


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ge satellite Charon is its dark red northern polar cap.
2 temporal patches of water frost in the north polar cap.
3 ular depressions commonly found on the south polar cap.
4 ed near the edge of Mars' southern perennial polar cap.
5  a thick CO2 layer, as is the residual south polar cap.
6 , with stronger westerly flow encircling the polar cap.
7 n-based transport resulted in unstable Cdc42 polar caps.
8 e sources reach all latitudes, including the polar caps.
9 ringtime sublimation of Mars' CO(2) seasonal polar caps.
10 ed correctly, septins promote turning of the polar cap and proper tracking of a pheromone gradient.
11 re, we investigate the dynamic nature of the polar cap and the regulation of the GTPase Cdc42 in the
12 und that Cdc42 exchanged rapidly between the polar caps and cytosol and that this rapid exchange requ
13 oscillations near 32 degrees S, a warm south polar cap, and a compact hot point within 3 degrees of t
14                     Clouds observed over the polar cap are likely composed of CO2 that condensed out
15                                  The martian polar caps are among the most dynamic regions on Mars, g
16 ggest lower-latitude aurora and increases in polar cap area, as well as heating, expansion, and volat
17  plume from a source centered near the south polar cap, as distinct from a separately measured more u
18 ther that the septin structure surrounds the polar cap, ensuring that cell growth is directed toward
19 ation, stronger actin polymerization, higher polar cap formation, and enhanced adhesion and chemotact
20              The nature of the martian south polar cap has remained enigmatic since the first spacecr
21             The central portion of the north polar cap is covered by a thick CO2 layer, as is the res
22  distribution of surface IcsA, such that the polar cap is maintained and some IcsA is distributed alo
23 tion infrastructure, and analog to a Martian polar cap, it is an ideal place to test a sterile drill
24 ng the approach phase that show the northern polar cap over a range of longitudes.
25                    Staining of the septal or polar cap peptidoglycan by a fluorescent lectin was unaf
26 e nuclear periphery that segregated into two polar caps, perpendicular to the PPB, before nuclear env
27                                    The south polar cap retreat was similar to that observed by Viking
28  the planet provide synoptic observations of polar cap retreat, condensate clouds, and the lifecycle
29  the evolution of sublimation from the north polar cap, revealing that the released water has a repre
30                                        These polar caps then marked the spindle poles upon NEBD.
31                                              Polar cap topography displays evidence of modification b
32               Under these circumstances, the polar cap travels toward septin structures and away from
33                                      The two polar cap volumes yield an upper limit of the present su

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