


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  and resensitize resistant ovarian tumors to platinum.
2 nd compared to the state-of-the-art catalyst platinum.
3 her transition metal catalysts also, such as platinum.
4  more endergonic on tungsten carbide than on platinum.
5 production of rare elements such as gold and platinum.
6 ce and auxiliary electrodes were composed of platinum.
7 ast 6 months following last infused cycle of platinum.
8 ) at an overpotential of 0.3 V comparable to platinum (0.44 V)].
9                        In addition, elevated platinum abundances were found in sediment analysed from
10 n our approach allows the differentiation of platinum accumulation within each part of the morphology
11 ed to a naphthalene-monoimide acceptor via a platinum-acetylide bridging unit.
12 kinase-anchoring protein 12 (AKAP12) impeded platinum adduct clearance and prevented cAMP-mediated en
13 tinum and gold against Enterococcus faecium, platinum against Klebsiella pneumoniae and platinum and
14 otherapy with a fluorinated pyrimidine and a platinum agent, followed by later treatment with taxanes
15 mble of pre-cyclization conformations of the platinum-alkene reactant complex, only a subset of which
16 e useful for the future design of structured platinum alloy nanocatalysts.Core-shell platinum alloy n
17 ured platinum alloy nanocatalysts.Core-shell platinum alloy nanoparticles are promising catalysts for
18      The catalytic performance of core-shell platinum alloy nanoparticles is typically superior to th
19                            Cisplatin and its platinum analogs, carboplatin and oxaliplatin, are some
20 g electrode and counter electrode consist of platinum and are functionalized by drop casting of three
21 lated disease progression within 6 months of platinum and cetuximab treatment.
22 d neck squamous cell carcinoma refractory to platinum and cetuximab.
23 amous cell carcinoma previously treated with platinum and cetuximab.
24  energetically less costly for gold than for platinum and explains the propensity of gold to facilita
25                                   ITO, gold, platinum and glass were tested and the amount of superox
26 robial inhibitory concentration demonstrated platinum and gold against Enterococcus faecium, platinum
27 nts of the electrocatalyst [Mo(bpy)(CO)4] at platinum and gold electrodes.
28 nt for precious group metals as for example, platinum and opens up new ways in finding cost-efficient
29                                              Platinum and palladium are frequently used as catalytic
30 ombination and increased sensitivity to both platinum and PARP inhibitor chemotherapy compared to Trp
31 , platinum against Klebsiella pneumoniae and platinum and silver against Acinetobacter baumannii were
32 d by understanding the mechanisms underlying platinum and taxane resistance in ovarian cancer.
33 rogrammed death 1 receptor antibody, in this platinum- and cetuximab-pretreated population with poor
34 eaction coordinates for polycyclization, for platinum- and enzyme-promoted polycyclization reactions
35 sm of action of these clinically established platinum anti-cancer agents, as well as more recently de
36  are proved to have comparable activities to platinum ( approximately 1-10 s(-1) ).
37 aditional electrodes, such as carbon or gold/platinum, are costly and difficult to microfabricate.
38 s, crucial for oxidation catalysts.Improving platinum as an oxidation catalyst requires understanding
39 the closest observed to the desired value of platinum at (-0.25 V vs. SCE).
40 talyst can be prepared by simple doping of a platinum atom into a molecule-like gold nanocluster.
41 ngle-pyridinic-nitrogen-atom-anchored single-platinum-atom centres, which are tolerant to carbon mono
42  the 3D coordinates of 6,569 iron and 16,627 platinum atoms in an iron-platinum nanoparticle, and cor
43 HER) as an alternative to currently utilised platinum based electrodes (with in electrolysers) is als
44                                          The platinum-based anticancer agents cisplatin, carboplatin,
45 ) randomly assigned to clinical trials using platinum-based chemoradiotherapy (NRG Oncology Radiation
46                                Mitomycin and platinum-based chemotherapeutic agents were used in 96 (
47 e technology to oral ceritinib 750 mg/day or platinum-based chemotherapy ([cisplatin 75 mg/m(2) or ca
48 logram of body weight once every 2 weeks) or platinum-based chemotherapy (administered once every 3 w
49                                      Purpose Platinum-based chemotherapy (PBC) for patients with prog
50 -small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) treated with platinum-based chemotherapy (PBS).
