


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 in yeast cells (i.e. in the absence of other plant proteins).
2 f tissue, or at least 0.85% of total soluble plant protein.
3  puzzling lack of peroxidase activity in the plant protein.
4 ed to explore the molecular functions of the plant protein.
5 e nematode protein, and 40% identical to the plant protein.
6 tate cell-to-cell transport of an endogenous plant protein.
7 uish between a proteobacterial protein and a plant protein.
8 on, have not previously been described for a plant protein.
9  targeting compared to other methods for 652 plant proteins.
10 ications for the in vivo study of GFP-tagged plant proteins.
11  the largely uncharacterized VAP33 family of plant proteins.
12  biochemical activities or interactions with plant proteins.
13 comparable with other known redox-responsive plant proteins.
14 I1 and JAZ1 proteins in the absence of other plant proteins.
15 g motif that is found in animal, fungal, and plant proteins.
16 ethionine residue is conserved only in three plant proteins.
17 region named "KLEEK," which is found only in plant proteins.
18 uggests overall structural similarity of the plant proteins.
19 UBQ fusions offer a versatile way to express plant proteins.
20  that the LRR region may interact with other plant proteins.
21 candidate prion domains (PrDs) in nearly 500 plant proteins.
22 h functional specificity of these disordered plant proteins.
23 ation on degradation kinetics for individual plant proteins.
24  bacterial VOC bouquet and incorporated into plant proteins.
25 roach is applicable to other non-immunogenic plant proteins.
26 ins were found to be different from those of plant proteins.
27 of the GDSL esterase/acylhydrolase family of plant proteins.
28 ality of intrinsically disordered regions in plant proteins.
29 mplex and requires participation of numerous plant proteins.
30 k identified three HopW1-1-interacting (WIN) plant proteins: a putative acetylornithine transaminase
31 ng that several of the virus-associated host plant proteins accumulated to higher levels in aphids th
32 scovered a deep, figure-of-eight knot in the plant protein acetohydroxy acid isomeroreductase.
33  sequence homology with the pathogen-induced plant protein aig1 and that it defines a novel family of
34 found for the Pfr-to-Pr intermediates in the plant protein, also in CphA all detectable intermediates
35                  In addition, a diet high in plant protein and fat and moderate in carbohydrate conte
36 onstitutively produced and arthropod-induced plant proteins and defense allelochemicals synthesized b
37 ds by a procedure that removed contaminating plant proteins and found that alanine was the major nitr
38 ate that Os-GRF1 belongs to a novel class of plant proteins and may play a regulatory role in GA-indu
39                            Dehydrins protect plant proteins and membranes from damage during drought
40 However, to date, the turnover of prenylated plant proteins and the fate of the prenylcysteine (PC) r
41 activity to the biological function of these plant proteins and to their toxicity to animal cells rem
42                              Both endogenous plant proteins and viral movement proteins associate wit
43                                           In plants, proteins and nucleoprotein complexes can traffic
44 , including whole grains, dairy, seafood and plant proteins, and ratio of unsaturated to saturated fa
45 ) and K(m) values obtained with the purified plant protein are similar to those reported for microbia
46 Studies on the functional roles of analogous plant proteins are emerging.
47                                         Many plant proteins are modified with N-linked oligosaccharid
48 nin-like proteins or visinin-like domains in plant proteins are not well known.
49 upstream of an SH2 domain, suggests that the plant proteins are orthologous to metazoan STATs.
50                              Hydrolysates of plant proteins are promising ingredients for the develop
51                                              Plant proteins are widely available, have low potential
52 trometry can be effectively used to identify plant proteins arrayed by two-dimensional gel electropho
53        Despite data implicating thousands of plant proteins as targets, so far only a few have been c
54        Importantly, the genes coding for the plant proteins associated with virus may be examined as
55                   Here we demonstrate that a plant protein, AtGRXcp, is a chloroplast-localized monot
56                                              Plant proteins belonging to the nucleotide-binding site-
57  proteins and present the first example of a plant protein (BetV1) that is the commonest allergen in
58 s, bacterial biomarkers (D-amino acids), and plant protein biomarkers (hydroxyproline).
59 similarity with the PV42 family of SNF4-like plant proteins, but proteins of both the SnIP1 and PV42
60 n and nitrogen resources to the synthesis of plant proteins, carbohydrates, and lipids is complex and
61                            Expression of the plant protein centroradialis (CEN) leads to a morphologi
62 os genus) and a large sequence coverage of a plant protein charybdin (Charybdis genus).
