


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ons was detrimentally affected by road-noise playback.
2 antly enhanced during speaking compared with playback.
3  those reared with exposure to ambient-noise playback.
4 dstarts than control points that received no playback.
5 disrupted via stimulus inversion or reversed playback.
6 e HVC-RA neurons are also responsive to song playback.
7 be stimulated to evoke reverse spike pattern playback.
8 s compared with baseline rates or tank noise playbacks.
9 ches and canaries after presentation of song playbacks.
10 ments and social behavior in response to the playbacks.
11  Expression could be further induced by song playbacks 30 days after hatching but not at 20 days nor
12 at CM neurons are active in response to song playback and during singing, indicating their potential
13 ucture of natural scallops during behavioral playback and in vivo electrophysiology experiments to pr
14  respond at markedly different times to song playback and that different syllables activate spatially
15 tors, DA reduced responses in Area X to song playback and to electrical stimulation of its afferent c
16                         Birds that heard the playbacks and did not sing in response showed increased
17 ses (Helogale parvula) [4], we combine sound playbacks and faecal presentations to demonstrate that a
18 ng-finned pilot whales to killer whale sound playbacks and two anthropogenic sources of disturbance:
19 for learned features of song observed during playback arises in HVc or also in structures afferent to
20                             The use of video playback as a visual stimulus in this experiment permitt
21 avioral, were most pronounced during initial playback, but then declined rapidly with subsequent pres
22 ator, sperm whales responded to killer whale playbacks by interrupting their foraging or resting dive
23 re not inherently more strongly attracted to playback calls than males.
24         We found that exposure to boat-noise playback, compared to ambient-noise playback, reduced su
25 e response was the same for the speaking and playback conditions.
26 pressing ZENK in NCM and cmHV following song playback does not vary with sex or photoperiod in starli
27 nvestigate the effect of repeated boat-noise playback during early life on the development and surviv
28 ere we show that, in juvenile zebra finches, playback during the day of an adult 'tutor' song induced
29 puts of HVC and account for some of the song playback-evoked inhibition in HVC(X) cells.
30                           Here we describe a playback experiment conducted on wild female baboons, su
31   Results of simultaneous observations and a playback experiment indicate that the contact function o
32                           Observations and a playback experiment indicated that adult babblers use a
33                               Here, we use a playback experiment to quantify how wild female geladas
34                         We used an automated playback experiment to simulate two types of social info
35           Avian vocalizations were used in a playback experiment to stimulate begging behavior in cow
36                                        Using playback experiments and computational modeling we find
37                                           In playback experiments and natural observations, gelada ma
38                                              Playback experiments conducted in the wild indicate that
39                                        Using playback experiments in the absence of natural rainfall
40 -production mechanism, we conducted acoustic playback experiments in the frogs' natural habitat.
41                                              Playback experiments indicate that related species' song
42   Recent evidence from acoustic analysis and playback experiments indicates that adult female rhesus
43                                        Using playback experiments on African elephants (Loxodonta afr
44             We carried out a series of field playback experiments on females (N = 6) in a habituated
45                                              Playback experiments on white-faced capuchins (Cebus cap
46                                    Follow-up playback experiments revealed an asymmetry between the a
47                                    Companion playback experiments revealed that chickadees detect thi
48                                          Our playback experiments revealed that hyrax males tend to r
49                                              Playback experiments show that the two Siberian forms do
50                                        These playback experiments showed that female preference indic
51                                        Using playback experiments simulating territorial intrusions b
52                                 Here, we use playback experiments to examine how social context influ
53                        We now use controlled playback experiments to investigate whether family group
54                                 Here we used playback experiments to present free-ranging male koalas
55  used a series of habituation-dishabituation playback experiments to test whether tamarins attend to
56                                           In playback experiments using a robotic model frog and an e
57                                Eight-speaker playback experiments were used to demonstrate that dista
58              Here, we present the results of playback experiments with wild Diana monkeys, a species
59 th of a close relative, and responses during playback experiments), suggesting that females who manif
60                                           In playback experiments, baboons respond more strongly to c
61                                   In 3 field playback experiments, the authors found evidence for 5 r
62 ral observations, and a series of controlled playback experiments, we demonstrate that this species u
63 neous chemical sampling and captive-elephant playback experiments, we have discovered that young, soc
64                                     Control "playback" experiments demonstrated that differences in n
65 ips played at standard speed as too fast, so playback had to be slowed down in order for it to appear
66  viewing fast-forward videos for 30 seconds, playback had to be speeded up in order to appear natural
67  we examined the intelligibility of auditory playbacks (i.e., "sonifications") of brainstem potential
68 ere both modulated by speaking compared with playback in a subset of STG contacts.
