


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ogue of the Drosophila planar cell or tissue polarity gene.
2  identified rasp, a novel Drosophila segment polarity gene.
3 e eye, likewise dependent on the planar cell polarity genes.
4 nes into the segmental expression of segment polarity genes.
5 n and growth of lateral organ primordia, and polarity genes.
6  has not been defined for any of the segment-polarity genes.
7 maternal effect, gap, pair-rule, and segment polarity genes.
8 ith pod-1, defines a new class of C. elegans polarity genes.
9             Mutation of different apicobasal polarity genes activates c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) s
10 l: a cell fate programme mediated by segment polarity genes and a boundary/epithelial integrity progr
11 s may not control segmentation, some segment polarity genes and their interactions are conserved.
12 s are homologs of the Drosophila dsh segment polarity gene, and are involved in the Wnt/wingless sign
13 suggest it requires cytoplasmic dynein, cell polarity genes, and microtubule-associated proteins that
14 on is directed by the activity of the planar polarity genes, and, in particular, higher activity of t
15                                          Key polarity genes aPKC, par6, vang, pk, and fmi are upregul
16                                These segment polarity genes are expressed in some, but not all of the
17  trunk of the Drosophila embryo, the segment polarity genes are initially activated by the pair-rule
18              To understand how these segment polarity genes are regulated, we examined the results of
19         These findings show that planar cell polarity genes are required for responses to cell death.
20 ression of the gap, segmentation and segment polarity genes, as well as changes in early morphologica
21 ressor function, consistent with the loss of polarity genes associated with hyperproliferation in Dro
22 e for 1000 generations without the important polarity gene BEM1.
23                   Inactivation of these cell polarity genes cannot drive metastatic behavior alone or
24 ter simulations, that the Drosophila segment polarity genes constitute such a module, and that this m
25                              Mutation of the polarity gene Crumbs homolog 1 (CRB1) is responsible for
26                       The Drosophila segment polarity gene cubitus interruptus (ci) encodes a zinc fi
27                                  The segment polarity gene cubitus interruptus (ci) maps to the most
28  signaling is thought to involve the segment polarity gene cubitus interruptus (ci).
29 , the human homologue of the Drosophila cell polarity gene dachsous (ds), that segregates with MVP in
30  reoriented mitosis required the planar cell polarity genes dachsous, fat, and atrophin.
31 ene is an ortholog of the Drosophila segment polarity gene Dishevelled, a member of the highly conser
32 ree mouse homologs of the Drosophila segment polarity gene Dishevelled, were created by gene targetin
33 have recently characterized a second segment polarity gene, dTCF or pan, 12 kb upstream of ci, in a h
34 key to the coordinated regulation of segment-polarity genes during embryogenesis.
35  of rin are similar to those of RhoA and the polarity genes, e.g. fz and dsh.
36 la, members of the frizzled family of tissue-polarity genes encode proteins that are likely to functi
37 at naked cuticle (nkd), a Drosophila segment-polarity gene, encodes an inducible antagonist for the W
38        The expression domains of the segment polarity gene engrailed (en) allow one to subdivide the
39 rizing the expression pattern of the segment polarity gene engrailed (en) in a basal annelid, the pol
40                                  The segment-polarity gene Engrailed and the homeotic genes Ultrabith
41 and En-2, homologs of the Drosophila segment polarity gene engrailed, in regulating the development o
42 One example is the expression of the segment polarity gene engrailed, which at embryonic and early po
43 embles the expression stripes of the segment-polarity gene engrailed, which has a key role in establi
44 e in repressing transcription of the segment-polarity gene engrailed.
45 ntrol the periodic expression of the segment polarity genes engrailed (en) and wingless (wg) via regu
46 ects of otd on the expression of the segment polarity genes engrailed (en) and wingless (wg).
