


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ng about 40 days after sowing (20 days after planting).
2 ops that will self-destruct near the time of planting.
3 ey were inoculated onto seeds at the time of planting.
4  of growth and leaf elongation by 21 d after planting.
5 ships among irrigated SoGS, weather and crop planting.
6 g less sensitive to high temperatures during planting.
7 f most rapid growth or around 20 years after planting.
8 eds are often treated with pesticides before planting.
9 ine maize (Zea mays) genotypes 8 weeks after planting.
10 ack in polyculture compared with monoculture plantings.
11 economic advantages by enabling high density plantings.
12         The banker plant system consisted of planting a grass species, Leersia sayanuka, adjacent to
13 ion in growth responses to nonlocal soils by planting a widespread grass of deciduous forests (Milium
14 Phaeozem, Cambisols and Acrisol) under maize planting and bare fallow regimes located in cold tempera
15  can be abraded from the seed coating during planting and expelled into the environment, damaging non
16 ons, such as exposure to antibiotics or crop planting and harvesting.
17  across environments can encourage efficient planting and maintenance strategies to maximize pollinat
18 ductance were measured at 90 and 120 d after planting, and plant organs (leaves, culm, roots, prop ro
19 sts, destruction of crop residues, timing of planting, and use of transplants.
20 80% of this treatment by 2030, over the same planting area as in 2012, total production of rice, whea
21                Even though the total soybean planting area decreased from 2005 to 2010, surprisingly,
22  production in three major Chinese sugarcane planting areas.
23  radar images (PALSAR) in mapping paddy rice planting areas.
24                                              Planting artichoke in October suppressed the antioxidant
25 es in the soil of production fields prior to planting at an average concentration of about 10 ng/g, a
26 model to predict the flowering time of field plantings at different sites and seasons in light of the
27 mentally regulated and appears 4 weeks after planting, at about the fifth-leaf stage.
28 ect, in part, to salvage-logging and conifer planting before it reburned during the 2002 Biscuit Fire
29 le fleet, would have to accompany urban tree planting campaigns to make them really beneficial for ur
30 ations in Australia is further compounded by planting commercially important species outside their en
31 he influence of typical variables from field planting conditions had no significant influence on the
32 emonstrate, however, that a simple change in planting configuration (placing propagules next to, rath
33 d the cognitive function of farmers over the planting cycle.
34 practices, including crop rotation, tillage, planting date, and management of irrigation and fertiliz
35  effect of reduced rainfall by adjusting the planting dates of potatoes, their most important crop.
36  historic climate data, and then declines as planting dates shift to cooler seasons.
37         Nevertheless, our results reveal how planting deciduous riparian trees along temperate headwa
38 y contrasting hybrids and hybrids under high planting density and drought stress.
39 and respond to environmental stimuli such as planting density and herbivory; however, the influence o
40                           To investigate how planting density and physical objects affect root system
41  Sensitivities are examined including higher planting density at the expense of cattle production as
42                                     Reducing planting density can slow disease spread significantly i
43 re, allowing more efficient light capture as planting density has increased.
44  controlled by interactions among plant age, planting density, and natural genetic variation in Arabi
45 llocation methodologies, improve with higher planting density, and persist if yield is reduced by hal
46 enotypes, and several traits interacted with planting density, including aboveground biomass, root-sh
47 changes that occur within a season with crop planting, development, and harvest.
48                                    Moreover, planting had significant impacts on the microbial commun
49        We found that switchgrass and prairie plantings harbored significantly greater plant, methanot
50  lead to delayed rainfall and decreased rice planting in Indonesia's main rice-growing regions, thus
51 ons, with >12,000 plants across two seasonal plantings in each of two simulated local climates, Spain
52                                    Staggered plantings indicated that interactions likely occur at ro
53 ation and nitrification potential with maize planting, indicating that changes in the soil microbial
54 anisms, allowing for rapid germination after planting, is a recurrent trait in domesticated plants, a
55                                        Thus, planting L. sayanuka did not increase the risk of planth
56 ), which is observed for multiple traits and planting locations.
57       Trade or sharing that moves infectious planting material between farms can, for vertically-tran
58              We consider the difference that planting material exchange can make to successful contro
59   These strategies have exploited virus-free planting material, varietal improvement, surveillance an
60  At present, there is a paucity of resistant planting materials, and efforts to evaluate germplasm fo
61 nd severity, a lack of disease resistance in planting materials, shortages of labor, and inadequate i
62 y passive transfer of MPO-ANCA and LPS or by planting MPO(409-428) conjugated to a murine antiglomeru
63               Over the past few decades, the planting of a large conifer forest has connected groups
64 uatic and riparian predators, and widespread planting of Bt crops has unexpected ecosystem-scale cons
65 ous maize fields it is often managed through planting of Bt maize.
