compared to animal genomes due to the larg
144  population dynamics is key to understanding plant genome complexity.
145 T for a shared conserved motif) found in all plant genomes, consisting of two clades: one containing
146                                              Plant genomes contain a large number of genes encoding f
147                                              Plant genomes contain large numbers of cell surface leuc
148                                              Plant genomes contain large numbers of duplicated genes
149           Genome sequence data indicate that plant genomes contain large numbers of genes predicted t
150                                   The larger plant genomes contained many LTR retrotransposon familie
151 ns: (1) that the evolutionary history of all plant genomes contains multiple, cyclical episodes of wh
152 ialized plant query page allow maps from all plant genomes covered by the Map Viewer to be searched i
153                               Using complete plant genome data and discovery of multiple insect PR5-L
154 volutionary time of capture, we searched the plant genome database and discovered other closely relat
155                      Through a comprehensive plant genome database and web portal, these data and ana
156 nown ADPR cyclases have been reported in any plant genome database, suggesting either that there is a
157  (POC) is a collaborative effort among model plant genome databases and plant researchers that aims t
158 sequencing is now affordable, but assembling plant genomes de novo remains challenging.
159                              The function of plant genomes depends on chromatin marks such as the met
160 criptional rate of target genes and vascular plant genomes devote approximately 7% of their coding ca
161 g because of the expansive families found in plant genomes, diverse reactivity and inaccessibility of
162 validated by empirical studies, we built the Plant Genome Duplication Database, a web service providi
163 ave an important influence on the shaping of plant genomes during evolution.
164 s the gene space of draft or newly sequenced plant genomes during the assembly or annotation phase.
165 Custom-designed nucleases can enable precise plant genome editing by catalyzing DNA-breakage at speci
166 he utility of Cas9-guide RNA technology as a plant genome editing tool to enhance plant breeding and
167 ystem before their downstream application in plant genome editing.
168 st gene-enrichment sequencing of any complex plant genome, employing maize as the test organism.
169 P I-III) shared by all eukaryotic organisms, plant genomes encode a fourth RNAP (RNAP IV) that appear
170                                              Plant genomes encode a large number of proteins that pot
171                                              Plant genomes encode complex actin and actin binding pro
172                                              Plant genomes encode large numbers of F-box proteins (FB
173                   Both vertebrate and higher-plant genomes encode more than one isoform of this enzym
174                                              Plant genomes encode multiple RDRs, and it has been demo
175                           Cyanobacterial and plant genomes encode proteins with some similarity to th
176                                              Plant genomes encode several classes of small regulatory
177                                    All known plant genomes encode the glucan phosphatase Starch Exces
178                                              Plant genome engineering as a practical matter will requ
179 erred by double-strand breaks, suggests that plant genome engineering through homologous recombinatio
180 niviruses, advocate the use of replicons for plant genome engineering.
181 ogous recombination offers great promise for plant genome engineering.
182 and analysis of an increasing number of crop plant genomes enhance this alignment and provide new ins
183                Integration of T-DNA into the plant genome establishes a permanent transformation even
184  in gene order and orientation are common in plant genomes, even across relatively short evolutionary
185      Polyploidy has played a central role in plant genome evolution and in the formation of new speci
186                       This review focuses on plant genome evolution and provides a tutorial for using
187         Hence, retroposition plays a role in plant genome evolution, and the developmental transcript
188 ome duplications are a widespread feature of plant genome evolution, having been detected in all flow
189 ionary time, it shapes important features of plant genome evolution, such as the bimodality of G+C co
190 licated genes represent a major mechanism of plant genome evolution.
191 olyploidization is a major driving force for plant genome evolution.
192 ularly attractive for comparative studies of plant genome evolution.
193           Our systematic search of sequenced plant genomes for all TS and CYP genes reveals that dist
194 a means for selectively targeting regions of plant genomes for epigenetic silencing.
195 trategies for systematically mining multiple plant genomes for the discovery of new enzymes, pathways
196 urs nearly exclusively on CpG dinucleotides, plants genomes harbor DNA methylation also in other sequ
197 homologous recombination to precisely modify plant genomes has been challenging, due to the lack of e
198 precisely and efficiently edit mammalian and plant genomes has been significantly improved in recent
199              The availability of 35 complete plant genomes has enabled systematic comparative analysi
200  evaluation of illegitimate recombination in plant genomes has not been possible previously.
