


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ndular (25%) forms of tularemia, followed by pneumonic (12%), typhoidal (10%), oculoglandular (3%), a
2 ar dendritic cell subset, the tipDCs, in the pneumonic airways.
3 ogenicity, leading to protection against the pneumonic and bubonic forms of plague.
4  achieve its full pathogenic ability in both pneumonic and bubonic plague in C57BL/6J mice.
5 opositive animals detected in 9/9 versus 0/9 pneumonic and nonpneumonic populations, respectively [P
6 rial growth and the development of fulminant pneumonic and septicemic plague.
7              Yersinia pestis causes bubonic, pneumonic, and septicemic plague, diseases that are rapi
8 enic wild-type (WT) bacterium in bubonic and pneumonic animal models (mouse and rat) of plague.
9                          In a mouse model of pneumonic B. mallei infection, we found that both MCP-1(
10 hanisms required to generate protection from pneumonic B. mallei infection.
11 tical chemokine required for protection from pneumonic B. mallei infection.
12 MyD88-dependent pathways may be important in pneumonic B. thailandensis infection but that MyD88-inde
13 ng a protective function of MGL1 in an acute pneumonic bacterial infection.
14                                              Pneumonic BALF, but not S. pneumoniae, induced degradati
15 presence of M. ovipneumoniae in the lungs of pneumonic bighorn sheep in this study, and M. ovipneumon
16  high-quality diagnostic specimens from nine pneumonic bighorn sheep in three populations and analyze
17 sights into the host-pathogen interaction in pneumonic Burkholderia infection.
18 icrobials, thus making it difficult to treat pneumonic Burkholderia infections.
19                                    Following pneumonic challenge, the best efficacy was obtained in m
20                                              Pneumonic consolidation and mean virus titer in lung 7 d
21 here was moderate to severe inflammation and pneumonic consolidation in isolated areas at 5 and 7 day
22  patients from both outbreaks presented with pneumonic disease and although aerosol transmission has
23  Francisella tularensis causes acute, lethal pneumonic disease following infection with only 10 CFU.
24 ion to transmission-associated septicemic or pneumonic disease states.
25 infection but only slight attenuation by the pneumonic-disease model, closely mimicking the virulence
26 es and rabbits against challenge with lethal pneumonic doses of fully virulent Ames strain spores.
27 ve agent of tularemia, is most deadly in the pneumonic form; therefore, mucosal immunity is an import
28  in the development of acute fibrinopurulent pneumonic infection in cattle.
29  immunity and IFN-gamma production following pneumonic infection with B. mallei and therefore may als
30  with the pathogen Salmonella Typhimurium or pneumonic infection with Burkholderia thailandensis, the
31 ng bubonic infection and in the lungs during pneumonic infection, suggesting a role for the Yaps duri
32 e of MGL1 in controlling neutrophilia during pneumonic infection, thus playing an important role in r
33 ed replication in respiratory airways during pneumonic infection.
34 t can cause severe, rapidly life-threatening pneumonic infections.
35 red in the murine bubonic (subcutaneous) and pneumonic (intranasal) plague infection models.
36 89.8%) than for urine from patients with non-pneumonic invasive infection (61.5%; P<0.05).
37 pha is required for the prompt resolution of pneumonic legionellosis and point to a direct role for T
38  alone or in combination with rF1, prevented pneumonic lesions and disease pathogenesis.
39                                          The pneumonic lesions and mortality caused by Mannheimia hae
40 tory disease and macroscopic and microscopic pneumonic lesions were more severe and persistent in M.
41 examination of the lungs and live imaging of pneumonic lesions, using a bioluminescent pneumococcus,
42 quency CD8(+) tetramer(+) populations in the pneumonic lung and mediastinal lymph nodes fell rapidly
43 c sequences of two bovine isolates, one from pneumonic lung and the other from healthy prepuce, have
44  was detected as a predominant member of the pneumonic lung flora in lambs with early lesions of bron
45 onse profile in both lymphoid tissue and the pneumonic lung has no obvious deleterious consequences.
46 g lesions of these cattle with a majority of pneumonic lung lobes exhibiting fibronecrotic and exudat
47 magnitude of the inflammatory process in the pneumonic lung, though replication of this influenza vir
48 ffector T cell function and pathology in the pneumonic lung.
49 aged, "high-antigen load" environment of the pneumonic lung.
50 d virus-specific CD4+ T cell response in the pneumonic lung; 2) enhanced primary antiviral Ab-forming
51 neutrophils exhibited an increased influx in pneumonic lungs of K. pneumoniae-infected mice.
