


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 amolecular hydration/hydrogen bonding in the polar region.
2 and a transient auroral feature in Jupiter's polar region.
3 producing minimal disturbance of the bilayer polar region.
4 precise topographic map of the martian north polar region.
5 neutral low latitudes and a reddish northern polar region.
6 e TPC, with another area being unique to the polar region.
7 e with the observed deformation of the south polar region.
8 on QQ activity of bacteria isolated from the polar regions.
9  and shorter anaphase than nuclei at the two polar regions.
10 om the inner magnetosphere into the planet's polar regions.
11 hat connect Earth's space environment to its polar regions.
12 ce probably abundant water ice, in the lunar polar regions.
13 quitous in the environment, including remote polar regions.
14 ents, and shorelines from the tropics to the polar regions.
15 imate change may affect the mercury cycle in polar regions.
16 nd sea and between the tropics and temperate-polar regions.
17 s to abyssal depths, and from the tropics to polar regions.
18 s) have accumulated in soils and snow/ice in polar regions.
19 nder current Martian conditions, even in the polar regions.
20  across different types of sea ice from both polar regions.
21 ciency was correlated with volume of frontal polar regions.
22 e electron acceleration in Jupiter's auroral polar regions.
23 ions, the polluted urban boundary layer, and polar regions.
24 ly (so far) in southern middle latitudes and polar regions.
25  cell cortex becomes differentiated from the polar regions.
26  half of the air in the upper troposphere in polar regions.
27 spholipid membrane domains at the septal and polar regions.
28 ala), both of which are influenced by fronto-polar regions.
29       Deciduous forests covered the ice-free polar regions 280 to 40 million years ago under warm "gr
30 ils at the northern land limit of the Arctic polar region (83 degrees 05 N).
31 acclimated egg masses from temperate and sub-polar regions across the species range.
32                    However, treatment of the polar region also caused a high frequency of abnormal cy
33  thicker at low latitudes and thinner in the polar region and shows evidence for thinning beneath som
34 gression, vesicles are internalized from the polar region and subsequently trafficked to the midbody
35  U-shaped (the turn in the guest occupying a polar region and the two termini competing for occupancy
36 , CHAB-I-5, occurs globally from tropical to polar regions and accounts for up to 22% of the active N
37 ximately 400 K observed independently in the polar regions and at 30 degrees latitude.
38 chlorinated naphthalenes (PCNs) for biota in polar regions and even fewer reports of temporal trends.
39                      The low temperatures of polar regions and high-altitude environments, especially
40 s, a geyser that jets outward from the south polar regions and most likely serves as the dominant sou
41 el has explained why lakes are found only in polar regions and preferentially in the north; how low-l
42 g sharp tropospheric ozone (O3) depletion in polar regions and significant O3 reduction in the marine
43  distribution in remote environments such as Polar Regions and the deep sea is scarce.
44  the molecule, including the fusion peptide, polar region, and the N-terminal heptad repeat, were not
45 eness of accelerated environmental change in polar regions, and by strong interest in the habitabilit
46 ed that the radio emission originated in the polar regions, and indicated a strong correlation with s
47 he Earth's atmosphere, routinely observed in polar regions, and typical for the near-surface atmosphe
48                     Large areas of the lunar polar regions are currently cold enough to cold-trap wat
49 rctic sea-ice loss and cold winters in extra-polar regions are dynamically connected through the pola
50                                          The polar regions are experiencing rapid climate change with
51 rthern magnetic-cusp region, indicating that polar regions are important sources of Mercury's ionized
52 olar habitats could be key in explaining why polar regions are in fact hot spots of microbial diversi
53 odels generally predict amplified warming in polar regions, as observed in Antarctica's peninsula reg
54  a data bit means increasing the size of one polar region at the expense of another, and hence the mo
55 airpin-like structure (called hook) with the polar region at the turn forms parallel beta-sheets with
56 ps 300 kilometers by 1000 kilometers of both polar regions at 150-meter spatial resolution and 50-met
57 are intimately connected to the existence of polar regions at twin boundaries of SrTiO3, developing a
58  (BA) 32] but decreased in the right frontal polar region (BA 10).
59  through the atmosphere and deposited in the polar regions; bioconcentration and biomagnification in
60 rmal water columns, such as those typical of Polar Regions, but the necessary ecological and physiolo
61 gen enhancements have been identified in the polar regions, but these data do not identify the host s
62  most intense auroral emissions from Earth's polar regions, called discrete for their sharply defined
63 embrane proteins engineered to contain large polar regions) can promote protein stacking interactions
64 Conversely, local application of CD near the polar region caused inhibition of cytokinesis.
65 n of five positively charged residues in the polar region circumvents the necessity for a Mg(2+), whi
66                                    Its south polar region consists of young, tectonically deformed te
67  regime results in a dramatic warming in the polar regions, demonstrated here using both a conceptual
68  development of ice caps and glaciers in the polar region during the Late Miocene global cooling, the
69     Atmospheric mercury (Hg) is deposited to Polar Regions during springtime atmospheric mercury depl
70 tors measured electrons precipitating in the polar regions, exciting intense aurorae, observed simult
71 monstrate that deciduous forests covered the polar regions for much of the past 250 million years whe
72      Our results highlight the importance of polar regions for the subtropical hydrological cycle.
73        Examination of microbial diversity in polar regions has revealed a higher than expected divers
74                Numerous dunes in Mars' north polar region have experienced morphological changes with
75        Mutations at multiple residues of the polar region have little effect on antiport rates.
76                        Despite this, Earth's polar regions have been our planet's most environmentall
77 through earlier plant growth in temperate to polar regions have been thought to be a response to clim
78  increased frequency of drifting icebergs in polar regions holds the potential to affect carbon and n
79 35) appear impossible, mainly because of the polar region in the middle of the 16-35 sequence.