51  ARF failed to respond to treatment with the platinum-based chemotherapy agent cisplatin.
52  sensitive to clonogenic killing mediated by platinum-based chemotherapy and IR ( approximately 70%-8
53  with urothelial carcinoma progressing after platinum-based chemotherapy and unselected for PD-L1 exp
54 ve as an efficacious and safe alternative to platinum-based chemotherapy before autologous stem cell
55                                              Platinum-based chemotherapy doublets are a standard of c
56 gainst VEGF, improves outcomes when added to platinum-based chemotherapy in advanced-stage non-squamo
57 acebo after response to second-line or later platinum-based chemotherapy in patients with high-grade,
58  the efficacy and safety of ceritinib versus platinum-based chemotherapy in these patients.
59 OBS) after primary cytoreductive surgery and platinum-based chemotherapy in women with stage II to IV
60 disease progression on or after one previous platinum-based chemotherapy regimen in the metastatic se
61 despite previous treatment with at least one platinum-based chemotherapy regimen.
62 arcinoma, had received at least two previous platinum-based chemotherapy regimens, had achieved compl
63 t had progressed after at least one previous platinum-based chemotherapy were enrolled from 80 cancer
64 rothelial carcinoma who had progressed after platinum-based chemotherapy were randomly assigned (1:1)
65 nd disease progression during or after prior platinum-based chemotherapy were randomly assigned 1:1 t
66 e status (0 vs 1), previous radiosensitising platinum-based chemotherapy, and disease status (recurre
67 : treatment with primary surgery followed by platinum-based chemotherapy, stage II to IV disease, at
68  and a clinical complete response to primary platinum-based chemotherapy, who had been disease-free f
69 echanisms underlying resistance to frontline platinum-based chemotherapy.
70  or partial response to second-line or later platinum-based chemotherapy.
71 ial carcinoma who progressed during or after platinum-based chemotherapy.
72 mic carcinoma (TC) who have progressed after platinum-based chemotherapy.
73 a (CCC) and the cancer is often resistant to platinum-based chemotherapy.
74  urothelial carcinoma after progression with platinum-based chemotherapy.
75 panib in urothelial cancers after failure of platinum-based chemotherapy.
76 nd neck who progressed within 6 months after platinum-based chemotherapy.
77 varian cancer who had achieved a response to platinum-based chemotherapy.
78 thway may improve the anticancer efficacy of platinum-based chemotherapy.
79 eviously progressed following crizotinib and platinum-based doublet chemotherapy.
80  we show that RAD6 plays a universal role in platinum-based drug tolerance.
81  have fueled multidisciplinary research into platinum-based drugs.
82 calable production of surfactant-free, thin, platinum-based nanowire-network electrocatalysts.
83 hod, different substrate-materials-supported platinum-based nanowires are obtained, which paves the w
84 egimen, and best response to the most recent platinum-based regimen).
85 gression-free interval after the penultimate platinum-based regimen, and best response to the most re
86 d complete or partial response to their last platinum-based regimen, had a cancer antigen 125 concent
87 r two chemotherapeutic regimens, including a platinum-based regimen.
88 ed longer progression-free survival than did platinum-based therapy in patients with treatment-naive,
89  key mechanism associated with resistance to platinum-based therapy, a finding that we subsequently e
90 e kinase inhibitors, mitotic inhibitors, and platinum-based therapy, there is a need to stratify pati
91                 Described herein is that the platinum (boryl)iminomethane (BIM) complex [Pt(kappa(2)
92 of [3](2+) occurs through abstraction of the platinum-bound chloride ligand by the adjacent Lewis aci
93      It is even better than the benchmarking platinum catalyst.
94 igration reaction leads to activation of the platinum center.
95 ation was stratified by response to previous platinum chemotherapy (complete vs partial) and length o
96 d overall survival after DNA damage-inducing platinum chemotherapy.
97 er-intuitive core-shell formation process in platinum-cobalt nanoparticles at elevated temperature un
98 n (FIC) studies demonstrated that the silver/platinum combination against Enterococcus faecium, and s
99       Toward this end, we have synthesized a platinum complex in which the metal is connected to a Le
100  led to clinical implementation of effective platinum complexes in the clinic have fueled multidiscip
101              Understanding the mechanisms of platinum compound resistance, including cisplatin resist
102 a significant reduction of the intracellular platinum concentration.
103 , high-performance electrocatalysts with low platinum consumption are desirable for use as cathode ma
104 ur methodology in rats using an experimental platinum-containing anti-cancer nanodrug and three FDA a
105 w treatment options following progression on platinum-containing chemotherapy.