63  mass spectrometry revealed a number of host plant proteins co-purifying with viruses, some of which
64                                           In plants, protein-coding mRNAs can move via the phloem vas
65 l known eukaryotic methyltransferases, these plant proteins contain a novel arrangement of the motifs
66   In silico analyses revealed that the three plant proteins contain putative signal peptides and puta
67 promote outbreaks of this locust by reducing plant protein content.
68  blue light-induced dimerization between two plant proteins, cryptochrome 2 (CRY2) and the transcript
69 rotein dataset was 86%, and that for the non-plant protein dataset 91.2%.
70 l success rate of the jackknife test for the plant protein dataset was 86%, and that for the non-plan
71        As a showcase, the same plant and non-plant protein datasets as investigated by the previous i
72    The activities of the recombinant and SDX plant proteins demonstrate two protein-complex-mediated
73                               The identified plant protein, designated VIP1, specifically bound VirE2
74                                These include plant protein, dietary fiber, micronutrients such as cop
75                                              Plant protein diets induced increased levels of C16:1 an
76                                  The deduced plant proteins display low percentages of identity with
77 rogen and important contributions of soluble plant protein during the Spring freshet.
78                            Whereas the three plant proteins exhibit some structural similarities to k
79                                              Plant protein extracts containing streptavidin were incu
80 V-B-induced monomerization in both yeast and plant protein extracts, accumulates in the nucleus in re
81  presence of the corresponding activities in plant protein extracts, and the expression patterns of t
82 s an epitope tag recognizing streptavidin in plant protein extracts.
83 ns, enabled semiquantitative immunoassays in plant protein extracts.
84 ntrinsic disorder in five different types of plant protein families experimentally confirmed as IDPs.
85           CG1 comprised 27 components from 8 plant protein families.
86 e thaumatin-like pathogenesis-related (PR-5) plant protein family.
87 e describe the molecular identification of a plant protein farnesyltransferase (FTase) and evidence f
88 in, have demonstrated the potential of using plant proteins for tissue engineering and drug delivery.
89 pand the currently very short list of higher plant proteins found to carry such membrane lipid anchor
90  Stx1, Stx2, Stx1 A chain, and the analogous plant protein gelonin, whereas the antibiotic did not sh
91 and plant ESTs: Mendel-GFDb is a database of plant protein (gene) families based on gapped-BLAST anal
92 uction of cell death in planta by a secreted plant protein GRIM REAPER (GRI) is dependent on the acti
93 scription, protein class, whether or not the plant protein has a homologue in the most recent human n
94 g is conserved in the plant kingdom, and the plant protein has evolved enhanced redox sensitivity com
95  alpha-carboxyl methylation of isoprenylated plant proteins has not been characterized in detail.
96 teins often differ, the domains found in the plant proteins have been generally implicated in protein
97 sigma factors function in transcription, the plant proteins have been presumed or demonstrated to ass
98                         Like the latter, the plant proteins have putative mitochondrial targeting and
99 (named SERE) is highly conserved in all seed plant protein homologs, suggesting it may have an import
100 nhibiting potential of butanol extracts from plant protein hydrolysates could be explained.
101 attributed to Ile-Trp, the ACE inhibition by plant protein hydrolysates is caused by a variety of pep
102            Based on the functions of the few plant proteins identified as involved in QR, vesicle tra
103 ary patterns that emphasize either animal or plant protein improve MetS criteria similarly.
104                         Increasing levels of plant protein in the diets seems to be related to increa
105 tion resulted in enhanced proteolysis of the plant protein in the transformed yeast, as determined by
106 ration reversibly regulates the functions of plant proteins in a manner similar to that described in
107 economical handling of hundreds of expressed plant proteins in a timely fashion.
108 abidopsis DNA-repair mutants and the role of plant proteins in the DNA-repair process.
109 sterol-binding protein and VAP33 families of plant proteins in the early plant secretory pathway.
110                           But can functional plant proteins in their normal expression domain also mo
111  very similar to each other and to two other plant proteins in which the sequences were deduced from
112           Pathogenesis-related group 5 (PR5) plant proteins include thaumatin, osmotin, and related p
113 gion, that are characteristic of a family of plant proteins, including several that are required for
114 eading frames, the second of which resembles plant proteins induced by desiccation stress.