47 sion of orthologues of the arthropod segment polarity genes engrailed (en), hedgehog (hh), and wingle
48 s fail to maintain expression of the segment polarity genes engrailed (en), wingless (wg), and hedgeh
49               We report that primary segment polarity genes (engrailed, hedgehog and wingless) are no
50                 To determine whether segment polarity gene expression is established differently outs
51              These results show that segment polarity gene expression is necessary for the survival o
52 pe-specific defects in pair-rule and segment polarity gene expression.fish mutant embryos also exhibi
53 oskeleton, but in addition they control cell polarity, gene expression, microtubule dynamics and vesi
54 Fmi2, homologs of the Drosophila planar cell polarity gene, flamingo; hFat2, a homolog of the Drosoph
55 y phenotype by mutations in two other tissue polarity genes, flamingo and prickle.
56 tion, highlighting the importance of "planar polarity" genes for defining the shape of a neuron in al
57  mammalian homologs of the Drosophila tissue polarity gene frizzled.
58                                We study four polarity genes, frizzled (fz), prickle (pk), Van gogh/st
59                  Previous studies of segment polarity gene function largely focused on neuroblasts th
60 mbryos, a hierarchy of gap/pair-rule/segment polarity gene function may be a shared and ancestral fea
61                                   The tissue polarity gene fuzzy (fy) has two roles in the developmen
62    We also provide evidence that the segment-polarity gene, gooseberry (gsb), controls expression of
63 he Drosophila wing, a "core" group of planar polarity genes has been identified which acts downstream
64                                      Segment polarity genes have a dual function in early neurogenesi
65 picardial lineage only and finally, the cell polarity genes heart and soul and nagie oko are required
66 rtebrate homologue of the Drosophila segment-polarity gene hedgehog, has been reported to play an imp
67 n of secreted signals encoded by the segment polarity genes hedgehog (hh) and wingless (wg) and are i
68                     We show that the segment polarity genes hedgehog and wingless specify the identit
69 factors); Wnt 7a and Shh (Drosophila segment polarity gene homologs); Msx-1 and Msx-2 (Msx class home
70                                  The segment polarity gene homologues have a conserved role in the sp
71           Here, we describe a new C. elegans polarity gene identified during screens for conditional
72 Lethal giant larvae (Lgl) is an apical-basal polarity gene identified in Drosophila, where it functio
73 asolateral, recycling, implicating this cell polarity gene in assembly or maintenance of the apical e
74 n vivo invasion model via knocking down cell polarity gene in Drosophila wing discs, and identify Rho
75 ed recently to represent Stardust, a crucial polarity gene in Drosophila.
76 rosophila melanogaster pair rule and segment polarity genes in a range of arthropods.
77 ry pair-rule genes directly regulate segment polarity genes in Drosophila, we analyzed Tc-prd and Tc-
78 ferentiation by transcriptionally repressing polarity genes in neuronal progenitors.
79 -2 genes appear to act downstream of the par polarity genes in the one- and two-cell stages and downs
80 mal pattern in each segment, several segment polarity genes, including gooseberry (gsb), specify cell
81 chy of maternal, gap, pair-rule, and segment polarity gene interactions regulates virtually simultane
82 segment exhibits a unique network of segment polarity gene interactions.
83         Expression of the Drosophila segment polarity genes is initiated by a pre-pattern of pair-rul
84                  Here we tested whether cell polarity genes, known to regulate embryonic neuroblast a
85  a mammalian ortholog of the Drosophila cell polarity gene lgl, exhibit MCCs resembling severe perive
86  is repressed in mice mutant for the segment polarity gene Mesp2 and expanded in Splotch mutants.
87                Here we show that the segment polarity gene midline is required for neuroblast formati
88                           Hence, the segment polarity genes midline and H15 play an important role in
89 n Drosophila, hedgehog is one of the segment-polarity genes, mutations of which disrupt the pattern a
90                       The Drosophila segment polarity gene naked cuticle (nkd) encodes an EF hand pro
91 la melanogaster, was identified as a segment polarity gene necessary for the transduction of wingless
92          We anticipate that co-option of the polarity gene network is a fundamental mechanism shaping
93 e show that co-option of the abaxial-adaxial polarity gene network plays a role in the evolution of s
94 ed to a Drosophila melanogaster segmentation polarity gene network to identify regulatory function pe
95 insights into the functioning of the segment polarity gene network, such as the crucial role of the w
96 that, in sporadic CRCs of both species, cell polarity genes not only contribute in preventing cancer
97               Here we describe a new segment polarity gene of Drosophila melanogaster, oroshigane (or
98 netic evidence showing that lines, a segment polarity gene of Drosophila, is required for the functio
99 stripes of expression of several key segment-polarity genes, one stripe for each parasegment, in the
100 d-type worms in histology, expression of key polarity genes, or neoblast distribution.