106 ive effect on the anti-tumor efficacy of the platinum-containing nanodrug, as well as animal survival
107 urs, surpassing both the baseline Nafion and platinum-containing recast Nafion membranes.
108 opy with glassy carbon working electrode and platinum counter/reference electrode at a potential of 0
109 wed the atom-by-atom fabrication of isolated platinum deposits, ranging from single atoms to 9-atom c
110 (rituximab, dexamethasone, cytarabine, and a platinum derivative [R-DHAP]), the overall response rate
111                              A dual-function platinum disc microelectrode sensor was used for in-situ
112 ed into the solution, from which the rate of platinum dissolution could be determined.
113 lieved to be the species responsible for the platinum dissolution phenomenon.
114                                   Within the PLATINUM Diversity cohort, the independent predictors of
115 of health and language were collected in the PLATINUM Diversity cohort, which included 1501 patients
116 s to cisplatin, consistent with shielding of platinum-DNA adducts from excision repair.
117  the superiority of nonplatinum therapy over platinum doublet therapy for ERCC1-positive NSCLC as wel
118  chemotherapy (one or two lines, including a platinum doublet) and crizotinib and had subsequent dise
119 y 3 weeks (35 cycles) or investigator-choice platinum-doublet chemotherapy (4-6 cycles or until docum
120 ated an epigenetic signature associated with platinum drug resensitization that may offer utility in
121  parameter most consistently associated with platinum drug resistance, emphasizing the need to direct
122  insights into the vital role of RAD6/TLS in platinum drug tolerance and reveal clinical benefits of
123                                              Platinum drug-induced cross-link repair requires the con
124 D6B depletion were associated with decreased platinum drug-induced proliferating cell nuclear antigen
125 1-mutant cancer cells is being targeted with platinum drugs and poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP) i
126 chanistically informed selection of distinct platinum drugs for distinct malignancies.
127 ve been implicated in acquired resistance to platinum drugs in ovarian cancer.
128 carboplatin derivative to quantify and track platinum drugs in tumors using PET has the potential to
129 lation can sensitize ovarian cancer cells to platinum drugs, in large part by altering gene expressio
130 revealed by scrutinizing what happens at the platinum electrode surface.
131 n of methanol from the reduction of CO2 on a platinum electrode triggered great interest and exciteme
132 ave developed simple sensors containing only platinum electrodes for the detection of heavy metal con
133 f "hydrogen" adsorption in the step sites of platinum electrodes.
134 ternative catalysts to noble metals, such as platinum, for the hydrogen evolution reaction (HER).
135 otherapy (complete vs partial) and length of platinum-free interval (6-12 months vs >/=12 months) and
136 e interval from previous platinum treatment (platinum-free interval [PFI]).
137                                              Platinum genotypes are highly concordant with the curren
138 the greatest bactericidal activity was again platinum gold and palladium against all three bacteria.
139                                              Platinum, gold and palladium showed the greatest antimic
140 ested in combinations using ZoI assays, gold/platinum, gold/palladium and platinum/palladium were ind
141 ny other elements (e.g., Ni, Co, Au, Se, and platinum group elements) are significantly less abundant
142      It remains a grand challenge to replace platinum group metal (PGM) catalysts with earth-abundant
143                                              Platinum group metal-free (PGM-free) metal-nitrogen-carb
144 tion (ORR) or hydrogen peroxide reduction on platinum, has been investigated.
145 work on phosphorescent, low molecular weight platinum(II) complex as an oxygen sensing probe to study
146  platinum(IV) complex, the in situ generated platinum(II) complex has good affinity for G-quadruplex
147 y reduced to the corresponding square planar platinum(II) complex.
148 bly conjugated to a mAb using a bifunctional platinum(II) linker.
149                          The ethylenediamine platinum(II) moiety, herein called Lx, was coordinated t
150                                An underlying platinum(ii) octaethlporphyrin ketone (PtOEPK) based sen
151 ), silver(I), mercury(II), copper(I and II), platinum(II), and cationic gold(I) are effective for rea
152 (III), gold(III), nickel(II), palladium(II), platinum(II), rhodium(III), iridium(III), and ruthenium(
153 e synthesis and in-depth characterization of platinum(II)-crosslinked single-chain nanoparticles (Pt(
154 ssemble into heavy elements such as gold and platinum in a process known as rapid neutron capture (r-
155  to approximately 2.5 mum for phosphorus and platinum in HCT116 colon cancer spheroids upon treatment
156 435 is necessary for cAMP-enhanced repair of platinum-induced damage and protection against cisplatin
157  excision repair (NER) plays a vital role in platinum-induced DNA damage during chemotherapy.