66                               The widespread planting of corn genetically modified to produce Bacillu
67 GS in irrigated lands was related to earlier planting of crops after relatively warm winters, which w
68                               The widespread planting of crops genetically engineered to produce inse
69 nt, primarily in agricultural soils prior to planting of crops.
70        We have initiated MAS and large-scale planting of elite dura and pisifera parents to generate
71                                   Widespread planting of maize throughout the agricultural Midwest ma
72                                     Although planting of resistant cultivars forms the core managemen
73                                          The planting of seeds, growth of seedlings, and harvesting o
74                                   Widespread planting of such Bt crops increased concerns that their
75 tudy shows that increasing deposition by the planting of vegetation in street canyons can reduce stre
76 ci for plant biodiversity and yet widespread planting of wildflower gardens in cities to sustain poll
77 ishment and persistence are improved through plantings of L. sayanuka and thereby attraction of N. mu
78 getative strategies centered on monocultural plantings of nonnative plants, largely excluding native
79 n pool, including the effect of a non-native planting on an ancient woodland population of wild cherr
80 st reducing the deleterious impacts of dense planting on product quality.
81         The impact of intentional wildflower plantings on remnant native plant diversity in urban and
82 e exposed during establishment of successive plantings on the site.
83 .23; 95% CI, 2.45-34.80), and private bushes/plantings (OR, 3.44; 95% CI, 1.18-10.01).
84 pacity (DPPH and ABTS) compared to the first planting period.
85   Both proximity to natural habitat and crop planting practices were significantly correlated with po
86               Several large-scale urban tree planting projects have sought to promote respiratory hea
87          The chronology of the sediments and planting records are well aligned, and sedDNA of exotic
88 rategy for delaying pest resistance requires planting refuges of toxin-free crops near Bt crops to pr
89         Recent biofuel-driven growth in corn planting results in lower landscape diversity, altering
90                  All QTL show sensitivity to planting season and/or simulated location in a multi-QTL
91  toxins effective against the same pest, and planting seed mixtures yielding random distributions of
92                Our results demonstrated that planting significantly (P < 0.05) increased the gene alp
93 originating from geographic regions near the planting site had high relative fitness in each site, di
94 nating in sites historically warmer than the planting site had higher average relative fitness than l
95  transferred from their native location to a planting site.
96 ences were found in average ADB damage among planting sites and seed source provenances.
97 tion, the nine genotypes were grown with two planting/sowing dates.
98                      The G and E conditions (planting/sowing season) influences the ANF's content.
99 anagers have the option of choosing specific planting stock to produce specific types of wood for ind
100 f native species, often based on non-British planting stock, have been established.
101 n between out-planted propagules to maximize planting success.
102 ed network complexity was higher under maize planting than under bare fallow regimes.
103 processing the false suggestion succeeded in planting the false belief and producing avoidance of the
104  movement in the lungfish is accomplished by planting the head and then pivoting the trunk.
105                                     Prior to planting, the jars were amended with 40 mL solution cont
106          In soybean (Glycine max) commercial plantings, the identification and use of iron-efficient
107  quality, thus, this study demonstrates that planting thorny bamboo is a successful practice for the
108 ultivars 'Romolo' and 'Istar' in relation to planting time (September and October), and seed coating
109 (coated and uncoated seeds during the second planting time).
110  heads occurred in 'Romolo' during the first planting time.
111 re is rapid (as it only takes 20 d from seed planting to functional studies), suitable for analyzing
112 wed that in this region, 430 mm of seasonal (planting to harvesting) rainfall resulted in the optimum
113 limate change adaptation strategies, such as planting trees in urban areas, should explicitly incorpo
114 OC changes observed after sowing pastures or planting trees.
115                                              Planting vegetation may mitigate the effects of climate
116                                   Time after planting was the most important factor affecting plant s
117 aping in vacuum-planter exhaust during maize planting were measured in 25 fields in southwestern Onta
118 sorghum genotypes is similar until 6 d after planting when buds of phyB-1 arrest growth, while wild-t
119 e accurately assessed in clonally-replicated plantings where each genotype is represented by several
120 d relatives of crops, landraces, and organic plantings, whereas implications for pest resistance have
121 hu vegetable bases with different greenhouse planting years in Nanjing, Eastern China.
122 e increased with the extension of greenhouse planting years.
123 y quadrants of aerobic media during specimen planting yielded a colonial growth pattern typical for t

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