69 y in Area X also decreased responses to song playback in the cortical output nucleus of the BG loop,
70  production of imitations by adult males and playback-induced calling by young birds during the sensi
71 ounds during vocalization (talk) and passive playback (listen) were compared to assess the degree of
72                                  During song playback, local interactions, including inhibition onto
73             Sensory neural responses to song playback mirror motor-related activity recorded during s
74 hanges in the audio component more often led playback mothers to change responses.
75                                        Thus, playback mothers used vocalizations as cues as the infan
76                                              Playback mothers' responses to the episodes were consist
77 ith multiple microelectrodes during repeated playback of a conspecific song, followed by further play
78 red by ventricular sensing mode triggered by playback of an FM tape previously recorded from the righ
79 wered emission rates when hearing artificial playback of another bat's calls.
80 roduced ultrasound to tactile stimulation or playback of bat echolocation attack.
81 a differential topographic responsiveness to playback of bird's own song, tutor song, conspecific son
82 , HVC-projecting NIf neurons fire throughout playback of BOS as well as non-BOS stimuli.
83 Petrels (Hydrobates pelagicus), attracted to playback of conspecific calls during their northwards mi
84                                              Playback of electric signaling patterns recorded from fr
85 tammetry, freely moving rats were exposed to playback of four acoustic stimuli via an ultrasonic spea
86 n of digital coronary angiograms facilitates playback of images and decreases cost.
87                     We demonstrated that the playback of killer whale sounds to pilot whales induced
88                                         Both playback of motorboat noise and direct disturbance by mo
89 for a neuronal correlate for syntax, we used playback of natural and temporally destructured complex
90  neurons often generate action potentials to playback of only a single song type, even though synapti
91 ic inputs on these cells can be activated by playback of other song types in the bird's repertoire an
92                    Fish exposed long-term to playback of pile-driving noise also no longer responded
93            We recorded responses to auditory playback of pseudorandomly sequenced syllables from the
94 h harbours), rather than control conditions (playback of recordings from the same harbours without sh
95 uilla anguilla) exposed to additional noise (playback of recordings of ships passing through harbours
96 epetitions; and neural responses to auditory playback of repeated syllable sequences gradually adapt
97 noise also no longer responded to short-term playback of seismic noise.
98  finch sensory-motor area HVC in response to playback of sequences from individuals' songs, and exami
99 ng and structure of activity elicited by the playback of song during sleep matches activity during da
100 orally sparse bursts of action potentials to playback of the bird's own song (BOS) but are essentiall
101 g selective, firing more to forward auditory playback of the bird's own song (BOS) than to reverse BO
102 zations as well as excitation were evoked by playback of the bird's own song, a stimulus that potentl
103 of awake birds also responded selectively to playback of the bird's own song, but neural activity dur
104  male zebra finches responded selectively to playback of the bird's own song, like neurons in its ups
105  during singing and auditory activity during playback of the bird's own song.
106 cing in which the pacemaker was triggered by playback of the FM tape recording of the right ventricul
107 recorded when subjects passively listened to playback of their own pitch-shifted vocalizations.
108  compared with when subjects listened to the playback of their own voice.