158 H- but not forskolin-mediated enhancement of platinum-induced DNA damage.
159 ccelerates repair of bi- and mono-functional platinum-induced DNA damage.
160                                          The platinum-induced fatty acid 16:4(n-3) (hexadeca-4,7,10,1
161 tical regulator of genomic stability against platinum-induced mutagenesis.
162  tissue, cisplatin-resistant tumors excluded platinum ions from tumor areas in contrast to cisplatin-
163  detection technique which involves reducing platinum ions to platinum metal species followed by an e
164 nally, the detection method demonstrates the platinum is dissolved into the solution as an ionic spec
165       A photoactivatable dopamine-conjugated platinum(IV) anticancer complex (Pt-DA) has been incorpo
166                    In contrast to the parent platinum(IV) complex, the in situ generated platinum(II)
167                We show that a new octahedral platinum(IV)-salphen complex does not interact with DNA
168 emorial Center in Mumbai, India, reached its platinum jubilee milestone (75 years), which was celebra
169  to 680 mW cm(-2) at 80 degrees C with a low platinum loading of 0.09 mgPt cm(-2), corresponding to a
170 way as to include an interaction between the platinum metal center and the surface oxygen atoms.
171  allowed the quantification of the amount of platinum metal dissolved into the solution, from which t
172 que which involves reducing platinum ions to platinum metal species followed by an electrocatalytic a
173 similar potentials to those for reduction on platinum metal, suggesting a similar mechanism and kinet
174 measured the thermal conductance of gold and platinum metallic wires down to single-atom junctions.
175   In the present work, we used ceramic-based platinum microelectrode arrays (MEAs) to perform high-fr
176 ated in the perioperative setting, including platinum-naive patients, were also eligible.
177                 We believe that the use of a platinum nanocell and single molecule/nanoparticle fluor
178                 Herein, we report ultrasmall platinum nanoclusters (PtNCs) encapsulated in amine-func
179 gle silver nanoparticles at the surface of a platinum nanoelectrode.
180       A nanocell is prepared by depositing a platinum nanoparticle at the tip of a quartz nanopipette
181 evolution biocatalyst based on photosystem 1-platinum nanoparticle biocomplexes embedded into a speci
182 tion fine structure analysis confirm similar platinum nanoparticle shapes, sizes, lattice parameters,
183 69 iron and 16,627 platinum atoms in an iron-platinum nanoparticle, and correlate chemical order/diso
184                     We report citrate-capped platinum nanoparticles (Pt NPs) as oxidase mimetics for
185 puttering and e-beam lithography techniques, platinum nanoparticles (Pt NPs) were deposited in a brid
186 eme using methylene blue (MB), hydrazine and platinum nanoparticles (Pt NPs).
187 acrylonitrile (PAN) nanofibrous web and then platinum nanoparticles (Pt-NP) decoration was performed
188                             In this respect, platinum nanoparticles (PtNPs) are promising candidates,
189                        Template-prepared rGO/platinum nanoparticles (PtNPs) tubular micromotors were
190 ease the rate of mass transfer of silver and platinum nanoparticles and improve their stochastic elec
191 lulose (NC)-based composites with silver and platinum nanoparticles as additive materials to fabricat
192 ticles is typically superior to that of pure platinum nanoparticles for the oxygen reduction reaction
193                           When combined with platinum nanoparticles positioned on the external surfac
194                          Here we report that platinum nanoparticles supported on graphite-rich boron
195 osome payload (dextran, single-stranded DNA, platinum nanoparticles) is trafficked into the attached
196 ified and then was decorated with silver and platinum nanoparticles, respectively, by chemical reduct
197 lity compared to commercial carbon supported platinum nanoparticles.
198            It reveals that the free-standing platinum nanowires form in the solid state via metal-sur
199 possess a high density of interfaces between platinum-nickel and nickel sulfide components, which coo
200 ctly sulfuring highly composition-segregated platinum-nickel nanowires.