115 embryogenesis abundant D-11) are a family of plant proteins induced in response to abiotic stresses s
116               An inverse association between plant protein intake and T2D was observed in women (RR:
117  with increased risks of T2D, whereas higher plant protein intake tended to be associated with lower
118                                              Plant protein intake was inversely associated with incid
119           Total, nondairy animal, dairy, and plant protein intake were estimated with the use of 24-h
120  12.7 +/- 0.2 to 13.9 +/- 0.2 mg/dL] but not plant protein intake.
121 with lowest categories of total, animal, and plant protein intakes were 1.09 (95% CI: 1.06, 1.13), 1.
122 examined the relations of total, animal, and plant protein intakes with incident T2D.
123 o-hybrid and TAPtag analyses for large-scale plant protein interaction studies is also discussed.
124                Phylogeny analysis places the plant proteins into one group nearly equidistant from me
125                         GIGANTEA is a unique plant protein involved in the maintenance and control of
126 eviously been shown to maintain diversity in plant proteins involved in pathogen recognition and some
127   Because of their similarity to a family of plant proteins involved in pathogen resistance, and beca
128                                      Not all plant proteins involved in stomatal aperture regulation
129                                     The host plant proteins involved in this transport, however, rema
130                  Substitution of fishmeal by plant protein is hence possible without major difference
131 tobacco mesophyll cells established that the plant protein is targeted to plastids, and analyses of t
132 icrotubules in the intercellular movement of plant proteins is less clear.
133 LY/LIN-9 conserved domain 1 in the predicted plant proteins is related to the TUDOR domain.
134                Besides being a key source of plant proteins, it is also a major cause of many diet-in
135 g animal protein requires approximately 6 kg plant protein, its large-scale production by means of fa
136               Thus, PAPK1 represents a novel plant protein kinase that is targeted to plasmodesmata a
137                           PlantsP focuses on plant protein kinases and protein phosphatases.
138 redicted PBS1 amino acid sequence with other plant protein kinases revealed that PBS1 belongs to a di
139                                    Six other plant protein kinases, including two distinct CDPKs, fai
140 h respect to their identity with other known plant protein kinases.
141                                      Certain plant proteins known as pathogenesis-related proteins ap
142 s, and Remorins of group 1 are among the few plant proteins known to specifically associate with memb
143 cation plays an important regulatory role in plant protein localization.
144 at include bacteria, fungi, animal proteins, plant proteins, low molecular weight chemicals, and meta
145 ase had limited crosslinking ability on both plant protein materials.
146 an increased intake of protein, particularly plant protein, may lower blood pressure and reduce the r
147 ng, targeting, and function of isoprenylated plant proteins, may be an important biochemical target f
148 ates that this protein, independent of other plant proteins, mediates sucrose uptake across the plasm
149                                      Zein, a plant protein obtained from corn, is a useful biomateria
150 form of the protein recognized an endogenous plant protein of appropriate size as well as the full-le
151 is complex contained at least one additional plant protein of approximately 75 kDa.
152                         Pathogenesis-related plant proteins of class-10 (PR-10) are essential for sto
153                                        Other plant proteins of unknown function also belong to this f
154  and shares homology with nematode, fly, and plant proteins of unknown function as well as with the y
155 wo other domains are novel and found only in plant proteins of unknown function.
156 element binding proteins; and numerous other plant proteins of unknown function.
157 fused to the methyltransferase domain of the plant protein or is often found encoded by a gene adjace
158                   In the past few years, the Plant Protein Phosphorylation Database (P(3)DB, http://p
159    The entire data set was uploaded into the Plant Protein Phosphorylation Database (www.p3db.org), i
160                                          The Plant Protein Phosphorylation Database is a portal for a
161                                        Other plant proteins possessing this domain fall into two cate
162 fed with extruded diets containing different plant protein (PP) and vegetable oil (VO) sources.
163 ects of diets high in animal protein (AP) vs plant protein (PP), which differ in levels of methionine
164               Dehydrins (DHNs, LEA D-11) are plant proteins present during environmental stresses ass
165 e temperature-sensitive alleles of essential plant proteins provides a powerful tool for the study of
166                        The stress-associated plant protein radical-induced cell death1 (RCD1) is one
167 3000 highly induced the secretion of several plant proteins related to defense soon after initial con
168                                    The toxic plant protein ricin has gained notoriety due to wide ava
169 ndings considerably advance knowledge of the plant protein secretion system in general and emphasize
170  provide a unique system for the analysis of plant protein secretion.
