


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 eived adjuvant chemotherapy with taxanes and platinum compounds.
2 stance of cancer cells to therapy, including platinum compounds.
3 ppressor BRCA2 are particularly sensitive to platinum compounds.
4  to bifunctional DNA-damaging agents such as platinum compounds.
5 d affect the ability of cells to internalize platinum compounds.
6  to enhance the sensitivity of SCLC cells to platinum compounds.
7                  The trifunctional dinuclear platinum compounds 1,2/c,c [[cis-PtCl(NH(3))(2)]mu-H(2)N
8           Similar results were obtained with platinum compounds' 5-fluorouracil and irinotecan.
9 maximal cytoreduction, dose-intensity of the platinum compound administered, proportion of patients w
10 he formation of covalent adducts between the platinum compound and certain bases in DNA.
11 and fast ultracentrifuge method here for two platinum compounds and a taxane that otherwise bound irr
12 tro transcription of RNA is inhibited by the platinum compounds and indicate G residues as primary bi
13        Prior treatment with camptothecins or platinum compounds and prior pelvic irradiation were not
14   It also enhances the anticancer effects of platinum compounds and taxanes in non-small-cell lung ca
15    Several molecules, including multinuclear platinum compounds, belong to the family of platinum dru
16  from therapy with PARP inhibitor (PARPi) or platinum compounds, but acquired resistance limits clini
17 has included surgery and chemotherapy with a platinum compound (cisplatin or carboplatin).
18 he hypothesis that activation of the JNKs by platinum compounds controls c-Jun-dependent transcriptio
19 ion of the pharmacological factors affecting platinum compound cytotoxicity such as cellular accumula
20                                              Platinum compounds display clinical activity against a w
21 ioavailability and toxicity of anthropogenic platinum compounds emitted into the environment from sou
22                                              Platinum compounds form electrophilic intermediates that
23                                    Cytotoxic platinum compounds including cisplatin are standard canc
24 ated ovarian cancers previously treated with platinum compounds, including five with acquired platinu
25    PARP-1 also binds to DNA damaged by other platinum compounds, including oxaliplatin and pyriplatin
26                                              Platinum compounds induce apoptosis in malignant cells a
27 high risk populations and the integration of platinum compounds into treatment regimens will most lik
28                    The carrier ligand of the platinum compound is likely to affect the conformation o
29          The combination of paclitaxel and a platinum compound is the most active first-line regimen
30          Resistance to alkylating agents and platinum compounds is associated with elevated levels of
31 elting temperature of CT DNA adducted by the platinum compounds is observed at low salt concentration
32 with colorectal cancer, oxaliplatin, a novel platinum compound, is an active agent.
33                BBR3464, a charged trinuclear platinum compound, is the first representative of a new
34 dination of the stannylenes to palladium and platinum compounds led to unusual silastannene complexes
35  agents with promising activity, such as new platinum compounds, new taxanes, and other cytotoxic age
36  lesions formed by therapeutically effective platinum compounds [Pt(en)Cl2] and [Pt(dach)Cl2], in add
37 the optical properties of the phosphorescent platinum compounds: Pt(II) (2-(4',6'-difluorophenyl)pyri
38 e with representative bifunctional dinuclear platinum compounds [[PtCl(NH(3))(2)](2)mu-H(2)N(CH(2))(n
39               In non-small-cell lung cancer, platinum compounds represent the cornerstone of systemic
40              Understanding the mechanisms of platinum compound resistance, including cisplatin resist
41 e interplay with the solubility of different platinum compounds revealed potassium tetrachloroplatina
42 with mutated BRCA1 or BRCA2 are sensitive to platinum compounds, such carcinomas eventually develop p
43 effective chemotherapeutic agents, including platinum compounds, taxanes, and vinca alkaloids.
44 cidence or severity of neuropathy related to platinum compounds, taxanes, or thalidomide.
45 e, vinorelbine, the taxanes, anthracyclines, platinum compounds, topoisomerase I and II inhibitors, a
46 Jun, significantly protected SCLC cells from platinum compounds, whereas expression of a c-Jun mutant
47 actice, metal-based drugs are represented by platinum compounds, which are constituents of a wide var
48 eous mouse mammary tumor model, we show that platinum compounds, which generate DNA breaks during the
49                       Oxaliplatin is a novel platinum compound with clinical activity in several mali
50 (4-Me-Py)Cl]+, the interactions of these two platinum compounds with the DNA heptamer CCTG*TCC:GGACAG

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