201  Our results provide the first evidence that plant genomes have an executor R gene family in which me
202  Our results provide the first evidence that plant genomes have an executor R gene family of which me
203 es between unbiased and biased WGDs, and how plant genomes have avoided being overrun with genes enco
204                      An increasing number of plant genomes have been sequenced; however, a similar ef
205  plants, this new model gives a support that plant genomes have very complex gene structures.
206 mbly of physical maps spanning mammalian and plant genomes; however, not through computational means
207 LA pathway enzyme sequences from 8 available plant genomes identified several genes in the P. falcipa
208                         Global inspection of plant genomes identifies genes maintained in low copies
209 erstanding of the evolution and structure of plant genomes in recent years.
210 n and modeling of primary metabolism for all plant genomes in the database.
211 n of genome-wide physical maps for polyploid plant genomes including Upland cotton.
212     We show that compared to other sequenced plant genomes, including a much larger conifer genome, t
213  a growing number (currently 25) of complete plant genomes, including all the land plants and selecte
214 database currently includes several complete plant genomes, including Arabidopsis thaliana, Oryza sat
215 TF families identified in sequenced vascular plant genomes, indicating that evolution of the Solanace
216                                          The plant genome is organized into chromosomes that provide
217 ng and exploiting evolutionary mechanisms in plant genomes is likely to be a key to crop development
218           The increasing number of sequenced plant genomes is placing new demands on the methods appl
219 owever, the landscape of PT and TPS genes in plant genomes is unclear.
220               The hypomethylated fraction of plant genomes is usually enriched in genes and can be se
221 ansferred DNA (T-DNA) can integrate into the plant genome, it should be targeted to and bind the host
222 tent of natural methylation variation within plant genomes, its effects on phenotypic variation, its
223 e large size and relative complexity of many plant genomes make creation, quality control, and dissem
224 nt and widespread epigenetic modification in plant genomes, mediated by DNA methyltransferases (DMTs)
225                       A report on the 10(th) plant genome meeting entitled 'Plant genomes and biotech
226  the same pathway, are sometimes observed in plant genomes, most often when the genes specify the syn
227 n particular rendering angiosperm (flowering plant) genomes much less stable than those of animals.
228 better parallelization for large repeat-rich plant genomes, noncoding RNA annotation capabilities, an
229  of Agrobacterium tumefaciens T-DNA into the plant genome occurs preferentially in promoter or transc
230 d to date, most are from the fully sequenced plant genomes of Arabidopsis, Populus and rice.
231  plasmids, sequences integrated in fungal or plant genomes, or by RNAi generated in planta by a plant
232 l duplications are common in both animal and plant genomes, our studies suggest that recombination be
233 ons of the L1 superfamily have been found in plant genomes over recent decades, their diversity, dist
234                   Applied on 48 high-quality plant genomes, plantiSMASH identifies a rich diversity o
235 LTR retrotransposons are major components of plant genomes playing important roles in the evolution o
236  ICS gene in Populus and six other sequenced plant genomes, pointing to the AtICS duplication as a li
237                                              Plant genomes possess hundreds of R gene homologs encodi
238                                The Parasitic Plant Genome Project is leveraging the natural variation
239 ng data or contigs and scaffolds coming from plant genome projects.
240 eadily advanced the surgical capabilities of plant genome rearrangements.
241 nomic DNA; however, targeted modification of plant genomes remains challenging due to ineffective met
242  The transcriptional regulatory structure of plant genomes remains poorly defined relative to animals
243 ii (Selaginella), the first nonseed vascular plant genome reported.
244 d bioinformatic analyses of host and nonhost plant genomes represent novel ways with which to deciphe
245 ression regulation remains a central goal of plant genome research.