201                                          The platinum-nickel/nickel sulfide heterostructures can deli
202            Using dealloyed nanoporous nickel-platinum (np-NiPt) electrodes, we find the hydrogen evol
203 d earth abundant metal catalyst which rivals platinum on a weight basis over hundreds of hours of ope
204                                     Overall, platinum, palladium and gold metal ion solutions in indi
205   Ten permutations of noble and base metals (platinum, palladium, copper, nickel, and cobalt) were sy
206 ectrochemical genosensor based on Zinc oxide/platinum-palladium (ZnO/Pt-Pd) modified fluorine doped t
207 oI assays, gold/platinum, gold/palladium and platinum/palladium were indicative of synergy.
208     Antitumour activity was assessed in post-platinum patients who received at least one dose of avel
209                                  In 161 post-platinum patients with at least 6 months of follow-up, a
210 ess antitumour activity of this drug in post-platinum patients.
211 eaching 18,046 moles of hydrogen per mole of platinum per hour.
212 tive second-line treatment for patients with platinum-pretreated recurrent or metastatic squamous cel
213 quantum chemical computations on a series of platinum-promoted polycyclization reactions are describe
214 e demonstrate how atomically dispersed ionic platinum (Pt(2+)) on ceria (CeO2), which is already ther
215                          Previously, a large platinum (Pt) anomaly was reported in the Greenland ice
216                          Here we report that platinum (Pt) atomically dispersed on alpha-molybdenum c
217 he identical device employing an unselective platinum (Pt) cathode.
218                     This is demonstrated for platinum (Pt) nanoparticle surface reconstruction induce
219 o-electrocorticography (mu-ECoG) arrays with platinum (Pt) or glassy carbon (GC) electrodes were manu
220 ts are unique in their ability to trap ionic platinum (Pt), providing exceptional stability for isola
221 d as a promising alternative to their costly platinum (Pt)-based counterparts in polymer electrolyte
222 tretchable, and inexpensive devices based on platinum (Pt)-decorated graphite for glucose determinati
223                         The stability of the platinum quasi-reference electrode was improved by coati
224                Initial segregation of a thin platinum, rather than cobalt oxide, surface layer occurs
225 sm of action are available for patients with platinum-refractory advanced or metastatic urothelial ca
226  survival over chemotherapy in patients with platinum-refractory advanced urothelial carcinoma.
227 with small-cell lung cancer, all of whom had platinum-refractory disease, had a partial response or p
228  use of HDCT as third-line or later therapy, platinum-refractory disease, mediastinal primary tumor s
229  survival than chemotherapy in patients with platinum-refractory metastatic urothelial carcinoma over
230 r activity in the treatment of patients with platinum-refractory metastatic urothelial carcinoma; a m
231                                Patients with platinum-refractory recurrent or metastatic squamous cel
232 py of investigator's choice in patients with platinum-refractory recurrent or metastatic squamous cel
233 The combination seems particularly active in platinum-refractory small-cell lung cancer, which tends
234 We used superresolution light microscopy and platinum replica transmission electron microscopy (TEM)
235                           Cell unroofing and platinum replication creates high-contrast, 3D images of
236 ioning, whole-cell mount, cell unroofing and platinum replication, and resin embedding and sectioning
237 g group 1 (ERCC1) protein is associated with platinum resistance and survival in non-small-cell lung
238  undergoing autophagic stress independent of platinum resistance status.
239 an cancer stem cells that contribute to both platinum-resistance and tumour recurrence.
240 imary patient-derived platinum-sensitive and platinum- resistant ovarian cancer cells and ovarian can
241 argeting may improve therapeutic outcomes in platinum-resistant and recurrent ovarian cancer in part
242 rial of IMGN853 monotherapy in patients with platinum-resistant disease.
243           Patients and Methods Patients with platinum-resistant epithelial ovarian, fallopian tube, o
244  phase 1 study, patients with progressive or platinum-resistant metastatic or recurrent NSCLC were en
245 bitor olaparib, and improved the response of platinum-resistant models.
246 red the responses of patients with recurrent platinum-resistant ovarian cancer who received carboplat
247 erived xenograft model of advanced-stage and platinum-resistant ovarian cancer, an MMAE-based NDC dou
248  manageable safety profile and was active in platinum-resistant ovarian cancer, with the strongest si
249 lation of patients with FRalpha-positive and platinum-resistant ovarian cancer.
250                  Treatment of mice harboring platinum-resistant ovarian tumor xenografts with pHLIP-P
251 trial in patients with platinum-sensitive or platinum-resistant relapsed SCLC.
252                  The cathodic dissolution of platinum, resulting from the oxygen reduction reaction (
253 P2) data that indicated atmospheric input of platinum-rich dust.
254 esting potentially predicting sensitivity to platinum salts and PARP inhibitors, the data regarding s
255 ities to promote HR and confer resistance to platinum salts and PARP inhibitors.