52 nfluenza epitope recovered directly from the pneumonic lungs of mice, this technique determined that
53 heimia haemolytica serotype A2 isolated from pneumonic lungs of two different ruminant species, one f
54 ating cytokine expressed in the airspaces of pneumonic lungs, but its physiological significance in t
55                  A whole-body mouse model of pneumonic melioidosis was established for future evaluat
56 ts are confirmed using an experimental mouse pneumonic metastasis model.
57 eumonia but was ineffective against severely pneumonic mice, despite effective bacterial killing.
58 he induction of select APPs in the livers of pneumonic mice.
59 roximately half of RSV-infected persons, and pneumonic opacities were typically small and unilateral.
60 nfected with a closely related gram-negative pneumonic organism (Klebsiella pneumoniae) suggesting th
61 echnology to render them less susceptible to pneumonic pasteurellosis and concomitant economic losses
62  One of the pathological hallmarks of bovine pneumonic pasteurellosis is an influx of neutrophils int
63 imia haemolytica is the etiological agent of pneumonic pasteurellosis of cattle and sheep; two differ
64 bronecrotic and exudative changes typical of pneumonic pasteurellosis, but other lung lobules had his
65 hospholipase products in the pathogenesis of pneumonic pasteurellosis, development and use of anti-in
66 to the pathogenesis of lung injury in bovine pneumonic pasteurellosis.
67 important role in the pathogenesis of bovine pneumonic pasteurellosis.
68 to the pathogenesis of lung injury in bovine pneumonic pasteurellosis.
69 ophysiological events associated with bovine pneumonic pasteurellosis.
70 ts in an acute respiratory disorder known as pneumonic pasteurellosis.
71                                        Acute pneumonic plague accompanies the up-regulation of pro-in
72 rat as an alternative small animal model for pneumonic plague and characterized both the efficacy and
73  studying T-cell-mediated protection against pneumonic plague and demonstrates the capacity for live,
74 n CO92 and screened them in a mouse model of pneumonic plague at a dose equivalent to 5 50% lethal do
75 dicate that Y. pestis was capable of causing pneumonic plague before it evolved to optimally cause in
76 lly virulent in animal models of bubonic and pneumonic plague but also break through immune responses
77  is essential for Y. pestis to cause primary pneumonic plague but is less important for dissemination
78 d Yersinia pestis confers protection against pneumonic plague but is not considered safe for general
79 ation protected mice from lethal bubonic and pneumonic plague caused by CO92, a wild-type F1+ strain,
80 ation resulted in partial protection against pneumonic plague challenge with 250 MLD Y. pestis CO92,
81 ague have highlighted a significant role for pneumonic plague during outbreaks of Y. pestis infection
82 lence testing in mouse models of bubonic and pneumonic plague found only a modest increase in surviva
83 course, severity, and difficulty of treating pneumonic plague highlight how differences in the route
84  severely attenuated Y. pestis CO92 to evoke pneumonic plague in a mouse model while retaining the re
85 ighly attenuated in evoking both bubonic and pneumonic plague in a mouse model.
86               The mean lethal dose (MLD) for pneumonic plague in guinea pigs was estimated to be 1000
87               Yersinia pestis causes primary pneumonic plague in many mammalian species, including hu
88 ented Y. pestis were reported to cause fatal pneumonic plague in mice, suggesting a useful model for
89  in virulence for bubonic plague but not for pneumonic plague in mice.
90                 To develop an alternative to pneumonic plague in nonhuman primates, we explored guine
91 ting type III secretion in the prevention of pneumonic plague in rats and reveal critical contributio
92                                              Pneumonic plague is a deadly respiratory disease caused
93                                        Human pneumonic plague is a devastating and transmissible dise
94               Disease progression of primary pneumonic plague is biphasic, consisting of a preinflamm
95                                              Pneumonic plague is one of the world's most deadly infec
96                                     Although pneumonic plague is the deadliest manifestation of disea
97                                              Pneumonic plague is the most severe manifestation of pla
98                                      Primary pneumonic plague is transmitted easily, progresses rapid
99 rovide 90 to 100% survivability to mice in a pneumonic plague model at 20 to 50 LD50.
100  double mutant was still fully virulent in a pneumonic plague model but had an approximately 90-fold
101 he Deltalpp or DeltamsbB single mutant, in a pneumonic plague model were significantly protected agai
102   Surprisingly, via intranasal instillation (pneumonic plague model), we saw a difference in the viru
103                                    In murine pneumonic plague models, passive transfer of convalescen
104  virulence of Y. pestis in either bubonic or pneumonic plague models.
105                 In a parallel study with the pneumonic plague mouse model, after 72 h postinfection,
106 tion mutant was decreased about 10-fold in a pneumonic plague mouse model.
107 also attenuated (40 to 100%) at 12 LD50 in a pneumonic plague mouse model.
