


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 cular plant specific transcription factor in plant physiology.
2 ed to generate new hypotheses in ecology and plant physiology.
3 orresponding effect on stomatal function and plant physiology.
4 rential concentration gradients and modulate plant physiology.
5 ch conflicts with the understanding of basic plant physiology.
6      Phloem loading is a critical process in plant physiology.
7 he phytohormone auxin, a master regulator of plant physiology.
8 f this aberrant chondriome on cell and whole-plant physiology.
9  chlorophyll fluorescence are widely used in plant physiology.
10 ms by which SA regulates distinct aspects of plant physiology.
11 vastating effects of elevated temperature on plant physiology.
12  in regulation of 24-alkyl sterol-controlled plant physiology.
13 es the climate system through its effects on plant physiology.
14 ssential, TPPII appears not as important for plant physiology.
15 n plants underscores their essential role in plant physiology.
16  fundamental significance to both animal and plant physiology.
17 cadian clock exerts wide-spread control over plant physiology.
18 uch as cadmium, have a significant impact on plant physiology.
19  alkanes or aromatic structures, to regulate plant physiology.
20 ing aphid life history, feeding behavior and plant physiology and biochemistry.
21  that respond to environmental conditions or plant physiology and cannot be obtained by other complem
22  can be used to further our understanding of plant physiology and development (specifically fruit dev
23  has profound implications for understanding plant physiology and development and for defining new mo
24 e circadian clock is a critical regulator of plant physiology and development, controlling key agricu
25 aintenance and control of numerous facets of plant physiology and development.
26 d and sterol metabolism is integrated within plant physiology and development.
27 ese pathways intersect with other aspects of plant physiology and development.
28 that SCF E3s likely play a pervasive role in plant physiology and development.
29 marizes the roles of miRNAs and ta-siRNAs in plant physiology and development.
30 ed proteolysis is involved in many facets of plant physiology and development.
31 Proteolysis is essential for many aspects of plant physiology and development.
32 ospheric CO2 has been shown to rapidly alter plant physiology and ecosystem productivity, but contemp
33                      An enduring question in plant physiology and evolution is how single genotypes o
34 annel has spurred a revolution in animal and plant physiology and in medicine.
35 sight into the possible roles of PGM/bPGM in plant physiology and in plant-pathogen interactions.
36  domain, was responsible for changes in host plant physiology and increased green peach aphid reprodu
37 eriments to address fundamental questions in plant physiology and molecular biology.
38 ps exist about the impact of root feeders on plant physiology and secondary chemistry and their impor
39 loxacin; this has important consequences for plant physiology and the development of herbicides.
40 proach that combines root phenotyping, whole-plant physiology, and functional genomics to discover no
41 pectral sensing can detect slight changes in plant physiology, and may offer a faster and nondestruct
42 t genes are not only important for intrinsic plant physiology but also for the interactions with the
43     Some bacterial strains directly regulate plant physiology by mimicking synthesis of plant hormone
44            The plant hormone auxin regulates plant physiology by modulating the interaction of transc
45 an 170 problems on 17 topics in introductory plant physiology, cataloging them in a computer library
46 m sets, in our large-enrollment introductory plant physiology course.
47 gy of oxidative stress from the clinical and plant physiology disciplines with the fast-increasing in
48 irect-phytovolatilization and we discuss the plant physiology driving phytovolatilization in differen
49 scientific breakthroughs must occur in basic plant physiology, ecophysiology, agroecology, and soil s
50 ants as a signaling molecule that fine-tunes plant physiology, environmental adaptation, and developm
51 are establishing their central importance to plant physiology, evolution and global ecology.
52                                The aspect of plant physiology, growth, or development to which GLR3.4
53 lecular analysis of how the behaviors affect plant physiology has scarcely begun.
54                    Using molecular genetics, plant physiology, hormone analysis and Next-Generation S
55 was developed using field measurements and a plant physiology-hydraulics model, TREES.
56 is of complex regulatory mechanisms in whole-plant physiology, immunity, growth and development.
57         Accessible software for use of ML in plant physiology is highlighted.
58                          A major question in plant physiology is how the large amount of sucrose made
59 preliminary list published nine years ago in Plant Physiology is outdated, and genome-wide phenotype
60 se of their importance, the role of ALMTs in plant physiology is studied extensively.
61 rate (COM), which plays a functional role in plant physiology, is a source of chronic human disease,
62 ythm is a crucial factor in orchestration of plant physiology, keeping it in synchrony with the dayli
63  Penn State Intercollege Graduate Program in Plant Physiology (May 18-20, 2000), explored the machine
64  supplied with molybdate, and the effects on plant physiology, morphology, and biochemistry were anal
65 on of these ppGpp synthetases with regard to plant physiology, namely regulation of chloroplast gene
66  seemingly contradictory biological roles in plant physiology, providing both the rigid structural su
67                 This study demonstrates that plant physiology, rather than phenology, plays a dominan
68                     Classical experiments in plant physiology showed that leaves are the source of si
69 utrition, neurophysiology, environmental and plant physiology studies under dynamic physiological con
70 e florigen hypothesis derived from classical plant physiology studies.
71 e of broad interest to research questions in plant physiology, systematics, paleoecology, and physics
72 lved in the general maintenance of a healthy plant physiology that facilitates a normal wound respons
73 the exact mechanism(s) by which it modulates plant physiology through the potentiation of host defens
74 omote their own transmission by manipulating plant physiology to attract aphids and increase aphid re

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