256 robust cell death in primary patient-derived platinum-sensitive and platinum- resistant ovarian cance
257 iagnosis and upon relapse from patients with platinum-sensitive HGSOC recurrence who were treated > 5
258  favor of an NPBC in patients with partially platinum-sensitive OC.
259 f a clinical efficacy trial in patients with platinum-sensitive or platinum-resistant relapsed SCLC.
260 idered a new standard of care for women with platinum-sensitive ovarian cancer following a complete o
261 d progression-free survival in patients with platinum-sensitive ovarian cancer who had achieved a res
262 sed to identify patients with BRCA wild-type platinum-sensitive ovarian cancers who might benefit fro
263 rapy in patients with high-grade, recurrent, platinum-sensitive ovarian carcinoma.
264 h BRCA mutant or BRCA wild-type and LOH high platinum-sensitive ovarian carcinomas treated with rucap
265 the median overall survival in patients with platinum-sensitive recurrent ovarian cancer.
266   In ARIEL2 Part 1, patients with recurrent, platinum-sensitive, high-grade ovarian carcinoma were cl
267  patients were aged 18 years or older, had a platinum-sensitive, high-grade serous or endometrioid ov
268 psule formulation to all-comer patients with platinum-sensitive, relapsed high-grade serous ovarian c
269 ted olaparib tablet maintenance treatment in platinum-sensitive, relapsed ovarian cancer patients wit
270  glucose oxidase-based biosensor, a sentinel platinum sensor, a laccase/tyrosinase-based biosensor an
271 , followed by the layer-by-layer growth of a platinum shell via Ostwald ripening during the oxygen an
272 l for atomic-scale design and control of the platinum shell, which is known to be the structural feat
273 ported cost-effective, efficient and durable platinum single-atom electrocatalyst with carbon monoxid
274 reveal that the main effective sites on such platinum single-atom electrocatalysts are single-pyridin
275                    The electrode consists on platinum sputtered on a filter paper and a Nafion membra
276 id interface revealed that the adsorption on platinum supported catalysts of 1-(1-naphthyl)-ethylamin
277 and efficient method to generate a family of platinum supramolecular square complexes, including prev
278 n the ability of the amines to adsorb on the platinum surface and their performance as chiral modifie
279      However, experimental investigations of platinum surface oxides have been hampered by technical
280 s (t>/=4 h) is required for the formation of platinum surface oxides.
281 ve to drive the ORR or H2O2 reduction on the platinum surface, mainly using square wave potential pul
282  of the structure and degree of oxidation of platinum surfaces under operando conditions is essential
283      Although the combination of surgery and platinum-taxane chemotherapy provide an effective treatm
284                         Although activity of platinum, the most active metal, can be substantially im
285 e OS for nonplatinum therapy was inferior to platinum therapy (median OS, 7.6 months [paclitaxel and
286 ss the safety profile in patients (both post-platinum therapy and cisplatin-naive) treated with avelu
287 ation potently sensitized resistant cells to platinum therapy and was effective in killing ovarian ca
288 atients with squamous histology who received platinum therapy compared with nonplatinum chemotherapy;
289  V = -0.071 +/- 0.003, comparable to that of platinum, theta Pt = 0.076 +/- 0.007, and is much larger
290 tment in a cohort of patients with advanced, platinum-treated non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC).
291                              When applied to platinum-treated patients gathered from TCGA, the model
292 ve with a longer time interval from previous platinum treatment (platinum-free interval [PFI]).
293  progression 6 to 12 months after their last platinum treatment were randomly assigned 1:1 to the exp
294 ion of CO2 into CO, whose high affinity with platinum triggers the formation of a Pt-CO film that pre
295 esolved electrochemical measurements using a platinum ultramicroelectrode (UME) as the working electr
296                                   The OCP of platinum ultramicroelectrodes (UMEs) was determined in s
297                                              Platinum ultramicroelectrodes (UMEs) were polarized suff
298                                 The OCP at a platinum UME remains unchanged from the aqueous electrol
299 ding of 0.09 mgPt cm(-2), corresponding to a platinum utilization of 0.13 gPt kW(-1) in the fuel cell
300 transmission information to create a phased "Platinum" variant catalog of 4.7 million single-nucleoti
301                                The dissolved platinum was detected using a femtomolar level detection

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