108 caf mutant was as virulent as WT CO92 in the pneumonic plague mouse model; however, it was attenuated
109 portant role for RovA in bubonic plague than pneumonic plague or systemic infection.
110 ernative small animal model for the study of pneumonic plague pathogenesis and immunity.
111                                              Pneumonic plague represents the most severe form of dise
112  We hypothesized that the pathophysiology of pneumonic plague resulting from expression of proteins e
113                                              Pneumonic plague resulting from Yersinia pestis induces
114 t is less important for dissemination during pneumonic plague than during bubonic plague.
115 ulence factors required for the induction of pneumonic plague that are independent of iron scavenging
116 utant and comparing its ability in mediating pneumonic plague to that of the wild type in two animal
117 ary Y. pestis challenge, and we suggest that pneumonic plague vaccines should aim to induce mixed typ
118 vations strongly suggest that development of pneumonic plague vaccines should strive to prime both CD
119 To aid the development of safe and effective pneumonic plague vaccines, we are deciphering mechanisms
120 y host response during the course of primary pneumonic plague was investigated in two mouse strains,
121 illation, these rats rapidly developed fatal pneumonic plague within 2 to 4 days of infection.
122 ulmonary infection by Yersinia pestis causes pneumonic plague, a necrotic bronchopneumonia that is ra
123                     Vaccines against primary pneumonic plague, a potential bioweapon, must be tested
124  of the bacterium Yersinia pestis causes the pneumonic plague, a rapidly fatal disease.
125 ulmonary infection by Yersinia pestis causes pneumonic plague, a rapidly progressing and often fatal
126 pestis is the causative agent of bubonic and pneumonic plague, an acute and often fatal disease in hu
127 am-negative bacterium Yersinia pestis causes pneumonic plague, an acutely lethal septic pneumonia.
128 he potential virulence properties of Psa for pneumonic plague, an Escherichia coli strain expressing
129                                              Pneumonic plague, an often-fatal disease for which no va
130 on with the bacterium Yersinia pestis causes pneumonic plague, an often-fatal disease for which no va
131 ficantly affected by the Pla protease during pneumonic plague, and although A2AP participates in immu
132 ynergistically in protecting animals against pneumonic plague, and we have demonstrated an immunologi
133 onsequences of neutrophil recruitment during pneumonic plague, and we studied the susceptibility of C
134 rsinia pestis-laden aerosols that results in pneumonic plague, arming both the mucosal and systemic i
135 uvant to enhance protective immunity against pneumonic plague, but in a dose-dependent fashion.
136                                              Pneumonic plague, caused by inhalation of Yersinia pesti
137 is review we describe the characteristics of pneumonic plague, focusing on its disease progression an
138    Yersinia pestis, which causes bubonic and pneumonic plague, forms pigmented red colonies on Congo
139                                          For pneumonic plague, immunized mice required immunity to bo
140  deeply rooted strains of Y. pestis to cause pneumonic plague, indicating that Y. pestis was primed t
141 m-negative bacterium that causes bubonic and pneumonic plague, is able to rapidly disseminate to othe
142                    In a coinfection model of pneumonic plague, it appears that Yersinia pestis quickl
143                    Despite the importance of pneumonic plague, little is known of the early pulmonary
144 that protect mice against bubonic plague and pneumonic plague, suggesting that rV10 may serve as an i
145 ared to the WT bacterium in a mouse model of pneumonic plague, the Deltalpp Deltaail double mutant an
146 le this modification is unnecessary to cause pneumonic plague, the substitution is instead needed to
147 tis virulence in mouse models of bubonic and pneumonic plague, we characterized an msbB in-frame dele
148 sing the C57BL/6 mouse models of bubonic and pneumonic plague, we determined that all of these genes
149 produces a severe primary pneumonia known as pneumonic plague, which is contagious and highly lethal
150 esidues 271-300, elicited protection against pneumonic plague, which seemed to be based on conformati
151 anism and the causative agent of bubonic and pneumonic plague.
152 for virulence in mouse models of bubonic and pneumonic plague.
153  the use of an iron dextran-treated model of pneumonic plague.
154 pigmented Yersinia pestis does not result in pneumonic plague.
155 e was no disease pathology characteristic of pneumonic plague.
156 tis primes T cells that protect mice against pneumonic plague.
157 n in virulence in mouse models of bubonic or pneumonic plague.
158  derivative, V10, to protect these rats from pneumonic plague.
159 to become the causative agent of bubonic and pneumonic plague.
160 m that is the causative agent of bubonic and pneumonic plague.
161 sease that can manifest as either bubonic or pneumonic plague.
162 and F1 antigens protected mice in a model of pneumonic plague.