109 k of a conspecific song, followed by further playback of this test song in different interleaved sequ
110 ynamic bimodal stimuli in which the acoustic playback of vocalizations is coupled with vocal sac puls
111      Earlier research had shown that initial playbacks of a novel song transiently increase the ZENK
112 non better, we studied zebra finches hearing playbacks of birdsong.
113  undulatus) were stimulated to vocalize with playbacks of conspecific vocalizations (warbles), and th
114     To address this hypothesis, we conducted playbacks of killer whale vocalizations recorded during
115 ded with lower levels of arousal behavior to playbacks of long calls from current mates and from sepa
116 unching and investigative smelling following playbacks of Maasai voices.
117 hat the calls of a predator were followed by playbacks of male or female alarms with a matching or mi
118  towards and spent more time in proximity to playbacks of male vocal sequences containing one of the
119                     However, fish exposed to playbacks of pile-driving or seismic noise for 12 weeks
120 , in response to impulsive additional noise (playbacks of recordings of pile-driving and seismic surv
121 o a more continuous additional noise source (playbacks of recordings of ship passes).
122                    Scallop larvae exposed to playbacks of seismic pulses showed significant developme
123  that landed more often on nest boxes during playbacks of spring song compared to fall song, and the
124 heir natural environment were presented with playbacks of synthetic signals, resembling their species
125 d a novel technique that combines the use of playbacks of territorial vocalizations with traditional
126 thers to high-density cues, accomplished via playbacks of territorial vocalizations, led to increased
127                                              Playbacks of the jamming call, but not of control sounds
128 model and pupil songs, we discovered that 40 playbacks of the song motif per day, lasting a total of
129 t macaques' flight and scanning responses to playbacks of their own alarm vocalizations were compared
130 ations were compared with their responses to playbacks of vocalizations of Nilgiri langurs (Trachypit
131 irds were either tutored using tape-recorded playback or housed with adult conspecific tutors.
132 utilized a pitch shift self-vocalization and playback paradigm to investigate the underlying neural m
133 es were allowed to hear different numbers of playbacks per day.
134 at-noise playback, compared to ambient-noise playback, reduced successful development of embryos by 2
135                                    We used a playback regimen to examine the roles of acoustic and no
136 stimulus neural activity induced by sequence playback resembled the neural response to the next sylla
137           Males that sang in response to the playbacks showed, in addition to auditory areas, increas
138 rs reacted most strongly to mobbing sequence playbacks, showing a greater attentiveness and a quicker
139 time bellowing when they were presented with playbacks simulating larger rivals.
140 nt levels of proximal orientation toward the playback speaker.
141 e accelerations were observed in response to playback stimuli involving conspecific vocalizations com
142 ificantly slower to respond to this class of playback stimuli than they were to bellows simulating sm
143 aptive dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) to sound playback stimuli.
144                   Here, the authors describe playback studies on the alarm call system of two colobin
145 llidal units were distinctly excited by song playback, suggesting an increase in GABAergic transmissi
146 ay show increased firing in response to song playback, suggesting largely excitatory connections amon
147 nd toward increased aggression during visual playbacks suggests that the visual component of tremulat
148 hnique shows potential to replace the manual playback test, a potentially destructive technique, ulti
149                                       During playback tests of SDC and INC songs, SD females gave mor
150                                              Playback tests to young naive birds before they even beg
151                                     By using playback trials with the predatory electric eel (Electro
152 cellular physiology, optogenetics, and sound playback, we also found that directly activating M2 axon
153 erimental manipulations with robotic lizard "playbacks," we show that free-living territorial Anolis
154 e magnitudes of these effects during initial playback were significantly correlated.
155               Young males heard a brief song playback when they pecked at a key, but different males
156  a method, recordings are put at risk during playback, which is the current method for identifying de
157                                 Experimental playbacks with a biorobotic squirrel model reveal this s
158                                By performing playbacks with natural and modified vocalizations, we sh

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