80 entification of a previously undisclosed non-polar region in this cleft.
81  Chemical ozone destruction occurs over both polar regions in local winter-spring.
82 g organic carbon associated with the Earth's polar regions in the face of changing climate.
83                                     Both the polar regions in these spindles are well focused and con
84 ized astral microtubule arrays with expanded polar regions in which the minus ends of the microtubule
85 rds come from high mountain glaciers and the polar regions, including small ice caps and the large ic
86  we propose that fast proton transfer into a polar region is involved in this reaction.
87                                          The polar region is the source of a plume of gas and dust, w
88                     The net precipitation in polar regions is balanced in the annual mean by slow alo
89 t focus of global climate change research on polar regions is identified, particularly the opportunit
90 s as blinking of the upper atmosphere in the polar regions, is known to be excited by modulated, down
91                                 Water in the polar regions may be water that has migrated to the cold
92 al ecosystem services, particularly those in polar regions, may be vulnerable to the same impacts tha
93                                      Frontal-polar regions near BA 10 associate with temporally exten
94                                  Whereas the polar region of AOT and surrounding interfacial water mo
95 In 2005, plumes were detected near the south polar region of Enceladus, a small icy satellite of Satu
96 d nature of a water vapor plume in the south polar region of Enceladus.
97 ed that it is injected and replicated at the polar region of infection.
98                 Thermal models for the north polar region of Mercury, calculated from topographic mea
99  cell pole may arise from the release at the polar region of potential energy within the supercoiled
100 nvolved in attachment of the holdfast to the polar region of the cell.
101 of the chain and the methyl terminal in each polar region of the host.
102 our escapes from fissures crossing the south polar region of the Saturnian moon Enceladus.
103 This results in a decreased hydration in the polar region of the SM bilayer compared with DPPC.
104 hosphatidylglycerol (PG) concentrated in the polar regions of E. coli cell membranes; depletion of CL
105  flowing along magnetic field lines into the polar regions of Earth are thought to be the main contri
106                 Examination of temperate and polar regions of Earth shows that the nonbiological worl
107 d Viking spacecraft images revealed that the polar regions of Mars, like those of Earth, record the p
108 r specifically on the peripheries and in the polar regions of mature heterocysts, coinciding with the
109 terminals associated with the equatorial and polar regions of muscle spindle intrafusal fibers.
110 -free chromosome fragments, generated in the polar regions of PtK1 spindles, were ejected AP and ofte
111 at the interface between the hydrophobic and polar regions of the peptide, the substitution was neith
112                                 The temporal polar regions of the perirhinal cortex had the strongest
113 tosphere, which injects energy mostly in the polar regions of the planet.
114 rom apolar membrane spanning regions to more polar regions of the protein structure with the DDM mole
115 ysis reveals an unexpected stiffening of the polar regions of the stomata complexes, both in Arabidop
116 eri-Rolandic cortex and posterior, basal and polar regions of the temporal lobe; and (3) major receiv
117 d with bilateral atrophy of the inferior and polar regions of the temporal lobes.
118 Tsl protein is specifically localized to the polar regions of the VM in laid eggs.
119 sis confirmed probable binding polar and non-polar region on the active site of tyrosinase.
120                                          The polar regions on Mars have distinctive morphologic and c
121 pleting gases were made for mid-latitude and polar regions on the basis of these tropospheric measure
122  of relative meltwater releases from the two polar regions on the distribution of marine oxygen isoto
123 of Arg-44 and Tyr-60, respectively, with the polar region or polar hydrophobic interface of the lipid
124 t methane is cold-trapped and accumulates in polar regions, preferentially in the north because the n
125                              It has lakes in polar regions, preferentially in the north; dry low lati
126 more homogeneous growth, including growth in polar regions previously thought to be inert.
127              We predict that in the northern polar region, prominent clouds will form within about tw
128        Further, the few available studies in polar regions reveal that viral control of microbial mor
129             Orbital configuration in the two Polar regions shows that the onset of MIS 14 was forced
130 ermal and fast neutrons from Mercury's north polar region that are consistent with the presence of wa
131 geologic materials and features in the north polar region that span the Amazonian period (approximate
132 erature and low-level wind fields in the two polar regions that contribute to the opposite changes in
133       The expanding and contracting of these polar regions under external fields, coupled with a larg
134 provides the first evidence of PFAS input to Polar regions via local research stations and demonstrat
135 dividuals, gray matter volume in the frontal polar region was correlated with visual metacognition ca
136  At the interface between the equatorial and polar regions, we observe synchrotron emission indicativ
137 moved to higher latitudes, and the dawn side polar regions were filled with intense emissions.
138                                 In the south polar region where the emission surpluses were observed
139 he effects are likely to be most apparent in polar regions where ozone holes have developed and ecosy
140 major distributional shifts, particularly in polar regions where the thermal envelope is narrow.
141 r (SOM) in the retention of PCBs and OCPs in Polar Regions, where SOM content is low.
142 tion of the world's ocean surface, mostly in polar regions, will experience increased oxygenation and
143 , both over the Asian seas as well as in the polar regions, with concentrations from 19 to 2000 pg m(
144  and is accepted to occur in lipid-like, non-polar regions within brain proteins.

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