171 leurone layer as a model system for studying plant protein secretion.
172 ed prediction results for all eukaryotic non-plant protein sequences in the public domain that includ
173  be used to distinguish proteobacterial from plant protein sequences.
174 a novel interaction between PABP and several plant proteins sharing a SxLnpxApxFxP motif, with possib
175 sly in the maize leaf, and KN1 was the first plant protein shown to traffic cell-to-cell, presumably
176 s might be a potential alternative renewable plant protein source to use asa food ingredient to enhan
177  diet, including plant foods and emphasis on plant protein sources provides a well-tested healthy die
178 eplacement levels of fishmeal by mixtures of plant protein sources was conducted over 12 weeks.
179 anism of T-DNA integration in plants, and no plant proteins specifically associated to T-DNA have bee
180  many computational methods exist to predict plant protein subcellular localization, they perform poo
181 s and their ability to phosphorylate various plant protein substrates.
182                               Although other plant proteins such as wheat gluten and soyproteins have
183 caused an increase in the secretion of seven plant proteins, such as hydrolases, peptidases, and pero
184       The enrichment of the RIP-II family of plant proteins, such as ricin, abrin, viscumin, and volk
185 2alpha, or activated human PKR suggests that plant protein synthesis may be regulated via phosphoryla
186 th, and/or display biochemical activities on plant protein targets.
187  CaM isoforms to activate both mammalian and plant protein targets.
188                                          The plant protein (termed PKI) specifically cross-reacts wit
189 llin and thaumatin, is a naturally occurring plant protein that humans, apes, and Old World monkeys p
190                         DEX1 encodes a novel plant protein that is predicted to be membrane associate
191                     Abrin is a heterodimeric plant protein that occurs in several isoforms (abrin-a,
192 like protein 1 (MFP1) from tomato is a novel plant protein that specifically binds to MAR DNA.
193      Food-based dietary patterns emphasizing plant protein that were evaluated in the Dietary Approac
194 ) are a family of intrinsically unstructured plant proteins that accumulate in the late stages of see
195                                Expansins are plant proteins that can induce extension of isolated cel
196 is review discusses our current knowledge of plant proteins that contribute to Agrobacterium-mediated
197 alacturonase-inhibiting proteins (PGIPs) are plant proteins that counteract fungal polygalacturonases
198                                Expansins are plant proteins that have the capacity to induce extensio
199 virus protein interaction system to identify plant proteins that interact with AL1.
200 xperimental approach to identify hyperstable plant proteins that serve important roles in defense.
201 T-strands likely form complexes with Vir and plant proteins that traffic through the cytoplasm and en
202 ver, we demonstrate that AtCAP1 is the first plant protein to increase the rate of nucleotide exchang
203                 However, the contribution of plant protein to total protein in these diets is proport
204                          These are the first plant proteins to be shown to reside in both these two m
205  protein dynamics that monitor large sets of plant proteins to begin to apply a systems biology appro
206 es acetyltransferase activity and acetylates plant proteins to facilitate infection.
207 rence that can directly link localization of plant proteins to in vivo function.
208                                              Plant protein tyrosine phosphatases (PTPs) are important
209                                 However, the plant proteins varied in their minimal DNA-binding sites
210 irE2 nuclear import in turn is mediated by a plant protein, VIP1.
211                  We identified three related plant proteins, VirB2-interacting protein (BTI) 1 (BTI1)
212                                          The plant protein was phosphorylated at multiple sites in ye
213  The global classification of nearly 200 000 plant proteins was used as a scaffold for sorting approx
214 complementation in Escherichia coli, and the plant proteins were localized using green fluorescent pr
215                   Peanut is a rich source of plant protein which is inexpensive and abundant in natur
216 hylogenetic relationships between animal and plant proteins, which should enable functional analyses
217                                          The plant proteins, while showing a surprising degree of var
218 plexes in plastids and identified the set of plant proteins whose degradation rate changed in differe
219 eptide signal, cryptically embedded within a plant protein with an independent metabolic role, provid
220 e present the solution structure of MAP30, a plant protein with anti-HIV and anti-tumor activities.
221 st-translational modifications to animal and plant proteins with extracellular roles.
222 e conduction properties of a large family of plant proteins with structural similarities to cloned an
223 he plant kingdom, but are not similar to non-plant proteins with the exception of a C-terminal domain
224                   Eros is an ortholog of the plant protein Ycf4, which is necessary for expression of

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