


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 in the coding sequence of poliovirus (PV), a plus strand RNA virus.
2 tulated RNA domain within the 3' region of a plus-strand RNA virus.
3  brome mosaic bromovirus (BMV), a tripartite plus-strand RNA virus.
4 d intermediate, a hallmark of replication of plus-strand RNA viruses.
5 ion assay for tombusviruses, which are small plus-strand RNA viruses.
6  bushy stunt virus (TBSV), which is a small, plus-stranded RNA virus.
7  organelles are important for replication of plus-stranded RNA viruses.
8 tion factors that inhibit the replication of plus-stranded RNA viruses.
9                  Sequences at the 3' ends of plus-strand RNA viruses and their associated subviral RN
10 tures in the 5' untranslated region (UTR) of plus-strand RNA viruses are known in many cases to funct
11 t-encoded proteins affect the replication of plus-stranded RNA viruses by acting as susceptibility fa
12 enal of proteins that inhibit replication of plus-stranded RNA viruses by functioning as cell-intrins
13               Rubella virus (RUB) is a small plus-strand RNA virus classified in the Rubivirus genus
14                         Poliovirus (PV) is a plus-strand RNA virus containing a genome that is a func
15                                              Plus-stranded RNA viruses coopt host proteins to promote
16                           The replication of plus-strand RNA viruses depends on many cellular factors
17                           The replication of plus-strand RNA viruses depends on subcellular membranes
18 nal ribosomal entry sites (IRESs) of certain plus-strand RNA viruses direct cap-independent initiatio
19 umber necrosis tombusvirus (CNV), which is a plus-stranded RNA virus, from Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
20          Both untranslated regions (UTRs) of plus-strand RNA virus genomes jointly control translatio
21 tures in the 3' untranslated region (UTR) of plus-strand RNA viruses have been postulated to function
22                                              Plus-stranded RNA viruses induce membrane deformations i
23  that forms a model for understanding single plus-stranded RNA virus infection, and reveals potential
24 tural life cycle of alphaviruses, a group of plus-strand RNA viruses, involves transmission to verteb
25                     Genetic recombination of plus-strand RNA viruses is an important process for prom
26 template selection for genome replication in plus-strand RNA viruses is poorly understood.
27                               Replication of plus-stranded RNA viruses is greatly affected by numerou
28 hich belongs to a different supergroup among plus-strand RNA viruses, is affected by vastly different
29 olated from tobacco plants infected with the plus-strand RNA virus, potato virus X (PVX), supported s
30                                              Plus-stranded RNA viruses replicate in membrane-bound st
31                                              Plus-strand RNA virus replication occurs via the assembl
32                                              Plus-strand RNA virus replication requires the assembly
33 ore complexes; nuclear envelope reformation; plus-stranded RNA virus replication compartment formatio
34                               Replication of plus-strand RNA viruses [(+)RNA viruses] is performed by
35                               Replication of plus-stranded RNA viruses takes place on membranous stru
36 is a conserved protein fold found in several plus-strand RNA viruses that binds to the small molecule
37            Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) and other plus-strand RNA viruses typically require the generation
38  viral pathogenesis factor, particularly for plus-strand RNA viruses, where immediate translation of
39                                              Plus-strand RNA viruses without 5' caps require noncanon

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