


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 e heparin-binding growth factors midkine and pleiotrophin.
2 evelopmentally regulated neurotrophic factor pleiotrophin.
3 cells expressed hepatocyte growth factor and pleiotrophin.
4 otentiated programmed cell death elicited by pleiotrophin.
5 rfering RNA-mediated knockdown of endogenous pleiotrophin.
6 ular matrix components and the growth factor pleiotrophin.
7    The identification of the novel biomarker pleiotrophin 151-166 demonstrates that our quantificatio
8                            Here we show that pleiotrophin, a neurite outgrowth factor with no known f
9 nase (ALK) as a tyrosine kinase receptor for pleiotrophin, a secreted growth factor that is highly ex
10                             Mechanistically, pleiotrophin activated phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K)
11 e cancer cells by inducing EMT and promoting pleiotrophin activity through the syndecan-3 pathway.
12        Here we report on the contribution of pleiotrophin-ALK signaling to glioblastoma growth.
13                                              Pleiotrophin alone was also found to induce the formatio
14 ealed the neurite outgrowth-promoting factor pleiotrophin, along with required binding partners SPARC
15                                              Pleiotrophin also increased wound healing of injured typ
16 cord blood CD34(+)CDCD38(-)Lin(-) cells with pleiotrophin also substantially increased severe combine
17                                We found that pleiotrophin and its receptor, protein-tyrosine phosphat
18                                  The role of pleiotrophin and its receptors RPTPbeta/zeta and Syndeca
19 any published reports focused on the role of pleiotrophin and its receptors, receptor protein tyrosin
20      Elucidating the molecular mechanisms of pleiotrophin and midkine action in tumorgenesis and tumo
21                                              Pleiotrophin and midkine are both developmentally regula
22     The heparin-binding polypeptide homologs pleiotrophin and midkine are the only known members of a
23                   Constitutive expression of pleiotrophin and midkine in responsive cells support the
24                   Widespread deregulation of pleiotrophin and midkine is found in many known human ca
25                             Mechanistically, pleiotrophin antagonizes IGF-1 associated Ser-473 phosph
26       We identify the secreted growth factor pleiotrophin as a new regulator of both HSC expansion an
27 ion of multiple signaling pathways including pleiotrophin, beta-catenin, and Notch pathways.
28 was identified as a downstream target of the pleiotrophin/beta-catenin pathway by endogenous dlk1 exp
29     Treatment of mouse bone marrow HSCs with pleiotrophin caused a marked increase in long-term repop
30                              We suggest that pleiotrophin could act as a key mesenchymally derived fa
31                                        Thus, pleiotrophin expression in NIH 3T3 cells is associated w
32                                              Pleiotrophin expression is strongly enriched in the SVZ,
33 re has a distant relationship to the midkine/pleiotrophin fold, particularly in the conservation of d
34 d to apparent homogeneity an 18 kDa protein, pleiotrophin, from the conditioned medium of a metanephr
35 OXA5, we initiated an investigation into the pleiotrophin gene by first cloning its promoter.
36                                              Pleiotrophin has previously been shown to induce express
37 iety of known UB branching morphogens (i.e., pleiotrophin, heregulin, FGF1 and GDNF) were found to ha
38 , WT1, BCL2, Homeobox protein A11, timeless, pleiotrophin, HGF, HNF3, BMP4, TGF-alpha, TGF-beta2, IGF
39 d resistance, mTOR in innate resistance, and pleiotrophin in both settings, suggesting their utility
40                                  The role of pleiotrophin in fetal lung development was investigated.
41 mportant for the expression of growth factor pleiotrophin in human choriocarcinoma cells.
42          In addition, MTA and HICR repressed pleiotrophin in PDL fibroblasts, while HICR repressed pe
43                                              Pleiotrophin, in complex with the binding partners, acti
44                                              Pleiotrophin increased the tyrosine phosphorylation of b
45                                 Knockdown of pleiotrophin influenced lung branching morphogenesis in
46              These observations suggest that pleiotrophin inhibition of PTPRZ1 contributes to the hom
47                                              Pleiotrophin is a development-regulated cytokine and gro
48                                              Pleiotrophin is a growth factor that induces carcinogene
49 nd progenitor cells in vivo, indicating that pleiotrophin is a regenerative growth factor for HSCs.
50                                              Pleiotrophin is directly angiogenic; it initiates an ang
51 ion and in human dilated cardiomyopathy that pleiotrophin is markedly up-regulated.
52 sociated with quiescence, and suppression of pleiotrophin is related to oncogenic transformation.
53                                 We show that pleiotrophin is released from cardiomyocytes in vitro in
54     Additionally, we found that the cytokine pleiotrophin is sufficient to induce VEGFR2 expression o
55 ression is strongly enriched in the SVZ, and pleiotrophin knock down starkly reduced glioma invasion
56  but was not associated with increased serum pleiotrophin levels.
57 urve = 0.96) was identified as a fragment of pleiotrophin located near the protein's C-terminus.
58 ition of syndecan-3 expression inhibited the pleiotrophin-mediated cell migration and attachment thro
59 agonism of PI3K or Notch signaling inhibited pleiotrophin-mediated expansion of HSCs in culture.
60 bition of RPTPbeta/zeta expression increased pleiotrophin-mediated migration and attachment through a
61 Pbeta/zeta knockdown initiates EMT, promotes pleiotrophin-mediated migration and attachment through S
62 trate that RPTPbeta/zeta counterbalanced the pleiotrophin-mediated syndecan-3 pathway.
