


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 NEC score analysis, we allocated 3 points to pneumatosis, 2 points to blood in stool, and 1 point eac
2  in group 1 were less likely to present with pneumatosis (31.1% vs 47.2%; P = .01), blood in stool (1
3 n all ultrasound examinations and intestinal pneumatosis, a pathognomonic sign for NEC, was more freq
4 nt, developed IDH and esophagogastroduodenal pneumatosis after endoscopic hemostasis for duodenal ulc
5 cerated diaphragmatic hernia causing gastric pneumatosis and resultant portal venous gas.
6 ing of the colon at the splenic flexure with pneumatosis and signs of perforation.
7 l necrosis, the formation of pseudomembrane, pneumatosis, and areas of epithelial regeneration that a
8                                              Pneumatosis cystoides interstitialis in the course of ch
9                                              Pneumatosis cystoides intestinalis (PCI) is a rare disor
10                                              Pneumatosis cystoides intestinalis may be due to excessi
11 ant in the differentiation of this transient pneumatosis from fulminant life-threatening causes in th
12              The cystic or linear pattern of pneumatosis in children is not a useful CT sign to diffe
13                                              Pneumatosis intestinalis and free air had 100% (four of
14 lity remains that occasionally the origin of pneumatosis intestinalis will remain cryptogenic--caused
15 ence of extensive necrotizing enterocolitis (pneumatosis intestinalis), gestational age of less than
16 ndings of bowel ischemia (free air or fluid, pneumatosis intestinalis, portal venous gas, mesenteric
17  in the understanding of the pathogenesis of pneumatosis intestinalis.
18  one neonate in the study group in favour of pneumatosis intestinalis.
19                                              Pneumatosis is found secondary to mucosal disruption pre
20                       Esophagogastroduodenal pneumatosis is the presence of air in esophagus, stomach
21                                 Asymptomatic pneumatosis may be found in patients with lymphangiomato
22                          In these cases, the pneumatosis may result from intraluminal bacterial gas e
23                                              Pneumatosis, often linear or cystic in appearance, is se
24 ighlights an unusual presentation of gastric pneumatosis secondary to an incarcerated hiatal hernia w
25                                       Portal pneumatosis secondary to gastric pathologies is rare.

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