246                 Phylogenomics analysis of 50 plant genomes resulted in 138 genes from Medicago trunca
247 d cis-regulatory motifs from three sequenced plant genomes: rice (Oryza sativa), Arabidopsis thaliana
248       Through comparative analyses with four plant genome sequence data sets and transcript assemblie
249               The increasing availability of plant genome sequence data will enable larger comparativ
250 substantially since publication of the first plant genome sequence, that of Arabidopsis thaliana, in
251 a), and orthologous genes occur in all other plant genomes sequenced to date, indicating that the ami
252                           Numerous completed plant genome sequences enable characterization of patter
253                                Dozens of new plant genome sequences have been released in recent year
254                      Increasing knowledge of plant genome sequences requires the development of more
255                   The recent availability of plant genome sequences, combined with a robust evolution
256 ology-based methods, we annotate TRIMs in 48 plant genome sequences, spanning land plants to algae.
257 f pathogen resistance gene family members in plant genome sequences.
258 vailability of large EST databanks, complete plant-genome sequences and/or inducible gene expression
259 d by the AtGenExpress Consortium and various plant genome sequencing initiatives, have generated impo
260 nd are a uniquely valuable complement to any plant genome sequencing project.
261            With the rapid generation of many plant genome sequencing projects over the past few decad
262 urred by the continuing decrease in costs of plant genome sequencing, they will allow genome mining t
263                                          Two plant genome size databases have been recently updated a
264 l guard cells as a proxy to track changes in plant genome size through geological time.
265 servations fit the model that differences in plant genome sizes are largely explained by transposon i
266 psis thaliana, which has the best understood plant genome, still has approximately one-third of its g
267 transgenic crops, and expanding knowledge of plant genome structure and dynamics all indicate that if
268        Based on two recent observations from plant genome studies, namely that alternative splicing i
269 ps for high-quality draft sequences of large plant genomes, such as that of Aegilops tauschii, the wh
270  found by bioinformatic analyses in vascular plant genomes, suggesting that plants contain a type of
271    With the increase in numbers of sequenced plant genomes, synteny analysis can provide new insights
272 s tauschii, a large and extremely repetitive plant genome that has resisted previous attempts at asse
273 thylation is a key chromatin modification in plant genomes that is meiotically and mitotically herita
274                   Once incorporated into the plant genome, the gene product, CP4 EPSP synthase, confe
275                   Unlike most transposons in plant genomes, the centromeric retrotransposon (CR) fami
276 -RLK genes from 31 fully sequenced flowering plant genomes, the complex evolutionary dynamics of this
277               Using the previously annotated plant genomes, the dicot Arabidopsis thaliana and the mo
278 l TE types found in previously characterized plant genomes, the TE component of L. japonicus containe
279  complex LIMEs were found in both animal and plant genomes, they differed significantly in their comp
280                          The ability to edit plant genomes through gene targeting (GT) requires effic
281  More efficient methods are needed to modify plant genomes through homologous recombination, ideally
282 imply that it may influence the evolution of plant genomes through the control of meiotic recombinati
283 tor that requires T-DNA integration into the plant genome to activate a promoterless gusA (uidA) gene
284 re are four sequenced and publicly available plant genomes to date.
285 ty (synteny) between rice and the major crop plant genomes to provide maize, sorghum, millet, wheat,
286     Compared with TF families from sequenced plant genomes, tobacco has a higher proportion of ERF/AP
287 s have led to the sequencing of thousands of plant genomes, transcriptomes and proteomes.
288                                              Plant genomes typically encode several importin-alpha pa
289 iana, SDC has important implications for how plant genomes utilize gene silencing to repress endogeno
290                    The sequence of the first plant genome was completed and published at the end of 2
291  predict the nucleosome landscape of a model plant genome, we used a support vector machine computati
292 veries and, by interrogating newly available plant genomes, we advance the story of stomatal developm
293 ce mutations at specific sites within higher plant genomes, we introduced a construct carrying both a
294                       In contrast, among six plant genomes, we only found nonsyntenic LIMEs.
295 mized algorithm for systematically searching plant genomes, we reveal a suite of physically colocaliz
296  database will be regularly updated with new plant genome when available so as to greatly facilitate
297 This limitation is of particular concern for plant genomes, where the rate of genome sequencing is gr
298 ce for the existence of silent epialleles in plant genomes which, once identified, can be targeted fo
299 ovide a reference for comparisons with other plant genomes whose complete sequences are currently bei
300 identify these accessible regions throughout plant genomes will advance understanding of the relation

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