63 stational ages 16-22 weeks, we asked whether pleiotrophin modulated the expansion of OPCs and, if so,
64 PZ was accompanied by that of its modulators pleiotrophin, NrCAM, tenascin, and the chondroitin sulfa
65                  To elucidate the effects of pleiotrophin on cardiac contractile cells, we employed p
66 sion, we have uncovered a novel function for pleiotrophin on heart cells following injury.
67              These latter data indicate that pleiotrophin potentiates cardiomyocyte cell death, at le
68 ithelial type II cells, we demonstrated that pleiotrophin promoted fetal type II cell proliferation a
69 ted that HOXA5 can specifically activate the pleiotrophin promoter.
70 can directly bind to one binding site on the pleiotrophin promoter.
71 hypoxia and that the addition of recombinant pleiotrophin promotes caspase-mediated genomic DNA fragm
72 7230]; P = 3.98 x 10(-)(1)(2)), the cytokine pleiotrophin (PTN [rs919581]; P = 5.38 x 10(-)(4)), the
73                                              Pleiotrophin (PTN the protein and Ptn the gene) is a lig
74                        In contrast, mRNA for pleiotrophin (PTN) and glial cell line-derived neurotrop
75 ecently demonstrated that the growth factors pleiotrophin (PTN) and midkine (MK) are ligands for ALK
76  is inserted in the human growth factor gene pleiotrophin (PTN) between the 5' untranslated and the c
77                   The secreted growth factor pleiotrophin (PTN) can induce mitogenesis in cells that
78 y reported that the angiogenic growth factor pleiotrophin (PTN) coaxes monocytes to assume the phenot
79                                          The pleiotrophin (PTN) gene (Ptn) is a potent proto-oncogene
80 stitutively high levels of expression of the pleiotrophin (Ptn) gene are found in human breast cancer
81  element (HERV-E.PTN) into the growth factor pleiotrophin (PTN) gene generated a phylogenetically new
82 d 495 nucleotides is inserted into the human pleiotrophin (PTN) gene upstream of the open reading fra
83          Herein we use ribozyme targeting of pleiotrophin (PTN) in metastatic human melanoma cells to
84                                              Pleiotrophin (PTN) is a developmentally regulated protei
85                                              Pleiotrophin (PTN) is a heparin-binding, 18 kDa secretor
86                                              Pleiotrophin (PTN) is a multifunctional, cationic, glyco
87                                              Pleiotrophin (PTN) is a platelet-derived growth factor-i
88                                              Pleiotrophin (PTN) is a recently described 18- kDa hepar
89                                              Pleiotrophin (PTN) is a secreted growth factor that indu
90                                              Pleiotrophin (PTN) is an 18-kDa heparin-binding secretor
91                                              Pleiotrophin (PTN) is an angiogenic factor that is produ
92                                              Pleiotrophin (PTN) is an important developmental cytokin
93                   The secreted growth factor pleiotrophin (PTN) promotes glioblastoma migration and p
94 In this study, we analyzed the growth factor pleiotrophin (PTN) that was originally described as a de
95 Herein, we report that TAMs secrete abundant pleiotrophin (PTN) to stimulate glioma stem cells (GSCs)
96                                Growth factor pleiotrophin (PTN) was expressed at higher levels in non
97                                              Pleiotrophin (PTN) was found to regulate tyrosine phosph
98              We discovered that the mRNA for pleiotrophin (PTN) was highly up-regulated in acutely de
99                                  Among them, pleiotrophin (PTN) was identified as the paracrine effec
100 re, we found that systemic administration of pleiotrophin (PTN), a protein that is secreted by BM-der
101 ), brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), pleiotrophin (PTN), and NT-3 in asymmetrically guiding t
102                                     Midkine, pleiotrophin (PTN), and their receptors syndecan-3 and r
103 nase (ALK) and its ligand, the growth factor pleiotrophin (PTN), are highly expressed during the deve
104 pression of a heparin binding growth factor, pleiotrophin (Ptn), was found to be up-regulated in Pten
105 trating that LV-neural progenitors secrete a pleiotrophin (PTN)-containing complex, which attracts gl
106 f several angiogenic growth factors, such as pleiotrophin (PTN).
107 atasezeta (RPTPzeta) and one of its ligands, pleiotrophin (Ptn).
108 ulated, secreted growth factor homologous to pleiotrophin (PTN).
109 rn overlapping but distinct from its homolog pleiotrophin (PTN).
110                                              Pleiotrophin (PTN, Ptn) is an 18-kDa secretory cytokine
111 amino acid secreted heparin-binding cytokine pleiotrophin (PTN, Ptn) stimulates both normal and patho
112 e the physiological receptor of the cytokine pleiotrophin (PTN, Ptn).
113          These results provide evidence that pleiotrophin regulates fetal type II cell proliferation
114   To investigate the mechanism through which pleiotrophin regulates tumor metastasis, we used two dif
115 argeting and demonstrated that this prevents pleiotrophin-stimulated phosphorylation of the anti-apop
116                             Midkine, but not pleiotrophin, stimulates tyrosine phosphorylation of sev
117                                 In contrast, pleiotrophin strongly potentiated the proliferation of C
118 eta/zeta (PTPRZ1) and its inhibitory ligand, pleiotrophin, suggesting the maintenance of an autocrine
119 d cell lines, and the molecular targeting of pleiotrophin to block its signaling in tumor cells has l
120                   Systemic administration of pleiotrophin to irradiated mice caused a pronounced expa
121 expression of the gene encoding the cytokine pleiotrophin was also found in Catnb(flox(ex3)/+);Amhr2(
122 bud morphogenesis during kidney development, pleiotrophin was found to localize to the basement membr
123                      In further experiments, pleiotrophin was undetectable or almost undetectable in

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