163  CO92 in mouse and rat models of bubonic and pneumonic plague.
164 ce for the pathogenesis of plague, including pneumonic plague.
165 e cells to vaccine-primed protection against pneumonic plague.
166 . pestis infection, an experimental model of pneumonic plague.
167 terized an intranasal mouse model of primary pneumonic plague.
168 . pestis CO92 in mouse models of bubonic and pneumonic plague.
169 llular immunity will most effectively combat pneumonic plague.
170 ion, protected mice in models of bubonic and pneumonic plague.
171 stis KIM, the etiologic agent of bubonic and pneumonic plague.
172 dent manner in the lungs during experimental pneumonic plague.
173 of Yersinia pestis, the agent of bubonic and pneumonic plague.
174 able impact on the progression or outcome of pneumonic plague.
175  pestis causes the fatal respiratory disease pneumonic plague.
176 nuation at 11 or 12 LD50 in a mouse model of pneumonic plague.
177 3SS as a potential vaccine candidate against pneumonic plague.
178 icantly protected from developing subsequent pneumonic plague.
179 pha and IFN-gamma in protecting mice against pneumonic plague.
180 d for production of bubonic, septicemic, and pneumonic plague.
181 a pestis, the causative agent of bubonic and pneumonic plague.
182 bacterium Yersinia pestis results in primary pneumonic plague.
183 mportant for development of both bubonic and pneumonic plague.
184 ing specific roles for these pathways during pneumonic plague.
185 d lethality in murine models of systemic and pneumonic plague.
186 ironment during the preinflammatory phase of pneumonic plague.
187 , Yersinia-specific sRNA in a mouse model of pneumonic plague.
188 positive strains of Y. pestis in bubonic and pneumonic plague.
189 th Yersinia pestis, the agent of bubonic and pneumonic plague.
190 a live attenuated cell-based vaccine against pneumonic plague.
191 bt, that plays a role in the pathogenesis of pneumonic plague.
192 protease is essential for the development of pneumonic plague; however, the complete repertoire of su
193 a pestis, the causative agent of bubonic and pneumonic plagues, has undergone detailed study at the m
194 pestis is the etiologic agent of bubonic and pneumonic plagues.
195 role of the C-type lectin receptor Mincle in pneumonic sepsis caused by K. pneumoniae.
196                         In a murine model of pneumonic sepsis using pulmonary infection with Klebsiel
197 se-type lectin-1 (MGL1), a mammalian CLR, in pneumonic sepsis, a deadly immune disorder frequently as
198 il sequestration and edema formation at that pneumonic site with or without pretreatment with endotox
199 onducted a case-control study of adults with pneumonic tularemia and investigated the environment to
200 on of Francisella tularensis biovar A causes pneumonic tularemia associated with high morbidity and m
201         The development of a vaccine against pneumonic tularemia has been limited by a lack of inform
202            Study of this outbreak of primary pneumonic tularemia implicates lawn mowing and brush cut
203 ated as potential vaccine candidates against pneumonic tularemia in experimental animals.
204         We now report the natural history of pneumonic tularemia in female Fischer 344 rats after nos
205                             Although primary pneumonic tularemia in humans typically occurs by inhala
206                 Overall, the pathogenesis of pneumonic tularemia in the female F344 rat model appears
207     The only previously reported outbreak of pneumonic tularemia in the United States also occurred o
208                                              Pneumonic tularemia is a life-threatening disease caused
209                                              Pneumonic tularemia is caused by inhalation of Francisel
210 n the summer of 2000, an outbreak of primary pneumonic tularemia occurred on Martha's Vineyard, Massa
211 ar results were obtained in a mouse model of pneumonic tularemia using the highly virulent F. tularen
212 mutant because this strain was attenuated in pneumonic tularemia yet induced a protective immune resp
213                                 Inhalational pneumonic tularemia, caused by Francisella tularensis, i
214 eyard who had symptoms suggestive of primary pneumonic tularemia, were ill between May 15 and October
215 ting novel vaccines and therapeutics against pneumonic tularemia.
216  ligand on resistance to F. novicida-induced pneumonic tularemia.
217  novicida, leading to protective immunity to pneumonic tularemia.
218 rtant role in tempering the host response to pneumonic tularemia.
219 ronment to identify risk factors for primary pneumonic tularemia.
220 th tularemia; 11 of these cases were primary pneumonic tularemia.
221 vere tissue damage that characterizes lethal pneumonic tularemia.
222 ompared to the wild type in a mouse model of pneumonic tularemia.
223  was severely reduced in the murine model of pneumonic tularemia.
224 f chicken embryos and in the murine model of pneumonic tularemia.
225 n of this agent with bronchopneumonia (16/34 pneumonic versus 0/17 nonpneumonic sheep were PCR positi

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