101 ules, as well as decreased expression of the polarity gene Par3 (pard3).
102  the human homolog of the drosophila segment polarity gene patched (ptc).
103 n homologue (PTCH) of the Drosophila segment polarity gene patched have been identified in NBCCS pati
104 ammalian homologue of the Drosophila segment polarity gene patched, is a receptor for hedgehog (HH) a
105 tein kinase A and the product of the segment polarity gene patched.
106 by its genetic interactions with the segment polarity genes patched (ptc) and fused (fu).
107 mmalian homologues of the Drosophila segment polarity gene, patched (ptc) and its ligand, sonic hedge
108 he human homologue of the Drosophila segment polarity gene, patched (PTCH), the adenomatous polyposis
109  the hereditary basal cell carcinoma/segment polarity gene, patched.
110 th strong homology to the Drosophila segment polarity gene, patched.
111                 Here we show that the tissue polarity gene prickle (pk) encodes a protein with a trip
112 dy shows that, in ascidians, the planar cell polarity gene prickle regulates sequential establishment
113 ns closely related to the Drosophila segment polarity gene product armadillo.
114 lanar polarity and for the novel planar cell polarity gene, Ptk7, as essential regulators of mediolat
115 ir-rule transcription factor Runt in segment-polarity gene regulation.
116              Drosophila patched is a segment polarity gene required for the correct patterning of lar
117 b(ponli) (ponli) and crumbs2b (crb2b) apical polarity genes' restrictive transcription in the red, gr
118 ns in the Arabidopsis KANADI (KAN) and YABBY polarity genes result in amorphous or arrested integumen
119     We show that MDCK cells silenced for the polarity gene scribble (scrib(KD)) are hypersensitive to
120                       Loss of the epithelial polarity gene scribble in clones of Drosophila imaginal
121  two of these: a mutation in the planar cell polarity gene scribbled homolog (Drosophila) (Scrib) and
122                Here we show that the segment-polarity gene smoothened is required for the response of
123                            We found that the polarity genes SPA2, PEA2, BUD6, and BNI1 participate in
124 sophila Crumbs also interacts with two other polarity genes, Stardust and Discs Lost.
125 enopus homolog of the Drosophila planar cell polarity gene strabismus (stbm) participates in the regu
126     While the expression patterns of segment polarity genes such as engrailed have been shown to be s
127  and segments, via the regulation of segment polarity genes such as gooseberry, which in turn regulat
128 itional information to pair-rule and segment-polarity genes, the latter forming a segmental pre-patte
129 ods to the regulatory network of the segment polarity genes, thus gaining novel insights into the dev
130 d interacts genetically with all of the core polarity genes to influence the specification of the R3
131            Mutations in the core planar cell polarity gene Van Gogh-like 2 (Vangl2) result in hair ce
132 ined with a mutant allele of the planar cell polarity gene Vangl2 (Vangl2(Lp)), Fz1 and/or Fz2 mutati
133  matrix, epithelial cilia or the planar cell polarity genes Vangl2 and Ptk7 In wild-type mice, collag
134 o in vivo screen on a subcohort of candidate polarity genes, which revealed 6 novel positive regulato
135                We have expressed the segment polarity gene wingless (wg) ectopically in imaginal disc
136                       The Drosophila segment polarity gene wingless (wg) is essential for cell fate d
137 the Runt-dependent regulation of the segment-polarity genes wingless (wg) and engrailed (en).
138       The expression patterns of the segment polarity genes wingless and engrailed are conserved duri
139 ed for the correct expression of the segment polarity genes wingless, engrailed and gooseberry.
140 the anterior-posterior axis, several segment polarity genes (wingless, engrailed, hedgehog, and patch
141 gene products subsequently 'imprint' segment polarity genes with reiterated patterns, thus defining t

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